MTL - Unlimited Cycles of Death-Chapter 104 Butterfly Throne 13┃ We want to be together forever.

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Although there are only three wolves, it is a huge challenge for two children, Amu and Axin, who are only 16 years old. After all, these two children are only the young masters that Mensak has been used to. In addition to learning all kinds of written accidents, Mensak has only taught them to ride horses.

It only took a moment, Amu knew that he and Axin could not escape the talons of these wolves, so at this moment, Amu only thought of how to protect his brother.

He looked at Axin with a look of nostalgia beside him, apparently at the crisis, but Amu felt some special comfort in his heart.

It doesn't matter if you can die for Axin.

As long as he can leave eternal ... in his heart, even a scar.

So Amu reached out and gently held his brother's finger. His actions caused Ah Shin to turn around and look at his brother unconsciously. Seeing his brother's gaze looking at himself, Ah Mu smiled softly at his brother. Ah Mu said, "Ah, I love you."

"Brother?" Axin obviously didn't understand the sudden sentence. He was a little hesitant and looked at Amu with a look of horror.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand." Amu's tone was still soft, always soothing his brother, "You just need to remember this forever."

"Remember that I love you and live well."

Having said that, Amu released Axin's hand and picked up a few stones from the ground. Then he pushed the younger brother beside him violently, and Axin, who was pushed away, fell down on the ground with a certain distance from Amulla.

Immediately afterwards, Amuna took stones to smash the wolves that surrounded them.

Amu's stone was a bit on the head, hitting the leader-like wolf in the middle, and the wolf was really provoked by Amu's behavior. He immediately yelled at Amu's teeth, and with the howling of the head wolf, the other two The wolf followed the head wolf and set his eyes on Amu.

Seeing that he had successfully attracted the attention of the wolf pack, Amu turned to look at the horrified brother next to him and shouted, "Axin, run away!"

The voice did not fall, Amu suddenly turned and ran in the other direction. Those angered wolves saw Amu want to run, and of course, rushed out with their limbs like arrows off the string and chased Amu!

Both sides were fast, and in the blink of an eye, Amu took the wolf pack as a bait.

There was only Axin alone in the place, and Axin stood there stunned. He was facing Amu and the three wolves away. He was a bit lost, as if he hadn't realized what happened.

In less than an hour, he lost his home, his father, and his beloved brother.

These things were almost like a dream, he could not bear the cruel fact.

He wanted to follow the instinct, to follow the direction Amu left, and he wanted to be with his brother.

But he knew that he was useless. What could he do? The weak he had no weapons, no ability, and no way to resist the fangs and claws of these wolves. He can't run but he can't fight. He passed away but died, but he failed the sacrifices and efforts made by his brother to protect him.

Reason tells Axin that he should turn around and leave, and go to the town over there to ask for help. This is the right choice. As long as he is fast enough, maybe someone who came over to support can save his brother ...

No, it's impossible!

A Xin reached out and hugged his head. He was very clever. His clever brain told him that it was too late. Even if he ran to the town immediately to find support and rushed to this forest, it was too late! Unless there is unexpected support, the older brother will be caught up by the wolf sooner or later, leaving him with only bones.

Axin couldn't imagine Amu becoming a bone skeleton!

He couldn't imagine that kind of scene, he just felt terrible just having such a thought!

Brother can't die, brother can't die!

Axin almost lost his mind. He forgot what Amu said to him before he left. He just wanted to follow Amu's footprints and go to his brother.

What a stupid decision, but Asin has lost his ability to judge right and wrong. He just wants to put his wings and fly to his brother, and then he wants to tell him ... he wants ...

What would he say?

From childhood to age, Amu has been by his side, protecting him and taking care of him. When he was not adopted by Mensak earlier, the wise Amu would beg and steal some food to bring back to Axin. When it's cold, it's also Amu that finds warm clothing so that they can survive the long winter.

Even after being adopted by Mensak, they remained inseparable, holding hands as if they were truly integrated.

Asin actually understood his brother's feelings for him, he always knew what kind of eyes his brother was looking at him. It was just that the timid Ashin always chose to run away, pretending not to face and pretending that he did not know, he felt that they were biological brothers, and they could not be together like this.

Mensak once educated them. Mensak said that even as twin brothers, they are still very different individuals. Sooner or later, they must separate and have their own lives.

But Axin didn't want to separate.

Ashin walked along the road where Amu left, covering his face with his hands.

He didn't want to be separated from his brother. He wanted to be with his brother all the time, holding hands, so that his brother would always take care of him and love him ... But such a selfish thought. The appearance of being bruised and bruised.

Why do so many, so many things for a useless guy like him?

Is it just because I am your brother?

A Xin finally found A Mu who was driving away the wolves, because he saw the oil lamp that A Mu had been carrying before, the oil lamp fell to the ground, the cover covering the lamp was broken, and the oil inside was scattered on the ground .

The flames spread along the lamp oil in the grass, and the fire of the stars can ignite the fire, so the fire quickly spread to the surrounding trees. These flames may have scared away the wolves, and Axin did not see the shadow of the wolf.

He saw Amu, lying in the middle of the grass surrounded by flames.

"Brother!" Fortunately, Axin was so happy that he rushed across the flames and ran to his brother. He reached out and hugged Amu's body, his heart filled with excitement and fright: "Brother, are you okay?"

Amu lay motionless in his arms, and Axin reached out to touch his cheek, but felt the blood in one hand.

"Brother, are you okay, aren't you?" A Xin lowered his head and rested his forehead on Amu's forehead.

His fingers were shaking so badly that he slowly rubbed Amu ’s face, and Amu ’s neck was bitten by a huge wound, and a large piece of blood was torn open. The blood was flowing all over him. He had already been Without breathing and heartbeat, he was gradually surrounded by flames and was about to turn into flying ashes.

Asin hugged him tightly, trying to keep him, and to keep him from the hand of death.

"Don't go." Axin cried, "Stay by my side, don't you say you want to be with me forever? Don't you say you love me? We still have a lot of things to do, brother ... I love you, I haven't told you yet, I love you too! "

"I love you, let's be together, just like before ..." Axin kissed each other's blood-stained lips and stunned the beautiful bright red on Amu's cheek with tears. Axin whispered softly: "Let's be together ... never separate ... please ... "

"Please ... don't leave me ..."

However, no matter how quietly begging, Amu will never respond to him again. Amu has always remained silent, lying quietly in Axin's arms.

"You lied to me." Ashin looked at him. "You said to be together forever ... all lie to me."

Ah Shin's trembling fingers lightly touched Mu's bitten neck, where the flesh was blurred and he could even see the cervical vertebra. At this time, Axin discovered that Amu was wearing something on his neck, a small pendant box, and a small box around his neck.

Axin subconsciously opened the pendant box and found that the box was a little familiar crystal.

The crystal is not much larger than a stone. It is a regular polyhedron, the color ice blue is like condensed ice crystals, and each side of it is engraved with extremely small unknown grains like rice grains.

Axin took the crystal out of the pendant box, and he remembered that this was the "gift" he had received from a reindeer that year, and he gave it to Amu later, but he did not expect Amu to put it on the hanging Hanging around the neck in the locket.

"I've been carrying it all the time, my brother is really ..." A Xin smiled. He held the crystal with his hand and stared at the tiny font on the crystal under the light of the surrounding fire, which was covered with Amu's blood.

The flames around it became fiercer and fiercer and fiercer, and one tree after another burned. Within a moment, there was a sea of ​​fire around Ashin.

Asin didn't seem to think about running away, he put the **** crystal on Amu's lips, then lowered his head and kissed his brother's cold lips.

"Be together forever, Amu. Then never separate." Axin let Amupin lie on the ground, lie beside him, holding his hand, watching the flames devour everything.

Then Axin closed his eyes and waited quietly for the end.


Mu Qin struggled to wake up from his memory dream. He opened his eyes, panting as if the drowning man had just climbed ashore, and was dying.

The faceless man was still beside Mu Qin, turned to look at Mu Qin and said, "Did you see it?"

Mu Qin didn't answer the faceless person's question for the first time, but took a deep breath several times before slowly calming his dizziness in his head. He sighed: "I saw it."

"I'm not wrong." Faceless Humane, "My brother is dead, I'm Ashin."

"Axin cannot escape at that level of fire, and the two brothers should have died. One was killed by the wolf, and the other with the brother's body was reduced to ashes," Muqin concluded, "but whether you are Axin or not, still No conclusion can be made. "

"Why do you insist that I cannot be Ashin? Because my personality is different from Ashin?" The faceless person asked Mu Qin, "So many years later, Ahsin's personality may have changed, and Ashin will imitate him. brother."

"Thanks to what you said, I firmly believe that you are not Ashin." Mu Qin stared at the faceless person. "You did not claim to be Ashin by yourself, which means that you do not know who you are."

The faceless person was silent for a moment, and it seemed that he didn't intend to make any further inclination: "Indeed, I really can't tell who I am. But who I am, it doesn't matter."

"The important thing is you, Muqin." The faceless person said, "You are the reincarnation of one of the brothers, Amu and Axin. You are very important to me. I hope we can all fulfill our promises and always be here. Commitment together. "

"That's not my promise." Muqin refused to think about it. "I'm not between Amu or Axin. I'm Muqin. I won't honour my promise."

"You are obviously!" The faceless man suddenly shouted at Mu Qin, "Why did you do this to me !? Why have I worked so hard for so long! You refuse to accept me !? I waited for you for 300 years, Will you give me this result !? "

Muqin felt a headache and he held his temple: "I said you were the wrong person. I am not Amu or Axin's reincarnation. I am Muqin. The person you are looking for is already dead!"

"I can't be mistaken. You have a breath similar to mine. Your soul has the same wavelength as me. Whether you are Amu or Axin, we should be together forever." The faceless man suddenly reached out his hand. Hugging Mu Qin, he grabbed Mu Qin's waist, his face came over, and his invisible face came over.

Mu Qin realized that the other party wanted to kiss himself, and immediately tilted his head and reached out to stop, but the faceless man didn't give up. He wanted to break Mu Qin's hand into a strong kiss. hand.

This slap was so refreshing that Mu Qin couldn't help but sink a bit after finishing the slap. Sure enough, the faceless man covered his beating face with a self-deprecating laughter.

"You're right." Faceless Humane, "You are Muqin, not someone else."

The faceless man's words suddenly made Mu Qin have a bad hunch. He unconsciously backed down and tried to stay away from the lunatic, but the faceless man reached out and grabbed Mu Qin's arm. His fingers penetrated deeply. Muqin's flesh.

"Then I'll kill Muqin." The faceless man pulled Muqin's arm and laughed, "This way you will become mine, so you will fulfill your promise, and you will be good With me. "

The unpredictable premonition warmed to the extreme, but it was this moment that made Mu Qin feel bad, but the faceless man did nothing to him. The faceless man then released Mu Qin and stood up and disappeared.

Seeing the faceless person disappeared directly, Mu Qin's anxiety even worsened. He didn't think about the other, immediately closed his eyes and sat on the throne, consciously turned into a consciousness in the dark world, borrowing the body of a player in the game And then tried to contact Kim inside the safe house.

Fortunately, Kim is online at the moment.

King ended a game earlier, then wandered the blackboard, searching for Muqin's message. After eight hours, Chu Xin, entrusted by Mu Qin, left a message on the blackboard looking for the player with the code number 13. Jin saw Chu Xin's message and contacted Chu Xin. Chu Xin confirmed that the opponent was 13 and checked the butterfly After the secret code, he wrote the message encrypted by Muqin to Kim.

King has cracked Muqin's encrypted messages, and according to the contents of the messages, he is making some preparations.

Unexpectedly, in the preparation process, a new message appeared on the blackboard, and another stranger was contacting him, so they quickly used various secret signals to start a conversation.

Stranger: I asked other players to leave you an encrypted message. Did you see it? 13.

Kim: It's shocking to see and crack it.

Stranger: I need you to investigate these things and get in touch with a "king". As long as you explain your intentions, he will definitely help you.

King; are you sure you will not be found by the Lord? Although I can guarantee that my thoughts will not be leaked because of being probed, I cannot guarantee that others will.

Stranger: All right, the great Lord is busy dealing with me.

Kim: It's fun, but I'm not sure you can succeed.

Stranger: I have no time to think about the consequences of failure. There is no choice but to try ...

Kim: OK, so how do we get in touch afterwards?

Stranger: I don't know if I can still contact you in the future. Be flexible and focus on the blackboard as much as possible.

Kim: Understand.

Without continuing to talk with Kim, Mu Qin left the body of the player he was in, and returned to the dark and silent darkness. He could feel the huge breath of the faceless person, passing by above his head, following the darkness. The river of light in the middle reaches the junction of darkness and light.


"Zhou Yue."

Someone is calling him. It took Zhou Yue a long time to realize this, and then he was stunned for a long time, slowly raised his head, and looked at the woman who was calling out to him.

With a frosty face, Xie Zhu looked at his own son very dissatisfied. Xie Zhu said, "You should walk more. You are still recovering. You ca n’t recover in a wheelchair, right?"

"Do I have a relationship with you if I can't recover?" Zhou Yue's mouth showed no mercy.

"Zhou Yue!" Xie Zhu was irritated by him, and his expression was twisted for a moment, but soon recovered her noble and cold as ever, "You are my son, of course, it has something to do with me."

Zhou Yue sneered: "It turns out you were still my son."

Xie Zhu was speechless, looking at the skinny Zhou Yue, she was also tangled. For a long while, his tone softened: "I called for a masseuse to come and let you press your body in the afternoon. You can go out and walk as much as possible, it will be faster."

After Xie Zhu said, he left Zhou's mansion for reasons that he was still busy. Zhou Yue and the housemaids who cleaned the house were left.

About a week ago, Zhou Yue awoke in the hospital and was taken back to Zhou's mansion by Xie Zhu.

When the vegetative son woke up for two years, the owner of the Zhou family said nothing, but urged Zhou Yue to complete rehabilitation as soon as possible, to get life back on track, and to enter the Zhou family's enterprises to study in the future.

Zhou Yue also did not resist, obediently followed Xie Zhu to go home. He slept for two full years, his body was awkward, his muscles were so awful that he could n’t walk at all. During this time, he could only sit in a wheelchair and restart with a crutch. Learn simple and boring walks.

His memory stayed in the period when he and his comrades-in-arms fought with a group of terrorists two years ago. He only remembered that he seemed to have been hit by a stray bullet at the time. He did not expect to sleep for two years.

It stands to reason that during the two years of sleeping, he should have been lying in bed, maybe he was dreaming, or maybe he had not dreamed.

But somehow, Zhou Yue felt that she had forgotten something, and this "forgotten" feeling was very obvious.

Did you dream about something during sleep and then forget it?

Zhou Yue instinctively felt that what he had forgotten was not like a dream, because he felt that those things he had forgotten were important, and even so important that he felt dull pain in his chest, which caused him to breathe hard and trembled.

What have you forgotten?

No matter how you think about it, you can't think of an answer.