MTL - Unlimited Cycles of Death-Chapter 112 Silent Classroom 01┃ This is undoubtedly a big bet.

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Mu Qin took advantage of the power of the throne and walked around in this world, and was attached to Zhou Yue's mother Jiezhu. Then relying on Jie Zhu's body to meet and talk with Xu Haoyu. After the discussion, Mu Qin returned from the world to escape from Jie Zhu's body and returned to the throne map.

When Muqin returned and awakened, the faceless man who had furiously left because of the dispute with Muqin had also returned to Muqin early.

The faceless man did not wake up Muqin who was asleep. He was sitting beside Muqin in a regular but stiff sitting position as before, and there were some fallen leaves on the clothes of the faceless man drifting into the ruins from the woods outside. It seems that the faceless person has been sitting beside Mu Qin for a long time.

Before Mu Qin opened his eyes, the faceless man had sensed that he was awake, and asked, "Have you gone to this world?"

Mu Qin opened his eyes, sat upright, leaned lazily against the throne of the throne, and glanced down at the faceless man next to him: "Yeah, the power of this throne is so interesting, I have to take good care of it Use it. "

"You go to this world in order to find my crystal stone, right?" The faceless person seems to have seen Muqin's thinking, "You have seen the past of Amu and Axin, you should know that they got it by accident. That crystal is not an ordinary thing, it is the core thing that leads to the formation of this fringe world. "

Mu Qin thoughtfully touched his chin and asked the faceless humane: "Aren't you worried?"

"Worried?" The faceless man wondered, "What am I worried about?"

"I went out of my way to find the crystal to deal with you." Mu Qin generously stated his purpose directly, "There must be any way to destroy that crystal and collapse this fringe world. And can even make you die. "

"You want me to die?"

The faceless man said, turning his head to Muqin's body. Because the face of the faceless person is always blurred, Mu Qin cannot see the expression on the other side, and he can only guess.

Muqin said, "Of course, as long as you die, I can be released from this inexplicable chair ... so, I very much, very much hope that you die."

"It's really sad." Although the faceless man said sad, his tone was unshakable, and he turned a blind eye to Mu Qin's murderous eyes and tone, "but you can try to do this ... I will not interfere with your use of the throne To possess others, you can investigate the crystal or ask others for help, I will not interfere. "

"You can find and try to destroy the crystal, the edge world, or even me." The faceless man seemed to have an idea, and his words were calm. "And I only need to do one thing. "

Mu Qin's heart jumped, and he had an ominous premonition about what the faceless person would say next.

Then sure enough, the faceless man laughed, his voice filled with the malicious influx of undercurrents: "Mu Qin, your biggest weakness, I have always seen clearly. Although I never understood why an incompetent scum like Zhou Yue would let you So persistent, but I will remove him from your heart, I will make you completely and forever belong to me. "

Mu Qin didn't say a word, but he was already prepared in his heart. Naturally, he would not lose his mind at this moment because of the simple threat of a faceless person. Moreover, Mu Qin is more or less able to foresee such a result, and he knows that faceless people will certainly not let Zhou Yue go.

Now that we know that Zhou Yue is in deep trouble at the moment, how to help Zhou Yue is crucial.

First of all, Mu Qin must not let the faceless person secretly solve Zhou Yue where he cannot see. Faceless people are very likely to do this. Since faceless people can control other people's thoughts and actions at will, it is no problem to control Zhou Yue. He does not even need to kill Zhou Yue, he only needs to completely erase Zhou Yue's memory. Or make Zhou Yue's spirit collapse into a fool.

After turning Zhou Yue into a fool, you can also use Zhou Yue's parents ... just like Jin's parents killed Jin and sent him to the marginal world, so that Zhou Yue's parents also killed Zhou Yue , Thrown into the marginal world.

A fool has entered such a cruel and terrible world, and naturally cannot live for long. The end result is most likely that Zhou Yue would die tragically and lonely somewhere in the marginal world where Muqin couldn't see it.

This was the worst result, and Muqin shuddered as long as he thought it would turn into a fact. So in order to avoid this, Muqin must ridicule and ridicule the faceless person all the time.

Mu Qin must show a strong obsession with Zhou Yue, as well as disdain and irony for the faceless person, and constantly devalue his nightly means, so the faceless person will be angry.

Angry faceless talents will want to pull back a game before showing enough deterrence in front of Mu Qin, so the faceless people have a great possibility to get Zhou Yue back directly and throw it in front of Mu Qin. In front of Mu Qin's eyes, he tortured Zhou Yue by various means to force Mu Qin to compromise.

This result is what Muqin wants to see.

He certainly didn't really want Zhou Yue to suffer, but only when Zhou Yue was in front of Mu Qin would Mu Qin feel at ease.

If Zhou Yue would really die, Mu Qin would rather he die in front of himself.

Think of it as selfish.

"I know what you are expecting." The faceless man pulled Mu Qin from his thoughts in a sentence. The faceless man said, "I brought Zhou Yue, I know you have always wanted to see him."

Mu Qin said nothing, staring at the faceless man intently.

The faceless man sneered. He got up from Muqin's throne, stood on the steps of the throne, then raised his right hand and waved at will.

I do n’t know what strength the faceless person made. A light curtain door appeared beside the faceless person. The light curtain was suspended in the air and there was no frame. It was a curtain with a shimmering light. Through this curtain, Mu Qin can see Zhou Yue inside.

Zhou Yue seemed to be sitting on a chair with a piano in front of her. The light curtain is not very clear, and the surrounding environment is also very blurred. Only Zhou Yue's figure is clearer. Mu Qin can see Zhou Yue's sluggish expression. He sits in front of the piano and seems unconscious.

"I imprisoned him in this map." The faceless man reached out his finger and flicked the layer of light curtain that he changed. The light curtain was like the water surface, and when he was dialed by the faceless person, it circled. Circle of ripples.

"I built this map based on the best scenes in his memory, and I will destroy all his beauty in this map."

Mu Qin finally couldn't bear it, and frowned at the faceless man: "What do you want to do to him?"

"This shouldn't be asking me, but asking you." The faceless man laughed out loud. "As long as you listen to me, I'll do nothing to him, I will even let him go, let He lives peacefully in his world in peace. "

"Instead, if you are not obedient, I will do anything the most cruel thing you can imagine ..."

Mu Qin is not the kind of soft persimmon that can be slaughtered by others. He has come to this point to do everything possible. He is not easily fooled by the threat of faceless people. Mu Qin also laughed: "The existence of 'rules' makes it impossible for you to easily Kill Zhou Yue. "

The faceless man froze after hearing Muqin's words, and then seemed a little angry: "It seems that someone told you about the 'rules' ... let me think, who would do this?"

"It's too simple to know that your memory can be easily snooped, and those who are manipulated, snooped, or even created by you can easily perceive part of your memory." Mu Qin stared thoughtlessly at the faceless person. , "Although I don't know why your memory is so easy to peep at, it's a lot more convenient, isn't it?"

"That's it." The faceless man laughed. "Even if you know the existence of the" rules ", it doesn't hurt me. I really can't kill Zhou Yue by any direct means, but there are many indirect means. It must be. "

"And his soul is now in my hands. There are too many ways to torture him. Do you want to watch him suffer?" The faceless man reached into the light curtain, made a sloppy gesture, and then in the light curtain Zhou Yue immediately seemed to be strangled by some invisible hand, her face was purple and instinct began to struggle in vain.

Mu Qin took a deep breath and kept calm, not letting himself be disturbed by his excess emotions. He ignored Zhou Yue, the painful struggle in the light curtain, and still spoke smoothly to the faceless person: "I really don't want to see him suffer, I don't want him to die. , Don't want him to be harmed in any way. "

"But letting me obey you frankly is also something that I find difficult to accept," Muqin said gently. "So I thought of a compromise."

"What's the way?" The faceless man was aroused by Muqin's words.

"Let's play a game and let a game determine the outcome. I don't think it is appropriate." Mu Qin raised his face and looked at the faceless person. "Also, I think you should like the game very much."

"Game?" The faceless man didn't seem to understand Muqin's words.

"You see, this whole fringe world is made up of one killing game after another." Muqin said, "the rules of this world are cruel and **** crazy games ... so if we have to make a difficult decision , Should also be solved by this killing game, isn't it? "

"... You're right." The faceless man agreed with Muqin after a brief silence, and he seemed to laugh again. Although his vague face kept Muqin from seeing his smile, Muqin knew that he had no face. People are laughing.

The faceless person let go of Zhou Yue's throat and said to Mu Qin: "You are right, in the marginal world, you should decide according to the rules of the marginal world."

"But I'm sorry, Muqin." The faceless man sneered. "I know what you mean is to drag me down. You want me to be one of the players in the game. As long as I become a player, I will You must follow the rules of the game, so I don't have the ability to do whatever I want with you or with Zhou Yue. "

Muqin was righteous: "Isn't this what it should be? As long as the game is used to determine the outcome, of course, it must be fair."

"No, this won't work!" The faceless man shook his head. "I will never and can't be a player. I won't be easily fooled by you, dear Muqin."

"So what do you want?" Muqin said a little bit angry. "If you don't want to join the game, how can we use the game to determine the outcome?"

The faceless person thought for a moment, and said to Muqin, "This game, only you and Zhou Yue. The one who can win is only one of you."

"What do you mean?" Muqin was a little impatient because the situation was slightly out of his control, although he tried his best not to show this irritability.

"I know your fears, Muqin." Faceless Humane, "Indeed, if I do n’t join the game, I do n’t follow the rules of the game. Even if I regret it halfway, you ca n’t resist it. This is undoubtedly for you It's not fair, so I thought about a compromise. "

Mu Qin didn't answer and stared at the faceless man waiting for his statement.

The faceless person said, "I will join the game, but not as a player."

"What identity do you want to go in?" Muqin asked.

"Maybe an npc?" Faceless laughed. "You can rest assured that the conditions are the same. As long as I join the game, I will be the same as you. I will be limited to all excess power and must obey the rules and results of the game. . "

"The only player is you and Zhou Yue." The faceless man pointed at Mu Qin, and pointed to Zhou Yue in the light curtain. "One of you will become a ghost and start fighting each other."

Muqin seemed to have heard something funny: "Yeah, only one of us can survive, and the one who survives can leave the marginal world, shouldn't you want to tell me that?"

"Is this bad?" The faceless man tilted his head and looked at Mu Qin. "I give you a chance. You can lose to Zhou Yue intentionally in the game and give him the qualification to leave the marginal world."

"I can guarantee that I will let Zhou Yue completely out of this cage, I will not go to him again, I will not harass him anymore, I can even make him safe for life, and even the relatives and friends around him will take care of him together. After death, I will not drag his soul into the edge of hell. "

"I can guarantee that, I can even make a contract with you, and once I violate the rules, I will be punished the most severely."

"Of course, you can also choose to go all out and firmly hold the chance of victory in your palm, kill Zhou Yue as the winner of the game. Then you can go out of the marginal world, and I will not come to you. I will not harass you, I will not try to restrain you anymore, I will strip anything related to the marginal world from your life, and you can permanently cut off any contact with me regardless of life and death. "

"Just as long as you let Zhou Yue win in the game, then you have failed." The faceless man smiled as if he had succeeded. "As a loser, you must stay with me, listen to my arrangements, and obey me. Request, stay with me forever, and forget Zhou Yue thoroughly. "

"What if I can't forget it?" Muqin seemed to realize the cunning mind of the faceless man.

The faceless man was hoarse and gentle: "Be assured, I will forget it for you."

"... meaning it will erase my memory, right?" Mu Qin's voice was slightly cool.

"I'm doing this for you, Muqin." The faceless person said, "I don't want to make you sad."

"But is this really good?" Mu Qin listened to the faceless person's words and could not help but come up with an idea, "In case I am not as passionate about Zhou Yue as you think, I may play in this game China chose to abandon Zhou Yue, choose to kill him, and choose to be the winner. Then you must let me leave the marginal world forever according to the agreement just now, so that I will not have any involvement with this world. "

After that, Mu Qin stared at the faceless man with a smile: "Is this what you want to see?"

Mu Qin's words have more or less shaken the faceless people, but the faceless people still choose to stick to their own ideas: "You may not have much feelings for others, but only Zhou Yue is special. Although this annoys me, but you He will never be ignored. "

"You really believe that I am such an affectionate person." Mu Qin could not help laughing, he knew that the faceless person could not perceive his thinking and emotions, so the faceless person's move at this moment is completely gambling, betting Mu Qin on Zhou Yue has such deep feelings.

Muqin was using his gambler psychology. He looked down at the faceless man with his eyelids half-laughing, smiling ironically and dismissively, and said quietly, "You really believe that I have this feeling."

Mu Qin's words made the faceless heart jump, and clenched his fist subconsciously, and suddenly he was a little skeptical of the correctness of the game rules he proposed.

Faceless people can't help thinking, just in case ... in the end, Mu Qin is really so mad, throwing Zhou Yue directly like a sandbag, becoming a winner himself, and swaying from the control of the faceless people, then the faceless people After all these years of hard work, hasn't the bamboo basket been drunk?

No, it's impossible.

Mu Qin and Zhou Yue's love process, faceless people have been silently watching for years. Because of the existence of "rules," faceless people cannot directly penetrate the barrier between the present world and the marginal world to possess ordinary people in this world.

But faceless people can take advantage of the king on the butterfly throne. He controls the spirit of these kings, and the king controls the spirit of ordinary people in this world. This interlocking approach allows faceless people to stand in another world, but can look at Muqin in the real world.

That Zhou Yue was also the bait that Muhtin prepared for Muqin in the morning.

Faceless people actually prepared many bait for Mu Qin, such as Zhou Yue, such as Jin. In fact, there are other people, but in the end, only Zhou Yue and Jin were chosen, because these two belong to the upper class in terms of family background, ability, age and appearance. Of course, his precious Muqin must match the best.

The faceless person was disdainful to use bait to guide Muqin into the marginal world, but he really had no other choice, because no matter how many people he controlled, he sent Muqin to the media, let him touch the media, let him and the margins Muqin did not become a symptom of a "dreamer" at all when he contacted the world.

As long as he does not become a dreamer, Mu Qin will have no way to dream. Without dreams, he will never enter the marginal world.

What kind of person can't dream?

No desire, no emotion, no pursuit, no delusion.

Yes, Muqin was such a person when he was born. He does not cry, laugh or fear, but he imitates and learns. He is an emotionless monster born in a marginal world. But emotionlessness is Muchen ’s greatest advantage. .

Especially after Muqin was sent to this world by his parents, echo and bird, it was even more difficult for him to return to the marginal world. Even if a faceless person tried to restrain Muqin with a king's white card, it was not always possible Muqin dreamed.

In the same way, He ’s way of lifting the dreamer is similar to Mu Qin ’s mental state. The Ho family will use some means to genetically make those dreamers develop permanent mental illness, which will cause the dreamers to lose some of their feelings and desires, as well as their ability to enter the dream. As long as they do n’t dream, they will naturally not become dreamers .

As for the setting that the dreamer will enter the marginal world after death, it is also because the moment when the dreamer is dying, due to a series of reasons such as pain and fear, he will quickly enter the dream, and the dream will enter the edge instantly. The body of death cannot be returned, and the soul of the dreamer is left in the marginal world forever.

Not every dreamer will necessarily enter the marginal world after death. Some dreamers die quickly. For example, being hit by a bullet to the brain causes instant brain death. It is already too late to dream. This type of dreaming is very fast. Instead, people will not be dragged into the marginal world, which is another level of luck.

However, the mental illness used by the Ho family to lift the dreamer's state is inherited. As long as someone on the ancestor has accepted the Ho's lifting of the dreamer's ritual, their offspring will be affected by a series of apathy and lack of emotion. And even many will form anti-social and anti-human character.

Zhou Yue and his parents ... basically this is the case.

Muqin, who has no feelings, has a hard time falling asleep. Do n’t look at him when he was young, he seemed to cry and laugh and make trouble, but these are imitations. When he was in the orphanage, he would imitate the surrounding children. He realized that the more he cried On the contrary, the more pampered the child is, the better it is to mingle with distressing sensible while crying.

This way he can get more resources, more food, clothes, toys, and attention than other children.

His only desire is to survive, just to live and survive.

Muqin slowly learns the same way of expressing emotions as other children in imitation. He knows to laugh when he is helped and favored, and to express gratitude and happiness to others. Cry when you are being treated unfairly, and emphasize the harm you have suffered in order to attract the attention of others.

He studies perfectly.

For a long time, he himself felt no different from others.

However, Muqin still couldn't dream. The faceless person knew that he had no real emotion at all. The faceless person was anxious, and the faceless person knew that he must find some way for Muqin to obtain "feelings."

The faceless way is to send Mu Qin a "feeling" directly.

Zhou Yue has become this emotional bait. Although Zhou Yue is also very cold and difficult to dream because of the ancestor's acceptance of He Jia's dismissal of the dreamer's ritual, he is not completely unable to dream.

After all, Zhou Yue is not the same as Mu Qin. Mu Qin is a born emotionless monster, while Zhou Yue is just a lack of emotion caused by mental inheritance.

As the Zhou family ’s bloodline passed down from generation to generation, the descent of bloodlines and the filling of foreign bloodlines led to the weakening effect of the inherited mental illness given to the Zhou family ancestors by the Zhou family. The cold blood of Zhou Yue ’s father was still very obvious. Yes, the generation of Zhou Yue is obviously different.

Zhou Yue is obviously craving for the love of his parents, even though he has been asking for it, so that his whole person is a bit distorted.

But he is a qualified bait.

Mu Qin, who can dream for Zhou Yue, must have the corresponding feelings to come to this world. This faceless person is convinced, but how strong this relationship is, the faceless person cannot measure.

This is undoubtedly a gamble. Faceless people are betting, and Muqin is betting.


Piano music.

Tintin resounded crisply.

I ca n’t tell what song it is, because hearing seems to be blinded by something intangible, like someone covering your ears with both hands, his skin is attached to your auricle, and you can even pass through The layer of cold skin temperature on the other side, I heard the sound of the other side's blood flowing in the blood vessels, which is the sound of the song of life.

Zhou Yue opened her eyes. He found that he was sitting in front of a slightly old piano. His long but rough fingers were resting on the black and white keys. He seemed to be playing some kind of beautiful music, but he had forgotten Sheet music, forgetting the **** when playing the piano, he shook his hands like a beginner.

These hands have held countless swords and swords and took away the lives of others, so it is no longer suitable to touch any musical instrument.

I can't play another song of praise for those young people.

There is no way to understand what you have lost.

Zhou Yue retracted his hands from the piano keys and placed them weakly on his knees. He bowed his head and tried to ease the pain in his body ... Although he didn't know where he was hurt, he still felt pain. Inside and out, and even the soul, are shrouded in intense pain.

It took him a long time to get rid of this feeling like drowning, and he stood up staggeringly, leaving this old but somewhat familiar piano.

Then he began to look around. He soon found that he seemed to be in a ... classroom?

It should be a music classroom, because the piano he just touched is placed on the left side of the classroom podium, and there are some music equipment in the cabinet next to it, such as a guitar bass, and a drum set in the corner.

In addition to music equipment, there are also rows of seats in this classroom. Without a table, it is a seat formed by lining up a chair after another.

The classroom seemed to be left uncleaned for a long time. Whether it was musical instruments, tables, chairs, benches, doors, windows or curtains, they were covered with a thick layer of dust. Zhou Yue wiped a classroom window sill with his hand, and printed clearly on the window sill. fingerprint.

This classroom ... is familiar.

Zhou Yue bet that she had definitely been to this classroom, but she couldn't remember when she had been there.

He has no memory.

Zhou Yue suddenly realized that this fact made him feel at a loss and extremely frightening ... He had no memory.

His mind was empty. He could not remember anything except his own name, Zhou Yue.

Read My Life Can Be Infinitely Simulated