MTL - Unlimited Supplies: Take the Space Supermarket To Support the Right Minister-Chapter 485 Hu Guotingmao

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   It has always been the Hu people who carry out sneak attacks on the Hu-Liang border, but they don’t want the new emperor of Daliang to take office. A Linzhou king who doesn’t know the heights of the sky and the earth came to the border, and he repeatedly arrested their herdsmen as free corvee.

  They had just presented the ‘National Treasure’ to the new emperor of Great Liang. At that time, it was agreed that the two countries would not have disputes within three years and would live in peace.

  That's a good thing, it's only been a long time, the new king of Linzhou has blatantly obeyed and violated the law, bullying and enslaving the Hu people by changing the law.

  Scholars can be killed but not humiliated. Even though Hu Guoguo tried to tolerate it, the young and energetic youngest son Ting Mao couldn't bear it. He threatened his father with his life and committed suicide without going out.

Hu Guoguo first comforted his youngest son, and then sent people to enter Linzhou to investigate secretly. When he found out that Li Guangpu, who had been guarding Linzhou City, was actually transferred to Jinzhou City by the new emperor of Daliang, Hu Guoguo was happy, and the sweat of the whole Hu country was happy.

   Fight, this battle must be fought! !

   We must let that brat Linzhou Wang know that they Hu people are not easy to bully!

  Although their population is small, they cannot destroy the Great Liang, but they are ants on the elephant's ears, and the elephant has no choice but to take them.

   "General..." Wu Kudan, the military adviser of the army, is also Ting Mao's teacher, trying to persuade Ting Mao that he should withdraw if he gets the advantage.

   "What is the name of the general, don't imitate the old man, call me Da Xu Lun!"

  Xu Lun: (Hu language, meaning devil.)

  Ting Mao was young and energetic. For the first time he led troops to go out, he defeated the King of Linzhou and retreated in a row. This made Ting Mao full of self-confidence, and he couldn't listen to anyone's words.

   What's more, Wu Kudan has written ink on his ears too many times these days. He is tired of hearing the words of deceit and retreat.

   "General..." Wu Kudan tried to persuade him again.

   "Seeing that Linzhou City is about to collapse, don't you want to scribble those useless things in my ears. If you keep talking about it and disturb the morale of the army, I will kill you with a knife." Ting Mao frowned coldly.

Wu Kudan sighed, and after a while, he retreated to the next best thing, "Since you insist on breaking Linzhou City, then let you do it, but after taking Linzhou City, you must not go south again. "

   Robbing Linzhou City, which is rich in products, is enough for them to fill the treasury of the Hu State, and they should be content.

  Although Ting Mao was exceptionally brave, the King of Linzhou in Great Liang shouldn't be so vulnerable. Wu Kudan always felt that this matter was deceitful when he went down to two cities so smoothly.

  When Li Guangpu's army was guarding Lin Prefecture, they never broke into the city gates. They always carried out sneak attacks in the border villages and towns to take advantage of it.

Getting supplies for two cities in a row made everyone in Hu Jun very excited. Master Ting Mao took them to attack the whole country. It was a wise move. Several lieutenants were also dazzled by the victory. Take them and continue to drive straight to capture more wealth.

   Regarding Wu Kudan's words, these generals unanimously chose to listen to the left ear and hear the right ear.

Ting Mao knew that Wu Kudan was afraid that he would run into Li Guangpu's army who came to support him if he was delayed for a long time, but he didn't know that the young and frivolous Ting Mao was looking forward to confronting Li Guangpu head-on, so how could he listen to his words and retreat? Turn back to Hu!

   "The gate of Linzhou City is about to be broken. After passing through Linzhou City is Yangcheng. We must take down Yangcheng before meeting Li Guangpu!" Ting Mao pointed at the map with his thick fingers.

  Hu people all regard Li Guangpu as the terrible Xu Lun, but he is not afraid, he wants to let his people know who is the real big Xu Lun!

  Wu Kudan heard Ting Mao's rhetoric, only felt his blood surge, his eyes darkened, and he fainted gorgeously.

  Seeing Wu Kudan fainted, Ting Mao was furious, "When Li Guangpu was mentioned, he fainted from fright, what a disgrace to us barbarians!"

   "Come on, drag him down!"

   Ting Mao liked martial arts since he was a child, but he didn't like literature. Therefore, he didn't have any teacher-student relationship with Wu Kudan, a writer.

   Wu Kudan's little attendant was very angry when he saw that Ting Mao disrespected Wu Kudan's teacher so much.

"General, before the expedition, the monarch told you to obey the teacher in everything. You were dazzled by the victory, and you didn't listen to the teacher's advice. If you continue to be stubborn, you will pay a heavy price. .”

  Ting Mao's eyes widened angrily, he slapped the table and stood up, "You little servant, how dare you curse me like that!

  Die! "

  Ting Mao pulled out the big knife of the deputy general next to him, and chopped off the attendant's head with one knife.

  The servant's warm blood just sprayed on Wu Kudan's face, and Wu Kudan woke up slowly.

  After wiping his face, his complexion changed, and when he looked at the body of the attendant next to him, Wu Kudan immediately burst into tears.

This expedition can be said to be the strength of the entire country of Hu. Except for the old, weak, sick and disabled, everyone else is here. There are less than 20,000 people in total. All strong men will be buried under the sword of Li Guangpu.

  Li Guangpu used his troops like a god. They had suffered losses in his hands many times. How could Ting Mao, a brave and foolish guy, be the opponent of the cunning Li Guangpu?

   Wu Kudan thought, as long as Li Guangpu set Ting Mao a trap, Ting Mao would not hesitate to jump into it overnight.

   Wu Ku slapped his forehead alone, stood up in grief and indignation, grabbed the **** knife in Ting Mao's hand, and decided to admonish him with death.

   "What are you doing?" Ting Mao's face changed, he didn't want Wu Ku to die alone.

   If Wu Kudan died, he would not be able to explain to his father.

  What Ting Mao doesn't know is, where is his way home?

  Jun Mobai is not a person who is willing to suffer from being dumb. If he suffers here, he must find it elsewhere.

   Originally, Jun Mobai thought that after winning the throne, he would slowly clean up the Hu country, but since the whole country was mobilized by the Hu country, he was not polite at such a good opportunity.

  Jun Mobai sent ten thousand private soldiers to attack Hu's lair.

  Yes, it can only be called a nest, because those tents that were dismantled and rebuilt in Hu State are not worthy of being called the capital.

   "As a teacher, I am admonishing with death. I hope that after Da Xu Lun captures Linzhou City, he will withdraw his troops immediately. It is true that he can no longer march south. If he continues to advance greedily, Da Xu Lun will be in danger, and Hu Guo will be in danger!"

Ting Mao has been referring to himself as Da Xu Lun in recent years, and let other people call him Da Xu Lun, but Wu Kudan has never recognized Ting Mao's name. Today is the first time Wu Kudan calls Ting Mao Da. Xu Lun still put the knife on his neck and said, Ting Mao was a little shocked.

Wu Kudan knew that it was impossible for Ting Mao to give up Linzhou City's mouth-watering fat. Now he just wanted Ting Mao to return to China with rich supplies after robbing Linzhou City, and stop being greedy. many.

  As long as Li Guangpu comes, they will not be able to defend any city gate.

   Ting Mao was unwilling, but if Wu Kudan died, and the officials believed that he forced Wu Kudan to death, it would have a great impact on his succession to his father's position in the future.

   Ting Mao decided to stabilize Wukudan first.

"I promise you!"