MTL - Unparalleled Concubine-v2 Chapter 1103 gorgeous fireworks

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   Chapter 1103 Gorgeous fireworks

   The sky has dimmed.

  The capital in the night, like a giant beast, sits quietly in the night, as if waiting for something big to come.

   After Li Xin woke up, he reached out and rubbed his temples, then turned to look at the pure black armor in the tent.

   He was born in Yulinwei. Yulinwei was still black. When he was in Yulinwei, he was dressed in black armor. Later, after the transformation of Renchen Palace, Emperor Taikang asked the weapon supervisor to make him such a pair of pure black armor.

   Even though Li Xin went to various armies later, he had many sets of armors, and he also had his own general armor, but this black armor is the one that has been with him for the longest time.

   He washed his face and said in a low voice, "Cover your armor with me."

  The higher the defense, the more complex the structure of the armor itself. Like a general-level armor, if you wear it alone, it may take a long time. Therefore, generals generally have personal soldiers to wear armor for them.

   Soon, Li Xin finished wearing his armor. He pushed open the door of his handsome tent. Mu Ying, who was also covered in armor, bowed to Li Xin and saluted, "General!"

   Li Xin was expressionless: "How are you preparing?"

   "Return to General."

  Mu Ying took a deep breath and said, "The Hanzhou Arms Battalion has all been in place, but not all the soldiers have arrived. It is estimated that they will be there in about half an hour."

   "It's hard work coming from Luzhou."

  Li Xin squinted his eyes slightly, and said solemnly, "Rest on the spot for two hours, and dispatch troops at Zi Shi."

   Mu Ying bowed his head respectfully: "The last will obey the order!"

  Today's night is much darker than before. The sky is densely covered with dark clouds, and the moon is not visible at all. Without the torch, the road is basically invisible.

time flies.

   Soon, at the time of Hai, the moon in the sky finally broke through the shackles of the dark clouds and cast its light on the earth.

   As if he had a premonition that something big would happen, the entire Ningzhou army camp was silent.

  Mu Ying appeared in front of Li Xin again, and said respectfully: "General, Hanzhou army, 30,000 people, have all arrived."

   "The three thousand firearms battalion has all been in place, just waiting for the command of the general..."

"very good."

  Li Xin rode on his **** horse and said in a low voice: "Tonight, the Hanzhou army will attack, and the Ningzhou army will be responsible for the auxiliary cover. Mu Ying obeys orders!"

   Mu Ying said awe-inspiringly: "The end is here!"

General Li was expressionless, and said: "I will listen to my command, and when I let you lead the troops to the formation, you will take the firearms battalion and the main force of your Hanzhou army and go straight to the imperial city. You don't need to worry about resistance, you just need to conquer the imperial city, do you understand?"

   Once they enter the capital, the Southwest Army will definitely face huge resistance from the forbidden army. Just like the Ningzhou Army yesterday, it is difficult to advance, and it is impossible to go straight to the imperial city.

   After all, the closer you are to the imperial city, the greater the resistance.

  Although she didn't understand what Li Xin meant by this sentence, Mu Ying lowered her head subconsciously and said solemnly, "The commander will obey the order!"

  Li Xin nodded slightly, no more nonsense, and said in a low voice: "Yesterday, the Ningzhou army withdrew after a hard fight. I guess the capital has relaxed a lot of vigilance. Tonight is the night with the best chance for our army."

   "If we win, we will be rich together. If we lose, we will go back to the southwest. Do you understand?"

  Mu Ying took the lead in roaring: "I understand!"

   Dozens of generals of the Southwest Army roared together: "I understand!"

"it is good."

   General Li was expressionless and waved his hand fiercely: "Send troops!"

Immediately after he gave the order, the drums in the Southwest Army's main camp started beating. Because there had been few defeats in the past few months, the morale of the Southwest Army was strong at this time. After hearing the marching drum, they were all shocked. Head towards the capital.

  The Hanzhou army was at the forefront, and Li Xin and Mu Ying were both in the Hanzhou army.

  The Southwest Army Camp was not far from the capital. They sent troops when they were young, and around the time of Chou Shi, the capital was already in sight.

Dozens of catapult throwers skillfully placed the catapult a stone's throw away from the capital, and then began to fill the sky with thunder. As soon as Li Xin gave an order, they would immediately throw the sky at the city wall of the capital. thunder.

  Li Xin and Mu Ying also stopped a stone's throw away from the capital. General Li looked at the Gyeonggi Imperial Army, which had been moved smartly on the wall of the capital, and his eyes were cold: "General Mu."

  Mu Ying stood behind him and said solemnly: "The last will be here!"

"The guarding force of the capital is composed of the left and right battalions of the forbidden army, and the Ankang army of the Hanzhong army who escaped from Hanzhong. Now the defensive force on the west city wall is a Zhechong mansion from each of the left and right battalions. The two Zhechong mansions suffered casualties. After a certain level, the two battalions of the Forbidden Army will make up for it.”

   "The Ankang Army and the Hanzhong Army are also preparing for war at any time."

   "As long as the troops are defending the city, they are all under the command of that old general."

   When Li Xin spoke, the catapult was already under his command, throwing thunder at the wall of the capital.

The sound of thunder explosions interrupted Li Xin for a moment, and after the cannons were over, General Li continued: "If nothing else, from Chou Shi to Mao Shi, Chong Xuantong can use only the troops. The two Zhechong houses on the city wall, as well as the Ankang Army and the Hanzhong Army who don’t know if they can support them in time.”

   Li Xin glanced back at Mu Ying, and said in a low voice, "The rest of the forbidden troops in the left and right battalions may not necessarily move."

   "This is our best chance."

   Li Xin was also a little nervous. He took a deep breath and said, "The gate of the capital can't stop us, and it should open later."

"I haven't received the exact news from the capital. Once I receive the news, it means that the matter in the capital is complete. When you lead the Hanzhou army to the imperial city, the only people who can stand in your way are the Son of Heaven. Three guards."

   "Everyone else will be blocked by the Ningzhou Army."

   Li Xin looked back at Mu Ying, and asked slowly, "Before dawn, take the imperial city and things will be done, is there any problem?"

   Mu Ying's breathing became rapid.

   He swallowed and his voice stuttered: "General... What does the general mean, you rebelled against the forbidden army?"

   "Not a rebellion."

  Li Xin narrowed his eyes slightly.

   "Just keep them still for a while."

   "I gave each of them a firework. After you enter the capital, if you see two fireworks explode over the capital, it means that the forbidden army will not move."

  The gunpowder is out, and fireworks are naturally not difficult. Tonight, it will be the first time that beautiful fireworks will bloom in this world.

   Mu Ying was very excited.

   He clenched his fists hard.

   "If the forbidden army cannot move, before dawn, the last commander will surely take the imperial city for the general!"

   As the two were talking, a deafening loud noise came.

  The firearms battalion in charge of blasting again used the same technique, from thousands of catties of gunpowder, once again blew up the west gate of the capital.

  Mu Hei face was excited, he pulled out the spear behind him, and said solemnly: "General, I'm going!"

   "Tonight I will live up to the great general's trust!"

  This black-faced general, armed with a long spear and the elite of the Hanzhou Army, rushed in from the Xicheng Gate!

   But Li Xin didn't go in. He stood a stone's throw away from the capital, quietly watching the sky above the capital.

   At this moment, because of Li Xin's psychological quality, his breathing was a little short.

   is at stake, he is human, and he gets nervous.

   Soon, the deafening sound of rushing and killing in the capital came over, and then the sound of thunder blasting came out from the city.

   Li Xin turned a deaf ear and stared at the sky above the capital.

   After a long time.

  Somewhere in the capital, a little fire lit up, the fire slowly rose into the sky, and then exploded into a gorgeous flower in the sky.

   This is a beautiful flower that this world has never seen before.

  Because it is not close to the West City Gate, the fire is not too dazzling.

   But enough.

   At this moment, the light of the fire reflected on Li Xin's face outside the city.

   At this time, the voice of General Li, who had experienced hundreds of battles, trembled a little.

   "Ningzhou Army..."

   "Siege with me!"

   (end of this chapter)