MTL - Unrivaled Medicine God-Chapter 8 Self-seeking

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In the east of the city, in the alchemy room of Ye Hang's house, the green child's eyes widened and looked at the yo-yo pill in Ye Yuan's hand.

"Wow, young master, when did you become so powerful?"

Ye Yuan smiled and pinched the green and tender powder nose, not very airy: "When is your master less powerful?"

It was a joke. Who knows that Green has seriously thought about it and nodded: "Hey, people used to say that the young master is not, but I don’t know why, I just think that the young master is very good. However, the young master is now better than before. More powerful. Right, what does this pill do?"

On the day of rebirth, Green has become the closest person to Ye Yuan, and there is nothing to hide: "This is poison, very powerful."

Greener seems to be scared and surprised: "Ah? What did the young master do this thing?"

Ye Yuan smiled and said: "Nature is for people to eat."

Green child thought about it again, and the color said: "I understand, the young master refining this poison must be for the bad guys to eat."

Ye Yuan haha ​​smiled and said: "Walk, the bad guys are almost there, we go to the partial room and wait for him."

When the two had just entered the living room, there were people who came to report it. A man with blood on his face asked for help in front of the house. Ye Yuansheng brought him to the man.

Slightly tilted, the next person led a miserable Liu An to the partial room.

When Liu An saw Ye Yuan, he immediately rushed over and hugged Ye Yuan’s leg, crying and mourning: "Ye Yeye, I beg you to exalt your hand and save me. You and I have no complaints in the past, no evil, why do you want me to die? what!"

Ye Yuan looked disdainful, and he took a slap in the face and sat down. He said: "There is no resentment in the past. There is no hate in the past. Do you really think that I am a fool? We have more of the heart of our family, and we will not Take it out and feed the dog. You are honestly confessing to the antidote, or preparing to die and choose yourself."

Was opened by Ye Yuan, Liu An did not mean to resist, even climbed and climbed back, but this time did not dare to go up to hold the thigh. Ye Yuan is just a heavyweight. Even if this foot is full of real yuan, it will not cause any substantial harm to Liu An.

As for whether Liu An will jump over the wall, Ye Yuan is naturally not worried. Because Liu Anzhen is a singer, he can’t cohesion.

"Ye Shaoye, I really don't know what you mean! I just came to the medicine to see a doctor. Even if there is a crime of sin, can you not sin? I am just a small person, begging Ye Shaoye to me. When you are a fart, let it go." Liu An was crying and ruthless.

Ye Yuan did not speak, just looked at Liu An’s horrible face and saw Liu An’s heart panic.

Liu An still holds the last trace of luck at this time, hoping that Ye Yuan is just a plague in a mischief. He put down his rhythm and hoped to give Ye Yuan the antidote to him. His identity can not be seen, if it is known, it will be collectively pursued by the monster hunter.

However, Ye Yuan used this kind of gaze for a long time, and Liu An’s heart gradually sank into the bottom.

Ye Yuan looked at Liu An and suddenly smiled, laughing at his heart.

"Ye... Ye Shaoye."

"Oh, don't say it doesn't matter, I have time, but you don't have much time. Do you think that you are burning inside, the whole person seems to be burning? This is just the beginning, and after a while, your skin will be Can't stand it, the inch cracked open, and eventually the whole person would sing aloud and burst like a watermelon."

Ye Yuan said, he also made a gesture of explosion, and Liu An’s whole person trembled as if he had exploded with Ye Yuan’s gesture.

At this time, Liu An was no luck, Ye Yuan must have seen what came.

Thinking of this, Liu An’s heart suddenly calmed down. This is the instinct that has been practiced as a monster hunter. It’s just that he is very insidious and cunning. At this point, his mind turns and he counts his heart.

At this moment, it is impossible to want to be as old as before. He decided to hold it out. As long as he defrauded Ye Yuan’s antidote in his hand, he immediately killed Ye Yuan and the little girl and then looked at him.

Liu An is also a decisive person. Once he is determined, he will not be dragged down. It is only that he naturally does not show his inner thoughts, but continues to maintain a wretched and unrestrained look to paralyze Ye Yuan.

Liu An continued to squat, and the mouth kept saying: "Ye Yeye, I am wrong, I really know that it is wrong. You can’t help you with anything. I’m willing to tell Ye Shaoye everything, just ask Ye Shaoye. A small life."

Ye Yuan seems to be very satisfied with Liu An’s performance. He laughs: “It depends on whether the information you have said has any value. If it is really valuable, it will naturally not be difficult for a small person like you.”

Liu An listened to the big joy in his heart, and this little boy was really spoiled and gave him a little honey. I don’t hesitate to take the whole thing out.

Things and Ye Yuan expected to be similar. The strong man first went to several Dan pharmacies, and occasionally there were doctors who could understand the poison of the Seven Clouds, but they were helpless.

Don't look at the money in front of Ye Yuan, but look at the whole Qin State is the top number. He can see and heal the poison of the colorful clouds, and it does not mean that others can do it. It is also worth losing that those people can't cure it, otherwise the strong man has already died in poison.

In desperation, the brawny actually went to the drunk star building. Coincidentally, the drunk star building owner Wan Donghai happened to be in the drunk star building, and saw the brawny.

In fact, the doctor on duty at the Drunk Star House and Qian Qi’s argument are similar, but it was seen that Wan Donghai, who was not right, stopped it in time and asked him to ask Gao Ming.

This Qin country in addition to the drunk star building is the medicine incense, this brave man does not go to the medicine incense to try luck, what can I do? Wan Donghai can see that it is not right, but like Ye Hang, there is no way for this poison, nor do they know the solution.

The one who knows you the most is your enemy. Wan Donghai will not solve this poison. So he sent Liu An to see the patient's team, waiting for the opportunity to ignite inside and ruin the reputation of Yaoxiangge. If you can't control it at the end of the day, it's best to shake the monster hunter and take the medicine.

In this way, even if you can't destroy the medicine, you can make them famous, and then you can't compete with the drunk star building.

Liu An is also just returning to the capital of the Qin State. He still has injuries on his body, and he is smart, and it is a good thing to do this.

All the original things were carried out in accordance with Wan Donghai's expectations. Who knows that halfway through the process of killing a bite, Ye Yuan actually mistakenly misunderstood the poison, so that Liu An could not play.

"Oh, it really is Wan Donghai, a good trick to lead the water." Ye Yuan sneered.

This Wan Donghai and his father have always been the opposite of each other. They are both great Danes and have a pivotal position in the country. Just different from Ye Hang, Wan Donghai is insidious and unscrupulous.

Ye Yuan is no stranger to Wan Donghai. Although his predecessor was not qualified as an opponent of Wan Donghai, Wan Donghai’s son Wan Yuan was the former rival of Danwu College.

Of course, the so-called dead rivalry is just that Wan Yuan has been bullying Ye Yuan, and Ye Yuan has no power to fight back. Although Wan Yuan is also a shackle, but Wu Xue Dan is very good, not only has reached the realm of six vitality, Dan medicine has also become a Dan.

Even in the Danwu Academy, where talented people are born, Wan Yuan is a highly talented genius and highly acclaimed. In contrast, Ye Yuan simply did not match his shoes.

In fact, Ye Yuan’s poisoning thing, he later inferred the memory of his predecessor, 80% is the ghost of this Wanyuan behind his back.

good very good! The old hatred has not gone, and new enemies have been added. Wan Jia, the father and son, our Liangzi is counted. Ye Yuan sneered in his heart.

"Ye... Ye Shaoye, I said what I said, I should not say it, you see..." Liu An weak.

Just now, he even said that he was the undercover of the drunk star building, in order to obtain Ye Yuan’s trust and defraud the antidote.

Ye Yuan nodded with satisfaction, took out the poison that had just been refining, and threw it to Liu Andao: "Yes, you performed very well, and this antidote will be rewarded to you."

Liu An took over the "antidote" and suddenly became overjoyed. He didn't want to swallow it, and immediately meditated to resolve the drug.

Sure enough, the drug went into the abdomen and his original stagnation of the real element began to flow. He suddenly opened his eyes, and the cheetah slid out in general, turned his palms into his claws, and grabbed the throat of Ye Yuan.

"Ah! Young master!" The green child screamed and jumped to Ye Yuan without thinking about it.

This claw is fierce and unusual. With the momentum that has been smashed out between life and death, it is impossible to deal with the little rookie Ye Yuan.

However, this claw was born three inches before the green throat. Then, Liu An fell to the ground and twitched on the ground, and the expression on his face was painfully distorted.

Ye Yuan pulled the green child away from behind, and looked at Liu An on the ground with mercy. He sneered: "You can't live because of this, you can't live. If you don't mind, this poison is still bad." It won't be attacked so early, but you have a poisonous mind and you have to suffer a lot."

"Why... why..." Liu An twitched and licked the words from his teeth.

Ye Yuan smiled and said: "You think that the heart care I gave you in the medicine incense is poison. In fact, it is really protecting the heart. But the medicinal medicine has been purified several times, and the effect is naturally fierce. Several times. You are bleeding, and the symptoms of really bad yuan are actually only some side effects. It doesn't matter to your body. When the effect is over, you not only have nothing, but may go further. But you just eaten The medicinal herb is a real poisonous dan, and the medicinal properties are extremely fierce. The person who takes it is suffering from the three times of the liver every day, and it is more powerful than once, until death."

Ye Yuan’s words were clearly introduced into Liu’s ears, which seemed to make him more convulsive.