MTL - Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Young Miss Has Arrived!-Chapter 718

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In addition to these, she also needs to improve her own strength, learn a lot of strategies from Bai and death gods, learn the battlefield and military layout, and fight against them and fight.

When the beautiful men taught him, they also changed like peacetime. They were never allowed to be lazy. Everything must be perfect. The more distressed, the more they squeezed her potential.

For a time, all the men and her teachers are also friends and lovers, and when they have more contact, there is another sentiment in it.

I will see her from time to time... or passionate arguments, or swords and swords, or pointing to the mountains, or lying on the legs of the **** of death, listening to other people, or being carefully pondered by the white circle... Attitudes are more and more released, more and more natural, and more and more dazzling.

Therefore, she is busy every day like a spinning top. She only has one or two hours of rest every day, and more often she does not rest for several days.

She is very demanding of herself and strives for the best in everything.

Losing her is an intermediate god, able to resist, but this high intensity and high frequency, is also extremely laborious and unbearable.

In this way, for a few months, they have moved out of the underground city and built a large stronghold near the phoenix. The name is Sucheng, and the recovered Su represents the expectations of people.

偌大宇, once the super plane, but now it is the wreckage of the broken wall, the death of the inhabitants, escape, hiding, in the chaos of the arrogant, seemingly bleak, Daewoo's former prosperity, is now All the hopes of people on Daewoo.

The existing population of 300 million in Sucheng, compared with the Chaos, is really a small base that can no longer be small.

But as more and more World of Warcraft fills in, Sioux City is also beginning to be full of life.

More and more people have escaped from Daewoo, but more and more World of Warcraft has rushed from all major planes, which has to be said to be a miracle.

Sioux City has occupied an area of ​​tens of thousands of kilometers, with defensive arrays attached everywhere, one whistle every ten meters.

The soldiers are 20 people, one hundred for one class, one thousand for one vertical, one thousand for one row, one hundred thousand for one company, one million for one group, ten thousand for one brigade, one hundred for one division, layer by layer Management, the strong superior, led by Qin Xingluo.

Warcraft Eudemons is almost the same, 20 beasts are a team, a hundred beasts are a class, a thousand beasts are a vertical, a thousand beasts are a row, 100,000 beasts are one, a million beasts are a group, and a million beasts are A brigade, a beast is a division, a billion beasts are a military, a billion beasts are a total, and can be divided into one total to ten totals, the strong ones are superior, the top ten beasts are the chief commanders, and the wartime spirits can play and play. The owner is Lu Yiqian, and the commander of the whole is white. Pay attention to mutual cooperation, cooperate with humans, and also cooperate with other Eudemons.

The executors of Death are also attributed to Lu Yi’s thousand names. The commander is the **** of death. As an assault unit, they help when necessary. After all, they also serve as the responsibility of maintaining other worlds and cannot be used too much.

After the contract, the double zerg lords belong to the landlord under the thousand, the chief commander is double as the moon, as a special force, to help when necessary, they also have to maintain the world order created by the double, and can not be used.

Everything is developing in a good way, but Lu Yiqian’s uneasiness has also risen more and more. The chaos has been silent for three months, and when it is necessary to make another disaster, it will be a blockbuster.

Need a lot of prevention in all aspects.

She tightened herself like a clockwork.

On this day, she was so close that she could close her eyes and rest. The faint appointment seemed to hear someone sigh gently, and put a pair of slender hands like jade on her face.

The movement of the man is so light, so slow, so soft, and the Buddha touches the most delicate flowers of the world, wholeheartedly and carefully.

Lu Hao slammed his eyes open and saw the beautiful eyes in front of him.

With a deep red base, the white-faced robes of the white birds are spread out. On the floor boards, long black hair is scattered on the robes. The color is gorgeous and the black is rich.

A pair of green eyes are like gems floating in the crystal, a pair of peaches wink, adding style.

Inside, wearing a black shirt, can hold the color of the beautiful.

The skin is crystal clear, and the bones are extremely strange. The Lingbo seconds that accompany his eyes are more attractive.

The clothes look good again, and they are more charming than people.

When Lu Yiqian woke up, the beautiful man threw a winking eye and squeezed his body into her arms. He said, "Small and thousand, hug people."

Lu Yu’s mouth is pulled, and this is seduce and seduce.

At that time, Lu Yiqian wore a short and thin close-fitting blouse, which was squeezed by the beauty. Once it was loose, it was loose, revealing a deep cleavage. The two groups were soft and just pressed.

The eyes of the Huayi beauty are suddenly deep. If you look closely, you can see the swallowing saliva.

That is, Lu Yiqian wears a thin coat, like Lufei, just woke up a little confused, like smoked and smoked, black hair around the shoulder, contrasting amazing, thin sheets, undulating lines, smashing souls.

Who is it who is tempted, who is lost?

The beautiful child's heart beats faster and does not want to get up.

"Departure, what are you doing?" Lu Yiqian looked down at the man who was not swearing and flattering, and was helpless.

"Small thousand long, long nights, lonely sleep, do you not want me to accompany you?" Departed from the scene to throw a wink, a hand hook, half a shoulder will be exposed, it is as white as jade, good skin!

Lu Yuqian's mouth is a tear, can't help but look at the full moon outside the window: "Departure, you are on the full moon night, this will be ... enthusiasm?" In fact, it is estrus.

Leaving the red lips from the border, the slender fingers circled at the collar of Lu Yiqian: "Small thousand, I am overworked, sick and ill, only you can heal."

Lu Yiqian grabbed his finger: "How to heal?"

Departed from the eyes, a hundred styles of feminine, said in a thousand styles: "Use your body!"

After the completion of the clever force, Lu Yan thousand pressed under the body, soft jade warm and full of care.

Lu Yiqian wants to push him, but seeing his deep affection in his eyes, but how can he not go to the hand, this man, always hide his mind behind the charming, awkwardly express his concern, but let him.

"Do you have anything to say to me?" Lu Yanqian asked his hands under his head.