MTL - Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Young Miss Has Arrived!-Chapter 9

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Taking Xiang Hui, Lu Yiqian looked for a table and sat down: "Serve, take wine!"

Xiao Er looked at her very embarrassedly. It is reasonable to say that the hotel accepts the Quartet, as long as the money is the uncle, but Lu Hao’s reputation is too stinky, and he is not willing to receive it!

"How, visitors do not receive, this is your way to hospitality?" Lu Hao thousand eyes cold, whispered.

Her words were slow, but there was an irresistible feeling. Xiao Er only felt that the mountain had pressed the mountain, and he was busy rushing to serve.

"I asked you, are you coming to entangle me?" Yu Guangchen repeated it again. He has prepared a lot of proverbs to ensure that he is sharper and more exciting than the last time, but how does this woman not cooperate? Shouldn't she pull her sleeve and ask for her own care? Shouldn't she hug her shoes and ask herself to look at her? Why did she see him so calm and cold now?

"You think more, Yu Gongzi, I am coming for dinner." Lu Hao thousand brought a cup of tea to his mouth.

Her slow-paced, kind of silent charm, and shocked people's eyes.

Yu Guangchen did not hear the insults of the people around him. He looked around for a week and saw that others were staring at Lu Yiqian. He suddenly gave birth to an indescribable anger: "You are a maiden, and you have made up your mind to entangle I, I am not afraid of you!"

"You think too much!" Lu Yan looked at him faintly.

This faint glance, there is a kind of power that penetrates the human heart. Yu Qingchen is nailed to the ground by this eye. The body is like pouring a cold water. In an instant, he thinks that the woman is like a mountain that cannot be looked up.

No, no, this woman who had been abandoned by herself, this incompetent woman, she used this look to look at herself.

"You don't waste your time, I won't look at you, you will only make me feel sick!" Yes, this must be her strategy. In order to return to her, she only insults her, she will Crying and asking for my forgiveness!

Lu Haoqian presses the younger brother who wants to play Yu Guangchen. He said to himself in his heart, have you seen it? This is your beloved lover. Have you seen it? He is so narrow, so shallow, do you still love him? You are still not dead. Heart?

There was a slight sigh in my heart. Lu Yiqian’s body was light, and a feeling of reincarnation was born. Now, Lu Haoqian is really his own.

"Are you enough? Yu Gongzi, you think too much! I think that Lu Hao is so beautiful, how can you see you entangled you?" Lu Yi thousand cold and cold, "You are in my eyes, not even a dog!"

Yu Dengchen smashed, and people around him stayed!

Is this what the most incompetent and ridiculous woman in the country said?

"You, you are incompetent women..." Yu Dengchen was a little overwhelmed. He suddenly wanted to save the woman. If he gave him another chance, he would no longer refuse her. Even if she could not do it, it would be okay to be a partial house. .

"Hey!" Lu Yi fell into the cup and said: "Please pay attention to yourself, Yu Gongzi, no one in this world is incompetent. Although I am weaker now, I have a strong heart, please respect me!"

This sentence is deafening, please respect me, I have a strong heart! Yes, the heart of a strong person is the foundation of a new world. As long as there is a strong heart, what else can't be done? Qin Guo Shangwu, respect the strong, even if it is now the strength of the underground strong!

Lu Xianghui is like a sister on the first day. He is delighted to see the girl who is flying high. This woman is her sister. It is so good!

"Hey!" In the VIP box on the second floor of the hotel, a handsome man dressed in a beautiful dress, he looked at Lu Yiqian with great interest, the first one to applaud!

"Hey, hey!" With him taking the lead, the hotel applause continued!

Lu Yiqian was insulted and took the younger brother’s hand out of the hotel.

"Incompetent stand!" Yu Qingchen wants to catch Lu Qianqian's hand. Lu Xianghui pushes him on the back with a small hand, and others look at him dissatisfied. This person is still sensible, but now people are A strong person, at least the heart is strong, so incompetent female incompetent women call, too disrespectful people!

Lu Hao sneaked back to the room, thinking about the appearance of Yu Yu, who was so angry and staying, she was very relieved!

However, it is still necessary to be strong and become a real powerhouse!

She doesn't care about the eyes and thoughts of others, but she can be strong. Very simple, strong inner heart is the key to the world, and strong strength is the guarantee of creation!

Is there any way to make myself stronger?

Signing the Eudemons, the other is to become a powerful mage!

As long as you understand how to use the magic power of the world, you can slowly accumulate and accumulate more, you can sign the Eudemons!

Almost without thinking, Lu Yiqian took out the black-gold pattern of "Wan****".

The opening of "Wan ****" reads: The use of everything in heaven and earth, in my heart!

The magical power is divided into five attributes: wind, fire, earth, wood, gold, and the five attributes are used differently, and the effects are different. The five are not only born but also each other, and each of them is born with each other.

"Millions" is divided into three chapters, one is the theory of mind, the second is the big spell, and the third is the combination of the law!

In theory, all magical powers are taken from nature, born from nature, and absorbed into their bodies, which can form a cycle, endlessly endless, inexhaustible, inexhaustible!

The big spell is a record of all kinds of ruined land, or earth-creating, or earth-shattering spells. It is powerful and divided into three types: life, amazing power, and creativity.

Magical array, it is a combination of separate magic, magical use!

According to the book, creating magical power in the body can store magic.