MTL - Urban Banished Immortal-Chapter 689 Final preparation

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Eighteen students who have spent nearly seven years in the non-medical hall can no longer see a trace of innocence from their school days. In the last China plague incident, they have been known to many people in China. The trial of poisoning made the millions of martial arts emperors in the capital know the doctors in the Infirmary again. Bayi? Chinese language network WYW? W ?. 88.1ZW. Com

"I'm proud of you. I, Guo Bad, are willing to accept you as a disciple. Whether in the world or heaven, you will all be my disciples, not only the disciples of Guo Bad, but the disciples of the Emperor!" Guo Bad said softly, his voice was not loud. A group of students who were not in the medical school shivered. At this time, they were not only recognized by Guo Bad, they were recognized by the emperor of this life, although they were not sure What the word means, but it can be seen from the expressions of those around you that it will be a divine existence.

"Boss, become a disciple of the Emperor, can we continue to call your boss? There are He Mo and Yao Shi, how can you become your disciple after becoming your disciple!" Jia Xiaokou said unhindered, everyone haha laugh it out.

"In the last life, I married 108 people, many of whom were my disciples. When you get to heaven, you will understand some things. As for the title, you can call me whatever you want. Take the elixir just now. Well, there are some things that should be known to you. "After Guo Bad said, he led the eight gods and others into the room.

Eighteen students, a few girls directly poured elixir water into the belly of several unconscious students, and then a few of them had darkened faces and instantly recovered their blood.

"What kind of medicine does the boss give us? I feel that I am full of strength now, so cool." Chen Jiadi said loudly after waking up, and several others nodded.

"Oh my God, the elixir contained the blood of the Emperor. It's no wonder that you can improve so much at once." Ao Feng said with wide eyes, "You are no longer mortal now, regardless of future Whether it is practicing medicine or martial arts, some things must be paid attention to, Xiao Hemo and Xiaoyao Poetry. You two should have been martial arts before them. Tell them something you should pay attention to. "

After Ao Feng finished speaking, Liu Yaoshi and He Mo shouted more than a dozen Chen Jiadi back to the Infirmary. All the students also knew their current situation, and they also knew what kind of existence Guo Guo was. God Emperor, his boss is God Emperor, think about it all.

"Brother Yao, now tell me about the situation of martial arts in the whole world!" Guo Bad came out with the Eight Emperors, summoned the staff again, and asked Li Yao softly.

"In these days, the small-scale martial arts battles between the world ’s martial arts and the Mozu have been ongoing. More than 3 million people have fallen from the world ’s martial arts. The death and injuries of the demons are unknown. With the addition of the mysterious beast, our casualties have decreased a lot. "Li Yao said softly.

"After three days, there will be a fierce battle. I don't demand anyone, Yao brother Yuan brother, you tell the order, all martial arts who do not want to participate in the war can stay in their own station, but as long as it appears on the battlefield tomorrow, I demand that I go all out! "Guo Bad said loudly, Li Yao and Jia Yuan nodded, and had returned to the command house of the ancient family.

"Mr. Yutian, the mysterious animal is the same as the human race. If anyone is unwilling to participate in this fight, I will not force it, including Mr." Guo Bad said with a smile at Yutian.

"Haha, Lord God Emperor, what you said makes me feel like crossing the river to dismantle the bridge. This battle with the Demons, I will take the mysterious beast to the end. If I fall in the war, I will let Er Mao instead. I command, if Ermao falls and his hair is connected, even if Lord Emperor is gone, we will fight to the end of the Demon Race! "Yu Tian's voice was not loud, and a group of masters of the human race gave thumbs up to Yu Tian .

"Mr. Yutian, if this battle can be fortunate to win, and the beast kings of the Three Realms trapped, I will find a way to rescue them all. This is a promise I made to my husband!" Guo Bad said with a smile. Great changes, but the blood of beasts is already boiling in his heart. Throughout the ages of Beastmaster, his father was trapped in the heavens and despair. With the words of the emperor, he would have the opportunity to meet his father.

After Guo Bad arranges the things that need attention in the war three days later, he directly tears up a space and pulls Guo Huo and the fire into the space. There is no God Emperor Tripod, the other medicine tripod refining medicine is much slower. Guo Forget about it for yourself, in three days, it is already my own limit to get five million pills.

"Ming Ce, why, was sealed for more than 100,000 years, and was not shamed by the Emperor of God, still thinking?" Yan Deng Gufo said to Ming Ce with a smile.

"Master Mozun, this time I saw the strength of the Emperor of God. The war three days later is probably a tough battle." Said Mince softly.

"These things are distributed to the disciples of the Demons. After three days, fight against the Terrans, let go of your hands and feet!" Lan Deng Gufo said with a smile. The words just came down, and several big Buddhas stepped into the void step by step. In the camp of the demons.

"Father Emperor, are you calling these people? Haha, no wonder the Father Emperor is so calm, and there are people from the Buddhism, this time we deal with the guys in that group of people, it is much simpler." A Buddha said with a smile.

"Lan Deng Ancient Buddha, in this war, the 10 million monks and three million Buddhas of our Buddhism were all sent by the Buddha!" ​​Said a big Buddha with a smile.

"Haha, there is everyone to help, after the end of the great war, I will naturally not lose you." Ran Deng Gufo said with a smile, several Buddhas nodded and stood on both sides, for more than 100,000 years, Ran Deng Able to talk about several big buddhas, he is fully prepared for this war.

The three days in the world passed quickly, and Guo Bad stepped out of the space again. His face was not exhausted. Instead, he felt that his strength was more advanced. A row of exquisite gourds hanging on his waist let everyone show a hint. Smile.

"A total of three million elixirs were made in three days. Some of them will be divided. The soldiers are fine but not more. I hope that three million elixir can play some role." Guo Bad said softly, a few The gourd hung in midair, and Li Shixin and Qiu Daoyuan did not grab a few of them. Each person took one and then disappeared in front of the crowd. Almost a few minutes later, the sky over the human camp was rolling, and three million anti-elixir medicines were born. The masters who created the peak of at least 1.5 million Jindan, even some people directly formed Yuan Ying, and then suppressed their strength.

"Sister Chang'e, I don't know where you are going, this rush!" Nantianmen, a beautiful fairy was stopped directly by the queen mother and a handsome man.

"Since you know who I am, does my sister have to block my way?" The beautiful fairy said, directly transformed into Chang'e, and looked at the mother with a smile.

"The heavens have the rules of the heavens, even if some small and noisy people steal the world, even if the younger sister likes to be quiet, why do they want to go to the world? Didn't there be enough days in the world?" He said that there was an extra bright rope in his hand.

"Mother, what's happening in the world now, you know very well that heaven is not going to send troops. Auntie and grandma, I want to go down and walk by myself, as if it's not your turn!" Chang's avatar said loudly.

"I didn't care what my sister wanted to do before, but in the last few days, my sister is still best to stay in your moon palace." As she said, the queen mother's momentum has skyrocketed.

"Okay, good, no wonder you dared to stop me directly. It turned out that you also broke through! It seems that Mozun gave you a lot of benefits!"