MTL - Urban Carefree Immortal Emperor-Chapter 272 Dark Dragon Strikes!

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After Yan Huang punched the female killer's G cup, the audience was silent ...

Static ...

be quiet……

very quiet……

"Lao Huang ... you ... what a waste ..." Zhang Ziyun's eyes almost spit out!

I never thought that Yan Huang had no idea of ​​being merciful and jealous. He didn't say a word of nonsense, he just killed this female killer!

This female killer chose to seduce Yan Huang, and her own capital is definitely not bad!

The figure is bulging forward and backward, very hot!

And the average man is not a hammer chest!

This female killer's **** are big and full. Generally men want oil and cherish, right?

Yan Huang did not enter the oil and salt, and punched people into a hole!

Suddenly everyone was in deep suspicion, and their yellow eyes changed!

Does Yan Huang really dislike women? Is Yanhuang really a gay? Otherwise, how could he be fierce?

Yan Huang did not respond to the suspicions of the crowd, but turned his head to Han Xinyue, saying, "Learning, this is the end of a big chest!"

Han Xinyue: "..."

Zhang Ziyun: "..."

Floral: "..."

Shui Xiaolian: "..."

Yan Mingyao: "..."

The first thought of Shui Xiaolian and Yan Mingyao is, over, his son is really over, he is really a gay, oh! !!

Han Xinyue stooped silently, arms around his chest, and hid his D cup!

Floral is also embarrassing to turn around quickly, unnatural look.

She glanced carefully at her chest, her heart full of fear!

This female killer's G cup was all blown. Isn't her own H cup dangerous?

No, I will return to Emperor Dragon City in two days, and I am with a madman like Yan Huang who is really crazy!

Zhang Ziyun was sweating all over his head and pulled Yan Huang's elbow: "Lao Huang, you are not so good, you will be single for a lifetime!"

"What single life?" Yan Huang puzzled.

"In the face of so many beautiful women, you blow the capital that others are proud of with one punch. What do you think you feel?"

"Lao Huang," said Zhang Ziyun's eyes flickering, whispering next to Yan Huang, "You honestly explain, are you a gay?"

Although Zhang Ziyun's interrogation was small, the people around him were all strong people above the foundation period. Naturally, they listened to Zhang Ziyun's interrogation clearly. They calmed down one by one, and they all had this. doubt!

Han Xinyue quickly put her ears over!

"I'm not gay," Yan Huang replied.

"It's not gay, why do people like it ... tempting you not to be hooked!" Zhang Ziyun asked!

Zhang Ziyun couldn't understand. If this female killer seduce Zhang Ziyun tonight, Zhang Ziyun swears that he absolutely disarms and surrenders, and puts people right on the spot!

Is this exactly what a normal man thinks?

You bathed halfway and a beautiful woman walked in and asked to wash it for you. Can you still refuse?

As a result, Yan Huang not only refused, but also exploded his chest!

There are simply four words to describe it: too beastly!

Yan Huang replied without hesitation: "There are so many women in the world who want to go to bed with me. She wants to go up and down. Doesn't it seem that I am undervalued?"

"What is the identity of my immortal Emperor, and what is her identity as a little girl killer?"



The audience was silent again!

The two couples, Shui Xiaolian and Yan Mingyao, were speechless and didn't expect their son to be so proud!

Son, you're crazy!

Han Xinyue seemed to be in full bloom, looking at Yan Huang's eyes as little stars!

Suhua also looked at Yan Huang with a little surprise. No one who was only eighteen years old was so particular about treating love and "sex"!

It is simply a good young man in the 21st century!

"Okay ... okay ..." Zhang Ziyun didn't know what to say!

"That old Huang, you can't kill someone with one punch!" Zhang Ziyun asked again: "We have caught her, she can't run!"

"You haven't noticed yet?" Yan Huang asked, looking at the people in front of him inconceivably.

"What's found?"

"Did I just say that, this woman is delaying time."


The crowd froze, and Suhua reacted for the first time, and she quickly turned to look at the villa behind her.


Almost the first time everyone saw it, the roof of the villa suddenly made a loud noise, smoke was splashing, and the concrete was flying everywhere!

Then, a figure carrying a black sword box behind him flew out of a hole in the ceiling!

The black sword box is densely covered with sheets of runes. There seems to be something hidden inside the box, and it keeps jumping out of it. However, every time it jumps, the runes on the box will be suppressed. Living!

The figure glanced over Yan Huang, laughing excitedly!

"An ancient bronze sword of magic level, I smiled, haha!"

As soon as the black figure finished speaking, he flew to the sky!

Everyone was shocked. It turned out that this female killer was not the whole plan. Her plan was only to delay Yan Huang, let her teammates have a chance, and steal the Dragon Sword!

"Bronze sword!" Suihua shouted in shock, among which she knew the value of the bronze sword best!

This is a weapon that has reached the level of national treasure. Once it falls into the hands of others or other countries, they use it to deal with the Dragon Empire. This is simply a disaster!

At the same time, it was almost the moment the black figure flew away!

In the villa, the surrounding woods slowly came out one after another.

The Jiangnan City army, also stationed behind the villa, also shot loudly, and a sharp sound of bullets and cannonballs continued to explode!

The dark night was suddenly illuminated by the blazing flames and explosions.

With these lights, everyone can see the enemies that surround them!

Standing in front of Yan Huang is a muscular man with a whole body, like a man cast out of rock, with a scalp and an open head, his hair standing up like steel needles!

He was wearing a small black vest, a camouflage trousers and black leather boots on his lower body, and his muscular body almost broke the small vest!

Where his left face and the back of his head were linked, a tattoo was stabbed, and a soldier was riding on the dragon continuously shooting, and the dragon was screaming with blood spurting from the mouth!

Next to this vest man, there was also a man of the same burly shape, but with a thin figure. He was holding a heavy knife in his hand, and the blade of the sword was sharp and sharp.

And on his arm, the tattoo of the warrior Tu Long was also tattooed!

Dragon Slayer, Dark Dragon Organization!