MTL - Urban Carefree Immortal Emperor-Chapter 274 Reverse, lore!

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"No need." Yan Huang still said faintly, slowly out of the crowd, looking at King Kong and the sword king in front of him: "I can solve these grandchildren alone."

"Yan Huang, can't you be willful!" Seeing Yan Huang still looks like a light cloud, the broken flowers can't help but growled at Yan Huang!

"Bronze sword is not your property, but the property of the entire country and the entire people. Once lost, we cannot afford this responsibility!"



The stout bear-like King Kong and the cold-faced King Kong and the King of Blades looked coldly at Yan Huang and the broken flowers in front of them, sneering: "You two should stop daydreaming. Today, all of you All will die! "

"Boom !!" As soon as the two people's voices fell, their true bodies burst out!

King Kong's muscles and fur are glittering, as if it were a glazed body, with a solemn and deterrent light, it looks very mighty!

It felt like looking at an angry King Kong. With one punch, he was about to be blown!

The sword of the sword king is also gleaming, and the blade of the blade is filled with the cold and radiant light of the skin. The weak Zhang Ziyun and Yan Huang's parents only feel slightly pointed by the blade, and they feel the skin hurt!

What a terrible power!

What a terrible sword!

"Son son, what do you do now?" Shui Xiaolian and Yan Mingyao have been fascinated with alchemy and alchemy since Xiuxian, and they have never been fighting against others. Feeling panic inside!

And the two headed by the opposite are all in the middle of Jindan, and there are more than a dozen mid-to-late foundations!

In the early stage of Jindan in Yanhuang, the broken flower is only in the middle of Jindan, and Zhang Ziyun and Han Xinyue only have the early and middle stages of foundation construction!

But in terms of strength or quantity, the opposite side is completely crushing itself!

The artillery fire over the villa was booming, and it was obvious that the army protecting them had been stopped! Even if they weren't really stopped, at this time, facing the power of Jin Guang and the sword king, I was afraid that it would not work at all!

What should we do now!

Zhang Ziyun and Han Xinyue were also completely panicked!

"It seems that I am the emperor Yan Huang Huang, really by your little sisters to give me a look!"

In the face of such a situation, Yan Huang is still not changing or chaotic, there is no feeling of nervousness!

"I don't think you can see the coffin without tears !!"

"On, let's not kill the dogs, the chickens and dogs will not stay!"

Jin Guang was furious, his fists in his hands seemed to raise two small suns, and he rushed away towards Yan Huang with a fierce fist wind!

"Kill!" The sword king also drank violently, and the sword in his hand inspired a blue blade!

The blue sword-mang grew long when it saw the wind, and it turned into more than two meters at once.

At the same time, other dragonslayers around them also cast one after another, either fireballs or ice lances, or stabbed directly towards Yan Huang and others in the middle!

"Son son!" When did Shui Xiaolian and Yan Mingyao see this battle, they were so scared that they hid behind Yan Huang and clutched Yan Huang's clothes tightly!

Suhua and others are all pale and feel like they are going to die today!

However, just the next moment, a miracle happened suddenly!

Whether it's a slashing sword, various spells, or a raging King Kong and other dragon slayers, when these things gather Yan Huang and others, there are still several meters!

However, they were like a pause in time, and they were fixed in place!

As if time was pressed with a pause button!

The look of King Kong was even more funny. He was rushing forward, his face was full of excitement and excitement. However, at this time, he was still as if he was a sculpture!

If it weren't for the sharp contraction and trembling of his eyes and pupils, there would be an unwilling muffled sound in his mouth!

Everyone thought he was pretending!

"Wow, Captain Floral, you are so good!" Zhang Ziyun rushed over to slap Floral to the first!

"When did your ability to control the air become so great!"

"Yeah!" Han Xinyue also couldn't help sighing. "It's so strong, floral enchantment. Has your air capacity reached the entire space?"

Suihua looked like a ghost: "I don't care what I do, I don't do anything!"

"What!" Everyone was shocked!

"A bunch of idiots!" A cold hum came in front!

Everyone froze, and at a glance, I don't know when Yanhuang had already had an emerald array in his hand. That sentence was exactly what Yanhuang said!

Everyone was shocked, was it because of all the tribute to Yan Huang? !!

A few people took a quick look and saw that Yan Huang's eyes were slightly closed at this time, and the right-hand sword trick continued to flash on the emerald array. With the continuous exercise of the right-hand matrix method, an amazing amount of real elements continued to follow the battle The plate sprayed out!

"Hoo ~"

A nocturnal wind rose from the wind, blowing violently in the woods!

The broken flower was shocked, and only felt the familiar sense of being peeped, monitored, and seen through again!

And this time, this feeling is extremely strong, like a tide, and the flowers are suddenly awakening. This feeling seems to be: Divine Consciousness!

She remembered seeing this kind of power at the Dragon Guardian headquarters in Dragon City!

At that time, a spy was mixed into the headquarters of the Dragon Guardian. When no one could find the trace, the general found his spy and found the spy!

The broken flower was a stormy heart at this time. He knew that when the monks arrived in the Jindan period, they would have inspired the gods. At that time, the general gods only had tens of meters and a hundred meters.

And this kind of consciousness is also equivalent to a kind of inductive detective method, but how do you feel that the whole person at this time seems to be caught in a tide of consciousness like a substance, there is a feeling of suffocation and difficulty!

"They ... they were all settled by Yan Huang's consciousness!" Suihua said inconceivably!

"Divine knowledge, what is it?" Everyone froze, wondering what the broken flower was talking about!



"Ka-K-K-K ..."

At this time, the surrounding people suddenly heard a sound of bone fracture, the broken flower Zhang Ziyun waited, and was immediately startled!

I saw those practitioners in the middle and late stages of building the foundation. At this time, their necks were twisted by an invisible force, and then a large rotation of 360 degrees came from the entire neck!

A lot of blood flowed silently from the nose, mouth, ears, and eyes of these dragon-slayers, and their eyes lost their luster one by one!