MTL - Urban Cultivation Medical Saint-v3 Chapter 4699 Take the lead!

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   Chapter 4699 Take the lead!


   A dreary big explosion appeared, and the body of Eternal Sun Tianzun was blasted out, and the monstrous shock wave submerged nine days and ten places, and it was about to shatter everything! But even so, I saw that Eternal Sun Tianzun was still unscathed!


   He roared, the heaven and the earth were disillusioned, the divine brilliance of the sun and the moon and the power of the divine law of the extreme day continued to converge,

   His roar was terrifying,

   Extreme Days Heavenly Venerate Axe also appeared directly in his hand,

   slammed down and killed the two Fade Chen!

   Chen Fei! Among them, Ye Fan.





   This is definitely a terrifying blow! The terrifying divine axe slammed into the sky, constantly erupting and beheading! Without breaking the air, in just a moment, there were tens of thousands of extremely terrifying shock waves that drowned the two Fade Chen.

   Each of these attacks caused the void of this outer world to collapse! Countless stars collapsed and were destroyed continuously. In the end, they shattered through the void, sending the two great Chen Fei far away.

   But even so, in the next moment, the two big Chen Fei rushed back immediately and continued to fight with that Eternal Sun Tianzun!

   I have to say that this is probably the first time that Chen Fei has fought such an evenly matched battle since his debut! And all of this has also caused everyone present here to be greatly shocked and horrified. It is difficult to calm down and unbelievable!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…"

   "Is this your true power? Seems like that."

  Eternal Sun Tianzun became more and more violent in battle, constantly roaring in the sky, and laughed ironically and coldly.

"That's true, but if it's used to deal with things like you, it seems to be enough?" Fade Chen smiled indifferently. Although his mood was calm, his fighting state was obviously more and more violent. ,

"Boom!" Two Chen Fei, one Eternal Sun Tianzun, the three of them fought violently like this, the world outside the sky seemed to be pierced, and the endless terrifying attacks overwhelmed everything, covering everything. The sky covers the sun, and the peerless pressure is constant, and all the haze in the void is completely shaken away!


   The axe of the Eternal Sun,

  The day Feng Chen Fei flew out,


   But then, he himself was held by Fade Chen's body with the Four Gods Heavenly Sword, pierced the sword fiercely, and flew out at once, smashing countless stars in the outer world.

   "Roar!" But the Eternal Sun Heavenly Venerate came back again, and the overwhelming power of the Divine Law of Extreme Sun continued to stir, and then Fade Chen's body was also sent flying. But then he was entangled by Feng Chen Fei that day, fighting together in a crazy battle!


   Seeing this scene, many people were completely horrified, couldn't help but gasped, trembling all over, heart trembling, and the expression on the face was as moving as possible.

   Because they can see it now,

   If the previous battle was that Chen Fei was at an absolute disadvantage, then now, this battle is absolutely evenly matched! It is an absolute balance of power!

   They fought frantically,

   Each exhibition does its best.

   until the end,

   That Eternal Sun Tianzun seems to have finally found a flaw in those two Fade Chen again!

   "Boom!" The world outside the sky trembled, and the terrifying force erupted. I saw that the Eternal Sun Heavenly Venerate really seemed to have caught this flaw. Immediately, the Peerless Heavenly Venerate Holy Law broke out, and the terrifying force ran away! There was a terrifying beam of light directly, and it shot violently on Fade Chen's body! Immediately blast it out.

   But at the same time, I saw Feng Chen Fei that day, but he also appeared on the top of that Yongri Tianzun, the fire of Tianfeng broke out, and the claws of Tianfeng were torn and smashed down! covered his head.


   This is a very heavy blow!

  Eternal Sun Tianzun's body trembled violently, his head buzzed, and he was almost pierced. This is him, he is a dignified Heavenly Venerate powerhouse, otherwise, if it is another person, I am afraid that the body and spirit will be destroyed!


   The void flickers,

   Chen Fei's body is back again,

   But at this time, his hair was disheveled, his body was covered in blood, and he looked very embarrassed, but! But it seems to have nothing to do with it, and it doesn't seem to have any effect. At this moment, I saw him staring at the Eternal Sun Heavenly Venerate with such a blank face, and then I saw him take another step, again. Walk slowly towards each other!


   Of course he knew,

   This is just a small loss for both sides,

   To this extent,

   It’s still too early to finish!

   "Haha..." But at this moment, I saw that Eternal Sun Tianzun suddenly sneered, and his expression was obviously different from before.

   I saw him take a deep look at Fade Chen, although the killing intent in his eyes was even stronger than before! However, he actually took the lead in withdrawing his imposing pressure.

   seems to be the first to stop.

   "Huh?" As soon as these scenes appeared, the expressions of many people changed, and even Chen Fei's eyes flickered and his eyes narrowed slightly.

   But before he finished speaking, his face suddenly sank, as if he had noticed something, and then he saw his divine sense power swept away, and he looked directly towards the void behind the Eternal Sun Tianzun.

  I saw there, an acquaintance, who had already appeared there impressively,

   That is the dignified and powerful man of the Supreme Academy - the Ninth Emperor.

   "Nine, Ninth Emperor?!"

   "It's really him, the supreme powerhouse of the Supreme Academy, the Emperor of the World!?"

   "Why did he come, could it be that he came to fight?!"

   "Something has happened. If even he takes action, this will probably be the final battle of this Immortal World War!"


  In an instant, everyone was horrified,

   all paled in astonishment. Hard to calm down!

   Especially the top powerhouses in the Azure Sky Immortal Realm, the ancient inheritors, were all nervous to the extreme, their faces changed greatly, and they were sweating profusely. Obviously, the pressure brought by the presence of these two great Heavenly Venerate experts is still too great for them. Even at their level, it is difficult to hold on.

But the appearance of the Ninth Emperor did not trigger a new round of war. What's more, after he appeared, he just glanced at Fade Chen with a blank expression, and then he moved away from him. eyes eyes,

   looked towards the Eternal Sun God.

   "Now you believe what I said?"

   The Ninth Emperor said lightly.

  Eternal Sun Tianzun nodded, but shook his head again,

   said with a cold and indifferent expression.

   "Let's go!"

  Let's go? As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned, but then they all reacted and understood that this super battle that was enough to alarm the two immortal worlds, I am afraid that it will temporarily come to an end again.

   This may be a bit abrupt,

   But think about it…

   is also reasonable, even taken for granted,

   (end of this chapter)