MTL - Urban Cultivation Medical Saint-v3 Chapter 4731 Insane battle of equal strength!

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   Chapter 4731 Crazy battle of equal strength!

   "Stop talking nonsense, go ahead!"

   "Just a mere Heavenly Venerate, pick your head and send you on your way!"

   Chen Fei said coldly, showing his domineering style.


   In the next moment, he shot directly. His mighty might be overwhelming, there is a kind of divine might that is unique to me, invincible in the world, and overlooks all enemies! In him, the endless terrifying aura erupted, and the power of the entire chaotic space and time of reincarnation has already exploded and ascended, and it has completely evolved to the extreme.

   and then killed the King of Pluto.


   Fade Chen roared,

   directly played one of his ultimate means,

   "Four Gods Spiritual Art!"

   "God Punishment!"





   In the void, four Four Gods Heavenly Gates appeared out of thin air. On the Four Gods Heavenly Gates, a terrifying and monstrous formation erupted, which directly evolved into a phantom of a god, and raised his hand to kill the Yellow Spring Pluto!

   This is a peerless killing, full of the power of extinction! It also made that even the dignified and top-notch Heavenly Venerate King Huangquan Pluto, his pupils condensed and his face changed greatly.

Because of course he could sense it. Fade Chen's terrorist attack was terrifying. It is no exaggeration to say that this is definitely a peak blow, and it is definitely a killer existence. The innate supernatural powers of the strong and supreme immortal beasts, etc.,


   But how could he possibly be good?

   He is the dignified King of the Underworld!

   "Ghost King Divine Sound!"

   "Om!" The sound of the vast origin broke out, and I saw that the power of Huangquan Pluto climbed to the extreme in vain, and then even broke the extreme, burning surging.

Ghost King Shenyin, the innate supernatural power of the ancestors' ghost clan, although he is a descendant of the ancestors' ghost clan, he is still a dignified and top-notch powerhouse. . And the power of this ghost king Shenyin is enough to make him have a violent force beyond the limit,

   In other words, the power of this ghost king Shenyin is not a very aggressive means of aggressiveness, but a very passive auxiliary means, which can completely enhance the overall power of the ancestors of the ghost race.

   is equivalent to creating something out of nothing,

   Become stronger out of thin air!

   What's even more terrifying is that this is only one of the abilities of the ghost king Shenyin. In addition, under the gift of this ghost king Shenyin, his attack can even possess the characteristics of extreme death power.

   This is a terrible power! Born in the ghost king Shenyin, it is equivalent to making all his attacks completely stronger, adding a more terrifying nature of death power.

   "Boom!" And then, he saw the Huangquan Hades, waving the nine ghosts withered vines, and smashed into the attack of the phantom of the gods!

   In an instant,

  This is completely needle-to-maimang,

  Boom, boom, boom…

The terrifying big explosion appeared. This was the peak collision of the absolutely terrifying Xeon attack, but at this time, neither Chen Fei nor Huang Quan Pluto could not help trembling all over, and they were directly vomited and injured !

   Obviously, at this stage, even the ceiling powerhouses like them are still somewhat unable to hold it. Spitting up blood means that the balance has been broken, and the intensity of the next battle,

   Even death is dangerous for them!


   None of them chose to back down!


  The world outside the sky trembled, the eruption between the two sublimated to the limit, and the terrifying and monstrous formation made them all seem to be going crazy, murderous, desperate and crazy, and the fighting spirit permeated the cosmic starry sky.

   "Four Gods Spiritual Art!"

   "God Killing Sword Slash!"

   Chen Fei shot again, hitting a peak blow,

   puff. Huang Quan Pluto trembled wildly, and even the small half of his body was directly cut off and shattered, but he didn't care, as if this body was not his own at all!



In the next moment, I saw that Huangquan Hades also shot again, and the nine ghosts withered vines who were madly shooting a glow directly penetrated Chen Fei's body, and suddenly I saw Chen Fei, who was shaking violently, a very long string. The blood flower flew up!

   This is actually a lose-lose.


   Both of them actually laughed at this moment.

   And laugh out loud and have a good laugh!

   "It's not bad, it's still a bit strong."

   Huangquan Hades sneered.

   "You seem to be okay too, especially this broken rattan pole, it hurts to hit someone!"

   Chen Fei grinned, his face a little crazy.

   Although they are enemies now, this does not affect their recognition of each other's strength. It is no exaggeration to say that the step of being able to fight against each other is enough to show that their strength should be on the same level.

In this situation,

   recognize each other,

   is actually acknowledging themselves!

   In the void, Fade Chen's blood sputtered out, pulled very far, his divine radiance was brilliant, and it was extremely dazzling in the dark outer world. In addition, the small half-shattered body of King Huangquan Pluto is also extremely ferocious and extremely dazzling.

   Since the fight, both of them are already injured, which also means that they should have a choice next, continue, or stop the fight? The truce is good, but if it continues, the intensity of the fighting between them will

   I'm afraid it will improve again.

   But to that extent,

   I'm afraid it will become a real life and death battle!

   So, would they really choose that?

  Everyone trembled in their hearts, unimaginable.

   At the same time, Fade Chen suddenly spoke again, grinning.


   As soon as these words came out, everyone trembled in their hearts. A chill even climbed up his back, making his scalp numb, his face full of horror, staring at Fade Chen... Really, do you really want to continue? !

   Huangquan Hades took a deep look at Chen Fei,

   Immediately his face sank and he said indifferently.

   "Then go on!"


   Huangquan Pluto let out a low roar,

   Waving the nine ghosts and withered vines, he is brutally killing Chen Fei again,

   launched a new round of life and death battle,


   The power of the ghost king Shenyin broke out again,

   Even the state of Huangquan Hades was a little close to madness,

  He fought Fade Chen frantically! In this melee combat ability, he is indeed better! In the successive battles, he completely suppressed Chen Fei's fighting. Every attack had devastating fluctuations. The void shattered and chaotic mist appeared wherever he passed. But Fade Chen's power is really not that simple.

   "Four Gods Spiritual Art!"

   "God Killing Sword Slash!"


   "Four Gods Spiritual Art!"

   "God Killing Sword Slash!"


   "Four Gods Heavenly Sword!"



   Knowing that melee combat is difficult to get any good situation, he simply chose to explode hard steel, and the continuous big killing moves were shown in his hands like crazy! Every attack, even left a deep imprint on Huangquan Pluto, who was holding the nine ghosts and withered vines! Just correspondingly, the other party is like this, and he is also like this now!

   Fighting for your life,

   In fact, anyone can,

   It’s just that it depends on whether you have the courage to do so!

   (end of this chapter)