MTL - Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits-Chapter 16 funeral

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In the evening, I helped Shi Yitong to dress and enter the dead old man together. Eighteen Chinese Language Network W≤W≈W =. ≤8≈1ZW. Mr. COM Wen always stayed with the sad grandma, planning the funeral together.

Shi Yitong remained silent, without crying or talking. The exquisite Nanmu coffin accidentally surprised Grandpa.

"One, two, three!" Shouted the slogans of the strong men and lifted the coffin. In fact, the coffin should not be considered heavy for eight people, but even so, it must be called out.

On the day of the funeral, all of us were wearing black clothes, and Mr. Wen was still in a black robe with fluttering clothes. Many people in the village have come. It seems like Shi Yitong said that his grandpa is still a little famous in the village.

"Creating evil." I heard a villager shaking his head, "Master Shi's life doesn't know how many people were sent away. I didn't expect it was our turn to send him."

Shi Yitong stood on the side of the coffin. I don't know if this is some kind of funeral custom, but I saw him standing there, motionless, just staring at the mouth of the coffin.

Then, Mr. Wen stepped forward in the black suit, facing the hall, holding a match in his hand, and "clicked" and clicked. In the flickering lights, I saw him ignite a paper-made sedan chair, and the burning flame swelled high. Next, Grandma Shi walked to the coffin tremblingly, lighting the oil lamp in front of the body's feet, and lighting the oil lamp in front of her head. In front of the lamp, serve a bowl of rice and light a joss stick.

Mr. Wen clasped his hands and muttered something in his mouth.

"Nanke Meng, Meng Nanke, a dream Nan Ke how can not be bound in the world, a pair of empty-handed, see Yan Luo. From then on, Mo Yan, I miss Mi Tuo to fall in love.

My grandmother is extremely bitter and unknown. What day is her reincarnation? Duckweed floats on the water, restrains the bird in the cage, talks about the undead, why not turn back early and return. "

Mr. Wen's voice was light and powerful, not ill, and every word was in my heart. No one spoke in front of the hall, and only the verses spoken by Mr. Wen echoed throughout the room.

Grandpa Stone's funeral lasted all day. Then, taking the Eight Immortals carrying the coffin as a long funeral procession lined up to the village entrance. Shi Yitong and I didn't follow the funeral. Grandma Shi refused to let us go, thinking that it was the children who followed the funeral team. Although I would like to explain that Shi Yitong and I are both 18 years old, I cannot refuse the special care of the elderly.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

Shi Yitong touched his nose. "It's ... it can't be helped. Sorry, I was too excited yesterday and said too much."

I shook my head and said I didn't care. For me with such a family, I'm afraid it's hard to understand Shi Yitong's feelings for his grandpa. But even I know how important Grandpa occupies in Shi Yitong's life.

Separated from the life you love, it must be heartbreaking pain.

"I used to think that there was something unclean that would hurt Grandpa." Shi Yitong slowly said, "I doubt this, and doubt that. But I never thought it was a destiny, and it cannot be changed."

I can only comfort him, "Well, people are old, sick, and die, and each of us will experience this day. And, I believe your grandpa will live well there too."

Shi Yitong sucked his nose, barely squeezed out a smile to me, "Well, that's what I said."

That night, the funeral was over. Shi Yitong's grandfather was buried in the village's graveyard, not far from Shi Yitong's family. Shi Yitong was able to visit his grandfather at any time. Everyone was tired for a day, and soon fell asleep, especially Shi Yitong. It seemed as if a big rock had finally been put down in my heart, and snoring beside me made me unable to sleep.

Through the moonlight outside the window, I saw a figure standing under a willow tree in the yard.

I wore a coat and went out, it turned out to be Mr. Wen.

Mr. Wen did not know when he replaced the robe at the funeral, and he was not dressed in the dark gown when he and I first met, but rather ordinary sweaters and jeans. He clasped his arms with both hands, leaned against the tree, and kicked his trunk backwards with one foot, almost like a child.

"You ... why haven't you gone?" I rubbed my sleepy eyes and asked, "Isn't the funeral already over?"

"Who do you think of me and throw it away when you run out?" Mr. Wen raised an eyebrow. "Of course I came to you."

"That's it." I scratched my head embarrassed. "That, thank you so much this time. I'm sorry I used to think you were a liar ..."

Mr. Wen stood there, not commenting.

"Speaking of which, you actually knew Shi Yitong's grandma." I asked curiously, "How did you know each other?"

Mr. Wen shrugged, and said lightly, "It's nothing. But I saved a little girl by the water."

What do you mean? I didn't understand, but before I asked, Mr. Wen spoke again.

"This doesn't matter." Mr. Wen suddenly extended a hand to me. "Reward."

what? I snapped, "Reward?"

"Don't you think I'm a free laborer?" Mr. Wen looked at me proudly.

"No, that ..." I responded weakly, taking a half step back, "how much do you want?"

Mr. Wen gave a finger to me.

I had to bite my head and guess, "... a hundred?"

He shook his head.

"A thousand?" I had to guess again.

Unexpectedly he shook his head and looked at me funny.

"So, that ..." No?

"Ten thousand." Mr. Wen shattered my illusions relentlessly.

I was taken aback, "Ten thousand? Do you want to eat people! Shi Yitong is right, you really are a scammer!"

"You say me, I'm very wronged." Mr. Wen's eyes were completely without grievance, but a smile on the face, "How many people can't invite me to do things for them, let alone me Also helped plan the funeral and drink with him. "

"That's the case, you should also ask Shi Yitong for money." I made the final struggle.

"Isn't it? The one who commissioned me, but you, how can I ask for money from someone other than the commissioner?" Mr. Wen said righteously.

"But, but, I'm just a student." I was anxious. "How can I get so much money!"

"Well-that's it, too." Mr. Wen touched his chin and looked at me with a smile, "Can't even let your parents bear such an inexplicable amount of money?"

I nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"That's better." Mr. Wen patted his hand and said, "My shop is deserted now, and I'm alone. I just need a working assistant. You can pay for work. What if you are interested? ?"

Wait, how do I feel like I'm in this person's routine? But looking at Mr. Wen's squinting eyes, at this time, he had only promised a choice.

I scratched my head and asked, "So, how much does it cost you a day to work?"

"Well ..." Mr. Wen thought about his chin, "ten dollars."

"Oh, ten dollars ... wait! Only ten dollars?" I widened my eyes. "Isn't that saying that I have to work a thousand days for you to pay the money?"

"Yes, two years and seven months." Mr. Wen said with a smile.

"You are Zhou Paipi!" I shouted in indignation.

"However, if you don't want to, I'll have to ask your parents for this money—" Mr. Wen dragged a long voice with no intention.

"Don't!" I blurted, and said frustrated, "I, I just do it ..."

Mr. Wen laughed. "Don't be so frowning. I promise, it won't be boring. You are also very interested in this kind of thing? Otherwise, you won't hesitate to leave school and stay at your friend's house."

I was silent for a while, but decided to tell the truth, "I'm curious. After I came here, I saw a world different from before, and saw a lot of incredible things. I also want to see more, understand I want to know more about my constitution. "

Mr. Wen seemed very satisfied with my answer, nodded, and said suddenly, "Jiubai."

I snapped, "What?"

"Wen Jiubai. This is my name." Mr. Wen said softly, with a smile, "Gu Yu, I look forward to your arrival."

On the last day of Shi Yitong's stay, I had another dream.

The dream was still that strange void, and I floated in the void, wondering where I was.

At this time, the bell rang, from far to near, very crisp. Then a man appeared in my field of vision. The man had dark skin, but his face was very handsome. He was wearing a green army badge and wearing cotton shoes on his feet.

Those cotton shoes were handmade by someone, and the corners were meticulous.

"Thank you." The man smiled at me. "I have done too much in my life, and finally it is time to pay back."

I wanted to say to him not to thank me, but for some reason, my mouth was open but silent, I could only listen in silence.

"Tonger's kid is very naughty. It's really hard for you to make friends with him. If he has any stinks, don't worry about it, just pump him." The man raised his eyebrows and said with a serious face. I can't help but smile.

"Thank you, for your kindness, the Shi family will remember." After that, the man waved at me with a smile, and the voice gradually drifted away into the pleasant ringtone. "My life Ah ... don't regret it at all. "