MTL - Urban Young Fairy-Chapter 18 Heads-up 1 group

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On the way to school, Lin also carried a bag, a sloppy look.

"Have you learned Kung Fu before?"

It is very difficult for Fang to be able to connect Lin, who looks thinner next to him, to Lin, who also showed great deeds in the KTV last night.

If Lin Yi’s left hand is still tied with gauze at the moment, Fang will have some doubts about his memory.


"What is it? Yes, it is not."

Fang You is very curious about him.

Lin also squinted at the eye: "You ask so much, what happened last night did not happen."

"That doesn't work. Anyway, last night, you saved me and owe you personal feelings. What I particularly dislike is that I owe someone else's feelings. If you want to make a small wish, I will help you get it. You are in love."

Fang You looked serious and some did not care.

From the inside of Chen Lin's home, Fang You has some revealing nature.

She is usually a very mixed girl in the school, although it does not fall like a group of little Taimei to the point where she is played every day, but it is also a little wild fox.

Lin also has some headaches.

"I know, do you like Linda? I can help you match the line, I want a lot of information or it is a schedule or a hobby, I can help you."


"of course!"

"I want Chen Lin's luo photo, this request is also OK?"


Fang is a little depressed, and he doesn't understand Lin Yi's thoughts.

Along the way, Fang You is trying to find out about Lin Yi’s news, but Lin Yi will always pull the topic elsewhere, so that Fang especially hates it, but he can’t help it.

When I was about to go to the school gate, I was particularly troubled. After asking Lin Yi’s name and class, I and Lin also parted ways.

The door of Minghai No. 2 Middle School.

Most of the students who went to school detoured and watched a few people standing at the door of the school whispering.

"Isn't this Liu Tianyu? How is your nose smashed?"

"With so many people, I don't know which bad guys are going to suffer."

"Lian Sunfei is coming, Mom, the unlucky one can only ask for more blessings, and who is not good, but Liu Tianyu."

"I heard that there is a kid who is playing Chen Meng's idea..."

Liu Tianyu posted a band-aid on his nose, standing in front of the school, his eyes were gloomy, followed by more than a dozen sportsmen with strong stature and strong momentum.

After hearing the voice of the next person's argument, his face turned across and turned his head and yelled at the people: "Hey, your uncle! No class! Roll for Laozi!"

Several people who had just whispered in the whispered words, their faces changed, and immediately rushed to the school with their heads buried, fearing that Liu Tianyu would hate them.

Yesterday, Lin also stepped on his nose and let Liu Tianyu lose his face.

"Tianyu, when did the kid you said come?"

The boy next to Liu Tianyu wore a large t-shirt, chewing gum in his mouth and looking sullen.

His small arms are all muscles, and his years of exercise have given him an extremely powerful explosive power.

"It's almost this point. After a while, Fei Ge, you must pack it for me!"

Liu Tianyu snorted.

Fei Ge, formerly known as Sun Fei, is the first-class singer of Liu Tianyu's old man Liu Tianxia.

Sun Fei’s hands are always the most embarrassing one.

"Reassured, you are the younger brother of Liu Laoda, that is, the brother of my grandson, you are being bullied, and my grandson will definitely give you this head."

Sun Fei promised to guarantee.


Liu Tianyu gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Yi, who was slowly coming from the other side of the street.

Lin also carried a bag, a pair of leisurely appearances, and there was no enlightenment that was blocked.

"Lin Yi, you dare to come to school today!"

Liu Tianyu discovered Lin Yi, lifted his foot and went forward. His tone was very strong: "Today, let you know how to regret the two words, even if you kneel on the ground and ask me is useless!"

"Is it the Tianyu you hurt?"

Sun Fei stepped forward and looked at Lin Lin, looking disdainful.

Lin also looked thin and incomparable, and Sun Fei estimated that he could knock him down with a punch.

"It's me, you have one, one."

Lin also smiled at the corner of his mouth, his tone was faint, and there was no confusion.

Go together?

When I heard Lin Yi’s words, Sun Fei’s face was stagnation, and then he laughed: “Good boy, it’s really crazy, you can rest assured that you’ve never been bullied by your flying brother. Besides, you only need one. It is."

After finishing the conversation, Sun Fei’s face was positive and slammed forward, and a slap directly smacked toward Lin’s face.


The crisp sound rang.

Liu Tianyu's eyes widened, and many people around him did not see what happened.

Sun Fei is a slap in the face, feeling a little numb on his right face.

“What happened just now?”

"I didn't pay attention, it seems that Sun Fei gave a slap in the face?"

"Is it a slap in the face of Sun Fei?"

The students on the side of the crowd were talking about it.

Sun Fei’s face could not be hanged, staring at Lin’s face in front of him.

Lin also smiled faintly, and it seemed that nothing had been done. In fact, when Sun Fei just raised his hand, Lin also had a slap in the face.

This slap in the face is quick and accurate, and the entire person who is flying Sun Fei is directly circled.

"Do you dare to hit me?"

Sun Fei returned to the gods, and his anger was unstoppable. He snorted and he would go to Yulin.


The crowd next to it instantly became quiet.

Sun Fei’s whole man fell down on the ground, his head on the ground, his **** facing the sky.

At that moment, Lin also decisively squatted on Sun Fei's right calf, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground.

However, because of the angle, the students around did not see what happened.

Sun Fei’s head was on the ground, and the body had not yet climbed up. However, the pain that had just been bumped at the moment had caused him to slow down for a long time, and his mouth was not clear.

He did not see clearly what Lin had just done. Sun Fei did not believe that he would be very casually beaten by a boy who looked so thin!

His Sun Fei is also one of the best hitter level figures in Minghai High School!

Overturned in the gutter?

Sun Fei wanted to get up, but the waist just bowed a little, Lin also looked at the smile, swept the audience, looking at the group of people brought by Liu Tianyu, then one foot forward, the foot soles stepped on the back of Sun Fei, grandson The body that just flew up, directly stepped on the ground and completely crouched on the ground.

"You, who else."

Lin Yi’s words are strong and confident, and they have a masterful style.

"Give me a fight!"

Liu Tianyu is facing Lin’s smile at the moment, and his heart is cold.

The more than a dozen students behind him looked at each other, and then someone shouted and let go of the flying brother!

So a group of people all rushed toward Lin Yi.

That scene is spectacular.

Lin also soon met the group of students who rushed over.

Lin also rushed into the crowd, like a wolf who broke into the flock.

Every fist can be just right where it should be, almost in a state of one punch and one person.

"The trough, the legendary nine-story master?"

"Mom, this is a movie."

The students around the group only saw Liu Tianyu’s group of people rushing to Lin Yi, and then they were shot and flew.

In a short while, Lin is also the center, surrounded by three circles and three circles, lying full of people.

"Oh shit!"

Sun Fei, who was lying on the ground, slowed down and saw that his brother was defeated. He was angry and screamed and wanted to get up.

Just halfway up, I haven’t fully stood up yet, and Sun Fei feels that the chrysanthemum is tight.

Lin also volleyed at the door, his toes squatted directly on Sun Fei's ass, and Sun Fei's scorpion screamed involuntarily. The whole person flew one meter toward the front, face down, and squatted on the ground again. .

This time, Sun Fei’s lower body was trembled violently back and forth, apparently painful.

"You... don't come over!"

Seeing the situation is not good, Liu Tianyu scared a clever, turned and ran.

Lin did not go to chase, bent down, and took a sneaker from the feet of a student who was mourning from the ground, gently throwing it up, then slammed his right foot out.

The sneakers made a perfect arc in midair and squatted directly on Liu Tianyu's head.

Liu Tianyu screamed, his heart was unstable, and he fell to the ground.

"Yesterday you beat meal just friendly warning, but you have kept my goodwill as a conniving, Liu Tianyu is not it? Lianpao three times a little later to the school playground, running while shouting 'I love bananas, banana me Happiness', even if you have finished running this thing, if you don't run, I let you know what is regret."

Lin also stood beside Liu Tianyu, grabbing Liu Tianyu's hair with one hand and a faint smile on his face.

But the smile of the slightly sunny sun, in the eyes of Liu Tianyu, is simply a full devil!

The school gate is not far from the intersection.

A BMW X6 with a license plate number A12345 stopped.

When the door is opened, the first thing that appears is a delicate white tender legs.

Crystal clear skin ~ ~ under the morning sun, a faint fluorescence.

This kind of skin is easy to reminiscent of four words, if the skin is cough.

There was a girl in the car, slender legs, a light blue shirt on the upper body, a white pleated skirt on the lower body, a pair of white canvas shoes, and a single pony tail.

The girl's face is exquisite, even if it is not a powdery look, it can still kill the popular actress on countless screens.

Especially the enchanting figure hidden under the clothes is even more mouth watering.

If you really want a woman, why do you ask for it?

This is a woman worthy of a man's struggle for a lifetime. Whether it is a gas field or a look, in time, it must become a enchanting beauty of a country.

Liu Wei got out of the car and went straight to the school. He didn't look at everything here. Instead, he used a light glance to look at Lin Yi, who was holding Liu Tianyu's hair. There was a disgust in the depths of his eyes, and it was fleeting.

"Wow, Liu Wei, it’s beautiful."

"There is a chance to see Liu Wei today!"

"My mom, it's so good."

Boys look at Liu Wei most of them are appreciative and slightly colored eyes, girls see Liu Wei is either a jealousy or envy.

"This is Liu Wei."

Lin also released the hand holding Liu Tianyu's hair and said to himself.

Because of the appearance of Liu Wei, it was that the eyes that had originally gathered on Lin Yi were much less.

Until the back of Liu Wei disappeared in the teaching building, the students at the door silently retracted their sights. Only then did they know that the man who had just singled out a group of people had already left.

Lin Yi, the image of the macho, began to spread throughout the school.