MTL - Urban Young Fairy-Chapter 2583 Horrific killing

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Boiling reiki is like boiling water.

Everyone can see those auras that have evaporated into a white mist beside Lin Yi.

The five elders were completely gone.

But they seem to be everywhere.

After those dazzling white awns, the faces of the five elders are faintly visible!

Boom boom!

One after another, the sound of cracks surrounds Lin Yi.

Lin Yi also drawn countless complicated lines in the air with one hand, those lines condensed in the place in front of him, and after a moment, they turned into thousands of swordsmanship!

"Sword intention-kill!"

Lin Yi looked cold, not a second later.

Everyone could only see Lin Yi standing in place, not knowing when to get up, a seven-inch long sword condensed in his hands.

There was a chill in the sword's body.

He held the sword with one hand, stepped forward, and the world changed!

It seems that the square of the surrounding area can no longer afford such a small gesture as Master Haizhou Lin!

The seemingly simple and ordinary step is actually a crack cracked in the aura-filled space!

Then ...


"Master Haizhou Lin!"

"He's gone!"

There was an uproar.

People in front of the screen didn't even understand what just happened.

It was only that Master Haizhou Lin took a step forward, holding a long sword, and then became dwarfed, the world changed, and then he disappeared completely!

"Xiao Yi!"

Sitting in the car, Zheng Jiayun's face changed dramatically.

She looked at the place where Lin Yi disappeared, suddenly anxious.

She pushed the door and wanted to get out, but the door was locked dead.

Outside the car, there are four people: Suzaku, Xuanwu, Baihu, and Yeyue.

Beyond that.

Not far away.

Ye Xing and Shenyue were already standing there, looking at the situation in the distance, all of them looked complex.

"This Haizhou forest master can actually fight to such an extent with the five elders of the Shangpin family!"

"No wonder ... no wonder he could take us away mysteriously so easily that day."

"It is indeed the master of Haizhou Lin who has the blood of Shangpin Lin's family on his body! Such qualifications can no longer be described by evil spirits.

"Even if he looks at the entire Shangpin Lin family, he is probably a unique strong man!"

The people of Shenyue took a breath of cold air one by one.

Ye Xingren, looking over there, is extremely complicated in his heart.

Before that.

They also wanted to absorb this Haizhou Master Lin into the night star, but also thought that it was because Master Haizhou Lin failed the assessment that they were not able to enter the night star.


Even at a distance of dozens of meters, they all felt that the wind blowing over there seemed to have endless horror intentions!

"The reason why they can't see them is not because they disappeared completely, but because their speed exceeds the limit that can be discerned by human eyes!"

Someone said aloud and took a deep breath.

These results are really appalling.

The five elders of the top grade Lin family have such arrogant practices, but they are still justified.

They are much older than they seem to be.

Although the five elders may not appear to be in their forties, they are actually six or seventy years old.

How old is Haizhou Master Lin?

That's really under 20 years old!

Such a terrible cultivation, such a terrible qualification, such an antisocial means!

"Is this the true strength of Master Haizhou Lin!"

"You said ... Will he win in the end?"

Someone couldn't help but asked.

Today is the day when the Shangpin Lin family comes out to do business.

It was never thought that some people would really not give the face of the Shangpinlin family, but they would stop in front of the Shangpinlin family.

But now it seems that this Haizhou Master Lin not only prevented it, but also caused another period of grievances.

At first glance, no one can know what level this battle has reached.

When they were on the scene, they could only feel the momentum in the air.

"How is it possible! Master Haizhou Lin, even if he is a hand-to-hand man, but he is facing the five elders of Shangpin Lin's family!"

"That's five elders!"

Some people couldn't help but start talking in disappointment, and there was something unbelievable in the words.

Listening to that person's mouth, the others thought the same thing.

However, it seems that at this moment, the master Haizhou Lin and the five elders of the Shangpin Lin family not only struggled together, but also bluntly controlled the scope of the fighting within a small range.

This control has far exceeded the imagination of everyone present.


Jiang He sighed softly.

She is in the bones, and still hope Lin can win once.

I've seen Lin Yi's approach before.

Although it was a headache for the entire ancient Wu Jiang family because of Master Haizhou Lin's affairs, it must be said that the strength of Master Haizhou Lin was really shocking.

"Master Haizhou Lin ... I originally thought that the gap between me and him would not be too great."

Qin Qifan smiled bitterly: "I thought he could at least step into the sky ... but now it seems that this kid is more than sky."

"Instead, if I had a fight with the five elders of the Shangpin Lin family above, 80% would have been slagged by them."

Qin Qifan looked over there, but couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Unfortunately, Master Haizhou Lin will die today."

"He will definitely lose to the five elders of the Shangpin Lin family. There are no reasons to lose at all! Maybe Haizhou Lin's strength is enough to defeat any one elder, but now it is five ..."

Qin Qifan feels terrible just thinking about it.

"You may be only half right."

Standing aside, Li Hanbin, who had not been snoring, looked at it at the moment, his eyes flickered.

He is not a person of Shenyue ~ ~ It is logically not eligible to appear here.

However, Li Hanbin, Qin Qifan, and Jiang He have always had a good relationship. This time they followed, and they said nothing.

"what do you mean?"

After hearing what Li Hanbin said, Qin Qifan frowned slightly and glanced at him.

There was a little more inexplicable feeling in his eyes.

He always felt that this Li Hanbin had been a bit wrong since coming out of that mysterious place.

But if something is wrong, Qin Qifan will not be able to speak for a while.

"I mean, in this game, the five so-called elders will not be his opponents."

Li Hanbin shook his head. Above his expression, there was less banter in weekdays, and it was more of a strange indifference: "As for Master Haizhou Lin."

"Today, no doubt."