MTL - Vanguard of the Eternal Night-Chapter 139

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Odin defeated Van Gogh! The advantage is 50%!

The three major skills of Van Gogh have been broken, and there is no upper hand in the fight!

One of the most eye-catching competitions in the semi-finals of the national semi-finals was a huge uproar. Under the circumstances that everyone is pressing five or five, Odin wins without controversy.

As soon as the results of the competition came out, the news that "the country's season army was defeated and returned" was not lost, and Oden's optimistic rate of winning the championship rose!

No more than one day, the game process was analyzed by various masters and clubs, and various assassin strategies were replaced.

In the Odin Vatican game, Van Dand has used his skills to approach the raid. At the end of the game, the assassin genre of the "sudden flow" was beaten and swollen, and the time was low-key.

What is even worse is the "invisible stream". The two top assassin masters in the whole game have never used stealth skills, and even have no chance to attack the ambush. The news ends. The numerous assassins cry out and quit the stealth stream. Joined other routines.

Moreover, the character modeling of Odin and Vatican is the ultimate method. It does not require skills at all. It brings the attribute to a limit. Each type of game that relies on core skills and the status of the genre is reduced invisibly. cut.

The only big win is the “sword-splitting flow”. Because of the indisputable fact that the four masters have used the power of the sword to shock the whole league, the assassins and even the melee professions have become popular with the motto of “no wins and no tricks”. .

This also made the East series of careers quite nervous. There are many fans in the East Swordsman who are swearing: "You have the ability to copy the text yourself, don't copy our 'no tricks and tricks', 'there is no sword in your hands, there are Sword's still a series of solitary swords, I warn you!"

The professional positioning of the Oriental series is very vague. They think they are the same "Guwu" genre. Now the "head" of this faction is an Oriental swordsman. It has already entered the semi-eighth and entered the second time. The sequence of the quasi-four strong.

The reason why he is the "quasi" of the semi-finals, this is because according to the system algorithm, after each player's first defeat, the players in the three positions before and after are likely to match the next scheduled game. So now the fourth place can be played in the semi-finals, and the Van Gogh, who was thrown to the 5-8th sequence, hit a dozen, and may also hit the top three.

The national rankings are still in fierce competition, but some rankings are beyond doubt:

Odin is the first assassin of this year.

And as soon as he saw the momentum he had hit, he also beat the Vatican who won the first name in the previous session. It is almost unnecessary to know that the next session will come again, and Odin’s defensive rate is also a lever. .

The four masters liked the big rush, and they were about to play a flower on the forum. They also opened a forum project. The crowdfunding has been squandering tens of millions of funds for half a month. Buying a gift for a new birth - when the crowdfunding was just opened, the national competition was just opened. They said it was "the first time to enter the national competition." In a few days, the big devil directly scored the quarter-finals and quickly changed his mouth. It was said that it was "the national top eight luxury gift"; in a few days, Odin stepped on Vatican and stepped on the throne of the first assassin of the league. Everyone was dumbfounded and wondered how to open. Well, we must be able to reflect the status of today's rankings and the first assassin, and we must be able to give the momentum to enter the championship throne.

It’s hard, they thought for a long time, and decided to temporarily call this crowdfunding project “E-sports first beauty diamond luxury crowdfunding gift”.

Folk fans are good at gags, sometimes referred to as "the first beauty of the color of the club ticket", as well as "e-sports first dog food wholesaler wholesale contract."

Tyrone: "..."

Every time Victor looked at the forum, he laughed and fell.

Tyron stood on the court and gave a cp cult to educate him. In the past two days, they were like a beggar. They said that they would not brush if they didn’t brush, and the committee succumbed to the corner and slammed into the corner.

It is basically impossible to completely eliminate it, but this is already the best situation.

Victor was so excited that he even ate two large navel oranges. Later, when he walked in the evening, he made a newsletter and bought a luxury gift to return to her husband.

Tyron opened the box and saw that it was a key-shaped ornament.

He looked at it for a while and guessed: "What is it, car? Spaceship?"

Victor shyly said: "Buy a different world for you."

Tyrone: "..."

The old antique stared at the key and looked at it for a while, feeling that he had to go on the road of eating soft rice.

"Only the evaluation team went in and read it." Victor laughed. "They said that the wormhole is quite big behind. There is a smart creature in the world. The similarity rate of the physical law is 40%, so the evaluation is a2 level. I saw that such a good project almost ran, and I bought it for a discount."

The "outside boundary" thing is actually a small wormhole that the Alliance found to lead to different planes.

In this era, many game companies started by buying a strange wormhole. After wormholes, they hired or rewarded a group of professional pve teams to explore, open up wasteland, protect the initial base, and then the company's logistics department specialized in the base. Doing capital construction – including a novice factory that specializes in the creation of character bodies – is called “internal testing”.

When the land reclamation is almost the same, it will start to work in different circles. The character of this outside world will be opened to the public beta players to register and customize. The places developed by the professional pve team will be used as game maps, copies, etc. They developed twice. What the company's logistics department is doing at this stage is to collect more information about the outside world and strive to build a complete world framework.

Once the setup framework is complete, the game will be operational directly. The “customized fees” that a large number of players flock to the custom character's body are the first income, and the “point card/month card” charging mode that maintains the alien body is a long-term big income. There will also be income such as advertising. If a research team is just interested in the physical rules, social culture and other aspects of this alien world, if you are stationed in scientific research, there will be an additional research subsidy from the government.

Of course, if the middle of the operation is not good and the company goes bankrupt, the wormhole will be auctioned back and used to pay off the debt.

In general, it is not too bad to develop a wormhole, because there are too many things to play in this year. Even if the outside world is going to end the world, it can be a game of doomsday survival; the difficulty is too big, the better, the signboards are all set up, "the most difficult and most painful game in the Chaoyang Alliance", dedicated to high-end pve players ( They call themselves a "hard core" market; they have no creatures at all, and they can also make games that look at the scenery. Anyway, they will not be more pitted than the "mountain".

Because in the process of the national competition, two people looked at the evaluation report of this outside world and did not go in.

Mainly afraid to go in and then indulge in it and can’t come out...

Victor smiled and said: "There is still a new gameplay! There is a very hot program called 'Outside Life'. After the program group bought the outside world, it specially invited people to play the survival mode and deliberately did it. Memory control, then let people go in with a mobile phone that can open the live broadcast..."

The show was very famous, and Tyrone also looked at it casually.

Everyone who was forced to "amnesia" after entering, the first reaction to wake up in the outer world is sunny! A face is arrogant! Some will be ecstatic and dance: "God! I am going through! Hahahaha, I have to embark on the peak of life!"

Then they will bring a "mobile phone that can communicate with the audience of the old family" in a different world for a few months or a few years... Some will go to the farm, and will live a little well-off life; some will go for the hegemony, of course, mainly rely on The information in the live room is to climb the technology tree.

Each person has a different personality, and the practice after crossing is different, which seems quite interesting.

This program has already been carried out until the second season. Now it is not popular to bring a mobile phone, and it has changed to a popular "storage space", which is a small closed wormhole space. Some of the portable space is arranged in the pastoral, the plant seeds of the interstellar age, the quality of grain production can scare people; some portable space is a giant electronic library or computer, which can provide the host with a large amount of knowledge reserves, or computing power.

I heard that the planning for the third season is to bring a "system". At that time, the program group can use the system to release tasks at any time, so that the interaction with the guests is stronger.

Victor also said: "In fact, there is still a gameplay that has not yet been popularized, mainly because a group of boring rich second generations are playing. The general one goes into the world and the game is called 'crossing'. They are the world that exchanges hands. Keep playing, called 'quick wear'."

A group of rich second generation, with tens of millions of time and space wormholes not developed, like a person to monopolize, or exchange in the upper circle of their own small play - this game is like buying a small earth on the earth The island is not open to the public and is used exclusively for your own vacation.

Old antiques haven’t sighed for a long time that “you guys in the stars will really play”, and now they find that they are still not fully integrated into this era of magical dance.

He took the key to the wormhole and said, "When the national game is over, take you to play."

Victor licked his hand and said a little shyly: "I don't have the power to restrain my chicken. I can't say that it is all protected by you."

Tyrone also feels quite fresh. When he was a blazing angel, he fought in various planes. He rarely brought a small oil bottle... He coughed, at most, he took a team to perform multi-person tasks.

He is very rare for this opportunity: "I will be responsible for land reclamation when I am outside, and you are responsible for farming at home."

Victor's eyes suddenly brightened, and the chicken glutinous rice nodded: "You can! The general will open up the land for you, and you will hold the big country for you!"

The two men did not agree on the same shot.

What Tyrone thinks is that he is going to fight in the Quartet and stand in the first place in the world. He can protect the family behind him and let Victor freely study, see the scenery, play live, and play. .

Victor thinks that he is trying hard to study technology and make money, then build territory, pull a strong army, and have a stable logistics and military and political system to sweep his own antique gold and iron horses. Who is who.