MTL - Venerated Venomous Consort-Chapter 3064 Finale 29

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(This chapter has more than 3,000 words)

Everyone was scared, but even more shocking is still behind, those white women laughed, like a ghost crying, the original group turned around, countless black storms were born in her body, black storms mixed with whistling grievances, 霹雳In the sound, I broke through the colorful array of light, and I came to the various lines that the Xianxian family had just made -


After half an hour.

This war has come to an end.

The eighty-one fairy tales set up by the ancestors were broken by the black storm!

If it is not for Emperor Yi and Gu Xiyu to get enchantment in time to protect, I am afraid that this time we will lose half of the people! This is the case, more than 200 of the cents in the field have lost more than a dozen, turned into a wraith in the desert...


I did not expect that this big battle against the demons also failed! Van Gogh’s face was pale, staring at the white woman in the black storm eyes laughing and laughing, her fingers slowly gripping.

He was calculated by the demons in reverse -

Now she is targeting him everywhere, I didn’t expect the seemingly stupid heart to be so deep!

The fairy tales are all faceless and look very unfriendly to Van Gogh’s sight.

Complaints, doubts are heard, especially the demon king, he originally looked at the little white face of Van Gogh, but he was even more obsessed with the opportunity. He gave his subordinates a look, and all kinds of ugly words were released...

The color of the flower changed, she is not far from the demon king, and the body shape is moving, it is necessary to go to the fan demon king mouth!

The back of the statue of Van Gogh has a long eye, and the sleeves are lifted, and the flowers and feet are like being held up, and they can’t move.

She was surprised to look up, and the voice of Brahman passed away coldly: "Are you very embarrassed?! The deity has long said that the deity has nothing to do with you! The deity is no longer your master!"

His words were spoken in public, and almost everyone heard them.

No number of light looked over, Hua Yan was hit by a slap in the face, the **** red of the pretty face, the body trembled slightly, step back: "I..."

Long Si night, however, angered: "Vatican is a thousand, she is for you!"

"The deity does not need it." Fan Sanshi's voice is cold: "She is just a negligible dog that the deity used to use. Why should she be in the first place?"

Long Si night face is also green.

Daxie is the most likely to be bullied by a woman, and the shell is also red at the side.

It has a shell, and it is necessary to go forward to swear by the sacred, and be taken care of by the cherished, it looks at her incomprehensibly: "Master?"

Then whispered again: "Master, I know that you have always hated this witch, and she has done a lot of things that I am sorry for, but this time, the Vatican is too kind, and the sorrow and sorrow is so loyal to him, he actually So for her -"

"Vatican is saving her." Gu Xi's voice is calm and voiced.


"Vatican is a multi-faceted evil. Now everyone is working together to deal with the evil. Naturally, I will not find him for the time being, but once the violence is surrendered, everyone will have to find a veteran to discuss it and find him trouble. And if Wu Youyan has been With his subordinates living in the house, it is naturally more troublesome in the future..." Gu Xizhen explained to Daxie.

Daxu seems to understand and understand, but no longer impulsive, just muttered: "Your human heart is the nine-curve and eighteen bends, so that you can't figure it out."

It secretly looked at everyone's expression and found that the owner seemed to say the right thing. After the original appearance of Huayan, the Xianjia of the upper bound was alienated from her except for Longsi Night, and she was very alert to her.

But at this moment, Van Gogh’s glimpse of her in public is arousing the protection of many people...

After all, Hua Yan has not done anything bad since she came to the upper bound, and even saved many people. Everyone is very respectful to her.

Now, looking at Van Gogh’s attitude towards her, it’s not like looking at her confidant, it’s more like seeing her not being pleasing to the eye.

It seems that she did not do anything against the trivial, and she should not do much bad things, or else she would not let Van Gogh be so insulted.

Everyone has speculated that when they look at Huayan, they have fewer guards and more sympathy.

Of course, this subtle atmosphere did not last long, because the demons manipulated the second wave of grievances again...

If the first wave of attacks is tentative, then the second wave is like a ruin! In the autumn wind sweeping leaves, all the colorful lights will be turned over!

In the chaos of the soldiers, the desert is like a dislocated wild horse that is rolling and expanding in all directions, twice as powerful as the previous one!

Out of control!

The singer’s family was almost attacked by this wave of grievances, and then they couldn’t take care of the violent, like the ducks that were chased by the beasts, and fled...

In such a squad, the mad laughter of the demon is like a thunderous singularity: "Vatican is a thousand, you want to count the deity? You suffer from this deity, want the deity to harm the six realms, and want the deity to be imprisoned forever." Emperor 拂 ,, and you want to fill the people to set up a game to catch me, do you want to be the owner of these six worlds? Tell you, the door is not!"

The demons obviously want to completely stink Van Gogh, so they will smash the cards of Van Gogh!

The Xianxian family naturally heard these words in the madness of fleeing, and finally understood the purpose of the Vatican’s once-in-a-lifetime, and the hateful teeth of one by one, no one expected that the creation of the gods actually made such a skill...

However, these questions quickly failed to think about it.

This place is not far from a big city, it is a few hundred miles, but only a few minutes of effort, the raging sandstorm is close at hand, it is necessary to engulf the city...

Most of the people in the city have not had time to escape. At this moment, they see the yellow sand rolling in, scared to run around, crying and screaming.

The fairy tales watched the sandstorm devour the city, and hundreds of thousands of souls were about to be swallowed. The heart was terrible, but there was no way.

Emperor Xian is also in the heart, a thought comes up.

The catastrophe is only really surrendered, and the creation **** can't count on it.

It is a pity that God and the Lord are not there. If they are both, there may be a way to turn things around...

He subconsciously looked in the direction of the emperor's clothes. In his mind, the emperor's clothes are still the gods of the demon. The kungfu is extremely high, but after all, it is a child. Naturally, at this critical time, he can’t escape. It’s not bad.

But in this look, his face changed dramatically! The liver and gallbladder are cracked!

Emperor's clothes did not run!

He was half floating in the air, a meditation posture, his wife Gu Xiyu was guarding him, and the rolling black sand swallowed two people in a blink of an eye -

The emperor’s mind slammed into the air, forgot the danger for a moment, and rushed in that direction: “Reading the temple!”

This singer is the only seedling of the gods and the devil. If there is an accident here, the gods will return to the Lord in the future. How can he explain? !

The attendants who followed the Emperor's body week were not vegetarian. How could they look at their own family and look for death? Busy seven or eight people came up and dragged him: "Your Majesty! Danger! No!"

"Salvation of the temple!" Xiandi yelled.

The celestial beings will look at the rolling black sand, and it is terrible: "Your Majesty, the sorrow of the sorrow has been swallowed up, I am afraid that there is no luck..."

Seeing that the black sand is smashing and close to the city gate, the city wall is in danger. Under this violent tremor, everyone understands that this wall is like a paper paste in front of this black sand. As soon as the black sand arrives, the city wall will inevitably collapse.

Xiandi suddenly closed his eyes. At this time, unless there is a miracle, no one can save the innocent people in the city...

After a while, the unexpected screams of the people did not come, and the whistling whistling sound of the whistling thunder seemed to be fixed by all of a sudden, and the surrounding calmed down, only the deep and shallow inhalation sound...

Xiandi hurriedly blinked, and then saw a scene that made him unforgettable.

There is a circle of colorful barriers outside the black sand. This barrier is connected to the sky, drooping, looks very thin and very light, but it completely cages the black sand of the tiger down the mountain, so that it can no longer advance half a point...

The grievances in the black sand are rushing, but they cannot shake the colorful barrier.

Over the colorful barrier, there is a person standing alone, a purple robes like the strongest rays of light, shining in the air, the person is full of glory, people can not see his face, but the pressure of God is overwhelming Come--

Xiandi’s knees were soft and fell to the cloud.

As for the others, naturally they couldn’t stand it anymore and they fell to the man.

Of course, the people in the city who are crying and escaping have also seen this scene. They are soft and have fallen down.

The demon king is also rushing. He suddenly saw this scene. He couldn't help but glance at Xiangguang. He didn't see the person's appearance and felt the mighty god's pressure. He slammed and almost fell to the cloud.

"That is... that is-"

"The Lord of Heaven!"

"It is the Lord of Heaven!"

Although few people have seen the Lord of Heaven, but at this moment, I saw this person, and everyone suddenly felt this cognition...

Xiandi had a meal, and finally saw the figure in the Xia Guang Wan Dao, the body was shocked, like a thunder! I opened my mouth slightly, and I couldn’t call it again!

The man stood there, although his appearance was similar to that of his brother, but his temperament was completely different!

That is a god! The Lord of Heaven and Earth, in charge of the six gods of life and death! The real turn of the hand is the cloud and the rain.

He stood there, just smashed a law, and made such a barrier to all the people, setting the fierce and violent desert to life there!

The demon king has a big mouth and can hardly close together.

He did not expect that the biggest white face is actually the embodiment of the Lord of Heaven...

Today, the Lord of Heaven has awakened!

God, he actually played with the Lord of Heaven!

The demon king smashed his hand. Originally, he was stunned by a nose and a swollen face, but now suddenly he feels a little honored...

And the fairy house has been desperate, but seeing this scene, the heart rises hopelessly out of thin air!

The Lord of Heaven, the character that will appear in the legend, actually appeared!

Should the weird woman who manipulates the evil should not be his opponent?

Countless pairs of eyes looked at the desert, waiting for the white woman to show up again.

Van Gogh was hidden in the corner, and he was watching the emperor's clothes.

I did not expect that he would wake up directly here and restore the identity of the Lord of Heaven...

He looked at Gu Xiyu again, and Gu Xizhen stood beside the emperor's clothes, and stood in his auspicious light. The two men stood side by side. Although Gu Xizhen did not restore the identity of the creation god, he stood by the emperor's clothes. At the time, there was no sense of disobedience, and a pair of monks who joined together...

The violent desert is still rolling inside, but it is firmly tied by the barrier, and it can't go half a step.

A moment later, the grievances on the edge of the desert turned out to be more than a dozen white women, exactly the same as before.

She hated staring at the two people in Xia Guang Wan Dao, full of grievances!


I thought that more than a dozen of them could be explained. As a result, I wrote more than 30 pieces and I haven't finished writing them. I am also drunk, sorry. The top cover is gone...