MTL - Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel-Chapter 640 Six hundred and forty. This is where

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640 Where is this?

"The things in the past are superstitious. Just like the Temple of Heaven used to worship the heavens, the emperor goes to pray every day. In the end, the disaster is still there every year!" I said indifferently: "This secret room may have been built by the court when he heard the words of the rivers and lakes. Made of!"

I thought of what Stephen said to the gift of the alien. Perhaps it is also that some people make a mystery in order to please Cixi! I don't deny that there are a lot of skilled craftsmen in ancient times. It is not surprising that they can make such organs!

"It can't be said that it is superstition! Let's just say this institution. Now the science and technology are not necessarily made!" Wu Hao thought after thinking.

"What you said is right. What science can't explain now is not necessarily unscientific. It's like the ability of me. It can't be explained by the current science!" I said. The human body is the most mysterious thing, let alone the science of today, that is, Sun Sikong can do nothing about it.

"Right, after you reminded me, I suddenly thought of one thing! You said that this triangle can be a transmission matrix? Just like your ability to transfer instantly!" Wu Hao said in a whim.

Wu Hao’s words made me inspiration. For Ah, the entrance can represent many meanings, and the transmission array is more likely! If so, where can this triangle lead to? Can you stand on the top and you can have the world?

In what way is this world owned? If there is such a good thing, why did the Empress Dowager Cixi not come here to test it, or did she not believe this nonsense?

Of course, these have not been verified. Perhaps Empress Dowager Cixi will also be suspicious, but at that time, she was already at the top of the feudal society's power, and there is no need to risk trying something unknown! Once successful, you may be able to make a name for yourself, but failed?

The imperial rulers are always very conservative, they will not venture for nothing! And as such, it seems to work!

However, what exactly can this transmission matrix lead to becomes a mystery!

After hesitating for a moment, I finally made a very important decision! I am going to try it myself!

"Hey, I'm going to stand up and experiment with it and see what the **** is going on!" I said very seriously.

"Do you want to experiment in person?" Wu Hao was shocked: "What a joke, God knows what serious consequences this ghost can cause!"

"Since I have come here and know the existence of this thing, if I don't try it, I will not sleep!" I am telling the truth, sometimes curiosity will make people very uncomfortable!

"Then you can't try it yourself! You can put a kitten or a puppy completely, let it take the camera and go for a trip!" Wu Hao suggested.

"Hey, let's not say if the kittens and puppies can make this transfer array start. It really starts. Can the kittens and puppies come back?" I shook my head. "And, maybe it will bring the opposite. effect!"

My reason sounds very far-fetched, but Wu Hao understands that I have made up my mind! In this case, what can Wu Hao say? However, Wu Hao also knows the special nature of my body, so I have a little peace of mind.

"I will try it with you! Even if it is dead, you can die together!" Wu Hao looked at me and said his decision.

"Oh, obedient, you can't go, I am different from you! If something goes wrong, I have a protective body! But you can't!" After I listened, I immediately shook my head! Just kidding, I can't get into the gun, I'm sure I won't have any problems, but I can't guarantee that I can protect Wu Hao!

"Is it really not?" Wu Hao had long known that I would not agree, but still did not give up.

"Oh, I promise you, I will be careful! In fact, it is just a test, maybe it is a lie!" I laughed.

"Then you have to be careful, if anything is wrong, come back immediately! Promise me?" Wu Hao sighed, said faintly. At the same time, my heart secretly made a decision, that is, if I was really sent out, she will follow me in the past! At that time, I can't always bring her back.

"Okay, I promise you, I will come back anyway! Remember, your husband is the strongest, he won't have anything!" I nodded and slowly walked over to the triangle...

When I stepped on the triangle figure, I only felt that my body was light and there was a feeling that it was broken down instantly. How to say it, it is similar to the moment of moving!

However, the transfer under normal circumstances is done in an instant, and the incident is very long!

dark! Only this word can describe the sight I have seen! That is the endless darkness. I don’t know how much time has passed, and my eyes suddenly become brighter!

Losing my body is stronger than others, or I am not hurt by this sudden light! From very dark to very bright, it is easy to damage your vision. I believe people with similar experience know it.

"Where did this person come from?"

I didn't see anyone, I heard a voice ringing around. I blinked and opened my eyes and was shocked by the sight!

It was actually a woman in a grass skirt with a spear in her hand, but these are not problems. What matters is that her upper body is actually there!

I am lying on the ground at the The woman is looking down at me, a pair of strong ones dangling in front of my eyes!

I rely on, where is this? Could it be that I crossed into a special **** club? Looking at the big Mimi who is close at hand, I really want to take a bite, but I am really afraid that this is not an **** club, but an indigenous tribe. If I do that, God knows if she will take it. Spears poke me!

"Who are you?" I can understand the words of the woman!

Don't pick up the thorns to discuss the indigenous people. Why can I understand, ask the guy who is the second generation of the fisherman, because he has prescribed it, he must understand it! necessary!

"Who are you?" I looked at the woman in front of me carefully, and the more I saw it, the more I felt wrong! This seems to be what a fun club! Although I know that some **** clubs dress up the lady as an indigenous person in order to attract the guests, the woman in front of me can be quite sure that she is not doing this!

Strong and straight body, proud and strong chest, without a trace of fleshy belly and thighs, are proof to me, this is the result of her regular exercise! All this is obvious, that is, here is not a **** **** club!