MTL - Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel-Chapter 642 Six hundred and forty two. No need to kneel down

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642 no need to kneel

"Godzilla, he is a foot dealer, I want to see my father, I am going to take him there!" Shui Linger said to the man.

Godzilla? I rely on, what is the name! But look at this man, but it is indeed enough for Godzilla, the body of the burly chest muscles bulging, the huge block of the head is more than one meter ninety-two at least two hundred pounds! This man, like Shui Linger, has only a grass group in his lower body.

"Shui Linger, you don't want to be deceived by him. He must be a spies from the Sicilian tribe! I want to kill him!" Godzilla said, and he would stab me when he spoke a spear!

"What are you doing!" Shui Linger quickly stopped in front of me, loudly: "I have already confirmed his identity! He does not even know how many tribes we have here, how could he be a spy!"

"Water Linger, you actually believe in a foreign man! He is lying to you! Don't believe him!" Godzilla was furious.

"I believe what happened to him, who do I believe, don't you tell me?" Shui Linger is also glaring.

"Okay! Shui Linger, you are my Godzilla woman, I don't believe your own man!" Godzilla's eyebrows stood up.

I listened to Godzilla's words and looked at Shui Linger. She was actually the woman of the dinosaur? How is this possible? Is my judgment wrong? This water Linger is already a big brother? It’s a pity that a flower is inserted in the dinosaur dung!

"I haven't married you yet, you don't have the right to say that!" Shui Linger snorted after listening. Obviously, she didn't like this Godzilla.

"Your father said, you must marry you to the strongest warrior! And I, Godzilla, is the strongest warrior in the Akata tribe!" Godzilla said proudly.

"No more than you dare to speak big, I heard that the warriors of the Hakuku tribe will come!" Shui Linger disdain.

"Even if the dark tribes come, I will win the same! Hakuku is nothing!" Godzilla said with a big word: "You are going to open, let me kill this man first, and give his head to the patriarch!"

"You dare! Even if he is a spy, follow the rules of the family and bring it back to his father!" Shui Linger said coldly: "Do you want to violate the rules?"

"Oh! Then listen to you!" Godzilla said indignantly.

Hey, interesting, the primordial will also be jealous, this big man sees the water Linger and I have a good relationship, I want to kill me! But this guy is too stupid, want to kill me, don't be in the face of the water Linger, secretly kill me soon? Of course, the premise is that you have beaten me!

I followed by Shui Linger and walked with her to the village. And the Godzilla classmate was always holding me behind me, holding a spear made of broken wooden sticks.

My heart said, you will hold it. If you look at it, you will not believe in the water, but you still want to get the beauty of the heart? Go dreaming.

"What is your name?" asked Shui Linger as he walked.

"Liu Lei." I don't have to make a fake name to deceive them. I also believe that they can't know my identity.

"Liu Lei?" Shui Linger was a bit strange after listening: "It seems not the name here!"

"Yeah, I have said it, I have come from a long distance!" I said.

"It turned out to be like this!" Shui Linger nodded.

Godzilla saw me and his sweetheart whispering in a low voice. Seeing that I was not pleasing to the eye, just waiting to go back, the patriarch would kill me. Of course, I will not pay attention to him, and still talk and laugh with Shui Linger.

The village of Akata is not far from where I appeared. We walked for about ten minutes. This is a very simple village head. Most of the houses are made of mud and haystacks. They are located in a hill with a relatively high level.

Shui Linger led me to a relatively luxurious cottage, I know this must be the residence of the patriarch.

"Dad, I brought back a guest!" said Shui Linger, after entering the house, said to a middle-aged man in the room.

I looked at the environment in the house, it was very rudimentary, and even the necessary furniture was not there. All the people were sitting on the straw mat.

Sitting next to a middle-aged man, sitting on a white-bearded old man, it may obviously be a figure of elders.

"Which guest, I see him is a spy than the tribe!" Godzilla said.

When Godzilla finished, the patriarch frowned immediately. My heart is dark, it is a stupid bird. Of course, people listen to their daughters. You count as a Mao. I don’t know if the leader’s speech hates you so stupid.

"Dad, he is not a spy than the tribe. He is a walking businessman from afar. After being robbed by the dark tribes, he lost his way!" Shui Linger glanced at Godzilla.

Godzilla is unhappy, but the one is the patriarch, the daughter of the patriarch is his own sweetheart. He dare not say anything. He has to put the gas out of me: "If you see the patriarch, why don't you squat?" !Hurry up!"

I sneered in my heart, you count as a bird, give orders to the patriarch, the patriarch did not say, what big cheese you put!

Sure enough, the patriarch waved a wave: "He is not a native, I don't have to kneel when I see it!"

Then I glanced at the old man around me and asked: "Hu elder, what do you think?"

"The patriarch, I think he can't be a spy than the tribe!" Elder Hu said slowly: "The habit is better than the tribe's habits, knowing that the people inside our tribe are familiar, and outsiders can't mix. Come in! And even if they want to send people into our interior, it's impossible to send a costume that is so weird that people can be distinguished at a glance!"

"Well, yes!" The patriarch nodded. "I think so too!"

I listened to their analysis and sighed, you don't know what is the counter-measure? Don't know what is the opposite?

"Well, Goss to see the guests!" the patriarch ordered.

Godzilla responded with reluctance, and then took a piece of the most broken grass mat and threw it under my body.

Godzilla’s move made the patriarch and Elder Hu feel very faceless, and the impression of this unskilled warrior was reduced by a few points.

I don't care, sitting is sitting.

After I was seated, Elder Hu looked at me and asked, "What tribe are you from?"

"Huaxia!" I replied.

“Hua Xia?” Hu Changchang shook his head after listening: “I have not heard of it, it must be far away!”

"It is indeed very far, so I will get lost!" I nodded.

For the tribes who rarely touch outsiders, my arrival made them feel very fresh, so the patriarch decided to host a banquet to entertain me.

At about noon, the people in the tribe have basically returned, so the patriarch’s orders, all the people are busy. In a short while, an open-air banquet is about to begin.