MTL - Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel-Chapter 673 Six hundred and seventy three. Special use of spiritual energy

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673 special use of spiritual energy

After knowing these situations, I really dare not tease Yang Mei again. I quickly said that Yang Mei, who has received a very good color, said: "Mei Mei, your situation is more complicated than you think!"

"Is there hope?" Yang Mei asked quietly, although the surface was calm, but her face was a little anxious. Because she knows that if I can't do anything, then no one will have a solution!

"Yes, but I can't guarantee it." I replied truthfully. First, I have not treated the same kind of disease. The most important thing is that I lack medical knowledge because I don't know very well how the heart works. I don't know the difference between the normal heart and the heart of Yang Mei. Therefore, in order to treat Yang Mei, I have to figure out all these things before I can start!

"The most important thing now is, where is the x-ray film of your heart? Is it with you?" I asked. Even if Yang Mei is not taken with me, it doesn't matter. Just tell me where I put it, I can do it with a teleport.

I did not expect that Yang Mei’s film was really on the body! "Bring it out, in my parents, they don't give up, want to take advantage of the opportunity to travel, and then ask the foreign hospitals, there is no possibility of treatment." Yang Mei said.

"Oh? What did you ask? What did the hospital say?" When I spoke, I knew that I had a question that didn't make sense. If the doctor here can treat, Yang Mei will not be so sad.

"Probably ask, it should be no result." Yang Mei shook his head.

"Well, before I give you treatment, I have to make some preparations. You and my parents will go around with Phillips tomorrow morning. I will do something!" I said.

"Still, I will contact them tomorrow, go out in the afternoon!" Yang Mei shook her head: "You are not with me, I am not in the mood to play."

I listened to Yang Mei’s words and couldn’t help but smile: “If you haven’t met me, are you not happy to play as well?”

"That wasn't the past, who made you my boyfriend now! Without you, I don't mean anything at all." Yang Mei said with a delicate voice: "Would you like me to go with you?"

I thought about it. I will go to the hospital tomorrow morning and ask a doctor to ask about the difference between Yang Mei’s heart and normal people. In this way, I can use her power to transform her heart. Yang Mei and I go together, it is not a bad idea. After all, she is a party, but it may make the problem easier to understand.

"Okay!" I nodded.

"Great!" Yang Mei said happily.

"I said Grandma, grandmother, can you not be so shocked, can your heart be affected?" I said, shaking my head.

"Heart? Right, Liu Lei, I have forgotten to tell you something!" Yang Mei suddenly said: "Just you remember that when you touched me, my heart jumped quickly?"

"Yeah, but how do you mention this thing again? Although I am a bit out of order to take advantage of you, but later, I am not admit you wrong!" I don't understand why Yang Mei said this again. thing.

"Ah? No! What do you want?" Yang Mei gave me a quick glance: "I mean, my heart beat very quickly at first, but then I settled."

"Oh, because then you naturally get used to it..." I said...

"What! Liu Lei, you are just a little bit good, what are you used to!" Yang Mei said with no anger: "I said that my heart suddenly calmed down a lot... How to say it is like What kind of external force suddenly blended into my heart, it made me feel a lot easier..."

External force... Could it be that the spirit that I entered into the heart of Yang Mei could play a role? Probably! So I smiled and said: "This is the case, I know. When I checked you again, I saw that your heart was struggling, so I added my spirit to it."

"It's really amazing, that is to say, if you keep applying the spirit in my heart, I will not have something?" Yang Mei asked excitedly.

"It seems that this is the case, but this is just a way to cure the symptoms..." I shook my head.

"It’s not a cure for the symptoms. Don’t worry about other things. If you really can't cure my disease completely, then it's still good!” Yang Mei didn't care so much, as long as he can live, stay with me. That is the most important thing.

I nodded, but this is a way.

One night, I and Yang Mei were sleeping and sleeping, because I knew that I would not die, so Yang Mei was very practical. On the contrary, I have been pondering Yang Mei's condition until dawn, and have not fallen asleep.

Early the next morning, I took Yang Mei's film from Li Xiaohong and took her to the local hospital. Originally, I wanted to take her back to Yanjing's **** hospital to find Zhou Zhiping, but if someone has taken this matter and made an article with our immigration record, it is a very troublesome thing! After all, I am now a public figure, and I can't show my abilities at will, so I can only find unnecessary trouble.

It is very troublesome to go to a public hospital in Italy. It is necessary to have a medical card, and the efficiency is very slow! Look at a disease, even two or three months. The only benefit is that most of the doctors are free! The patient only needs to take a prescription to go to the pharmacy to buy the medicine! And even some commonly used drugs are free to distribute!

But many locals in Italy, if not necessary, will not choose to go to public hospitals. They are more inclined to private clinics and large private hospitals, but the cost of visiting private hospitals is really high, so it is not something that anyone can afford.

This is nothing to me! I asked Mark to inquire about it. The address of the relatively famous private hospital in the vicinity of the heart, and then let him take me and Yang Mei, went there!

Although the cost of private hospitals is very high, there are still many rich people coming here to see a doctor! Especially in hospitals with heart disease, many rich people are more or less obese, and obesity can easily lead to some minor problems in the heart, so there are still many people making appointments here. I and Yang Mei came here, and the defendant was the first three days later. Only then!

I took out the money strategy and threw out hundreds of thousands of dollars, but the hospital was not moved by the money. Because the people here are rich, the hospital is not short of money, but the credibility can not be lost, so I decisively refused my request, the result is: to see a doctor, three days later.

No way, I have to use Owens again, and Owens guys can't help me trouble him, and then let me owe him, so I will have to take care of him in the future!