MTL - Vicious Male Partner is a Girl-Chapter 61 secret (bug catcher)

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The little lady who made the tea and brought it in was none other than the tea lady she had seen before.

A few months ago, some petty officials spoke ill of her behind her back, and she caught her straight. One of them, Zhan Shicheng, surnamed Liu, tried to please her to get away. At that time, Liu Zhan Shicheng arranged for a maid to make tea for Shen Fengzhang, and wanted to give this maid to her. The one who appeared in Weiran Juli now is the maid, Cha Niang.

Shen Fengzhang didn't relax because she had a relationship with Cha Niang once, her slender five fingers still firmly clamped Cha Niang's wrist, her eyes were like torches, "What's your purpose?!"

She didn't believe it, for no reason, Cha Niang would reach out to her chest. She must know something? Or, suspect something!

Liu Wenchang, who was standing behind Shen Fengzhang, had already been staring at Cha Niang closely. It seemed that as long as Shen Fengzhang gave an order, he would immediately break Cha Niang's neck.

Although Shen Fengzhang is a daughter, but because of training since childhood, she grew up like a man, and her hands are not weak.

Tea Niang felt that the wrists that were clamped seemed to be broken, it was really painful! The pain made her face contort, and cold sweat dripped from her forehead and flowed into her eyes, blurring her vision.

In the pain engraved into the bone marrow, Cha Niang gritted her teeth, looked at Shen Fengzhang, and uttered words with difficulty, almost popping out word by word, "Master Shen, I have absolutely no malice towards you!"

She shifted her gaze to the tea on the ground, and said word by word again, "Ruonu really wants to hurt you." The tea lady stopped, took a breath, and waited for the pain to pass away before continuing, "Again How could you overturn the tea?"

Shen Fengzhang stared deeply at Cha Niang, and after a while, finally let go of her restraint.

"Master Lang?" Liu Wenchang, standing behind Shen Fengzhang, reminded him softly.

Shen Fengzhang shook his head slightly, but still let go of Cha Niang's hand.

As soon as the strength on the wrist was released, she suddenly relaxed, and Cha Niang almost fell to the ground. She stabilized her body, gasped for a few times, took out her handkerchief to wipe off the sweat from her forehead, tidied up her messy and wet temple hair, hid her bruised wrist, and looked at Shen Fengzhang again.

Tea Lady set her gaze an inch below Shen Fengzhang's eyes, and respectfully reported what she knew.

A gentle female voice that remained somewhat weak and hoarse sounded softly in the pavilion.

"My lord, making tea is the only thing I can do. I just need to smell the ingredients, what kind of tea leaves, and the taste of the tea. I only need to smell it. I just got the boss's order to make a pot of tea. The tea was delivered to the guests in this pavilion. After I finished making the tea, I smelled the aroma of the tea soup and found that there was something wrong with the tea this time. After seeing that the guest in the pavilion was you, the slave was afraid that you would be harmed by the tea. Simply knocked over the teacup."

Shen Fengzhang easily heard a few loopholes from Cha Niang's passage. If the guest in the pavilion wasn't her, would the tea lady let the guest drink the tea?

Shen Fengzhang was not interested in knowing what Cha Niang would do, so she asked another question.

"Why did you decide to overturn the teacup when you saw it was me?"

The tea lady lowered her eyebrows and her eyes were soft, her voice was as soft as water, "I know how powerful your lord is." She paused for a moment, then put aside the intentional gentleness in her voice, solemnly said, "I also want to ask your lord for something."

Before the tea lady finished speaking, she fell to her knees with a plop, and kowtowed three times to Shen Fengzhang.

"I have a younger brother and a younger sister. The three slaves were originally servants of the family. Because the younger brother accidentally broke the mistress's beloved thing, the younger brother was beaten to death with a stick. The younger brother and the younger sister , was sent out of the mansion. Before meeting the adults at Liu Zhan Shicheng's mansion, I have been tossed and turned many times. I want to ask the adults to show mercy and save the slaves and sisters from the sea of ​​suffering, so that they don't have to suffer from being displaced. "

The tea lady was sincere and sincere, but Shen Fengzhang was not moved at all. She looked at the tea lady indifferently, "Why do you ask me to save you and your sister, just with that cup of tea?"

When Tea Lady heard this, her heart trembled. She knew that someone like Shen Fengzhang would not drink that cup of tea recklessly even if she hadn't made an unnecessary move to smash the teacup.

However—this is her last chance. A few days ago, an out-of-town tea merchant fell in love with her and told the boss that he wanted to buy her. The boss was already tempted, but he thought the price was not high enough. Once she leaves Jiankang, how will she take care of her little sister who is still mired in the quagmire.

Without her care, the little girl is getting older now, and if she stays in that place, sooner or later...

Cha Niang really couldn't bear to think about it any longer, as long as she thought about what would happen to her little sister in the future, her heart ached like a knife.

Therefore, she must not leave Jiankang! What's more, she had to find a way to get the little girl out of there!

Thinking of this, Cha Niang gritted her teeth, turned her heart, looked up at Shen Fengzhang, with a bit of struggle in her eyes, "My lord! I know a secret of yours!"

Shen Fengzhang looked at Cha Niang's face mixed with hesitation, struggle, pain and many other emotions, knowing what she might want to say. However, she never showed any signs of panic and remained calm.

"Oh?" Shen Fengzhang calmly looked down at the tea lady who was kneeling on the ground, "Secret?" She leaned slightly and leaned in front of the tea lady, her eyes were not happy, and her voice was just stating a fact calmly.

"Do you know that the grass on the grave of the last person who threatened me has grown to three feet high."

It is obvious that Cha Niang is the one holding Shen Fengzhang's handle and trying to threaten her, and Shen Fengzhang is the one being threatened. But now, the performance of the two of them has completely changed.

Cha Niang trembled all over, like a sieve, and her face was paler than when she was in severe pain just now. Of course she knew how powerful Shen Yanwang was.

There is a saying in Jiankang City-there are two kings of **** on the ground and underground, you can still survive if you offend the king of **** on the ground, and you can go in vertically and exit horizontally if you offend the king of **** on the ground.

Cha Niang saw how Liu Zhan Shicheng was arrested, she never imagined that she would threaten Shen Fengzhang one day.

But thinking of her little sister who was dependent on her for life, Cha Niang rekindled her courage in her heart. She opened her mouth, suppressed all her fears, and said again: "Lord Shen, I really know your secret!" She opened her mouth to speak, and looked at Shen Fengzhang who was not in a hurry, but she was worried for her in her heart, and paused , she said, "Can you let your guards retreat outside the door."

Liu Wenchang frowned, looked coldly at the tea lady, and looked at Shen Fengzhang, "Master?"

Shen Fengzhang looked at Cha Niang, nodded slightly, and said in a low voice: "Go and guard the door, and don't let anyone in."

Although he disagreed in his heart, Liu Wenchang would never refute Shen Fengzhang's words in front of outsiders.

When Liu Wenchang walked out of the pavilion, Tea Lady looked at Shen Fengzhang and said six words slowly, "You are a daughter."

It was as quiet as if no one existed in the pavilion.

When she said these six words, Cha Niang looked into Shen Fengzhang's eyes and couldn't help showing guilt. The place where she was first sold was the Qin Lou Chu Pavilion. After staying in that kind of place for a long time, she had already cultivated a pair of sharp eyes. When she saw Shen Fengzhang for the first time in Liu Zhan Shicheng's mansion, she felt that something was wrong. The more she thought about it, the more suspicious she felt. Just now, although there is no definite result, she believes that her guess is likely to be true.

Although she had already guessed that Shen Fengzhang's identity was different when she was in Liu Zhan Shicheng's residence, she never thought of telling other people about it. She is an incompetent, weak and pathetic person, and her life is full of ups and downs, sorrow and misfortune. She never thought that someone who is also a woman can do that.

Liu Zhan Shicheng was arrested, and she was betrayed again, but she couldn't complain about Shen Fengzhang at all.

As long as she thinks of Shen Fengzhang, no matter how difficult the situation is, she seems to see the scorching sun hanging high in the sky.

She looked up, cherished, and looked forward to this round of tomorrow. She never thought that one day she would threaten Shen Fengzhang for herself and her sister. When doing all this, the pain in Cha Niang's heart was not less than when she was clamped before.

Cha Niang suppressed all guilt and self-blame, lowered her voice and said to Shen Fengzhang: "My lord, I don't know how many people know your secret. I think the fewer people come, the better." She took a deep breath, suddenly raised her eyes to look at Shen Fengzhang, Eyes filled with tears were particularly bright, "My lord! Younger sister Nu is called Yingniang, and she is now in the third house on Sishui Street. As long as my lord redeems my younger sister, I will die to keep this secret!" "

After she finished speaking, she kowtowed several times to Shen Fengzhang again, and after a while, the skin on her forehead was torn and blood dripped.

"I know that neither that cup of tea nor this secret can work for you. I only hope that you can show kindness!" The tea lady said, picking up the broken porcelain on the ground and slamming it towards her neck. cut off.


The tea lady who was about to commit suicide felt a pain in her wrist, and loosened her hand holding the broken porcelain, which fell to the ground. She raised her head and stared blankly at Shen Fengzhang who threw the fruit over, not daring to think about the reason for her doing so.

Just as Cha Niang thought, with Shen Fengzhang's ability, Cha Niang came to her so recklessly, declaring that she knew her secret, Shen Fengzhang could order someone to get rid of Cha Niang completely.

Only the dead don't tell secrets.

Shen Fengzhang took the initiative to save Cha Niang's life because she caught some key information when listening to Cha Niang's narration of her life experience.

Cha Niang's younger brother was beaten to death by the family stick.

The law stipulates that even if a servant is a slave, the master does not have the right to kill at will. Of course, for so many years, no one has ever really compared this law with the aristocratic family.

However, Shen Fengzhang is trying to find a way to deal with the family recently!

"I can help you and your sister redeem themselves."

Tea Lady's eyes lit up suddenly, as if her entire face was lit.

Shen Fengzhang stared at Cha Niang, and said the second half of the sentence, "However, I need you to do one thing." She slowly expressed her request to Cha Niang.

The tea lady kowtowed on the ground vigorously, and when she raised her head, she was in a very good spirits, "Don't worry, my lord! I will definitely help you with this matter!"

Shen Fengzhang looked away from Cha Niang, turned and walked out, when she was about to walk out of the pavilion, she suddenly turned her head. A smile suddenly appeared on the face that had been calm and unpredictable, without much emotion, "Also, you should know what to say and what not to say."

"If I can save you today, I will certainly be able to kill you tomorrow."

Cha Niang kowtowed vigorously, "My lord, don't worry! Even in a dream, Cha Niang will keep her mouth tightly shut!"

Shen Fengzhang smiled and walked outside. Of course she wouldn't believe everything Cha Niang said. The younger sister that Cha Niang valued is also a great weapon to help her restrain Cha Niang.

The shopkeeper of Weiranju was greeting the guests downstairs. Hearing the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs, he turned his head and felt his heart skip a beat. The dish hasn't been served yet, why is this guy leaving? !

He trotted hurriedly, nodded and bowed in front of Shen Fengzhang, "Master Shen, is there something in the store that dissatisfies you? Tell me, and the villain will definitely change it immediately!"

Shen Fengzhang glanced at him, and said in a low voice, "Where is Cha Niang's slave book?"

The shopkeeper of Weiranju was taken aback, and immediately realized that Shen Fengzhang had taken a fancy to the tea lady! He was ecstatic, suppressed his joy, and said repeatedly: "The villain will go and get it now, go and get it now!" He lifted the hem of his robe, ran upstairs as fast as he could, and took the tea lady's slave book, Panting, he ran downstairs and handed his hands to Shen Fengzhang.

Shen Fengzhang took the thin piece of paper and handed it to the tea lady behind him, "Look at it, right?"

The shopkeeper of Weiranju didn't expect Shen Fengzhang to be so generous, and directly handed over the household registration paper to the tea lady. He lowered his head to hide his shock.

Tea Niang held the slave paper, her hands trembled slightly, and she couldn't help tears welling up in her eyes. With a hoarse voice, "Yes! This is it!"

"Take it, let's go." After Shen Fengzhang finished speaking, he left another sentence, "You send someone to the county government to get the money", and then turned and left.

How dare the boss of Weiranju go to the county government to withdraw money, not to mention that the money can be made again, and there is only one chance to hook up with Shen Fengzhang. He hurriedly chased him out, "Master Shen, if you don't need money, how can the villain—"

The shopkeeper of Weiranju paused for a moment before finishing the next half sentence. He recalled the bruise on Cha Niang's wrist that he saw just now, and after thinking hard for a while, he made sure that Cha Niang didn't have any before entering the pavilion.

Could it be that Shen Fengzhang really loves Cha Niang so much that he couldn't wait to go back to his house-

Sishui Street is two streets away from Weiranju.

In the bullock cart, Shen Fengzhang was sitting on the cushion, and the tea lady was kneeling beside her, serving Shen Fengzhang carefully, while looking forward to seeing her little sister who depended on each other for life.

Seeing that she could be reunited with her younger sister, Cha Niang was so excited that she lifted her skirt and ran out of the cart before it even stopped at the third Goulan on Sishui Street.

When the madam of Goulan Courtyard saw the tea lady rushing in, her face suddenly showed shock.

How did she come?

Thinking of the decision she just made for Yingniang, the madam felt a little nervous.

"Where's my sister, I want to take her away!" Cha Niang's voice was urgent.

"This..." The bustard hesitated for a while, but did not give Cha Niang a direct answer.

This Goulan was where they were first sold. Because she was lucky and could make tea, she was bought early. My sister has been in this kind of place for four or five years. All these years, in order to protect my little sister. Don't let her lose her innocence and completely sink into the quagmire. All the bounties she got outside were sent to the madam.

She knew the madam very well, and when she saw her expression, she immediately realized that something had happened!

Tea Lady no longer wasted time on the bustard, she rushed straight to Yingniang's room.