MTL - Vicious Male Partner is a Girl-Chapter 83 attacked

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Zhao Yuanmu gritted his teeth, the real culprit? Isn't the real culprit Shen Fengzhang himself?

She is still a thief and a thief? ! How shameless!

Thinking of Shen Fengzhang causing him to lie on the cold floor last night, Zhao Yuan was so angry that he didn't fight anywhere! His subordinates are also idiots! Obviously he had already hinted to them last night—come back as soon as they can’t find anyone, yet they can still stay outside until dawn before coming back!

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Zhao Yuanmu still tried his best to maintain a calm and calm appearance in front of his father. He bowed to his father, and said confidently: "Father, the murderer who killed that palace servant has been found."

Today's Supreme One glanced at his son, with a bit of curiosity on his face, he groaned, and asked, "Who is it?"

Zhao Yuanmu glanced at Shen Fengzhang who was at the side, malice flashed in Taohua's eyes, and there was a little bit of excitement and pride. He looked at the present Supreme, "Father, the murderer is her!"

Today's Supreme looked at Shen Fengzhang who was pointed at by Zhao Yuanmu, frowned slightly, and said to Zhao Yuanmu, "Nonsense."

"How could Ah Zhang be the murderer?"

"Father, since I dare to say this, of course it is because of the evidence." Zhao Yuanmu said, and shouted outside, "Bring people here!"

A servant led a maid in from the outside.

"Father, this court lady is a witness!" Zhao Yuanmu turned his head and ordered to the court lady Su Rong who was kneeling on the ground, "Tell everything about last night without any concealment!"

Shen Fengzhang stood aside, with a calm expression, without guilt or anxiety. She had already recognized that this maid was the one who was waiting in the idle palace last night. Obviously, Zhao Yuanmu hadn't given up on his previous idea.

Sure enough, after Zhao Yuanmu gave the order, the maid's eyes were full, she shed tears silently, and began to accuse her of the "violence" last night.

"Master Shen is holding on to this slave, wanting to do something wrong with him. Wen Nei saw it, and wanted to stop it, but unexpectedly, he was caught, but was—" The palace lady's face showed a look of horror at the right time, and she paused twice, Only finished the second half of the sentence, "But he was killed by Mr. Shen at once. All the slaves saw that Mr. Shen carried a crossbow with him, and he didn't even take it off when he entered the palace."

After Zhao Yuanmu heard what the palace man said, he immediately said to his father: "The evidence is convincing! Father, hurry up and have Shen Fengzhang arrested!"

In stark contrast to Zhao Yuanmu's excitement, today's Supreme's face is indifferent and expressionless, and even the joy that he showed just now for the arrival of his beloved son disappeared at some point.

Sitting behind the desk, he stared at Zhao Yuanmu and asked quietly, "Do you know when that palace official died?"

The excited Zhao Yuanmu was taken aback for a moment, recalling the time last night, he asked uncertainly, "Four o'clock?"

"Then do you know when Shen Fengzhang left the palace?"

"I know!" Zhao Yuanmu gritted his teeth when he thought of this, "She came out of the palace after Choushi."

Today's Supreme said softly, "She is from the palace at the moment of Wushi."

"How is it possible!" Zhao Yuanmu was so unbelievable that he could no longer maintain his calm and calm disguise, and subconsciously blurted out, "Father, she is the one who came out after Choushi!"

At this time, Shen Fengzhang, who had been standing silently, took a step forward, and said to the present Supreme Being: "Your Majesty, since His Royal Highness the King of Xiangyang does not believe that the minister left the palace at the fifth hour, why don't you tell the guards who guarded the palace gate last night?" Come and ask."

Seeing that Shen Fengzhang was confident and took the initiative to stand up and say that he would confront, Zhao Yuanmu immediately understood what Shen Fengzhang had done! He glared at Shen Fengzhang fiercely, holding his boss's breath in his heart, he was really unwilling to let Shen Fengzhang escape just like this.

After thinking and thinking, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he immediately turned his head and said excitedly to the present Supreme, "Father! The dead palace servant hurt Shen Fengzhang's arm when he was struggling last night, just look at her arm!" If there are any new wounds on it, we can know whether she killed the person or not!"

Seeing Zhao Yuanmu's appearance, there was a hint of disappointment in the eyes of the Supreme Master today, "Enough!" He shouted at Zhao Yuanmu.

Zhao Yuanmu, who was eloquent and extremely excited, never expected to be reprimanded by his gentle and good-tempered father in the past, so he froze in place for a moment. After reacting, when he thought that his big enemy Shen Fengzhang was at the side, but he was reprimanded by his father, he suddenly felt very ashamed. However, before he could speak, he heard the solemn voice of the Supreme Being today.

"Let's let this matter go, there's no need to mention it again. A Rong'er, you go down first."

Zhao Yuanmu has never had this kind of treatment at the present Supreme. He glanced at the Supreme Being in disbelief, and didn't move for a moment.

"Your Majesty, since His Royal Highness the King of Xiangyang has doubts, it is better to let the minister prove it for himself." Shen Fengzhang said, and was about to roll up his sleeves.

Without waiting for Shen Fengzhang to roll up his sleeves, the current supreme sternly shouted at Zhao Yuan, "Xiangyang King!"

Ever since he was a child, his father only called him by his nickname. This was the first time Zhao Yuanmu heard his father call his title so angrily. Zhao Yuanmu gritted his teeth, restrained his expression, and bowed to his father to leave.

Although Zhao Yuanmu tried his best to put on a look of indifference, there was still a bit of dissatisfaction in the stiff voice of resignation and the corners of his brows and eyes.

Looking at the back of Zhao Yuanmu striding forward and leaving angrily, and then at Shen Fengzhang standing aside, calm and dignified, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Shen Fengzhang is only two years older than A Rong'er, and he can break through such a world with his own ability, but A Rong'er can only use these framing schemes that cannot be put on the table.

Today's Supreme doesn't think that one must be upright and aboveboard, without any calculating methods, he just thinks that A Rong'er's methods are not grand enough and not effective enough, they are all methods used by women.

With A Rong'er's appearance, how can he rest assured that the world will be handed over to him.

Just now, he could tell at a glance that it was Arong'er who wanted to plot against Shen Fengzhang, but he didn't expect that Shen Fengzhang had no omissions and was impeccable. If Aronger continued to talk, he was just asking for humiliation.

Today's Supreme is full of hatred that iron cannot be made into steel, but Zhao Yuanmu can't understand the mood of Today's Supreme. He stormed out of the Mingguang Palace angrily, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

Including the previous time, there were two times in total, and the father favored Shen Fengzhang again and again, what was he thinking? ! Even though he is his biological heir, his father is helping an outsider! Father was never like this before, but after Shen Fengzhang came to power, he changed all of a sudden! Is the father bewitched by an evil spirit?

Zhao Yuanmu thought more and more, and when he walked to his palace, he had already thought about the question of whether his father would pass on the country to him if this continued. Shen Fengzhang and him are at odds with each other, and their hatred is as deep as the sea. Shen Fengzhang will definitely not be happy for him to become emperor, and will only speak ill of him in front of his father. Now his father is old and stupid, and he listens to slander, it is very likely...

He didn't think about it anymore, the anger in his heart had disappeared at this moment, only the fear and worry piled up in his heart.

It is better to strike first, and to suffer later.

Zhao Yuanmu tilted his head and stared in the direction of the Mingguang Palace, his eyes were full of struggle and darkness.

In the Mingguang Palace, the Supreme Being still doesn't know that his most beloved child has such an idea. He looked at Shen Fengzhang in front of him, and thought of A Rong'er who left angrily just now, but her love for the child finally prevailed.

"Azhang, the imperial court just happened to send people to inspect the military camps in various places recently. After thinking about it alone, I decided to let you lead them there." It seems that it is impossible for A Rong'er and Shen Fengzhang to live in harmony, so they can only be separated. Well, sending Shen Fengzhang outside can not only calm down A Rong'er, but also allow Shen Fengzhang to avoid the limelight for a while.

Although Shen Fengzhang didn't expect that the Supreme Being would suddenly make such a suggestion, she still immediately responded and expressed her willingness.

Seeing that Shen Fengzhang had no complaints about any of his orders and obeyed him very much, the present Supreme Master couldn't help feeling a little guilty, feeling that he seemed to have wronged Shen Fengzhang.

Forget it, when she comes back, let her be reinstated. Hand over the position of Tingwei to her again.

Today's supreme is waiting for Shen Fengzhang to make up for her after returning from inspections in various places, but he did not expect this...

As the inspector, Shen Fengzhang's first stop was the southern border where Shen Jun was.

This place was not chosen by her, but by the Supreme Being today. Although the current Supreme One just seemed to have no intention of mentioning that at the time, but Shen Fengzhang understood the Holy Will, how could he not know what he really meant. As a competent subordinate, Shen Fengzhang chose Southern Xinjiang as his first stop.

Southern Xinjiang.

Guarding the gate of the city, when the soldiers saw the black line appearing on the horizon in the distance, excitement immediately appeared on their serious faces.

"It's the general and they're back!"

The black line in the distance approached at an extremely fast speed, and gradually revealed its true face. It turned out to be a team of more than a hundred people. They came menacingly, with the dust billowing behind them, like a whirlwind, they appeared at the gate of the city in a short while.

"General!" The soldiers at the gate of the city looked serious, and hurriedly opened the door for the people who came. Looking at the leader, they all had admiration and admiration from the bottom of their hearts.

The leader of this team is none other than Shen Juan.

Shen Jun, who was wearing black armor, looked more serious than when he returned to Jiankang last time. His pale gray eyes were cold and ruthless, his aura was as sharp as a drawn sword, and his light was as cold as frost.

He galloped on the imperial horse all the way, and didn't slow down until he reached the gate of the general's mansion.


When the adjutant who had been waiting at the door saw Shen Jun's return, he rushed down the steps and ran towards Shen Jun.

Shen Juan got off his horse, handed the reins to the servant at the side, and asked the adjutant, "How is it? Is Shen Fengzhang here?"

Five days ago, he received the news that Shen Fengzhang would serve as an inspector and come to various military camps to inspect. At the moment when he heard the news, Shen Juan didn't know how he felt.

When he left Jiankang last time, the words Yingniang said resurfaced in his mind again.

He likes Shen Fengzhang?

Shen Jun, who has always been firm and decisive, was unable to give himself a definite answer for the first time.

Not long after he came back from Jiankang, after he learned that Shen Fengzhang had confessed to framing Zhao Yuanmu into the water in order to protect him, and even lost his job because of this, Shen Juan felt a long-lost, faint complacency in his heart. In addition to being satisfied, he is also somewhat happy.

Knowing that Shen Fengzhang's first stop on inspection tours was in southern Xinjiang this time, Shen Juan felt a little bit of anticipation in his heart.

"How is it? Is Shen Fengzhang here?" According to his estimation, at this time, Shen Fengzhang should have entered the boundary of the county.

The adjutant glanced at Shen Juan, and couldn't help showing a bit of struggle and hesitation on his face.

"General, Inspector Shen made her—" the adjutant hesitated, and finally said: "She was attacked and disappeared on the road!"