MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 17 (1)

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"Comrade Public Security, Comrade Public Security..." With the help of Lu Qing, Mrs. Lu staggered to the front of the bullock cart with a cane. She grabbed a police uniform and said : "My grandson is a good boy, he won't do that kind of thing, you must be mistaken."

At a young age, my grandson encountered such a thing again, the public security comrade felt pity for her but also acted according to the law, patiently said: "Auntie, I didn't say that your grandson must be guilty now, wait until you go back to investigate..."

Before the police finished speaking, they were interrupted by a harsh female voice, "The hooligan is Lu Che, when I came home from playing Pai Gow that night, I saw him running on the road in a wet suit. .Wandering outside at night must do something bad."

The person who spoke was Chen Shuanglian. She put her hands on her hips and landed her fingers on the ground to swear. Her expression was already distorted with contempt.

"It's been more than a month, do you really remember it so clearly?" Some villagers questioned.

"Of course I remember, it was the night the rice was harvested, can I remember wrong?" Chen Shuanglian argued.

When everyone was quiet, the police said to Lu Che, "Let's go."

Once Mrs. Lu heard this, she hurriedly stretched out her hand to pull Lu Che, Lu Che grabbed her hand and comforted: "It's alright, the clearer will clear himself, I'll come back when the investigation is clear, Don't worry at home, eat well."

After he finished speaking, he got off the bullock cart, and before leaving with the police, he gave Jiang Yao a deep look.

He didn't say anything, but the meaning of it couldn't be understood any more, let her not tell what happened that night.

It was not until Lu Che and the police disappeared at the end of the road that Lu Qing persuaded the old lady to go home first.

Some people who believed in Lu Che's personality stepped forward to comfort the old lady, but most of them were incited by Chen Shuanglian, or cursed loudly, or whispered to Sang and Huai.

Jiang Yao also gradually calmed down at this time. She didn't talk to the mocking villagers. She reached out and put the old lady's hand in her hand and said softly, "Grandma Lu, let's go home first, there will always be solution."

"I am so thorough, why is my life so miserable..." Mrs. Lu was still reluctant to go back, and after a few villagers persuaded her, she was supported by Lu Qing and Jiang Yao. go home.

Uncle Tian and Aunt Tian were also there. They didn't fall into the trap. They helped to move the things on the ox cart back to the Lu family, and also helped to bring the cows back to the cowshed.

The old lady could hold on outside, but when she got home, she couldn't hold on anymore, and she almost fainted.

Jiang Yao and Lu Qing quickly helped her to the bed, and then went to pour water for her.

It happened that the hot water in the house was gone, so Jiang Yao went to the kitchen to boil water again. As soon as the stove was on, she heard a knock on the door, and walked out of the kitchen to distinguish it carefully. , only to find that someone was knocking on the back door.

She has not opened the back door since she came to the Lu family for so long. She walked over and opened the door, and saw a man covered in patches outside the door. He was in his early fifties, and his face with glasses was slightly vicissitudes, but he couldn't hide his intellectual temperament.

Jiang Yao remembered that the Lu family's cowshed was behind the house, she immediately guessed the identity of the other party, and said respectfully, "Hello, you should be Elder Yue?"

Yue Yifang was a little surprised, and then replied: "Yes, you are Jiang Zhiqing, I heard about Lu Che, I want to go in and see his grandma, can you?"

"Of course." Jiang Yao turned to the side, Yue Yifang lifted his foot and entered the door.

"Lao Yue, what should I do now?" The old lady saw Yue Yifang, and when she mentioned Lu Che, she couldn't help but get excited, and old tears fell down.

"Hi grandma, don't worry, Lu Che is an upright child, I believe he won't do such a jerk." Old Yue said: "I know you must be very worried as family members. , but concern is messy, so I came here to remind you that we have to calm down now and analyze this matter carefully."

Jiang Yao, who was standing beside her, was instantly intoxicated. She hadn't tried to panic in a long time, but she forgot that she should be calm at this time, so that she could find a solution.

"That's right." Jiang Yao said, "Let's take a look at the matter first. Before yesterday, I didn't say that this case was related to Lu Che. Why do you suddenly say that he is a hooligan? Sister Qing , do you know what happened today?"

"I'm not very clear either." Lu Qing shook his head, "When I went to the paper factory to collect raw materials today, I didn't hear anyone say that this matter is related to Lu Che, and I didn't go out after I came back. Before you came back after dinner, grandma said to wait, and then heard Chen Shuanglian shouting loudly outside."

"I went out and saw that two police officers said that someone anonymously reported the duck girl's work by Lu Che and wanted to take him back to investigate the case. I said he was not there, and they came in Search."

"Chen Shuanglian?" Jiang Yao caught a key point, "Why did she come here? She is neither the production captain nor the women's captain, so she is not the one to receive the police. By the way, why? Didn't you see Lu Dazhou?"

Lu Qing: "Dr. Zhang's mother's family is from other provinces. Her man has some relatives with Lu Dazhou. She said that there is a very good girl there. He had dated many girls before, but he didn't meet him, so he let him go on a blind date with Dr. Zhang while the farmers were slack."

"Dr. Zhang is not here?" Jiang Yao frowned and exchanged glances with Lu Qing.

Now even if she goes to the public security bureau to explain that Lu Che was with her that night, but based on her one-sided remarks and the fact that they are now landlords and tenants, the public security does not believe it.

This is really a house leak and it rains overnight.

Elder Yue sat down for a while and was about to go back. Before leaving, he said to Lu Qing, "Although I'm useless now, but if you really need it, you can tell me, and if you can help, I'll definitely help."

"Thank you, Elder Yue." Lu Qing responded and sent Elder Yue out.

When Lu Qing came back, Jiang Yao said, "Sister Qing, why don't I go to the police now and explain the matter clearly."

"Don't say goodbye." Lu Qing said: "Now that Dr. Zhang is not here, it's not clear to say. Lu Che didn't do it. Maybe the investigation is clear and he will be back tomorrow."

Her words not only comforted Jiang Yao, but also comforted the old lady.

Jiang Yao understood her intention and said nothing. After waiting for the old lady to fall asleep, she pulled Lu Qing and said, "Let's just wait for one night. If he doesn't come back before noon tomorrow, I will make it clear to the police. I know that my testimony is not strong enough, but I can't sit still. "

"But..." As Lu Che's sister, Lu Qing of course hoped that Jiang Yao would testify to her brother, but she was also a woman, so she hesitated. No less than the matter of raising duck girls.

"Sister, don't do it." Jiang Yao said, her voice choked, "I don't know what he's doing now, I'm afraid the longer he stays, the more likely he will be forced to confess by violence. ."

She knew that she should trust the police, but now there are not too many legal regulations on law enforcement, she has to worry.

Looking at Jiang Yao's appearance, and thinking of her relationship with Lu Che during this time, Lu Qing suddenly understood something. She patted her on the shoulder and said, "Okay, if you really want to go, I'll accompany you. You've been tired all day and want to eat."

"No." Jiang Yao shook her head, "I'm not in the mood to eat, so I'll go back to my room first."

"Okay." Lu Qing understood her mood, so he didn't force her to rest early.

Jiang Yao lay on the bed after taking a bath, but she couldn't sleep.

But unlike the panic in the evening, she is completely calm now, and her mind is full of thoughts on how to handle this case.

After staying up all night, Jiang Yao woke up early. Although she didn't feel hungry, she cooked breakfast.

The next step is likely to be a tough battle, of course, you have to replenish energy.

As expected, Lu Che hadn't come back until noon. Jiang Yao couldn't wait any longer, and went to the Public Security Bureau with Lu Qing.

I went to the Public Security Bureau and asked for a long time before I found Zhang Public Security who was in charge of the case.

Lawyer Jiang was a little annoyed by such work efficiency, and his face was not very friendly. Zhang Public Security saw her menacing appearance, and before she could speak, he said, "It's not that we don't let people go. , but Lu Che refused to cooperate with the investigation."

"Reject?" Jiang Yao affirmed: "Impossible."

Wouldn't it be uncooperative to not make it clear? It would be hard for us to believe that he was innocent."

"..." Jiang Yao was dumbfounded, how could this person be so stubborn at a critical moment? But in the end, she wanted to protect herself, and she didn't dislike it anymore, so Zhang directly said to the police, "He went to find a barefoot doctor for me that night."

"Help you find a barefoot doctor? Then why didn't he tell me?" the police asked.

Jiang Yao explained everything clearly, the police heard that she had been drugged and frowned, but they did not believe her words because they pitied her, and asked: "Except for your relationship with Lu Che. Family, is there anyone else who can testify?"

"Yes." Jiang Yao said with some lack of confidence: "Dr. Zhang can testify, but she has returned to her natal home in another province to visit relatives."

Zhang Gongan: "...Are you kidding me?"

"No." Jiang Ran knew the procedures of the police, she said, "We know that you have your rules, and you can't let people go until you have thoroughly figured it out. I just hope that before Dr. Zhang returns, It can guarantee Lu Che's personal safety."

When the police heard this, their face immediately turned cold, "What kind of place do you think our Public Security Bureau is, a place where confessions are extorted by torture?"

"Of course not." Jiang Yao said flatteringly: "Now someone is slandering Lu Che, I'm worried that someone wants him to be a scapegoat and harm him by improper means."

"Okay." Zhang Gongan snorted coldly, "Anyway, before the other witness comes back, we will ensure his safety. All right, you go back first."

Speaking, Zhang Gongan was about to turn around, but was stopped by Jiang Yao.

"What else?" asked the police.

Jiang Yao: "Just about what I came to testify today, can you keep it a secret? If the real murderer finds out, it will be a shock. If he thinks that Lu Che may be convicted, he will relax his vigilance. It's easy to catch people."

"Okay." Zhang Gongan gave Jiang Yao a serious look and said, "I didn't expect you, a little girl, to know so much."

"No... I still have to thank you, the police, for handling it impartially." Jiang Yao thought that her sister had handled many more cases than you, but she blew rainbow farts without changing her face.

"Of course, the people's police are for the people." Zhang's waist straightened.

Seeing this, Jiang Yao took the opportunity to make a request, "I know that the police are the best. It's hard to say that Lu Che will be locked here for a few days. Can you... let us meet him?"

"It's really good." Although the public security had a cold face, she still agreed to her request.

This side can be seen, but only one person can enter, and Lu Che appointed Lu Qing.

Jiang Yao had nothing to do with Lu Che. At this time, he was forgiven for wanting to see his sister, but she couldn't help but feel lost.

Although he was allowed to visit, but the time limit was ten minutes, Lu Qing came out in a while.

"Sister Qing, how is he?" Jiang Yao grabbed Lu Qing and asked anxiously.

Lu Qing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's fine, it's exactly the same as when he was taken away last night."

It seems that she was not beaten, Jiang Yao's heart was half relieved, and she asked: "Then did he say anything?"

"If you don't say anything, just let me take care of the house." Lu Qing said: "He knows you told the police about that night, let me take good care of you, and don't let you act impulsively. ."

"Where am I impulsive?" Jiang Yao said unhappily: "I am very rational now, okay?"

But he still misses her, so she should forgive him.

The two returned to Lu's house and first went to report to the old lady that they were safe.

The old lady was relieved after hearing this, and finally she was willing to eat.

After lunch, Jiang Yao was not idle, she pulled Lu Qing to her room.

"Yaoyao, do you have any new ideas?" Lu Qing asked.

Today at the Public Security Bureau, she was a little timid when she went in. If Jiang Yao was not there, how could the negotiation with Zhang Public Security go so smoothly, let alone meet Lu Che.

She now knows that although Jiang Yao is young, she is someone who has ideas and can be depended on.

Jiang Yao nodded and said, "Normally, it's been almost a month since the case of raising duck girls, and it's hard to find evidence. So there was no movement for two days when the matter first broke out. , because the police are currently helpless."

"If this case is dragged on, it is very likely that it will be over, but yesterday suddenly someone anonymously reported that Lu Che did it, obviously wanting him to be a scapegoat. After all, I heard that your father had Convicted of hooliganism, people think he is very likely to do something like that."

Lu Che agreed with her and asked, "Who do you think did it?"

"Chen Shuanglian." Jiang Yao said affirmatively.

"Why do you think so?" Although Lu Qing felt that she could do such a thing, but if she looked down on their family, she should not kill them like this. The crime of hooliganism is not a joke.

"Just because she shouted loudest and spoke with certainty, she seemed to have expected this." Jiang Yao said: "Did you find out that Chen Shuanglian said that she saw that night When Lu Cheer concluded that he did it, the police did not deny her at that time."

"No denial means acquiescence, which shows that the anonymous letter mentioned what Chen Shuanglian said. If she was not an anonymous whistleblower, would she know so clearly?"

Lu Qing was stunned when he heard it, and asked after a while, "Yaoyao, why is your brain so good, why didn't I think of it?"

"No, you didn't expect it because you were worried." Jiang Yao said.

Lu Qing: "Next, what should we do? Why did Chen Shuanglian do this?"

"I still can't figure out, Chen Shuanglian hates Lu Che, and Lu Che and Lu Zhisen also had conflicts during the grain delivery two days ago, but it didn't take a lot of time to write an anonymous letter to kill Lu Che, It's enough to get over the lip-smacking addiction."

Jiang Yao can't understand, if she can meet the duck girl and understand the ins and outs of things, she can plan what to do next.

"Sister Qing, do you know where the duck girl is now?" Jiang Yao asked.

Lu Qing: "She and several other duck farmers are from our commune. In order to prevent the ducks from being stolen, they live in the house by the pond. It is said that there was someone in Shangshui Village that night. To marry a daughter-in-law and invite a wedding wine, the other duck-breeding girls belonged to the same production team, so they went back together to drink the wedding wine and did not come back, she was taken advantage of. Since she reported to the police, she went home and lived without Keep raising ducks."

Jiang Yao: "Can I find her home? I want to chat with her and see if I can find any clues? The news I got back from hearsay is not accurate."

"This..." Lu Qing was a little embarrassed, "If I asked a few friendly villagers before, I could still ask, but now that Lu Che is like this, I'm afraid no one else will tell me ."

"Yes." Jiang Yao thought about it and said, "I'll go to Zhu Xia and ask her to help me find out."

Jiang Yao did what she said, and before it was time for work, she went out to Aunt Tian's house to find Zhu Xia.

Zhu Xia heard her coming to find her, so she quickly pulled her into her room and said, "I was going to find you, you can go back and pack up and move here later. Come on. My room is small, but it's okay to squeeze, it's better than staying in that tiger's den."

"Zhu Xia." Jiang Yao said coldly: "Now Lu Che is only under investigation, and there is no evidence to prove that he is a hooligan, I hope you don't prejudice him because of his father. "

If only Zhu Xia could listen to her in normal times, but not today, she argued rationally: "If there is no wind and no waves, it must not be groundless if the public security suspects Lu Che. My good Yaoyao, I am true I only called you to live with your sister. I haven't told Uncle Tian and Auntie Tian about this, so I asked you to come and live first."

When Jiang Yao heard this, her voice softened and she said, "Zhu Xia, you have been here in Qingyuan Village for several years. Think about your impression of Lu Che, do you listen to it all? Others say, haven't seen it with your own eyes? In your perception, he is a bad person, but have you really seen him do bad things?"

"..." Zhu Xia was choked and said after a while, "It seems... no."

"If there is no, there is no, there is nothing like it." Jiang Yao said with a smile: "I came to you today because I want you to do me a favor."

"What's up?"

"Help me find out where the duck girl lives."

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to hear from her about the night."

"Are you crazy?"

"You just think I'm crazy." Jiang Yao joked: "Anyway, you must help me today."


Jiang Yao is soft and hard, acting coquettish and threatening, Zhu Xia can't stand it, so she can only go out and ask her.

Zhu Xia has been in Qingyuan for a long time, and she is diligent. Although she is an educated youth, her popularity in the production team is good. She went out and circled around, and found out the home address of the duck girl in Shangshui Village, and the duck girl's name is Lin Fang.

It is not too late, Jiang Yao and Lu Qing set out to find someone.

Shangshui Village is not far from Qingyuan Village, there are three production teams in the middle, and it only takes half an hour to walk.

Entering Shangshui Village, and walking on the road, they could hear some villagers discussing Lin Fang from time to time. Some say she is pitiful, but more are hurtful words.

It was not Lin Fang who made the mistake, but the people in the world put all the fault on her.

After a while, they arrived at Lin Fang's house.

The person who came out to open the door was Mother Lin. She saw that they were all faceless and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Let's find Xiaofang." Before Lu Qing could speak, Jiang Yao had already spoken first, "We are from Qingyuan Village, we heard about Xiaofang's experience, we know something, no I know if it will be useful to the case, so I want to meet Xiaofang."

Mr Lin was overjoyed when she heard it, she quickly pulled them into the room and said, "Thank you for helping Xiaofang. If you can catch that one with a thousand cuts, I will definitely thank you."

"Auntie, you're welcome, we don't know if we can help, hope we can."

Lu Qing watched Jiang Yao lie without changing his face, he couldn't help but glance at her, she looked back to reassure her.

Soon, Mother Lin took them to Lin Fang's room.

Lin Fang was lying on the bed, her whole body was in a trance, when she sat up and saw that it was Lu Qing, she suddenly became excited, pointed at her and cursed, "You are the one Sister asshole, get out of here."

"You don't have to beg me, I won't let him go."

Mr. Lin didn't know why, but she quickly reacted and pointed to Jiang Yao and said to Lu Qing, "You two liars, hurry up and get out of here, you are thinking of harming me. Isn't the girl hurt bad enough?"

Speaking, Mother Lin was going to get the broom, Lu Qing was frightened, Jiang Yao hugged Mother Lin directly and tried to stop her. But she has thin arms, thin legs, and little strength. Mother Lin enjoys doing farm work. She was pushed to the ground in three or two strokes, and her back slammed into the wall.

"Yaoyao, are you all right?" Lu Qing hurried over to check.

Lin mother saw Jiang Yao's pained face, and suddenly panicked, waved her hands, and stammered: "It's none of my business, you brought it up yourself."

"I know, this matter has nothing to do with you." Jiang Yao put one hand on her waist, the other hand was supported by Lu Qing to stand up, she seized the opportunity and said: "Lu Che is only now When he was brought back for investigation, there was no evidence to prove that he was the bastard. We came here today to find out what happened that day with Xiaofang."

Seeing that Mother Lin was about to drive her away again, Jiang Yao said "oh" and eagerly said to Lu Qing, "Sister Qing, hurry up and help me sit down, my waist hurts a lot."

Mother Lin was too frightened to speak.

After Jiang Yao sat down, she took the opportunity to say to Lin Fang: "Xiaofang, I know you are wronged about this matter, but you have the courage to speak out about this matter in order to let the criminals get the law If you wronged a good person and let the real murderer go unpunished, would you be willing?"

Lin Fang didn't speak, but from her stubborn eyes, Jiang Yao could see that she had listened to her words.

"You have to bring the real culprit to justice, and we have to clear up Lu Che's grievances. In the end, our purpose is the same." Jiang Yao followed the instructions and asked tentatively: "Little Fang, can you tell me in detail what happened that night?"

Lin Fang was originally silent, but when he heard this, his emotions were tumbling again. Jiang Yao knew that she didn't want to recall the pain that night, and said, "To be honest, I was actually drugged that night. Fortunately, I met Lu Che and he saved me. How could such a person be real? fierce?"

"You..." Lin Fang looked at Jiang Yao in amazement.

"Yes." Jiang Yao said: "He ran out to find Dr. Zhang for me that night, so he was slandered by others. You may think this is my side of the word, but as long as When Dr. Zhang comes back, everything will come to light."

Speaking of this, Lin Fang couldn't find anything suspicious. Seeing Jiang Yao's open face, she twitched her lips and recalled the events of that night.

According to Lin Fang's recollection, she fell asleep early that night and was dazed. By the time she woke up, the beast had finished and was trying to do it a second time.

Although she was completely weak, she resisted desperately, and the beast slapped her in anger, causing her forehead to hit the wall and bleed. Probably afraid of killing her, he hurriedly got up and fled the scene.

"Don't you see what that person looks like?" Jiang Yao asked.

"No." Lin Fang shook his head, "There is only one window in my room, which is made of wooden boards. Usually, I would open it when I sleep, but it was closed at that time, and it was dark inside, so I couldn't see it. ."

Jiang Yao was a little disappointed, but did not give up, and asked: "What happened to you after the man left?"

"I was very dizzy and couldn't get up at all. I didn't wake up until midnight. I was afraid of being laughed at by others, so I put up with it." Lin Fang said again: " By the way, not long after he ran out the door, I heard a sound of falling water, I guess he was in a hurry and fell into the pond."

Jiang Yao asked Lin Fang some more questions, but she probably didn't get many answers. She stayed at Lin's house for almost an hour before she got up and said goodbye to Lu Qing.

Lin Xiaofang nodded: "Don't worry, I know it all. I went to the police to record a statement, and the police also reminded me not to talk nonsense. I haven't been out these days, and my family has also I didn't tell anyone else."

On the way back, Jiang Yao kept thinking about Lin Xiaofang's words, hoping to find something from it.

But when she walked to the door of Lu's house, the flaw was not found, but Zhao Pengfei came looking for her.

Jiang Yao usually doesn't want to pay attention to Zhao Pengfei, not to mention that she is so troubled now that she doesn't even bother to look at him.

Seeing that she was about to enter the door, Zhao Pengfei grabbed her wrist with one hand and demanded sharply, "Jiang Yao, move me out of the Lu family right now."

"If you don't move, who are you? Why do you care about me?" Jiang Yao shook his hand away.

Zhao Pengfei was about to explode with anger, and roared directly, "I grew up with you, you are my sister in my heart, forget about other things, now you live in a gangster's house , I absolutely disagree."

"Who is your sister? Did my parents agree with you to be his son? It's ridiculous! Also, who said Lu Che was a hooligan?" Jiang Yao's voice rose a few times Du, "The police couldn't convict him, why do you?"

"Isn't this an obvious thing?" Zhao Pengfei said: "He hangs out at night, who else is he?"

"It's ridiculous. Going out at night is a hooligan. Then who would dare to go out? When the harvest is rushing home at six o'clock, the rice will not be cut."

"What?" Jiang Yao was stunned suddenly, Zhao Pengfei thought she had figured it out, and when he was about to slow down and coax her to move out, he heard her say: "Sister Qing, let's go back Home, remember to close the door and don't let anyone break in."

Speaking, she slipped in quickly. Lu Qing moved quickly, and before Zhao Pengfei could react, he had already closed the door.

The quality of the gates of the once big gates is still very high, and it is impossible to kick the door.

Zhao Pengfei kicked a few times outside to no avail, so he could only leave angrily.

Jiang Yao went directly back to her room, Lu Qing followed her in, and when she was trying to persuade her not to be angry, she found her smiling.

"You...why are you so happy?" Lu Qing asked in confusion.

Jiang Yao: "This Zhao Pengfei is annoying, but he reminds me of one thing. After he leaves, let's go to Zhang Gongan, I know how this happened. solved."

When Lu Qing heard what she said, she was overjoyed and didn't ask her how to solve it. Anyway, seeing her full of confidence, she felt relieved.

In the evening, because Lu Dazhou was away, the village party secretary Lu Caigui used a loudspeaker to inform: Members, tomorrow morning, the public security comrades will come to our production team to collect clues about Lin Fang's case, please come to the granary tomorrow to gather , when everyone knows anything, just tell the police to help solve the case.

In these days, people don’t have much entertainment activities. When encountering such a big event, of course they rush to gossip. The next day, many people brought stools to the granary to gather early, which was much more active than going to work and holding a member meeting.

Jiang Yao and Lu Qing were not in time. When they arrived, Zhang Gongan and two colleagues had just arrived.

As soon as it reached 7:30, Lu Caigui quieted everyone down and handed the loudspeaker to Zhang Public Security.

"Dear members, the purpose of our visit today, I believe Lu Zhishu has made it clear to everyone yesterday. Well, now whoever went out that night and saw anything can say already."

"I went out to play cards that night, but I didn't meet anyone."

"I went to fight, but I didn't meet anyone."


After a few people spoke, Chen Shuanglian stood up and said imposingly: "I saw Lu Che, he was running outside in a wet suit that night, and he looked dry at first sight. It's a shame."

"Did you really see it?" Zhang Gong'an asked in a fair manner: "Then please tell me in detail why you went out, where did you see Lu Che, and what was it like when you saw him? Yes, make it clear."

Zhang Gongan squinted his face, Chen Shuanglian looked a little guilty, she looked towards Lu Zhisen unconsciously. Lu Zhisen glared at her, and she stood up immediately, stalking her neck and said, "Let's just say, I went to play Pai Gow that night, and several of my poker friends can testify. When I almost got to my house, I saw Lu Che in a hurry. When he was running on the road, he was soaked all over, and it looked like he had fallen into the water."

"Our production team has no street lights, are you sure you really saw Lu Che soaking wet?" Jiang Yao asked suddenly.

"Oh, so that's the case." Jiang Yao nodded and asked again, "Since you can see clearly, what shirt and pants did Lu Che wear that night, and whether his hair was wet? , you should be very clear."

"I..." passed by in a hurry at that time, how could Chen Shuanglian remember it so clearly, he hesitated for a long time, and people began to panic.

Lu Zhisen finally couldn't stand it anymore, stood up and shouted, "The hooligan fell into the pond, his body was wet, Lu Che was like that at the time, he must be right."

"How do you know the gangster is wet? You saw it with your own eyes?" Zhang Gongan asked.

Lu Zhisen was stunned by Zhang Gongan's cold eyes, he forced himself to calm down, and said, "The person who reported anonymously said it."

"How do you know what the anonymous reporter said?" Zhang Gongan's eyes became more and more aggressive, "In the process of handling the case, we only said that Lu Che was reported anonymously. As for the content of the report, we have never It wasn't revealed."

"Lu Zhisen is so clear, he must have reported it anonymously!"

"Yes, he must be jealous of Lu Che's ability to repair tractors and deliberately slander others."


The villagers began to shout in a hustle and bustle, and Lu Zhisen said angrily: "What if I report it? He Lu Che can do it without fear of others reporting it."

"You mean, you wrote this anonymous report letter?" Zhang Public Security took out the report letter and spread it out in front of Lu Zhisen.

Lu Zhisen broke the jar and snorted coldly: "I wrote it, can't I write it?"

"Yes, of course." After Zhang Gongan finished speaking, he asked: "You said that the hooligan fell into the pond, so you are all wet?"

"Yes." Lu Zhisen said firmly.

Publican Zhang suddenly sneered, "How do you know the hooligan once fell into the pond?"

"..." Lu Zhisen realized later that he had said something stupid, and his face turned pale. Before he could explain anything, Zhang Gongan had already had him taken down.

Thanks to Jiang Yao for making Lu Zhisen not attack himself today.

Public Zhang thanked her again and again, and said, "I found that you are very sensitive in handling cases. You can consider joining our public security department."

"...No, thank you!" Jiang Yao is not interested in being a madam, she just wants to know when Lu Che will be able to go home, "Can Lu Che come back later?"

"Okay, when we go back, we can come back after completing the formalities, you can rest assured." Zhang Gongan assured.

With the assurance of Zhang Public Security, Jiang Yao and Lu Qing finally showed a gratified smile. Lu Qing wanted to pick him up, but Zhang Public Security said that the formalities would take a certain amount of time, so don't worry, people will naturally return.

In this case, Lu Qing will go home and prepare grapefruit leaf water first, and let Lu Che come back to wash away the bad luck.

As for Jiang Yao, she was quite happy at first, but when she got home, she suddenly became a little nervous.

Remembering the sentence Lu Che said to herself that night, "Good, it's okay, wait for me to come back", her heart thumped.

When he comes back tonight, will he say something to her? The more she thought about it, the more she expected, and the more nervous she became.

, and felt that he was too exaggerated.

After waiting anxiously, Lu Che finally came back in the evening.

When Jiang Yao heard the sound and ran out, he was crossing the brazier at the door.

The door was closed, and the old lady whispered to the side, probably because she was afraid that this behavior would be wrong.

The moment Lu Che stepped over the brazier, he looked up and saw Jiang Yao at a glance.

She couldn't help being a little excited, but his expression was light, so light that Jiang Yao's heart was a little cold.

"Cheche, you can come back safely this time, it's really a blessing for Yaoyao." The old lady said, and said to Jiang Yao, "Yaoyao, come to the main room for dinner tonight, don't push. "

Lu Che heard the sound, his expression did not change much, he said "thank you" softly, and then walked towards the main room, keeping a distance of more than five meters from her.

Jiang Yao's heart was completely cold, she didn't have the heart to eat anything, but the kindness was difficult, so she could only go to eat.

Lu Che took a long time in the bath, but no one urged him.

Everyone is in a good mood today, the Lu family hall is full of joy, and Jiang Yao is in it, so she can only force a smile.

About 20 minutes later, Lu Che came out of the shower and sat down opposite her without looking at her.

The old lady hurriedly greeted everyone to pick up chopsticks.

In order to celebrate Lu Che's return, although there is no meat tonight, the rice is pure white rice, and the eggs are fried several times, which is very rich.

When the door of the room was closed, Jiang Yao's eyes were red with anger. She didn't know what she was angry about. After all, Lu Che didn't say anything.