MTL - Virtual Evolution-Chapter 1566 Leap of Life

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When Le Yuan tried to integrate the jade brand into his own imprint of life in the thirteenth dimension of the ultra-dimensional state, the response of the jade brand showed an unprecedented initiative as Le Yuan expected.

However, although Le Yuan intends to incorporate the jade brand into his own seal of life, he did not forget to keep his hand. Perhaps this jade brand is indeed the key to his return to his own world, but he is indispensable. Who can guarantee this? There are no sequelae or backdoors.

"Hundreds of sources of grass, all kinds of metamorphosis!"

With the support of the twelve dimensions, the rule of Wanyuanbaicao grass had already stood at the top of this world, and it was supported by the power of Leyuan, saying that it is no exaggeration to stand at the top of the pyramid of the thirteen dimensions. An independent individual who is independent of the timeline and outside the world, backs up Le Yuan's life stamp, and can reverse and reorganize at the moment when a problem occurs. It can be said that Le Yuan is the last and most secure way to save lives.

All the preparatory work is in place. If Le Yuan hasn't finally struck at this step, I am afraid he will even look down on himself.

"Hope you can surprise me!"

It can be said that for Le Yuan, who has no other goals at all, his strength has reached the peak of the current world. His biggest wish is probably to conceive his own real world. ) The root cause, then everything has no regrets.

The moment Leyuan incorporated the jade brand into his own imprint of life, everything had already begun, and there was no longer the possibility of stopping. No one knew how long the whole process would last, and what consequences would result. The only thing that Le Yuan can be thankful for is that he has left the backhand, whether it is Wanyuan Baijie Herbal Body, or the heavenly robe of the small world. He did not sit back when Le Yuan entered the fusion state. Once he found that When they had problems, they stopped immediately to ensure that Le Yuan was safe.

And just when Leyuan was engaged in the fusion business, the **** kings from various **** realms in all directions towards Zhongdu **** realm chose to enter the main city directly.

The defense force of the main city?

Do not make jokes!

Although the main defense city of Zhongdu God Realm can be said to have the strongest defense power in the entire Zhongdu God Realm, even the moat of the three **** kings covered by the greedy wolf, the broken army, and the Seven Kills does not say that it will kill God King Realm. The masters are comparable to killing the wolves, but it is more than enough to defend three or four **** king masters from attacking for a short time and to stop them outside.

Are those in the capital city dare to use it now?

If there is only one or two alien **** kings, that ’s all. Now it ’s a direct group to come to the capital city, not to mention the existence of a moat, even if there are three **** kings in the family It may not be able to stand up, after all, the current situation is that almost all known masters of the God King Realm have come, no matter how they look, they are not here for sightseeing. Opening the moat rashly may have aroused the dissatisfaction of all the masters of the King of God and jointly destroyed the main city.

Now the people in the capital city of the capital are eager to come out and solve the situation before their own boss. Such a big scene may not be so grand even if the festival is held every 4,900 years.

Although the sacrifice to the heaven festival is to connect with the inner world, the inner world is high, but not everyone will lick his face to watch the ceremony every time.

Therefore, this time the gods and kings gathered in the capital city for the first time in hundreds of millions of years, and even many people in the capital city have been wondering if the battle of the gods is about to erupt, or whether to leave the capital city in advance This is the land of right and wrong.

It's just that while a group of people are thinking about the way back, there are also many people who are loyal to the three **** kings of Zhongdu God Realm thinking about such a serious situation, why haven't they seen the greedy wolf, the broken army and the seven killing three kings.

Many **** kings from other **** realms come to Zhongdu **** realm, no matter whether the other party comes from goodwill or maliciously, as the land snake and host of Zhongdu **** realm, the three **** kings who kill, break, and wolf should all Appeared right, not as if there was no such thing as nothing now.

As the residents of Zhongdu Divine Realm, whether they are in the heavenly realm or the virtual divine realm, these people who are completely unable to reach the table, at this moment, have noticed a strange atmosphere covering the capital city of Zhongdu.

"Master Lord! Master Bellu!"

Among the many admired masters of the kingdom of God, Hiludi, who has been staying in the capital city, suddenly appeared in front of his boss.

In the presence of many **** king masters around, the devil is still in the slightest. Looking at Herod, who salutes him respectfully and respectfully, he grins and laughs, and at the same time pats a little indecently. Hildi's shoulders were like talking to a buddy instead of a subordinate. This completely "respectful and indifferent" and "no pride" move is said to be the shame of the **** king. That is no exaggeration, but when the demon king made such an action, no one else had the intention to preach the big The devil's ~ ~ At this time, there is no idle time to pay attention to the devil. Secondly, as long as people who understand the character know that he is dead or not, even Shakyamuni ’s If this level of people is not the trick to deal with Le Yuan, it will not affect the Devil in the slightest.

The magic gas surging, the power of the devil will temporarily shield the surrounding, although this seems a bit self-defeating, cover the ears and steal the bell. But anyone who knows the Devil will not overhear the mind of the Devil.

Shielding the surroundings, the big demon changed the smile on his face, and the whole person became very rare.

"Say, what's the situation now?"

Of course, the situation asked by the demon king does not refer to the reason for the battle of Shakyamuni. He is different from other masters of the **** kingdom who came to Zhongdu God Realm. He knows more about what happened in Zhongdu God Realm than others.

"He, he has already come to the Divine Realm! And he entered the altar six months ago. The battle that happened before is probably his handwriting ... The prophecy is really accurate. What should we do, Lord Devil? Support him?"

When Herod didn't even mention the name, just talking about an "he", he was always with the Devil. It seemed that Little Belu, who was about 5 years old, looked at Herod with his eyes open. The meaning of that expression was very obvious-take me to find him.

"Let ’s keep our troops in check. It looks like he doesn't need our help yet. We will show up if necessary. After all, he is a person who can bring about change in the realm of God!"

The words of the great devil are thought-provoking. It seems that Leyuan's identity is not just as simple as the **** destroyer in the mouth of the seven gods. 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school