MTL - Virtual World: Close Combat Mage-v2 Chapter 46 Go away

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"Hey! Look!" Gu Fei turned back and found the side of the thief's union outside the door. He said that you are still not clear enough. Gu Fei said.

Not looking at him, no expression, no speech. No, the people outside the door not only did not disperse, but there was an increasing trend. Gu Fei sighed and pulled out the mercenary chat window: "This is not a laugh, I killed him again, now surrounded me. ""

"Then you haven't died yet?" asked the Han family.

"I am in the safe area!" Gu Fei said.

"Can you rush out?" asked Han Jiazi.

"I try." Gu Fei said, already stood up.

"We will be there soon." Han Jiazi shouted in the chat window.

“No,” Gu Fei said. “Their people are still growing. Even if we are all gathered together, we can’t directly confront the 300 people in the world. I’m going to rush out now!”

"That's good, you cheer, we went drinking." Han Jiagong said.

Gu Fei: "..."

The mage’s robe that had been dragged to the ground was somewhat obstructive, and Gu Fei picked up the hem and firmly tied it to his waist. The baptism of Yan in the hand is tight and clenched, and I don’t smile: "I am gone!"

Looking at him without a smile. At least the thieves union has gathered at least ten players across the board, and the followers are still rushing to the scene. This guy wants to rush out so arrogantly, is he a GM?

Even the outside blocking did not expect Gu Fei to have such a move. They were all ready to fight for a protracted war, thinking that they would eventually sit in the safe area to negotiate, or the other party would help, so A situation of melee outside the security zone. But at the moment, it is Gu Fei who wants to single out a group of them.

Gu Fei, who walked slowly outside the safe area, was covered with black cloth on his face. No one could see his expression, but there was an imposing manner that made everyone nervously nervous. I can't help but remind myself: We are many people, afraid of anything! Although there is such a thought, but the previous few people still can not replay the picture of the previous Gu Fei to solve the smile. How did that happen, they still can't figure it out now.

Gu Fei had already walked to the door, and suddenly he jumped out and jumped out.

Legend has it that the border between life and death has been leaped by him. The baptism of Yan in the hand waved sideways.

As long as Gu Fei made an attack, no one flashed. The speed that he produces with all his sensitivities is not slow, the second is the angle that he can't understand and can't figure out when he attacks. The third is the change and adjustment that is quickly produced even if the hit is not hit. .

This first hit, he hit a mage who was singing on his side.

Although Gu Fei will not identify the technique, in fact, the equipment selected by the characters in the game will still be very different. The robes like the wizard, the cloak that the thieves love to wear, and the armor of the soldiers can be distinguished at a glance. It’s also a matter of judging the occupation by wearing clothes.

The other side of the knife, although not directly slashed, finally interrupted the mage of the mage. Close attack, Gu Fei can see the dismantling, but he is scrupulous about the wizard's spells. In particular, the wizard's lowest-level spell fireball is actually equipped with automatic tracking. Although the duration is very short, the impact on Gu Fei's performance is still quite large.

The other side of the knife is not counted, Gu Feifei's foot also smashed a player's foot. The damage of this foot is of course small to negligible, but the opponent is backed up by this kick, just to stop two players who want to rush.

Gu Fei landed, the baptism of Yan in the hand turned, and he greeted the Master. It is a pity that the Master's blood is thin, the speed is mediocre, and there is no way to face Gu Fei's attack. The staff in the hand is not right and right, only feels very disrespectful. The fire attack of the baptism of the fire was launched at a very timely time. Although the magical defense is higher than the general character, the physical defense is low, and the blood is less, and the two are in the middle, and Gu Fei has two knives. Did not escape the murder of the end.

Gu Fei's spirit is full of vigour, and the knife is fighting again. A group of people are blocking the door and trying to kill him. As a result, Gu Fei takes the initiative. A very important reason is not standing in the safe area without a smile: "Don't kill him, tear off the cloth on his face."

Not laughing, Gu Fei was immediately deported by ten people and resurrected back to the safe area. Then he could no longer see the true identity of this person, so he made the same mistake as Cao Cao.

It is said that in the same year, when he was in Dangyang, Cao Cao was a big man who "not allowed to put cold arrows and give life to Laozi", which led Zhao Yun to hold Liu Bei's son to a **** robes, and finally went away.

However, there are at least a million troops in Cao Cao's home. The atmosphere is very good. They don't laugh, but there are only ten people in the district, and they dare to align with the ancients. As he shouted this, Gu Fei had already solved the Master. When the words came out, the other players who rushed to revenge were made tough.

Ordinary players can not only maximize the attack power like Gu Fei, but also the least damage to the weapon. Several warriors armed with heavy weapons were not able to hold their feet at this time, for fear that the heavy pounds of fire would go up and take Gu Fei to the flat.

Gu Fei is not a brave and unscrupulous hoe. When he made the decision to break through the encirclement, he had already seen the ten people and thought that he had the strength and the ten people. The result is not to laugh at this instruction, the remaining nine of the ten people have become timid, one by one looking at Gu Fei is not, not cutting or not, making Gu Fei disappointing, very murderously turned back and no Smiled.

Not laughing, it’s not enough, it’s still adding chaos: “Catch him, grab him, rub the cloth on his face, and rub the cloth on his face.”

A group of people have taken up their weapons and rushed up to try to compete with Gu Fei. As a result, Gu Feiyan’s baptism dance was more powerful than them, and the fire flew around, and the two **** guys flew. There are soldiers who are licking their own skin and thick, and want to come up to make it hard to fly. But Gu Fei is fast, their soldiers are going to be fast, plus this skill, this erratic position, a group of eagle eagle catching chickens like a tooth and claws but even Gu Fei's clothes can not touch.

In the twinkling of an eye, two people fell to the ground. One of them was a warrior who thought he was **** and did not put Gu Fei’s attack in his eyes.

I didn’t laugh and realized that my command was very unsuccessful, but things have only continued to go wrong. Otherwise, a few people who started at the beginning should not blame and die. So I continued to yell and yell: "Behold, persist, and the reinforcements will arrive soon."

Listening to this tone, not looking at the picture, I thought that Gu Fei took the brigade and surrounded them.

Gu Fei listened to the tips of not laughing, and felt that it was not a matter of playing tricks here.

When attaching to the fire damage, Gu Fei's attack power is absolutely not to be underestimated. But the problem is that his probability of fire is only 30%. This is the biggest attack and the smallest gap that Gu Fei can't overcome by technology. This leads him to encounter some embarrassing situations in the process of fighting.

For example, this knife has been smashed down, and several subtle tricks have been hidden. As a result, the fire method is triggered, and the other side hangs. Or sometimes on the left side, I hope that the fire will destroy the guy as soon as it comes out, and I will just use it to deal with the right side. As a result, the fire method has not been released and I have to re-adjust the arrangement.

At this time, the fire attack that did not come out at the time helped Gu Fei, but it also disrupted his rhythm to a certain extent and affected his play. In the case of one-on-one, this effect is negligible, but in this complex situation with more than one enemy, the impact is constantly magnified.

The ten people who were originally surrounded by Gu Fei were cut five, but there are still eight.

It seems that the plan to kill all ten people is somewhat unrealistic. Not to mention the follow-up and support this, the two thieves have already died under Gu Feidao. But the result here is the door of the thieves' union, dead in the same place, and rushed out to fight again. Anyway, the command to not laugh is not to kill each other to see the appearance, the two to prevent death and equipment durable, simply took off the shirt and directly out and Gu Fei beat.

Gu Fei’s attack is not limited to knife cutting, punching and kicking, in short, it is not close to people. Although several people were beaten by Gu Fei, they always thought that their encirclement was at least very successful. Where do you know that it is not that they are trapped by Gu Fei, but that Gu Fei does not want to go. At this point, after the mind was born, the two knives were slashed and the gaps flashed out, and the flash had already flashed out of the circle.

I didn’t laugh and thought that the encirclement of my own command was very successful. When I saw Gu Fei rushing out of the circle, I thought it was a small mistake of my men. I hurriedly shouted: “Hurry, surround, surround.” I also rushed out of the safe area with my own arms.

However, Gu Fei has already rushed out a few meters at this time. He did not laugh and pointed at the two thieves around Gu Feichong: "Drunk, fast."

The two thieves cried: "I have just died one level and will not be ruined."

One of them cried louder: "I have burned a lot of skills."

I didn't laugh at this and it was another cold. He forgot the loss. He only watched that he had lost a few levels. The equipment was durable and the brush was 0, but it was lucky to not explode. I completely forgot my 30-level skills, and I have already brushed up a highly skilled scam. It has disappeared.

It was this annoyance, and suddenly I saw Gu Fei stopped at the front end. I don’t laugh too much, and I quickly command everyone to chase.

I didn't want to take a look back. I suddenly ran back and whispered something in my mouth. Everyone was a glimpse, and they couldn’t help but slow down a few steps. As a result, Gu Fei made another fold and ran back.

"Rely, be fooled!" Not yelling and screaming, because several people are slow, the distance has been opened again.

Everyone was annoyed with re-acceleration, and suddenly there was a fire in front of them. A dragon fires up and turns into a few fireballs, and "Teng Teng Teng" rushes to the crowd.

"Ah!" With everyone's exclamation, everyone was blown up.

In addition to not laughing, these people still have traces of being cut by Gu Fei, and their lives are not full. Under the attack, two more people went back to the safe area.

Thirty Master Mage Skills: Lianzhu Fireball.

The shirtless smile didn't die, but it was not blown up. At this time, it was full of tears, and finally could not help but sigh: "Day, forget him is still a mage!"