MTL - Virtual World: Close Combat Mage-v2 Chapter 53 Killer, killer

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"Ah! The king of the killer, you are back, sit down, sit down!" Yu Tian Shen jumped up and squatted and gave his position to Gu Fei.

Gu Fei touched his head and smiled: "True."

"Wow! A lot of money!" Gu Fei took a seat and noticed the full bag on the table.

"A thousand miles, how do you say it?" Han Jiagong asked in his heart. They all say that they are born again, and they are cooked twice. If the last time Gu Fei said that everyone is still embarrassed, then this time will definitely be reckless. None of them are good at everything. This is the sword ghost, this guy is sometimes too serious. However, when Han Jiazi’s speech was already passed on, the sword ghost did not know how to understand it. In short, he did not speak.

"Oh? I said ah..." Looking forward to the eyes of several people, Gu Fei took the finger and began to count: "The goal is not to laugh, killing a total of ten times, of which I killed eight times, the sword ghost killed twice There are ten purses here, so it should be two swordsmen, eight of me, right!"

"Well, yes, support, top!" said the sword ghost.

"Top your mother!" Han Jiagong was angry.

“It’s too late to communicate with your eyes.” Gu Fei laughed at Han’s son. “We all talked privately.”

"Rely! You two monks!" Han Jiagong continued to paralyze.

"If you forget it, divide it equally! You have also worked hard for a day." Gu Fei said generously.

"Just wait for you." Yu Tianshen screamed a hungry tiger and rushed up, and took away two purses. Others have also reached out and Gu Fei has a great sense of accomplishment. At the same time, my heart is also surprised that this girl is really rich in July.

According to the current RMB exchange equipment on the exchange, and then the exchange rate of the auction house equipment to sell the game currency, the current gold coin in the game is worth about 10 yuan. After all, at the beginning of the game, the production of gold coins is still quite low.

Even the RMB fighters currently want to save some gold coins, because players will get the exchanges, most of them are relatively expensive equipment. After the player purchases such equipment in RMB, he wants to return to the game to sell the game currency, which is very difficult because the price is too high.

In this situation, it is really amazing to be able to save a thousand gold coins. It must be that the renminbi has acquired a lot of low-cost equipment, and then sold it to the game currency one by one. It is difficult to complete the project without amazing perseverance.

When Gu Fei’s recollection was enough, it was discovered that the money bag on the table was gone.

"Hey, mine!" Gu Fei took the table.

"Strange, why aren't there?" Someone said.

Intelligence expert You Ge suggested: "We have six people, the money is divided into ten bags..."

"Pour it out!" Gu Fei said.

"1000 divided by 6 is also indispensable!" Everyone made a very difficult expression. Gu Feigang wants to attack, and the head of the group, Han Jiagong, spoke: "No! It's just right now."

"What kind of joke? I don't have a penny?" Gu Fei said.

"You forgot?" Han Jiagong said slowly: "You drank here and consumed 200 gold coins. That is exactly the deposit for our business. I have already paid for you."

"200 gold coins? What wine do you drink?" everyone exclaimed.

"No! I had four cups of drink with Youyou that day. The money should be... Hey, what about You? How did Yougo disappear?" Gu Fei looked around.

"It has to be clarified, I am going to catch him back!" The war went out without injury.

As a result, the left and the right waited for no one to return. Yu Tian Shen Ming shot the thigh: "Oh, these two old foxes must be colluding well, I will catch them both back!"

Yu Tian Shen Ming just walked. Han Jiagongzi got up: "Hey, don't be too disappointing! Give me back!" When he said that he was going out of the door, suddenly a heat wave swept from his face, and Han Jiazi quickly rushed backwards. . Gu Fei’s baptism of inflammation has been in front of the door.

"The knife is good!" Han Jiagong laughed.

"I cut eight times today without laughing." Gu Fei looked at his knife and said, "In the words of the NBA, the hand is hot and the state is surprisingly good."

"I don't believe you will cut me." Han Jiazi said.

"Of course not, but don't take the money out, you don't want to go today!" Gu Fei said.

"Okay!" Han Jiagong stretched out and sat back to the seat: "If you don't leave, don't you go. Is the name of my **** of wine a vain name? Xiaolei, take the wine!"

"To be the most expensive, remember the account!" Gu Fei added.

"I am afraid of you! Take two bottles." Han Jiagong called.

Xiao Lei quickly hugged two bottles of wine in, this kind of business is not always there.

A bottle of 120 gold coins, two bottles of 240, Han Jiagongzi quickly put on the money bag, laughed: "Now I have no money, you are resistant to me! Hahahahaha! I will fight a fish to die! ""

Gu Fei smiled slightly, lightning-like hands, and the two bottles of wine that had just been placed on the table were taken into his arms.

"Hey, what are you doing? Eat a single food? It would be too kind!" said Han Jiazi.

Gu Fei smiled brightly, and he reached out and grabbed the small mine that was ready to leave after the money was collected: "Xiao Lei, these two bottles of wine, I will sell you 100 gold coins in a bottle?"

Xiao Lei is a glimpse, and Han Jiagong is also a glimpse.

"Do you not do such a cost-effective business?" Gu Fei said with a smile.

Xiaolei suddenly smiled and let go of the two purses. Gu Fei grabbed the ball and stuffed the two bottles into Xiaolei.

"Go!" Gu Fei got up and gave a tribute to the Han family. He fled in general.

"My day! My day! My day!!!!" Han Jiagong is like a dream, a mad man. Players outside the private room heard curiously asking: "Xiao Lei, is your pub starting to provide pornography?"

"Okay!" Sword ghost comforted Han Jiagong, "I invite you to drink."

"Good brother!" Han Jiagong patted the shoulder of the sword ghost, "Little Lei, the most..."

"Not the most expensive!" The sword ghost's dagger was inserted into the table and slowly said: "Two bottles of 240 gold coins, I don't have enough money."

"The second expensive wine comes with two bottles!" the sword ghost shouted.

It was night, and the legendary **** of wine, Han Jiazi, cried while drinking: "He is a killer!"

Gu Fei, who left the pub, went to the practice area and brushed it. As I have experienced before, the baptism of inflammation, which is completely uncontrollable, has a great influence on his rhythm. In the case of several NPCs, I encountered dangers many times. After all, no one would call "Don't kill and catch alive".

In this regard, Gu Fei can solve it by changing a weapon without such a chance, but he did not do so. Because for him, this is another rare practice. In the game, there is no physical cultivation, because the body's reaction, strength or other things are not artificially determined, but influenced by the game data. The cultivation in the game can be said to focus on the brain.

In the face of some situations, what kind of solution is the most appropriate? Counterattack or dodge? Which enemy is attacked by counterattack? Which direction does the dodge move in? These are all things that need to be judged in an instant. How to choose the most correct and effective way from multiple choices? Some people say it is by intuition. That's right, but there are two kinds of intuition, one is called talent; the other is called experience.

Gu Fei did not dare to say that he is very talented. After all, he is not likely to encounter this situation in reality, but at least he can accumulate experience very well.

Eyes chasing hands, hands chasing eyes.

The eye actually refers to the insight, judgment, and decision made in an instant. This is practiced both in the game and outside the game. But outside the game, Gu Fei can't have so many practical opportunities.

The hand, naturally outside the game can only be exercise, in the game, it depends on the number of attributes, relying on equipment, to be much simpler.

At this time, Gu Fei, the efficiency of the brush monster is slightly reduced, and it is possible to be hung up with a little care. In exchange for any game player will not choose to continue in this situation.

But Gu Fei is different. After all, he has a completely different purpose from playing games with ordinary players. In his view, this kind of practice is more important to him than to increase the number of points by a few more points.

The attack damage of high and low, so that Gu Fei has been mechanically stable attack rhythm from time to time according to the 30% of the law of the opportunity to make adjustments, Daguai becomes interesting, full of variables.

Of course, this is only for Gu Fei. If it is a normal player, this situation may choose a strange single brush, or it will replace the equipment, and will never continue to carry the risk.

After Gu Fei spent more than an hour, he ended his game career today.

But the legend he caused is still going on.

When Gu Fei has not finished the pursuit of laughing, this matter has already clashed with the forum of the game. And with the progress of the pursuit of continuous improvement, and finally settled ten times. On this day, people chased off the ten-level behavior, causing intense discussion among players, and the final view was different.

Those who are extremely keen on PK naturally do not agree with this behavior, the view is only one word: cool!

And those players who are worried about everything, have raised many concerns about this, what nourishes the violent elements! The game turns into a PK field! I’m even worried about whether this will lead to a decline in the turnover of game companies, which does not require them to worry about.

More is to see the excitement is not too big, they learned that today's pursuit is because they do not laugh off the line and ended, and urgently look forward to not being laughed on the line tomorrow and then being chased.

In any case, the players have two points to see is the same.

First, this killer is very NB, because I heard that he is only a mage, but in a melee way to cut a thief into this look, absolutely NB.

Second, this is not a very SB, because everyone knows that he is being chased, he is not a rival, but he does not hurry to hide under the line, it is hard to cut off 10, absolutely SB.