MTL - Virtual World: Close Combat Mage-v2 Chapter 56 Speed ​​squad

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Outside the cloud city, Gu Fei has been wandering for an hour. After some memories, Gu Fei calculated that his PK value should be 15 points. If you say it, you need to be online for 30 hours to clean.

These 30 hours can't be caught by the player who has received the hunt, otherwise they will return to the prison and re-open for 15 hours. Emphasize that this will be completely idle for 15 hours. In view of the holographic online game, players can't hang up and go to the movies, so Gu Fei insists on going to the wild to wander.

Gu Fei walked and harvested the monsters along the way. Since he has been moving, he has not encountered any danger. Only once heard the vocals of the far end, but somehow, the group seemed to be fighting. It is estimated that the two groups of enemies collided, so they refused to Gu Fei and donated themselves to the wanted list.

But as time went by, Gu Fei gradually felt the pressure. Before a considerable number of players thought that Gu Fei would definitely surrender, so stay in the overnight mission hall to wait for the rabbit. So there are not many players chasing Gu Fei. But after more than an hour, 27149 still topped the list, and many people began to take new actions.

A large number of guilds and mercenary groups began to officially invest in Gu Fei, and a large number of players flocked to the same coordinates. Among them, the most powerful is still the first guild of the Cloud City, across the board.

The sword without a vow, the popular, the three cores of the reflection, came to the city with a large number of people. A few minutes ago, Gu Fei just disappeared from this coordinate, surrounded by players, and searched in a certain direction according to his own ideas.

"Many people are really annoyed. Even if they can leave some traces, they are completely destroyed." The reflection of the years is very disgusting to glance at the busy players around.

"How do we get started?" asked the sword without a vow.

"Assume that he is full agile plus, 30-level mage, with agility should be 30 points plus 30 times 5 total 180 points, in addition to the display of his equipment on the forum, Eddie's coat of arms plus 6 points agility, agile total 186 points The Master's agile growth has no bonus and no weakening, so his fastest moving speed is 6.2 meters per second. Plus his pair of lightweight boots that can increase the moving speed by 5%, the final speed is 6.51 meters per second. If he is full of strength Running straight to the next coordinate, then the next coordinate distance should be 1953 meters. The human eye can distinguish the distance of people is about 2000 meters, so as long as the line of sight is unobstructed, we can basically see him." Reversal said.

"So now?"

"Now? The distance coordinate is refreshed for 3 minutes and 47 seconds. He is up to 1477.77 meters from here. Everyone will look in the direction where the line of sight will not be blocked. Do you see the figure running?" The reflection of the years smiled.

The crowd immediately began to wait and see.

"Nothing? So the route he chose is only a cloud forest, or an Oolong Mountain Range." The reflection of the years stretched out his fingers in front of the two areas.

"What do we do?" asked the sword without a vow.

"You can be disbanded." The reflection of the years said.


"In fact, he doesn't have to run at all. At his speed, most people can't see it. But then, if you are all-minded, follow me!" said the reflection.

There are a few people standing in the crowd, not thieves or archers.

"Oh, forgot to say, it must be level 30." The reflection of the years said.

Immediately quit two people.

"An archer with more than 150 agility can do it." The reflection of the years shouted.

One person raised his hand and followed the queue.

The reflection of the years looked at the three archers in front of the two thieves, nodded and said: "If you can catch this masked killer, it is only our team. Let us go!"

"Fuck, is this nothing we have?" The stunned watched the six men rushing toward Wulongshan.

"The reflection is right. If the wizard just ran away, we didn't." The sword of no oath touched his heavy armor.

"No, I can't swallow this breath, I'm going to turn around, maybe I'm lucky enough to step on him!" The wind clenched his fist and ran alone.

"Don't let everyone go." The sword without a vows turned back to the other gangs. "There are any tasks that are taken anyway. Every five people, just look for the level to practice leveling! If you see 27149, don't expose yourself, just install it. I don't know, it's called, you can circle him in the dark, do you understand?"

Everyone nodded and dispersed.

The reflection of the years with five people rushing toward the mountain, the coordinates of the halfway refreshed again, and it is located on the Wulong Mountain.

"We have a faster speed than him. As long as the direction is not wrong, you can catch up with him soon."

Several people nod. The former agile 150-point archer is now five feet behind the front.

"It seems that there is no need to bring him?" Four people in front of Quan Min talked.

The reflection of the years smiled and said: "There is always more work for one person. Although he is slower than us, he has a fight with the wizard." After that, he turned to the archer and waved his hand: "Follow it!" The archer nodded. .

A few people quickly came to the coordinates that had just been refreshed. Here is a ramp in the mountain. Turn left to the Wulong Cave. If you continue straight, you will continue along the Wulong Mountain Range. No one knows.

"Which side?"

"If you go straight, it will be fine, a straight line, sooner or later we will be caught up... I think he will not choose this path that lacks change, it should be to Wulong Cave. We will go to Wulong Cave first. The coordinates will not come back and chase, but there are two roads anyway." Reversal said.

"In case he walks back," one said.

"That happened to hit other people who chased the coordinates. He wasn't so stupid? Brushing the coordinates in five minutes, dare to go back?" The reflection of the year laughed, "Go ahead! Take time."

Several people turned left and rushed to the road leading to Wulong Cave. I have been chasing the hole, but I still don’t see the trace of Gu Fei. The reflection of the time has looked at the time and said: "If we have not made a mistake, then he can only enter the hole."

"The terrain of Wulong Cave is complicated. It is really good to choose the hiding and chasing troops here. By the way, you can also brush the leveling. But he still underestimated the number of players chasing him. Now chasing his players, it is easy enough to wash the entire Wulong Cave. Now, he is drilling inside, isn't it a dead end?" The reflection of the years is like this, but his face is worried. "Just like this, the speed advantage of our team is not enough."

"What do we do? Wait for the brigade?" Someone asked.

"Of course, we can't easily get such a big lead and go into the hole." After the reflection, a few people drilled into the hole. After moving forward for a while, the new coordinates were brushed again, and the reflections of the years were awkward. I suddenly laughed out: "High! I understand the intent of this guy now."

"What?" asked the person next to him.

"If we didn't step in the Wulong Cave in advance, but chased the coordinates of his stay, I am afraid I can't find this guy anymore."


"Beyond the hole in the game hole, it belongs to two maps, each with its own coordinates, but it is not marked when the coordinates are displayed. It should be regarded as a leak. Now the guy outside the hole, seeing this coordinate, is in the Oolong Look for the mountains and the mountains, I promise that they can't find anything." The reflection of the years laughed.

"This guy must have relaxed his vigilance now. Everyone is hurrying," said the reflection.

The six began to walk deep into the hole according to the coordinates just brushed out. Further discover that the strangeness on this road has been cleared by Gu Fei. The reflection is even more joyful: "He really did nothing, started to brush the leveling, and it will not be long before we will be chased. Everyone is ready to fight. Oh, it’s not so clear to tell us that it’s so clean. Is it a road?"

After the six people chased the coordinates left by Gu Fei, they continued to move in the direction of the strange monster. At this time, the coordinates were brushed out again, but the reflection was a glimpse.

"What's wrong? Keep going!"

"This coordinate is wrong!" said the reflection of the years.


"This coordinate is too far away from the distance. Now there are traces of his fight along the way. While walking away from the strange, how can I go so far."

"So what is going on?"

"In the Wulong Cave, there is another layer!"

"Yes? How come?" The people asked, these guys, they didn't come here to practice.

"I don't know, I have never heard of it."

"First go along the road, he will not be wrong with this strange trace?" Someone suggested. The body of the mobs on the ground undoubtedly pointed out the direction in which Gu Fei marched.

"It can only be like this." The reflection of the ages led the people to move on until they completely lost their traces.

“Is the channel on the other side just around here? Everyone is looking around.” The reflection of the years said.

The crowd spread out and one soon found something, excitedly shouting: "There is a secret road here!"

"What?" The reflection of the reflection in the other direction immediately came.

The open iron plate, below is a one-person height passage.

"Rogues, lurking down and see." Reflections of the years.

A thief lurked down the channel and sent a message after a while: "Yes!! It’s just the coordinates, it’s here, this guy is coming from here."

"Fast chase!" The reflection of the years jumped off the channel, and several others followed one by one.

"Ah!!!" When it was the last person, there was a sudden scream.

"What happened?" Several people in the tunnel were shocked. The answer to them was a heavy iron cover.

"Not good!" The five people in the cave were shocked and rushed to the entrance. Sure enough, the export has been re-installed, and I can feel the lock when I push it.

"It’s counted!" The reflection of the years was stunned.

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