MTL - Virtual World: Close Combat Mage-v3 Chapter 802 Hunting all the way

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Chapter 802, killing all the way

On the side of the animal husbandry guild, the president of the cloud in the cloud is rushing, and denounces those who take the initiative to apply for the pk value. Before forgetting that the voice in the channel comes out, he also has to cut a rookie to point. The impulse of the pk value. In the channel, the clouds are bleak, and the enemy in the cloud asks who has taken the initiative to apply for the pk value. A series of "I" quickly stunned him. The elephant’s staggering on this "great" idea is really not a name, responder Such as the cloud, only a moment, there are hundreds of people who applied for the pk value, and the rest did not receive it, thanks to the quick response of the channel, and thanks to the goal of not having a rider around them.

More than a hundred pk value carriers out of thin air, at this time the atmosphere did not dare to go out, the president in the channel to train. Seeing that the president had no words, finally someone asked weakly: "What should I do now?"

"Are you not safe? Go to find a thousand miles and get drunk pk!" There is a guy who likes to expose people short. Of course, you have to vomit at this timing. The result is naturally a criticism. In fact, the animal husbandry in the cloud did not want to stab the guys, but he knew that his identity was different. At this time, he was so cold-spoken and was a disappointing thing. Finally, after thinking about it, I can only say: "I will wash the pk value as soon as possible!"

The result immediately sounded again: "President, at this time, most of the targets on the wanted list are occupied by our people. Now go to the task..."

In the cloud, the animal husbandry listened to it. Ordinary players can only look at the pk value and number when they are tasked. They don’t know who the opponent is before they catch up with the target. It’s too likely that they will lead their own people.

"Go to the overnight mission, what should I do if I encounter a drunkenness?" There are also people asking.

This problem is even bigger. More than 100 people need to wash the pk value. The enemy in the cloud can't give them one person to protect 100 people. And the 100-man team may not be a drunken opponent.

"Be arrogant..." After thinking about it, the enemy in the cloud felt that only this method was the most insured, so a large group of people ran to the prison to succumb to tears and shed tears of remorse for themselves.

The elephant that made this idea was even more frightened when he stepped on it. He left this big disaster and was not excessively kicked out of the guild. However, in the cloud, the animal husbandry would have no intention to punish him for this crime. The animal husbandry has made such a big oolong. The black index finger has heard about it. He is laughing at the enemy in the cloud, and he is glad that his guild is not. The elephants are chaotically stepping on such talents.

In the city, the pk value carrier, naturally quickly went to the prison to apply for imprisonment, but the players outside the city are still rushing home to rush. There are four gates in the main city from north to south, and the leveling areas of players above 40 are mainly in the east and the north. At this time, the players in both directions do not communicate in advance, but everyone is practicing. The district returned to the city, but gradually came to the same road. Everyone watched each other silently, and their thoughts were different.

The players of Muyun, the look is quite awkward, and they are not a minority of the pk. On the other hand, the Black League will inherit the spirit of their president, and cast a degrading eye on the guy who is a hard-working brother.

There is nothing on both sides, each going, the direction is one, and the pace is also in a hurry. On this road, they also constantly heard news that some people were drunk in a thousand miles, which made them very clear that they were always hunted and killed, and maybe the next moment would appear behind them.

In this case, they know that the two presidents are more clear. In fact, they realized that these people just happened to be a bait that lured a thousand miles to get drunk. They had already called on the guilds to gather people and come to pick them up. They found that if they were drunk, they would just give them anti-hunting.

It takes time to gather the team and come in this direction. Especially in the face of the opponent is a drunk, a small number of teams simply do not dare to go on the road, but also with other teams also gathered into a team of hundreds of people. In the cloud, the animal husbandry and the black index finger bitterly persuaded these presidents: a thousand miles and a drunk are outside the East Gate, and your people are still **** in the leveling area outside the North Gate, how can they meet? You all rushed in the direction of Dongchengmen, naturally not gathered into a large army?

But no one listens. All the presidents are like collusion. They say that they don’t count what they said. It’s the players who don’t want to go on the road before they gather together.

The black index finger and the cloud in the cloud gnash your teeth! I can't tell if these guys are so ignorant, or deliberately delay the time, and don't want to rescue the two guilds who are hunted.

The two are very helpless, as long as they urge the members of their own guild to assemble quickly. These people have cities outside the city, and the city gathers to go outside the city. The gathering outside the city is going to the city, and the outside of the north gate is going outside the east gate. Anyway, it is an purpose: as soon as possible Thousands of miles drunk for anti-hunting.

But unfortunately, the players in the team, the speed of movement can only be regarded as short legs, Gu Fei single-handedly, how much faster than they do not know. In the cloud, the animal husbandry and the black index finger are constantly hearing the bad news. One after another, the players are drunk in the wild, and they return to the prison, and there are also rewards. When most of them were assembled, I don’t know how many people to lose. This loss is not the most terrible. The most troublesome thing for the two is the voice of "retreating without killing" that has already been spread in the guild. If you can't give a thousand miles of drunkenness and a headache, the members of the guild will lose confidence. If they start to withdraw, the two will be considered to be finished.

At this time, Gu Fei, all the way to kill the target and constantly try to get the task, the number of tasks has risen from 34 to 40, and 7 have been completed in the middle, just because the task has not yet existed in the list. If all of these tasks are completed, the pk value can be washed by 47 points. But on this road to kill, the average encounter with a team of people is a task two pk, the result pk value has now jumped to 197 points, breaking through 200.

At this point, the target coordinates in the list are divided into two categories, which are getting closer and closer. Gu Fei knows that this is the direction of the other party in a unified direction under the unified scheduling, and gradually has been synthesized all the way. All the way is outside the North City Gate. At this time, I am afraid that there will be some time. As for the Dongchengmen side, Gu Fei looked up and looked at him. He has already seen the crowds on the Guicheng Avenue. .

These players can also always pay attention to the four, always beware of the emergence of a thousand miles. When Gu Fei’s black figure became clear, countless people were already amazed, shouting “A thousand miles to get drunk” and reporting to their respective presidents.

"Unite, resist a thousand miles and get drunk!!" The two presidents have long known that their reinforcements cannot be faster than a thousand miles. They have already negotiated strategies, relying on these players to resist dragging time, and have a very good Reason: One thousand miles drunk to catch you, just to show that he has the task of wanted you, so even if he kills you, it is just going to prison, not death. And once you killed him, 190 points pk, a thousand miles drunk is a passerby.

This inference is extremely reasonable, and everyone is convinced. Knowing that it will not die, the fear in the heart is naturally eliminated. However, some of the herdsmen who later took the initiative to apply for the pk value are still a bit embarrassed. They are worried that they are so busy and drunk, will they not come and lead their tasks?

There are not only pk players in the team, but some of the players who are leveling together, of course, will not practice themselves when they receive the order. At this time, they are also in the process. There are a total of 24 training teams in two guilds, each with 9 to 15 players. The total number of players is 267. This is already a very large team, but in the face of a thousand miles, the two presidents think of "just delaying time."

Gu Fei quickly caught up with his opponent. When he saw that the other party had stopped fleeing, he was gathering and returning to prepare for the attack. This is Gu Fei’s hunted down all the way back to encounter resistance, and the spirit has been shaken. Sweeping the opponent's battle, it is estimated that the number of people should be more than 200, the leveling team's collection, the occupational distribution is naturally the best state, if it is matched, it should be quite skillful in a small scope. Gu Fei was very calm, and rushed to the top without rushing. After a certain distance, he stopped. However, the other party was very flustered when they watched a thousand miles. At this time, they were just a large collection of leveling teams. They didn’t even have a unified team leader. They were still two guilds. In fact, they were not as iron-clad as Gu Fei’s imagination. Flying into the range, the archers have made their own claims and started shooting.

267 people, the proportion of each occupation is quite the same, the total number of archers is only 30 to 40 people, Gu Fei Kungfu walks in the footsteps, all of which did not put this archer's attack on the mind. While ducking and retreating, the archers chased them in order to shoot Gu Fei. But the team was calm, and quickly shouted: "Don't chase, he dare not come over best!!"

The archers heard the words and looked back. When they saw that they were separated from the big forces, they were also a cold sweat. In the rumor that the wine is a song that has been smashed by thousands of people, a drunkenness is an escaping escape to take the two agile occupations of the archers and thieves away from the team, and then go back one by one, and then there are hundreds of short-legged troops. However, it can only be killed by a thousand miles of agile and capable of long-range and high-attack. Today this guy is a masterpiece! Good and dangerous! The archers reviewed and quickly returned to the team.

In fact, Gu Fei is really such a mind, but when he sees the other party, he is not able to see it. More than 200 people face the defensive posture and make him very helpless.

The archers are facing each other and behind them are the second attacking masters. These two major occupations are piled in this direction, then their side... or the back? Gu Fei observed the opponent's formation and suddenly had an idea.