MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 1090 Perfect brush

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In less than ten minutes, Vulcan Chongli roared down with a roar, and was killed without a trace of temper!

Inheritance of Cyclone, Beiming Sword, and Aura of the Temple have become successful, and they have become the initiative of battle.

"Oh, great! Zero damage overthrows the first one, never before!" Nangong Lexi cheered, it seems that the number of times that he was abused by Vulcan before must have been quite a lot. After venting, this is a long time of pleasure from dry dew.

"Hurry up and see what's going on!" Snow primrose hurried with a smile.

Nangong Lexi stepped forward, picked up a fiery red helmet, and was pleasantly surprised: "Wow! Out, an S6 helmet!"

Speaking, Nangong Lexi looked at the shadow of the wind's forehead, and said, "Follow the wind, that's the S5 helmet, right? Forget it, S6 armor men can't equip ..."

The shadow is very refreshing with the wind: "Yes, Lexi, this S6 helmet has just burst out for you."

Nangong was so happy that he threw the helmet into the parcel.

Next, Nangong Lexi exclaimed again and laughed aloud: "It is developed, there is actually a night **** leather boots, leather S6 top equipment!"

Destiny Rubik's Cube took the leather boots with a smile and couldn't put it down.

Immediately afterwards, Nangong Lexi screamed for the third time, and then came out with an S6 equipment, the earth goddess robe, the common equipment of the mage department and the priest department, added a small amount of healing effect, but greatly increased the mental strength and defense. Force, this is also a required attribute of the priest.

So, the primrose also harvested the first S6, and the joy was nothing.

Next, there was a dagger of the middle-class fairy ware, which was left by Nangong Lexi. This kind of thing is not considered to be superb, but also bound, and it can only be sold in stores.

Evening primrose sighed: "Why didn't one S6 burst when I came a few times? This time the scholar arrived, and three S6s came out all of a sudden?"

Nangong Lexi was as surprised as he asked, "How lucky is the scholar?"

"70 o'clock." I looked at the properties panel and replied.

"70 o'clock ?!" Nangong Lexi's beautiful face was full of shock, "This is also ... This is too BT, no wonder the rate is so high, 70 points lucky value, at least 15% of the explosion rate, out 1-3 are normal. "

The shadow laughed with the wind: "Hurry up, go to the second floor, and wait for it to rise to level 275 and soar into the sky!"

Nangong Lexi despised: "You haven't got any certifications for practicing ascension. You can only ascend to the ghost level up to 275, and you are still thinking about the heavens, dreaming ..."

Shadow clenched his fists in the wind and drank, "You can kill my argument, but you cannot kill my dream!"

"What nonsense, water and gods will work together ..." I glared, first entered the circle, and came to the waters of Beiming.

The rest of the team also followed, while watching me kill the mobs, Xuexian asked, "Scholar, do you have any hope in S6?"

I groaned and said, "I just hope that the last one can give me an eternal breastplate, then I am satisfied ..."

Nangong Lexi glanced at my equipment and said, "Is there a breastplate short of the eternal suit?"


"Oh, add some oil ..."



Soon after, I came to the water **** altar where the water **** co-worker is again!


I rushed forward with Linger at first, and Beiming Jianxi continuously cut off a large amount of blood. Linger opened silver wings and fought alongside me, dancing in the hands of the Chixiao sword I replaced. , Also killing horribly, Linger's equipment is quite good at this time, blood and blood is over ten million, and the defense is also very considerable, but there is no mount effect, so it is still far less than the Celestial players.

In the face of the co-worker of the water god, we finally encountered danger. The co-worker's attack is more violent than Zhu Rong. The water god's halberd is powerful and hits the body with pain and pain. The blood is also brushed off, so that I must continue to Stand with shining sacred armor, sacred healing, and the goddess's reliance on the primrose, which is not to mention, the level 5 life-recovering potion must also be drunk constantly, otherwise it will hang up accidentally.


The ice cone is raging, and it is a large attack skill!

The two MMs hummed behind them and hung up. Fate Cube and Shadow entered the invincible effect with the wind and shouted, "Student, try to interrupt your skills!"

I'm already doing it, sweeping across thousands of troops and whizzing past, shaking a total of several times in a row, unmoved.

Come again! ruling!

Finally, this time it worked. The energy of the ruling wrapped up the succession of the cyclone successfully. When the two MMs came back from the resurrection, they made a long hiss together and were hacked alive. This time, they depended on the real Victory!

The second one also produced three pieces of equipment, one each of armor, leather, and cloth, and was divided up again. I gained nothing and only took a 14th-level flying feather gem.

After the great harvest, everyone entered the third floor with great anger.

Looking at the misty wonderland, Nangong Lexi and Xuemi Cao both lost their eyes, and they marveled that the scenery here was too beautiful, but ignored the lethality of Fuxi Heaven.

As a result, Nangong Lexi rushed in, attracted the map attack of the son-in-law, and countless thunder and lightning fell!


My eyes quickly knocked everyone out of the third floor, which saved me from death.

Snow primrose got up from my lap, with a look of surprise: "What happened just now, that is ... what is that? It looks so strong ..."

I nodded: "Can the final attack be strong? Okay, I will sneak in for a while and let you come again, otherwise don't enter the third floor. This will trigger a map spell attack once touched. Ordinary people simply don't Can't stop it. "

Several people knew that the ordinary people in my mouth were players who did not ride the dragon and did not rise to the sky, and they were also among them. In fact, the final layer of the Temple of the Nüwa is really not something they can challenge, even me There are also some fortunate elements, otherwise they are not the opponents of the son-in-law.

Carefully sneaking into the Fuxi heaven again, groping forward, came to the center, and sure enough, the son-in-law refreshed in this copy again, holding the replica of the sword of the dancing sword, looking coldly at everything around.

I glanced at the blood-red wings behind me. It was good. This time there was a heritage cyclone. Let me see if I can work hard!

Rush forward, wild charge! At the same time, the shining sacred armor is the only way to win the son-in-law.

As a result, unexpectedly, my wild charge stunned the son-in-law. This is absolutely unimaginable. Is this the effect of the inheritance of the Temple of Heaven?

Once again, verdict!

It was amazing, the ruling also hit the target, and the son-in-law Lingnian was motionless under the effect of the ruling and could not launch any attacks!

Surprised, Yang Jian screamed and raised the dragon!

In 10 seconds, the cyan dragon raged around, bringing an alarming number of injuries, and the blood of the son-in-law's spiritual thought was greatly shortened. With the improvement of the inherited cyclone, the attack of the dragon dragon was very sharp!

With a close attack, three strikes, five strikes, and two strikes, Jian Feng brought a trace of ice spirit, it is already difficult to fight back.

But as soon as the ruling comes to fruition, I know that the day of my death is not far off.

Sure enough, the son-in-law raised a sword, and the "嘭" was blown away by more than 10 million blood, and then another sword, "嘭" once, played back more than 10 million, which is definitely a result I did not expect After the ascension to heaven, my field ability has been greatly improved, and it has already been strong enough to bounce the son-in-law twice!

The third sword did not rebound. I took a heavy sword and took the opportunity to return a sword. The son-in-law gave me a sword that could cause tens of millions of damage, and my counter-attack also caused nearly two hundred. Thousands of injuries, soaring into the realm of heaven, the gap between me and the field has become smaller and smaller.

The fourth sword, get it, of course, I got it!


Appeared in the cemetery, turned hurriedly, and flew in the same way as the inheritance of transformation. A blood-red shadow crossed the sky. Above the ground, many players who were playing S6 looked up in surprise and finally saw that Out, could not help but stretch out his fingers and shouted: "Blood red wings! That ... that is the master of the heavens! Oh my god, he must be the heir of the Temple of War-a frivolous scholar, he is also playing S6!"

Regardless of this, I flew straight into the third floor, and the shadows followed the wind and asked, "Scholar, what's wrong?"

"Destroyed." I answered calmly.

The shadow was calm with the wind: "Be careful."

Re-entering the Fuxi Heaven Realm is obviously more free and easy than the previous few times. At this time, the blood of the son-in-law's spiritual thoughts is only 75%, which means that I can knock down this powerful one after hanging up four times. The play is really shameless, but it is only effective against super-attacks such as son-in-law, and it is difficult to work for subordinates such as Vulcan and Water God. People do not eat this set at all ~ ~ In a blink of an eye, it has been more than five hours to enter S6. On average, S6 is brushed once every six hours. This should already be the limit. Perhaps with Ling Xue, two Celestial players can join forces faster, but at least four It takes only hours to get it, the difficulty of S6 is really too high.

At six o'clock in the evening, Ling Xue sent a message to let me eat, and I said that after a while, the son-in-law had a little blood to fall, and the victory was defeated!

"Come in for experience!" I said with a smile in the team.

Shadows followed the wind and others came in, but who had thought of Nuwa Lingling back to the light, when I finally split a sword, she blew up!


The ground was shaking. This is a situation we have never encountered a few times before. A god-like self-detonation. It can be imagined how powerful it is. Five people in the entire team have a flower in front of them, and all are born again. Also hung up, there were N more things, you must pick it up quickly!

"Brush it ..."

Five people appeared in the cemetery almost simultaneously.