MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 1143 Mad Lion Set

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Winter is here, and frost is falling. URL

Xiao Xiao's season was filled with laughter and laughter.

That night, Xu Fang moved into Ling Yue to help her arrange a residence, which is also a villa in the same building, less than ten minutes walk from our residence.

Xu Fang said with a smile that he was a "self-disciplined executive". In fact, it was exactly the same. He went to Blue Star the next day. Xu Fang only suggested some directions for Ling Yue, and suggested improvements to some details, but he would not go. Ling Yue ’s thoughts will be controlled so that he wo n’t be deprived of power. Of course, Ling Yue is also very important to Xu Fang. He hired Xu Fang as the executive director of the nine major departments of Blue Star. In fact, this is already equivalent to soldiers Marshal Ma is in the post. As for me, uh, the director of a department is equivalent to the governor of a local province.

Busy for a whole day, every Monday, the department's affairs and meetings keep going, iced tea is holding a notepad, and has been following me, one day later, the notepad has written a thick n sheets, iced tea is an excellent assistant and Xiaomi, I wrote so many words in one day, which is roughly a thousand yards, which is more important than losing leaves.


In the evening, back to the studio, after dinner, a group of people enter the game happily, and finally can kill the rookie!


I appeared in Tian Key City, an ancient artifact set, level, once s1 let me fully upgrade, lucky value also reached the terrible second season s1 the biggest winner is still me and Xueyue, of course, the barbarian throne , Dark roar, elegy, the rewards of these teams are also very generous. In short, the teams that can go to the offline games are pretty cool, reimbursement for round-trip air tickets, and the soulful Korean girls can see.

Pull out the North Sword, and sure enough, the weapon's name is followed by an orange "soul +" word, and the weapon's all attributes are increased by%, extremely powerful!

I took out the Tianyu Ascension Certificate from the package and gave Ling Yue a message: "Tianyao City West Plaza, come!"

Ling Yue naturally knew the good things, and ran over from a distance. Three or two steps flickered to increase the degree. The whole person floated over like a dancing butterfly. The degree was extremely fast.

"Hurry up, scholar ~~"

Came to me, Ling Yue politely reached out to ask.

I passed the certificate of Tianyu Ascension, Ling Yue treasured it in her palm, and even her delicate shoulders trembled. How excited, more than a billion players around the world have shown this ascension certificate, but now she is being watched by her. Holding it in my palm!

"Woohoo, great ..."

Ling Yue raised her head and rushed over, quickly kissed me on the cheek, and smiled, "Thank you so much for your scholarship, thanks to your mVp, otherwise my life may not have the opportunity to ascend to heaven!"

I couldn't laugh or cry: "Fly fast, but also nonsense here!"


Ling Yue nodded, and the next moment, the whole person turned into countless stars and flew up into the sky. URL

"Ding ~!"

System Announcement: Players breeze to take advantage of the moon to rise into the heavens, becoming the eighth player to enter the heavens, get a bonus lucky value of +3, and enter the temple of wisdom, obtain the inheritance of the temple of wisdom, and get the title "Heir of the temple of wisdom", Gain the power of faith to condense the aura of the temple.


Finally, the fourth day domain player of Xueyue appeared!

Soon after, Ling Yue flew down, covering her body with an orange cyclone, with a pair of beautiful orange wings spreading behind her, and a line of words "Heir of the Temple of Wisdom" appeared on her head.

"The Temple of Wisdom, is Athena alive?" I said to myself.

Ling Yueying laughed: "What do you say, are you questioning my wisdom?"

I said, "Okay, test you!"

"Well, say!" Ling Yue was behind his hands, full of interest.

I said, "A puppy traveled in the desert and wanted to pee, and finally found a telephone pole, but he was strangled to death. Why?"

Ling Yue blinked and said, "Because the puppy drank too much water?"


"Because the puppy found a telephone pole in the oasis!"


"Wrong again ... why exactly?"

"Because it says 'No peeing here.'"

Ling Xue was ashamed and angry, waving her pink fist: "This topic is too vulgar. I despise you, despise you!"

After a while, Ling Yue asked: "Where to go to level up?"

I shook my head: "You don't have to level up, you are full anyway. You have to play a few national battles to win a mVp enough to rise to level 275. It takes all that effort to do what you want. Now it's time to think about how to get your Lingzhao suit together. "

"This is not anxious!"

Ling Yue was very confident and pretty full of the two peaks, and laughed: "Although there is no complete set of Ling Zhi suit, but I have felt very strong, and I am invincible ...

I looked up.

"What are you looking at?" Ling Yue asked.

"Let's see when a flying boot falls in the sky and hits your head ..." I held back a smile.

"You, you!" Ling Yue was very angry and funny: "Okay, don't talk, we have to find something to do. In the future, some of our company executives will go to work at 1:00 in the morning, and we can play a little more in the evening.


I groaned, thinking what leveling ground still has oil and water.

At this moment, the news came suddenly: "Is there something wrong?"

"It's all right."

"Want to fight?"

"I want to die."

"Okay! A team of 10,000 people in the world leveled on the swallowtail **** north of the barren land and cleared out a hundred people in our 14th league, or should we lead the Yinye Tieqi to clean them up? Right Now, Yinqi Iron Ride is finally full, and the impact of the cluster is very powerful! "

I immediately replied, "Isn't it the Luoyan Slope? We do n’t need the Yinxie Iron Ride. We are bored in a few heavens, and that group of people will leave it to us!"

"Good, then I'll brush s6, hey, sad, clear wind, the kid finally practiced high-end poison, hit the last play!"

"Well, go, come on!"

Ling Yue looked at me: "What is it that makes you smile so happily?"

"A rookie can kill ..."

"All right, let's go! Xiaoxue and iced tea are boring!"

"Well, let them come over, gather, and prepare to pass!"


Soon after, the other two Tianyu mm also came over. I ... joined the team, and Ice Tea was very excited and asked, "Where to go? What kind of rookie to kill?"

I said, "Luo Yanpo, a peerless group of 10,000 people in the world has taken the initiative to pk Xueyue's alliance members."

Ling Xue stumbled: "World Warriors? Didn't you say World Warriors have dispersed?"

"No! It's just that more than a dozen alliances were scattered overnight. The main alliance was still there. The party used extraordinary measures. Members of the guild all took 30% off repairs and purchases of drugs in Gold City. Many people will stay, and King Zhongshan's connections are very wide, and he also played a great role. "

Tianxia Wushuang was given the name of traitor in the days after attacking Tianyao City. Although King Zhongshan Jing Jing explained almost online for 24 hours, he couldn't stop the world ’s leisurely mouth. Eventually, the guild collapsed, and many guilds overnight. In the meantime, there were 14 alliance leaders who left the world unparalleled with their own. The remaining guilds also left at least more than% of the players. The guild rankings fell from seventh to eighteenth in China, which greatly reduced their strength. .

However, the 100-footed worm died and was not stiff, and the strength of the world's unparalleled is still there. As long as Zhongshan Jingwang and Tranquility masters are present, then the world's unparalleled will gather a group of diehards.


Luoyan Slope, a hilly area with pleasant autumn colors. As the name implies, the falling wild geese on the **** of the wild geese are located in the middle of the north and south of the mainland. When the winter comes, the wild geese fly south, and the wild geese have become a place for the feet of the wild geese to rest. The arrival of animals, the bloodthirsty lion and the forest greedy wolf are two of them. They are 275 level purgatory monsters, with higher levels and unremarkable attributes. Generally, only the stronger teams will come here to level.

Under the hillside of Luoyan Slope, a group of players are besieging several bloodthirsty wild lions, their skills are shining, the bloodthirsty wild lions wield their claws and bite the soldier's shield, but the heavy armored players are all sanctuary-level. The iron plate and stone claw must not tear the shield of the other side, and the soldiers' lights flashed continuously. Each of them had more than a dozen priests adding blood, and they could not die at all. In the rear, a group of archers quickly shot a bloodthirsty lion into a hedgehog.

"Hmm ..."

As the bloodthirsty lion fell to the ground, a shiny helmet fell out, and there were a lot of gold coins.

"Haha, boss, finally broke out the Lion helmet, haha, great!"

A young swordsman picked up his helmet and went back to the boss to ask for merit. The boss was a guy with a beard and a 271-level holy warrior, almost the strongest in this group.

The bearded man was holding the mad lion helmet and laughed: "Finally, hey, the purgatory monster is a cow. The 275 purgatory monster has a 275 top-quality fairy set. The attributes of this mad lion set are not lost to s5, hum, we will stay here in two months, and strive to create a few extravagant warriors in a crazy lion suit! "

Next to him, a knight with a sharp-billed monkey cheek laughed, "Boss, today's first crazy lion suit is finally out. How can we celebrate at night?"

The bearded man grinned broadly: "Your kid knows that you are thinking about this. Forget it, three hours later, and go offline at 1:00 in the evening. Let ’s go to Songhelou and rub it, then go to Water Paradise and relax. Today ’s The account is on Lao Tzu, ha ha ha! "

The knight laughed: "Boss ~ ~ Water Paradise has two new sisters, Alan Aya, both are good. Can I call two?"

The beard glanced away: "Hey, your kid can't eat it anymore? Don't Tmd's lower body is cool, and people are hanging up, that's not enough!"

"It's okay, I have my own share!"


At this moment, not far away, an archer approached the side of the beard cautiously, and said, "Boss, we just did a hundred-member group of Xueyue. Will they retaliate?"

"Revenge?" The bearded man with a beard and grinned, "Where is the Luoyan Slope? It only takes ten minutes to travel here from the Golden City. Even if it is climbing, it only takes half an hour. This is our place, as long as Xueyue's The people dare to come, kill one by one, and kill one by one! "

As he said, he licked the blade of his wrist, and laughed: "The group of Xueyue dares to come, I can't wait for it! Damn, I thought it would be possible to call the wind and rain in China in a few days, Lao Tzu It ’s up to you to see if those Sky Domains are really three-headed, six-armed! "[] The fastest update