MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 1147 Hunting

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Outside the wild jungle, there is an extremely deep area outside, and the dark mist envelopes the earth.

The dark forest, the legendary forbidden area, is an area that humans cannot reach. Beasts run rampant and evil spirits are overwhelming. The second leader of the Dark Legion, Frost Blade? The dark castle where Anne is stationed is deep in the dark forest, so, In the dark forest, at least ten dark army divisions are stationed, and the necropolis is everywhere, with a sickening smell everywhere.

In the sky, the sad cloud is bleak, and the dark cloud covers the sky, so that the world does not see the sun all year round. The skeleton soldier's bones cannot be exposed for a long time, otherwise the soul power of the undead fire will be lost.


"Today there are so many people!" Summer mm held his staff and looked into the distance in amazement.

Outside the dark forest, there is a red sea. Players from China almost cover the southern end of the forest.

In addition, Feiya summoned many corps of the Silvermoon Alliance to join the battle. Baiyun City alone dispatched four major corps. The Silver Cavalry Corps and Blue Dragon Corps were among them. In addition, Qingfeng City, Fierce Tiger City, and Ice Wolf City The three main cities also dispatched a lot of troops. In China alone, a total of 14 legions participated.

In addition, the main human cities, such as the Holy Helm City, the Flash City, the Hero City, and the City of the Beast Souls, also dispatched a large number of troops to surround the dark forest in all directions.

This battle is bound to affect the situation on the mainland in the future. With the continuous expansion of the Dark Legion, whether humans can defend the power of ultimate survival is here.

Shadow rides on a high-headed warhorse in the wind, sweeps his sword, and looks back and asks, "Scholar, do we serve as the main force or assault?"

I groaned: "The main force."

"it is good!"

Shadows rushed out with the core members of Snow Moon, such as wind, flurry spring and autumn, Great Sword Master, Feihuo, Melancholy Breeze, and so on. Soon after, five million Snow Moon elites whistled past and went straight to the dark forest.

Xueyue's military power came out, and the guilds such as Soul Return, Autumn Rain, War Soul, and Wishing Pool were all devoted to the war. This is the responsibility of a bright camp player.

I floated above the jungle out of thin air, watching the human fighters flock to the dark forest in all directions, and my heart was extremely emotional. This battle must be an epic battle!

Ling Xue looked around with a pair of beautiful eyes and said, "Scholar, you don't have it now. Although the Legion of the Silver Moon Alliance has come, but Feiya has not appeared, even Jasmine has appeared, but Feiya has disappeared ..."


I flew past, crossed a trace of red trajectory in the air, and came to the sky above the Baiyun City Army Corps. Sure enough, only the leader of the army's war, Jasmine Wei, stood, but Feiya's figure was not seen.

I was wondering, Feiya had already shown me, and hurriedly exclaimed, "Master, is that you? Your Highness is looking for you ..."

"Oh, Feia is looking for me?"

"Well, Lord Dragon Whisper is here too, and it seems to want to find you to discuss something."


"A wild hammer town in the forest west!"

"Well, I went!"

Formed a team, brought Lingyue, Lingxue, and iced tea in, and then said, "Maybe there is a task, please bring Qin Yun and Dao Huaxiang to chase my coordinates and follow me!"

"it is good!"

Ling Yue had no plans to fight the city with the main force, it was so boring, it was fun to sneak it up.


Flying all the way to Wildhammer Town, I saw nearly a hundred dragon knights circling at high altitude. Feiya and Binglan, two beautiful women soldiers, stood at the intersection of the town, whispering something.


I floated to the ground and received the transformation of Tianyu.

"You finally came!"

Bing Lan smiled face to face and said, "Next, the things we discuss must be kept secret!"


I nodded, and the sound of falling to the ground behind me, Ling Xue holding the rice flower fragrance, iced tea holding Qin Yun together to land, Ling Yuefei was slower, and came after a while.

There are four priests and one priest in the four heavens, and this lineup can always help a little.

I walked in front of Bing Lan, and when she saw a trace of tiredness on her snowy face, she asked, "Is it all right?"

"Well, it's fine."

"Is the artifact that checks and balances the sorrow of the moon found?" This is something I care about. I cannot restrain the sorrow of the moon, so the destruction of the abyss will definitely come to rescue Annie. Sad, we must not be able to win the dark castle.

However, I was very disappointed. Binglan slowly shook his head and said, "No, I have traveled to the extremes of the western continent and the South China Sea, but I still can't feel the powerful artifact breath. I think it will take some time."

"Then you want to attack the Dark Castle today?"


Feiya nodded, her eyes full of firmness, saying: "I ... can't let my sister suffer in the dark anymore. This time, the main army of the United Silvermoon Alliance attacked together, not to capture the Dark Castle, but It's ... but hunting sister ... "

"What? Annie hunting Frostblade?"


Binglan took a breath and said, "The Frost Blade has always been the confidant of Destruction Abyss. If we can cut off this force, we can concentrate on dealing with the Desolation of Abyss and the Moon's sorrow!"

I gritted my teeth and said, "But haven't you considered that the destruction of the abyss will come again? There is no artifact that can balance the sorrow of frost. Is Binglan going to be killed again?"

Bing Lan saw my worried look, and couldn't help smiling: "No, we have split the road. Feiya and I lead the frost blade. On the other side, the great wizard and Ao Dan assembled a group of powerful creatures. Assault on Hell Castle, all we have to do is hunt and even kill Annie before the destruction of the abyss! "

"Sir, you ..." Feiya showed a trace of mischief, looking at Binglan. Obviously, she was extremely reluctant to let Binglan kill her sister Annie.

Binglan pressed the hilt of his sword and said in a grave manner: "Feiya, you will gain something if you abandon it. I just say that she will kill her only when necessary."

I asked, "What happened to Annie?"

Binglan Road: "Long Yu possesses a sleepy Longtan, thousands of feet deep, filled with ancient Rune runes, even if the gods are imprisoned and unable to take off, I intend to imprison the frost blade and wash it with holy light Going to her undead spirit, maybe it might turn her back into a human. "

Feiya's eyes lit up: "Master Iceland, what is the chance that my sister will become human?"

Binglan groaned and said after a long time: "About 50% ..."

Feiya was full of joy.

I whispered quietly to Bing Lan: "Can it be 50%?"

Binglan said quietly: "It's a great achievement."

"God also lied?"

"Hopeful and grateful, Feiya will not embark on Anne's way."


Later, Binglan looked at us and laughed: "The Temple of War, the Temple of Ice and Snow, the Temple of Wisdom, the Temple of Thunder, huh? The guardians of the four temples have all come. It seems that the success rate of our mission will be greatly Promoted."

Ice Tea asks, "What will our mission be?"

Binglan said: "Fei and I will converge and breathe in the wild hammer town. We must draw the Frost Blade separately. Now, the four things you need to do is to bring the Frost Blade separately. Within the scope of the town, your task will be completed, but be careful, she is much better than you ... "

Bing Lan doesn't say that we also know it well. Although it is Tianyu, we are still so far away from Anne's strength!

Ling Xue and Ling Yue looked at each other and brought the oss here? This is a full five-minute flight itinerary. Can we keep our lives awkward to say, but also contain the frost blade?

Bing Lan said: "I will not force you. This mission is indeed dangerous, but we really have no other way. You know, although the Dragon Knight is strong, it may not be able to stop the blow of the frost blade. . "

"Can we stop it?" Ling Xue asked.

"Um." Bing Lan's answer was very certain: "Each of your four temple guardians has the strength to block the frost blade's full blow!"

"it is good!"

Everyone accepts together, the level task has arrived--

[Sword of Hunting Frost? Annie] (Current task difficulty :)

Quest content: Head to the main hall of the Dark Castle, find the Frost Blade, and take it to Wildhammer Town, then cooperate with Dragon Whisperer Binglan and Princess Feia to subdue the leader of this dark army!


The content of a short line of missions was daunting.

After leaving Binglan and Feiya, I summoned the Tyrannosaurus Rex, loaded a few mm, and came over the dark forest.

"What to do?" I asked.

"Go seduce, what else can I do?" Bingcha said.

"I mean, what a seductive method, don't get seduced and get killed, how shameful?"

"Well, this is a problem ..."

Ling Yue said: "Scholar, what do you say, we listen to you."

I nodded ~ ~ Q: "Are you all invincible, right?"

"Um." Everyone nodded.

"That's good……"

I groaned, opened the map of the dark forest, marked a few red dots on it, and said, "I sneaked into the dark castle to find Annie, and I must not be able to carry the blow, Yun Er first gave me a resurrection prophecy, two In the case of death, I am sure to take Annie out of the dark castle alive. Ling Xue was waiting for the opportunity to chop with ice to seal the best. I can live the best if I ca n’t keep the ice. I do n’t want to escape if Ling Yue and Xiang Xiang are out. Waiting in this wood, when you pass by here, you seal with a rhythmic vortex, Yuner adds blood as soon as possible, rests for 15 seconds, and then escapes for another second, desperately running to Wildhammer Town. Invincible returned to the city after the seal was over, everyone understands? "

"Well, just do it!


The plan has been set. If you leave, you will go to the oss Frost Blade!

