MTL - Wagging Your Tail In the Arms of President Iceberg-Chapter 77

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"Of course not suitable for President Fu." Chen Yan said, "but she has no choice."

Ming Ying was stunned, then lowered her eyes.

This answer made her feel a little uncomfortable, and before she knew it, she was reminded of how Fu Anyu came to this year when she was helpless.

Chen Yanxuan didn't like to talk at all, so when Mingying didn't answer, they kept silent all the way.

The car quickly drove to the downstairs of Shengwei Group, the whole building was quiet, only Fu Anyu's office floor was still lit.

Ming Ying carried two lunch boxes, followed behind Chen Yan, and entered the special ladder on the upper floor.

"If you have any ideas, you can tell President Fu directly without asking for our opinion." In the elevator, Chen Yan suddenly said, "We are not her after all."

Ming Ying nodded.

They went directly outside Fu Anyu's office, knocked on the door and got permission before entering.

Fu Anyu is sitting in front of the computer typing, the black swivel chair is like her mount, as calm and motionless as her.

"Mr. Fu, I'll go first." Bringing the fox to him, Chen Yanxuan dropped the sentence, and without waiting for Fu Anyu's response, he opened the door and walked out.

Ming Ying found that the ordinary swivel chair was still in the office, so she sat up with the lunch box and slid to the opposite side of Fu Anyu. When there was space on the table, she put the lunch box on the table and opened it. The meals in the small bowls are taken out the same way.

"Xiao Du fried your favorite spicy chicken tonight." Mingying said while holding it, "and mushroom soup, dry pot cauliflower, tomato zucchini."

Fu Anyu gave a "hmm", her eyes still on the computer screen, "You eat first, I'll be fine right away."

Ming Ying unceremoniously pulled out her chopsticks to eat her own portion, took a bite, held the lunch box and slid to Fu Anyu on the swivel chair, and scooped a piece of spicy chicken with a spoon she had never touched , and handed it to Fu Anyu's mouth.

Smelling the smell of food coming from below, Fu Anyu was a little unnatural, saying "You will disturb my work like this", but still ate the piece of spicy chicken.

Ming Ying cheeky pretended not to hear, took a few bites by herself, and fed her a spoonful of mushrooms, this time Fu Anyu didn't even say a word, just ate the mushrooms.

After observing Fu Anyu's reaction for a while, Mingying secretly ticked the "feeding" interaction in her heart.

It's very feasible, and Fu Anyu, who was fed by her, is also very good.

However, the feeding interaction did not last long, and Fu Anyu stopped working and took the initiative to pick up the lunch box and start eating.

There was nothing to do when eating, so one person and one fox opened up the conversation.

"I want to be your bodyguard, so I can stay by your side during the day." Mingying put forward her own ideas.

"I don't need bodyguards." Fu Anyu refused directly, "If you want to stay with me during the day, just come to the company with me in the morning."

"But I can't help you, I'm always uncomfortable." Mingying said.

"Why do you think so?" Fu Anyu asked.

Ming Ying was silent for a while, "I have so many things to learn, I can neither help you cook and wash your house like Xiao Du, nor be your driver like Xiao Chen. …”

She paused, then said: "Last night I dreamed of my parents, and my parents asked me to stay in the human world, with the third sister. But if I really want to stay here, definitely I have to do some work. The third sister is a doctor, and in the human world, the hospital also needs her. But what about me? I can’t do anything…”


"Then I'll go to school first." Ming Ying's eyes lit up, "Since there are demons living in the human world, there must be a school for demons, right?"

She thought that Fu Anyu would still refuse directly, but Fu Anyu nodded, "The idea is good, so what do you think you want to learn?"

"I..." Ming Ying was stopped by the question, recalling her experience at home, she didn't know what she wanted to learn for a while.

"Let me ask another question." Fu Anyu said, "What do you like best?"

"I like..." Ming Ying pondered for a while, but this time she had something to say, "I like to draw, I like to sing. Qin also likes to play, but not very good."

Fu Anyu put down the bowl, went to the cabinet to find lead drawing paper and 6B pencils, and put them on the pile of materials at her hand, "After eating, use them to draw whatever you are good at."

The 6B pencil is very soft. After eating, Mingying tried to draw a few strokes, and she felt that it was smooth. She drew a jasmine flower on the paper, and then drew on the other half of the paper. The swing in Fu Anyu's backyard.

Fu Anyu sat beside her and watched her use a pencil to draw flowers and swings that were almost exactly the same as the real objects. After thinking for a while, she picked up her mobile phone and randomly searched for a wallpaper of anime characters and put it in In front of her, "Can you copy it?"

Ming Ying raised her eyes to observe and nodded, "Yes, but the painting time will be longer."

"Don't worry, you can draw slowly." Fu Anyu nodded, and while Mingying was copying the wallpaper, she packed up the lunch box, dumped the leftovers into a garbage bag, and took it outside to throw it away.

When she finished packing, she glanced at the drawing paper subconsciously, and saw that Mingying had already drawn the basic outline and was refining it little by little.

Fu Anyu opened the cabinet again and took out all the drawing pencils he had used before. If they were dull and unusable, he took a knife to sharpen the tip of the pen, put it in a pen holder, and put all the pencils in it. Mingying said, "These are brushes, you can use them as you like."

"Is there any kind of bamboo pen with fur?" Mingying asked, "I'm not used to such a hard pen."

Fu Anyu thought for a while, "I have it at home, but there are only pencils here."

"Then I'll go home and draw something else for you." Ming Ying nodded and continued to copy.

She has watched a lot of animation recently, and she has also observed many popular styles and characters in the human world. When Fu Anyu finished the work at hand and told her to go home, she was almost finished with the light and shade.

"If you are interested in painting as a profession, I will find you a one-on-one teacher." Fu Anyu said.

Ming Ying excitedly replied "Okay", and then asked: "If I learn to draw well, will I be able to follow you?"

"If you learn design by the way, you can do the posters in the future." After Fu Anyu finished speaking, she put away the pencils and drawings, "I'll be here tonight, we Time to go home."

Finding that she could finally play a role, Mingying felt much better on the way back.

When they got home, Ming Ying walked in first, while Fu Anyu stayed in the car to ask about something related to Chen Yan.

"Before coming to the company, did Mingying say anything in the car?" Fu Anyu asked.

"The little fox asked me." Chen Yanxuan replied, "She wants to know if she can be your bodyguard. I said it's not suitable. The environment you live in is too dirty."

Fu Anyu knew that her words were always honest and true, and nodded, "What did she say?"

"She asked me, is that kind of environment suitable for my sister." Chen Yan looked at her, "I said, you are not suitable, but you have no choice."

Fu Anyu smiled and looked at the door of the villa outside the window, where the little figure was changing his shoes.

"She is very similar to you in the past." Chen Yanxuan said, "I couldn't pull you out of the dye vat, so I pulled her anyway."

"Don't think so, I'll just worry about her." Fu Anyu shook her head, opened the door, got out of the car, and walked towards the door.

Mingying also plans to go to bed early tonight. Tomorrow is Friday, she will follow Fu Anyu to Linlan Villa to participate in the team building activities.

In order not to worry Fu Anyu, Mingying came to her bedroom consciously and sat on her bed after taking a shower.

Fu Anyu came back from the attic with a small light blue suitcase in his hand.

"Pack your luggage," she said, opening the suitcase and placing it on the floor, "toiletries, and what you want to wear."

Ming Ying's clothes have all been delivered, Du Yunxin washed and dried them early, and put them in Ming Ying's room this evening.

Ming Ying hurried to the room, grabbed all the clothes she just washed, went back to the bedroom, and threw them in the suitcase.

"Fold it, otherwise it will take up space." After Fu Anyu finished speaking, she picked up a piece of clothing and showed her a demonstration, "Follow me."

Ming Ying obediently followed her to learn how to fold clothes. At the beginning, they were wrinkled, and Fu Anyu had to take them to rework, telling her how to fold them to look good.

At home, maids do all the work, but there are no maids in Fu Anyu's house, only life assistants. Except for sweeping the floor, cooking and washing clothes, all the trivial tasks have to be done by themselves.

Ming Ying remembered that Xiao Du said that after Fu Anyu experienced that incident when she was young, she was wary of anyone. Although living alone at home was lonely, as long as she arranged the formation and enchantment more At one point, there is no need to guard against people, and my heart is more at ease.

Therefore, although she is very reluctant to fold clothes by herself, she also knows that she must learn it early, so that she can understand Fu Anyu a little more.

After teaching her how to fold clothes, Fu Anyu taught her how to put clothes in order to maximize the use of space, and then found a clean bag, put the dried towels in it, and then the underwear, saying that it would be OK Put it in the suitcase and take it away, you are not afraid of getting dirty outside.

Ming Ying feels that she has learned a lot of "life knowledge".

It was past eleven o'clock when all their luggage was packed and the luggage was placed against the table.

Ming Ying lay beside Fu Anyu, stared blankly for a while in front of the dark ceiling, made a great determination, and summoned the courage to ask: "Fu Anyu, I can start pursuing you from tomorrow, Are you in love with you?"

This idea has been in her heart for a long time, but she used to have too many scruples and did not have the courage to say it. I saw my parents last night and learned that I must stay in the human world and can never go back After returning home, she found that a certain shackle in her heart seemed to be broken.

Just like the dream she had not long ago, she was in the ruins of the royal city in the dream, hugging Fu Anyu tightly, crying that only her sister was left.

And now, she really only has two family members left.

One is the third sister who came looking for her, and the other is the nominal sister, Fu Anyu.

The third sister is still the third sister, but Mingying doesn't want Fu Anyu to be her sister again.

There can be a further relationship between them.

The author has something to say:First update