MTL - Wagging Your Tail In the Arms of President Iceberg-Chapter 9

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Thinking like this, Ming Ying took a big mouthful of breakfast, and there was nothing left, even the broccoli that she had never seen before.

Eat enough to have the strength to gather spirit and heal!

Fu Anyu glanced at her watch, took her empty plate, and left the bedroom with her computer bag and dinner plate.

Ming Ying was not surprised by her departure. Ever since the first time she saw what Fu Anyu was doing outside on TV, she had vaguely guessed that this person was probably just like her father. Busy people with lots of chores to deal with.

This is actually quite good. When she gathers spirits, she is not used to having others around her.

In the morning, when the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is relatively strong, Mingying rests for a while, then lays down in her small nest, closes her eyes and begins to gather spirit, and directs most of the gathered aura to her injured leg. Part of it goes into Dantian, which is solidified as spiritual power.

After Fu Anyu peeled off the dark color near the wound that was not known to be a curse or a toxin, she could feel that the flow of spiritual energy in the meridians in her leg was obviously faster, but at the same time, she also found that the wound was extremely difficult to heal.

After exploring the residual spiritual power in the wound, Mingying felt that this should be the hands and feet of the evil demon who was chasing her, so that she would lose the ability to escape, so she could only accept the reality of healing slowly. Instead, most of the aura was merged into Dantian, intending to transform people first.

She is really not used to using her demon body to move.

But her spiritual power is empty for a while, and if she wants to transform people, she has to spend some time first using enough spiritual power to perfuse the meridians of the whole body, otherwise it will affect the activities of the human body.

Ming Ying just started to transfer her spiritual energy, when she heard the sound of unfamiliar footsteps, she was so frightened that she hurriedly stopped her work, and her big tail quickly swayed in front of her, covering her eyes and pretending to sleep.

She squinted and saw a plainly dressed young woman approaching, but she went straight to the sand basin she was using, picked it up and left, without any thought of talking to herself, Then he breathed a sigh of relief, and then remembered that Fu Anyu had said that someone would come to clean the sand basin for her every morning.

When the young woman brought back the cleaned sand basin, Mingying couldn't help calling her: "Hey, don't go!"

The young woman made a move and looked at her in surprise.

"The room is stuffy, I want to breathe." Mingying tried to ask, "Can you take me out?"

Almost subconsciously, the young woman shook her head again and again, walked out of the bedroom quickly, closed the door, and locked it with a "click", as if moving a little slower, she would be hit by something terrible catch up like.

Ming Ying: "…"

The attempt failed.

Ming Ying sighed in disappointment, went to the sand basin to untie her hands, and went back to her nest to continue gathering spirits.

She spent the whole morning pouring spiritual power into only a few small meridians near her dantian. Upside down the bowl." He stretched out his claws and patted it.


The one who brought her lunch was the young woman who cleaned the sandbox in the morning.

Putting down her rice bowl, the young woman turned around and left, suddenly felt a slight scratch on her leg, lowered her head and saw the fox squatting at her feet, raised her head and looked at herself obediently, the snow-white big The tail swayed from time to time behind him.

"...Do you need any help?" The young woman was stared at by Mingying and couldn't help but ask.

"It's so lonely to be alone, why don't you talk to me~" Ming Ying said softly.

"Sorry, I have something urgent." The young woman immediately refused and walked away.

Ming Ying quickly crossed her legs and ran in front of her, blocking her and the door, "What are you running! I won't eat you!"

"..." The young woman pursed her lips and stood against the wall, thinking seriously about the possibility of rushing out the door and keeping the fox in the room, who knows the next second , the door was pushed open.

As soon as Fu Anyu entered the door, he frowned when he saw the fox cornering his life assistant.

When Ming Ying saw Fu Anyu, she was so cowardly that she fell down immediately. As a result, her injured leg couldn't help her, and she tripped and fell with all four of her legs upside down.

Fu Anyu frowned even more. She asked the assistant to leave the room and closed the door before coming to Mingying and asked in a deep voice, "What happened just now?"

"Why is your maid so afraid of me!" Mingying felt wronged, "I just want to talk to someone..."

"She is my 'assistant', not a maid." Fu Anyu emphasized it intentionally, and then explained, "She is not afraid of you, it is I who do not allow her to talk to you."

Ming Ying: "…"

Knowing that the culprit was the bad woman she was most afraid of, Mingying instantly slumped.

Fu Anyu put down her computer bag, squatted beside the dog's bed, took a look at the braised pork rice brought by her assistant, and looked up at Mingying: "Come and eat."

When she was eating, Fu Anyu took the closed comparison table and opened it.

Seeing that Mingying had almost eaten, she suddenly asked, "How many words did you recognize?"

Ming Ying has been concentrating on gathering spirits all morning, and has not opened the comparison table at all.

Fu Anyu patted her back and gave her some water. When Mingying stopped coughing, she asked, "Where did you recognize the characters?"

Ming Ying is not good at lying, so she has no choice but to flip through the comparison table and whisper, "Here..."

"The progress is a little slow." Fu Anyu held the paper to evaluate.

Ming Ying didn't dare to make a sound, she carefully ate the rest of the meal, prepared herself for being reprimanded, and waited for her next words.

Fu Anyu asked, "What are you doing this morning?"

"Sleeping..." Ming Ying tried to lie, but Fu Anyu looked at her with a glance, and she immediately persuaded, "But she didn't fall asleep..."

She felt that she was not lying, she had to close her eyes and meditate, isn't it "sleeping but not asleep"?

Meeting her innocent and flustered gaze, Fu Anyu stopped asking for details, closed the comparison table and put it back in its original place, and said lightly: "Don't sleep in the afternoon, read a few more pages. "

Ming Ying gave an unhappy "Oh", and heard her say again: "If you don't read the comparison table, you can't understand the living rules; if you don't understand the living rules, you can't go out."

Hearing this, Ming Ying immediately raised her ears.

In addition to going home, what she wants to do most now is to go out, at least leave the bad woman's bedroom first.

Only outside can she find a way to find her way home.

Ming Ying nodded obediently, then pulled Fu Anyu's trouser legs and asked, "Then can I go outside the bedroom? Your bedroom is too small, I'm here all day and night, and mushrooms are about to come out. !"

"...No." It was the first time that Fu Anyu was disgusted with the small bedroom, and refused with a cold face.

"Why?" Ming Ying asked, "I won't mess things up anymore, let me take a look outside the bedroom!"

Fu Anyu thought for a while, took a thick copy of the "Monster Clan's Rules of Life" from the bookcase, put it in front of the fox, and put forward the conditions: "When you know it by heart, you can go there whenever you want. Outside the bedroom."

Ignoring the fox's wide eyes when he saw the thickness of the rules, Fu Anyu put down his laptop and started working.

Ming Ying retracted her gaze, and while cleaning her hair stained with sauce, she thought about how to escape from the bedroom while the bad woman was away.

Fu Anyu took the computer and left after lunch. There is still a meeting to be held at one o'clock in the afternoon.

As soon as she left, Mingying closed the comparison table, set up a detection barrier on the door, closed her eyes and continued to gather spirits.

If it wasn't for the convenience of understanding the human world, she would not even recognize the characters of the human race.

Before this, what Ming Ying hated the most was gathering spirits. It was too boring. According to her father's standard, she had to adjust her state to be completely isolated from the outside world, so she couldn't hear any movement from the outside world. , in order to consolidate the spiritual energy into spiritual energy at the fastest speed.

But now she takes the initiative to seize the time to gather spirits, fill the meridians little by little, and strive to transform into another eight-tailed spirit storage as soon as possible, so that she can also maintain the human form for a longer time .

Ming Ying was the first time to truly immerse herself in gathering spirits.

Fu Anyu didn't wake up when she came home from get off work.

Fu Anyu picked up the soft fox and sensed that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was converging on her.

The little fox is practicing with concentration.

Fu Anyu didn't bother her, put her back on the dog bed gently, took a change of clothes, and went to the bathroom first.

When the detection barrier was touched by Fu Anyu who came home, Mingying actually noticed it, but her consciousness was still in the mysterious state when she gathered spirits, and she couldn't wake up immediately.

When she finally finished the work, just opened her eyes, she saw the bathroom door being opened, Fu Anyu came out, wet black hair draped over her shoulders, her body was loose and covered with plain white Bathrobe, covering only knees.

Ming Ying saw Fu Anyu who just came out of the bath for the first time, and also the first time she saw Fu Anyu wearing clothes that exposed a lot of skin. I feel a little dizzy.

Seeing Fu Anyu coming, she quickly buried her face in her tail, and then she felt that her tail was also hot.

"Awake?" Fu Anyu squatted down in front of her, and just pulled away the fox tail covering her face, she felt that the temperature of the tail and fox face was a little high, she couldn't help frowning, and got up to look for the ear thermometer .