MTL - Waiting For You Online-Chapter 129 I really like you.

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129. I really like you.

He Jin was not able to get rid of the words of Qin Yu, and stood up with red ears, licking the snow on his body, and went back to lunch with Qin Lan. When he was in the lunch break, He Jin met with Qin Hao from time to time to play with the bracelet, and did not know what interesting things to watch. .

"What?" He Jin was curious and asked the sentence casually.

"Look at the photo I just took." Qin Hao gave He Jin a group of photos that they were lying in the snow. Qin Hao used the function of continuous shooting. When he swept from scratch, he was like playing back his kiss. He Jin's face image.

In the image, He Jin slammed his mouth, smiled and bent his eyes, and his face was sweet and sweet.

He Jin jumped in the heart and didn't know what he was afraid of. He suddenly wanted to let Qin Xiao delete the photo, but Qin Hao only gave him a glance and he put the handle ring back and took it back.

After a short break, the two went to the ski resort.

Skiing is much more difficult than sliding tires. Qin Hao is also the first time to play this sport. He invited two coaches, charged by the hour, carefully studied the skiing steps and precautions, and the two men stepped on the sled and slid up. .

The Qin dynasty sports cells are developed, and they are very slippery. He Jin has turned over several heads and fell a few times before he slowly mastered the essentials. He Jin originally thought that the afternoon planning time was not enough, by the hour. The charge is also very expensive. After you have been sliding for two hours, you know how much physical exercise is consumed at low temperatures!

The two have been playing until the sun sets, and the three-hour cheers screamed constantly. When he went back, He Jin was so tired that he was going to fall apart.

Xuexiang was getting dark early. When they had dinner, they went back to the room to rest. After taking a shower, He Jin came out of the bathroom. He saw Qin Hao patted the empty space around him and joked: "Wife, come on, get hot!" ”

He Jin: "..."

It was too much trouble to move things. They lived last night. He Jin indented into the bed and took the hand that Qin Qin touched. It was calm and calm: "I am so tired today, you don't want to flow | what!"

And the next day, the two still have to get up at five o'clock on a snowmobile to watch the sunrise on Yangcao Mountain. Qin Hao has told him to plan.

"Do not hold the hug!" Qin Xiao smiled and complained, and his long arm stretched out He Jin into his arms, stickyly kissed him, sniffed and sniffed in the ear and neck. It’s hoarse, "I really like you."

He Jin: "..."

Qin Yu scratched his itch and complained: "Do you not say that you like me too?"

"" He Jin was twisted and twisted by him. He was frozen for a day's face because he smiled and pulled a thorn and a pain. He felt that he would let go of Qin Hao again, and the two of them would wipe the gun again. So I grabbed the other hand and agreed. "Well, I like you too, just sleep."

Qin sang two sentences, and the two men slept together.

The day was still not clear on Saturday, and the two were woken up by a ringing tone.

I groped and put on all the equipment, He Jin also posted a new warm foot sticker, and was completely frozen by the cold when I went out!

The bracelet shows that the temperature is only minus 30 degrees. The two are on the motorcycle at the meeting place. The day is still black. Nothing can be seen except the heavy snow.

The speed of the motorcycle is so fast that it is cold and windy wrapped in ice slag. There is nowhere to hide. He Jin is suffering from DC physiological tears. Those tears have just been frozen and are frozen in the corner of my eyes. It is miserable, but he is excited. When the land is about to die, when it comes to the top of the mountain, there is a road that is too steep. The motorcycles can’t be driven up, and they have to climb by themselves.

The snow in that section got the calf, one step and three slides, He Jin and Qin Hao got off the car, and the hands and feet climbed up in tandem. The heat from the haze was applied to the nose, and the eyelashes turned into frost. .

He Jin has not dared to open his eyes, he took a slit to see the road, afraid that his eyes will be frozen into ice!

It was hard to get to the top of the mountain. It was just the cold of the mountain. The Qin dynasty took the hand of He Jin. The two men struggled to find the tent that the guide had come up in advance, because the snow in the middle of the night had already been buried in a small part. It is.

They struggled to get out the tent, pulled the zipper and drilled it in, and opened the heat-sounding light, holding it tightly together, as if it were the rest of the life!

It’s hard to slow down. He Jin only slowly felt the temperature coming from the soles of his feet. He said slyly: “It’s just cold, I’m all wooden.” Thinking, can't talk.

The two sat on the warm pad of the tent. Qin Lan held He Jin from behind and asked: "Are you better now?"

"Yeah." He Jin relaxed and rested in the arms of Qin Yu. He never had such a strong sense of security, and he never relied on Qin Hao as he is now.

Looking at the stars and looking at the blue sky, He Jin thought, if you don't have to think about anything, you don't have to take responsibility for it. You may actually go to fantasy and Qin Lan together for a lifetime, but they will sooner or later. Going back to the cruel real world, he is so pessimistic and pessimistic that two men can never go to the end.

Qin Yu is too good, unrestrained, unruly, but he is full of spider silk, such as shackles, involuntarily.

Although they are together now, but He Jin feels like a thin ice, each foot is like stepping on the snow, I do not know the depth of the down, do not know if they wrestle, do not know if they can climb again.

Qin Lan went to kiss his frozen cheeks. He Jin oversaw his head and couldn't help but look for the other's lips. He kissed him fiercely and trembled. For the first time, he was so active, as if there was no tomorrow.

He thanked Qin Hao for his romantic sweetness and thrills. Thanks to Qin Hao for dragging himself out of his boring life, thanking Qin Hao for satisfying all his love for the youth and for the youthful years...

——On this day, no matter how long it lasts, I will accompany you, and you will accompany me. Your appearance and existence will be the most beautiful memories in my life.

The sun slowly rose, and Qin Hao opened the tent zipper and took him out. Because of the active kiss, Qin Hao was too excited to be himself. He made a trumpet-like gesture and shouted at the snow in the mountains: "He-Jin !I love you!"

He Jinxin is like a drum, and this moment can no longer control what is irrational, and also screams impulsively: "Qin - Hey! I - also - love - you!"

The brain followed the roar, Qin Lan pulled him into his arms, holding his face and kissing him, kissing him with frozen white eyelashes, eyes, nose, mouth and affectionately lingering: "Ajin... Ajin... ”

He Jin did not know that the moment he was so happy, his heart was a little bit sour and his eyes were sour.

The sputum and forehead of the Qin dynasty were also frozen, covered with hoarfrost formed by water vapor, and the two were like vicissitudes.

Time is slow and slow, as if this moment is permanent.

When going down the mountain, He Jin’s legs trembled and he couldn’t stand straight. Several roads were sitting on the snow and sliding down.

When I returned to the hostel at 8:30, the two men drank a few bowls of hot porridge. They went back to the room and wrapped them in a quilt. They slept for one morning and went out to eat at noon. The two found that there were many people outside, and they only knew when they heard it. Today, on Saturdays, most of them are tourists from Harbin and Mudanjiang who came to Xuexiang for two days.

In the afternoon, He Jin was a little lazy, and he didn't want to go anywhere. It seems that he was completely hurt by the cold in the morning. The two still went back to the room, drank a lot of hot water, and slept with Qin’s arm. .

...I am on behalf of the pure dividing line _ (: 3 "∠) _......

Until dinner time, the two talents got up from bed to eat.

When ordering, the restaurant suddenly broke into three young girls and looked like college students. It is estimated that they will come over to play over the weekend.

A few people saw Qin Lan, they were sitting there, and they all blinked. He Jin clearly heard one of the sisters exclaimed: "There is a handsome guy!"

Qin Hao ordered the wild bracken, the mouth mutton and the pork ribs stewed noodles. I didn’t hear the words. The eyes didn’t go to the few people. He can only see He Jinyi.

The two did the kind of thing in the afternoon. Now they look at each other's eyes with a sticky love. Qin Hao asked He Jin if he wants to drink barley tea. The soft magnetic voice makes the girls look back frequently. .

When the dishes came up, it was clear that He Jin was sitting on the side, and Qin couldn’t help but give him a diligent and let him eat more.

He Jin was a bit open and his cheeks were frozen. Now he is hot and uncomfortable. He said directly to Qin Yu, Qin Hao said: "Forgot to let the travel agency buy antifreeze cream, I will buy it for a while." Go to the nearby store to see."

As he said, the girl in the white down jacket on the side of the table suddenly blushes over and gently slams.

The two men looked at each other and saw that the girl pulled out a can of white oil from his backpack and handed it over: "This, give it to you."

Both Qin Lan and He Jin looked at her with amazement.

She pointed to He Jin and carefully explained: "We have done the Raiders before coming. It is said that the quality of the anti-freeze cream in the store is not good. This is the Australian sheep milk cream, which can not only prevent frostbite, but also treat skin frostbite. It’s just seven days, it’s very spiritual.”

He Jinben wanted to refuse, and accepting the gift from a stranger made him feel a little overwhelmed.

Unexpectedly, Qin Hao took it over and said very naturally: "Thank you."

He Jin grabbed Qin's hand and looked at the girl and asked, "What do you do?"

The girl’s little friend hurriedly said: “All we have can be used separately!”

"No thanks, or else, you have asked me for this meal," Qin said, turning to look at the boss and shouting, "Zhang Shu, the girl's meal next door is on my account!"

The girls laughed and thanked them. The sight was between Qin and He Jin. By this opportunity, they said: "Are you a student?"

Qin Lan: "Yes."

Several girls were excited: "We are also awkward! What school are you?"

"Hua Da." Qin Hao replied casually, picking a little cream, to give He Jin wipe.

He Jinxi smiled and pushed him away. Now someone is there. Qin Hao does not understand to avoid suspicion: "Go back and wash your face and wipe it."

"Hua Da! It’s amazing! Are you two of Huada?"

"I have all got it, I will wipe it!" Qin Hao did not care, and the finger of the cream quickly touched him on He Jin’s face, and turned his head and answered the girls. "Well, we together."

"Hey..." He Jin didn't hide, his face was cold, and he looked at Qin Xiao, and he put down the chopsticks helplessly and wiped it off.

Qin Lan looked at him and looked like a star: "How, is it effective?"

He Jin laughed and laughed: "Which is so fast!"

The girls who were excited because of Qin’s answer gradually calmed down and couldn’t insert words...

Qin Hao picked up another point and wiped it on the other side of his face. This time, He Jin did not hide. He rubbed his face and let him wipe it. He said, "I feel a little hot on my face."

Qin Yu frowned: "Is it allergic?"

The girl in the white down jacket quickly explained: "It doesn't matter, the skin feels hot is normal, which means your skin is too dry, just like pouring water in the dry land, the water will penetrate into the skin, let You feel very moist, and it won't hurt for a while."

Qin Lan was relieved and teased her: "You must make money by selling skin care products!"

The girl sneered a little: "Where, basic common sense..."

He Jin also smiled and thanked her. After a while, I felt much better.

After the two tables, they took care of themselves. The three girls, because of the intimate interaction between Qin and He Jin, never took the initiative to talk. When the two of them left, the three heads whispered together: Are they the one?"

"I looked like it... it’s weird."

"I used to think that homosexuality is very bad. Heart, but, looking at them, I feel like it's okay, and it's pretty sweet... What to do, is there something wrong with me?"

"No, I think they are so sweet, why?"

"Maybe because it looks so handsome..."

"I just saw that handsome guy gave him a boyfriend, the amount, should be called a boyfriend? Handsome guy to his boyfriend's face cream, so gentle, I feel my heart rate is accelerating..."

"Yes, yes..."


Qin and He Jin went back to the room and packed things up a bit. The next day they went out to play the snow four-wheel drive. He Jin also took photos with two Alaskan sled dogs. After lunch, they had lunch. Returning to Harbin by car, then taking a flight back to the city, it is nine o'clock in the evening.

The honeymoon-like skiing trip ended in a blink of an eye. On the big car, Qin Lan took He Jin’s shoulder.