MTL - Waiting For You Online-Chapter 76 Giant dumplings

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076. Giant dumplings

Strange, he is a snow owl, a ferrets are mammals, and Qin dynasty is a human being and a mammal. Why did you give birth to an egg?

However, this thing is indeed his "born", He Jin still remembers his instinctive glance, a hard work, and then a relaxed, stomach does not rise, there is no obvious row in the process of birth... …sense……! ! ! He never wants to recall the feelings of the moment just in his life! ! ! Tat

He Jin stared at the egg, curiously sticking out his fingers and poked... soft and soft!

... soft shell eggs! Qaq

"Ajin! Ajin! How are you?" The bonfire couldn't wait to scream out the door. It was because of the imposing "Don't come in" that He Jin had just made, he didn't break into the door. Now there is no movement in the room. What is the situation? Born?

After two seconds, I only heard a small whisper from the room: "Come in..."

The bonfire immediately opened the door and saw Ajin sitting cross-legged on their husband's bed. He was wearing a white mane coat, and he had the same color as him... white eggs?

The bonfire immediately rushed over and squatted at the bedside and cautiously asked, "This is... baby?"

He Jinyan said with a blank expression, but he was almost dying in his heart.

The bonfire was nervous and the atmosphere didn't dare to come out. When I reached out and touched the egg, it was hot and soft. When the hand covered it, the eggshell was like a breath.

He Jin looked at the cautious bonfire and suddenly thought that the current bonfire is not a human race. He has become a demon, a demon, and has wings, wings... is a bird? Is this a bird egg? Still a magic egg? Oops.

The bonfire did not confuse the egg or the birth of the child like He Jin. No matter what the egg is, he and Ajin’s baby, he looked happy for a while, an instinct drove him... Hug into my arms.

When the bonfire picked up the egg, He Jinxin said, almost to say "you are careful", this is a soft egg, if it falls, touched, hugged, hurt the baby...

Wait, for yourself, you will have this wonderful idea now! (╯‵□')╯(┻━┻

He Jinqiang endured the feeling of entanglement in his heart. He didn't say anything. He saw the smoldering face and kissed the eggshell gently. He was inexplicably wanting to laugh, but he still didn't laugh. He groaned again: "What should I do now?"

The bonfire held the egg and said, "I don't know."

He Jin continued to ask: "Do you want to hatch?"

Whether it is a magic egg or a bird egg, it is a bonfire egg. He is only responsible for giving birth. Well, the rest will not have to be taken care of!

Bonfire: "..."

Ajin: "Would you like to put it here first, let's ask the weaver girl what is going on?"

The campfire struggled for a moment and said, "Let's ask, I am here."

He Jin: "..."

I saw their father and son (?), although the baby is just an egg, but the bonfire seems to not want to let go, He Jin silently closed the door, summoned the flames to the world, to the color Fengdao, He Jin asked why the Weaver Girl had an egg, and the Weaver said: "The question cannot be answered."

He Jin: "..." Wipe, actually can't answer! Is this a game bug? Or did he give birth to the undeveloped "accepted | fine | egg"?

No, this is not scientific! He is not a woman, there is no such function, the problem is still on that mysterious seed!

As the first pair of sons and daughters in the game, He Jin feels that the road ahead of himself and the bonfire is full of ruggedness.

However, it is meaningless to entangle these problems. Now I have to ask when the baby will break the egg and how to break the egg.

After asking this time, the Weaver Girl finally gave some tips - actually fed with the Congenital Index!

After getting the answer, He Jinma flew home to the park without stopping.

Going upstairs, He Jin gently opened the door, saw the bonfire holding the egg in bed, kissed it for a while, and then gently called it "baby", a face of obsessive, like a evil... ...He Jin was beaten by Thunder, so don’t want it.

"Asked out, you should use the rhinoceros index to feed, but only feed 100 points a day, it is said that it will grow up with a little hatching."

After listening to He Jin’s words, the bonfire quickly pulled him to give the full amount of the consonant index to the egg.

"Nothing changes." He Jin left and right, and he poked it again. Hey, the eggshell seems to be softer... If you look at it, it looks like a giant dumpling. (=_=)

The bonfire said with a smile: "Don't worry, take your time."

The two men stumbled together for a long time, and finally He Jinxian broke the strange and warm situation: "Don't look at it, and see if there is no change today."

It happened that the nine princes and other people came to the door and pulled them together to make a copy, because in the past few days, He Jinhuai could not become snowy. For a long time, no pk did not blame, he felt that his body was rusting: "Go, let's go together." Play."

The bonfire carefully moved the egg to the middle of the bed, and covered it with a quilt, making sure that it would not roll down for no reason, and then reluctantly left with Ajin.

A few people waited for them downstairs. Nine halls smirked and asked: "Hey, in the couple's room during the day... What are you doing?"

He Jin’s face was red, and he didn’t dare to tell anyone about the egg. He was afraid that the bonfire would say something, and he would try his best to look at each other.

The bonfire didn't see it. He only said to the nine halls in an understatement: "We are husband and wife. It is normal to be a husband and wife. It is like you. You can go to a fragrant hospital and npc 妓|women can play kidney deficiency."

Nine halls of the face were red, anxiously said: "I just go and see, how can you exaggerate what you said, where did you hear the rumors!"

The bonfire smashed the water, and the nine priests sweared: "Water brother, how can you say this to me!"

The dead water did not care about His Royal Highness, and asked the bonfire directly: "I heard that you and Ajin completed the mysterious husband and wife mission last week, and got this "Send the Son". You will not see your figure in these days, it will not be busy at ' Create people, right?"

In a simple and simple sentence, the gossip ball was kicked back to the bonfire, and everyone was immediately distracted and looked at He Jin.

His Royal Highness: "Rely, really?!"

Hedge: "Ajin, are you going to have a little snow? (⊙o⊙)"

Wild Crane: "I am going, can this game still have children? ( ̄0 ̄)"

Idle clouds touched my chin and looked at the wild crane: "Or let's get married too?"

"..." He Jin, who had no reason to lay the gun, finally understood why the bonfire said that the water in their group was the worst!

Near the end of the period, during this time, He Jin was preparing to review the exam, and he did not forget to take care of him and the eggs of the campfire. With the feeding, the egg gradually changed. From the beginning, the "dumpnut" egg slowly It became a "crystal dumpling" egg - yes, the white eggshell slowly became transparent.

But the two still can't see what the eggshell is, a dark mist, anyway, He Jinyue sees it like a sesame stuffed dumpling! (=_=)

Ten days later, the black mist inside the egg slowly dissipated, and He Jin and the bonfire finally saw what their baby looks like!

It was a small child with eyes closed, his skin was white, but he had two horns on his head...

Mom, why are there horns! Is this kid a reincarnation of the demon king?