MTL - Waiting Upon You-~ Act 45 Politeness

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Feng Hao's MV did not pass the review of the authorities, of course, but in this era of network development, the word ban has become a natural hotspot for publicity. Major video sites have titled "visually stunning" and "forbidden broadcast in the heavens". The first MV released after Feng Hao's entry into the pop music scene was put on the front page of the music page, and it has attracted countless attention for a while. The single "Waiting for You to Watch" has also taken the opportunity to stay at the top of the pop chart for a long time.

For the evaluation of MV, netizens have mixed opinions. They like to say that this is visual art, and disgustingly say that it is vulgar. The two factions debated and accused each other, which caused a long and hot discussion.

At a time when everyone was arguing, in another hidden circle, Feng Hao's MV, however, caused a stir.

Ling Lang's next movie was finally finalized. The producer decided to let him play the role of emperor. During this time, he was idle at home. He either read history books or figured out scripts every day. During the rest of the time, he also trained a The new hobby-although this hobby is inconsistent with his identity-is to dive online and watch others discuss Feng Hao MV.

In addition to Feng Hao ’s official forum, the place where he dives the most is Weibo. Since the last time he turned around Feng Hao ’s Weibo, Ling Lang has not logged in for a while.

The supporters and the opposition are still arguing with each other on that Weibo. After so long, the arguments of both sides have nothing new, just dragging comments in Ling Lang quickly thinking that they can almost give up this new hobby. At that time, a strange response appeared in his vision.

——I want to be that chair, and you are sitting under you.

Ling Lang frowned. This man's head was a man's feet in leather shoes, and it was taken from the angle of the sole of the shoe. He intuitively clicked into the opponent's homepage but found a new world by accident.

In front of that person, several Weibo posts reposted photos of men's feet, some wearing leather shoes, sports shoes, white socks, and even a man stepping on a * under his foot, the man's head was beaten Mosaic, black collar and bracelet worn on the neck and wrists.

Ling Lang continued to look down, and finally saw a Weibo about Feng Hao's MV that he forwarded, but it was not transferred from Feng Hao, but from another person. The man posted a screenshot of the restaurant. It was Feng Hao who was sitting on the human body sofa, holding his fingers in his fingers to his mouth, and his eyes fell on the coffee table supported by four naked men.

On the picture, the blogger also has a paragraph of text, the text is very short, only ten characters plus a punctuation mark: the ultimate dream of each owner.

Ling Lang clicked in again. The repost volume of this Weibo was also surprisingly high, but the commentary style below was quite different from the outside.

——This is also my dream. Unfortunately, this dream will probably never be realized.

——Hehe, it's a good idea. Is there any slave willing to come to be the master's sofa?

——This host is so handsome, I will do whatever he wants me to do.

——Can't be more exciting, just think hard.

——Where is the source of the picture? Begging.

Someone answered him soon.

——This is the video in the MV "Waiting for You to Look Up". The singer is called Feng Hao, and you can search it.

Someone else responded.

——I found it. I have never heard of this singer. Is it a newcomer? The song is not bad, but why did he make this video?

——Singer is someone in the circle? Find his Weibo, pay attention to it.

Ling Lang read all the way, in addition to discussing Feng Hao's content, half of them were envious of Feng Hao, and the other half were envious of the sofa, and everyone's heads were similar. He clicked a few casually, and the photos in Weibo were taken aback by Ling Lang. He just realized that there still existed such a group of people.

Hearing the sound of the key twisting the door lock, he didn't have time to close the client, hurriedly pressed the POWER button, set the tablet aside, put on Feng Hao's shirt and got out of bed, fasten the last button, Feng Hao just entered the room.

"Looking at the script again?" Feng Hao asked with a smile. He saw that Ling Lang didn't even have time to wear underwear, and knew that he had just gotten out of bed. Since he was put in a cage for reflection last time, Ling Lang hasn't violated it. The rules of bed.

"... Um," Ling Lang glanced at the play spread out on the bed with a guilty conscience, and the tablet next to the play was a tablet with a black screen. The content he had seen inadvertently made him nervous.

"When a man is lying, his eyes will look down," Feng Hao lightly pierced him.

Ling Lang didn't expect that such small details would be seen by him, and he was a little overwhelmed by surprise.

Feng Hao walked to him and picked up the tablet from the bedside. Ling Lang wanted to stop but didn't dare. He watched a large-scale picture appear on the screen. In the photo, the naked man with blindfold blindfolded was kneeling. On the ground licked the leather shoes in front of him intoxicatedly.

Feng Hao calmly dropped the picture, quickly swept through the other content on Weibo, and finally fell back to Ling Lang. There was no expression on his face, but Ling Lang knew this was his unhappy expression.

The tablet was thrown back on the bed, Feng Hao also sat down and gave a light command, "Knelt down."

The low-volume command sounded like a thunderbolt in the ear when he heard the command. Ling Lang was frightened and immediately knelt down.

"Why look at these?"

Feng Hao's voice was not wavering, but it was this that made Ling Lang afraid, "... I accidentally clicked in."

"the first time?"

Ling Lang nodded hastily.

"You feel curious, it's understandable to look at it," Feng Hao's legs crossed, and Ling Lang's chin was raised with the tip of his shoe. "But why do you lie?"

Ling Lang carefully looked at Feng Hao, and then quickly looked away, afraid to look at him.

"Although it is only an insignificant lie, lying is lying, and there is no importance. Let's say, how do you want to be punished?"

Feng Hao's leather shoes are right next to his mouth, and those pictures that he just saw are still lingering in Ling Lang's head. He also clearly remembers that when he first saw those pictures, he unconsciously substituted himself into a certain party, or even because of this Feeling excited.

The **** sent a ghost to the ground, Ling Lang tilted his head, his lips were getting closer and closer to the target, and when he saw it, he would be in close contact, but the target suddenly left him. He looked up in disappointment, and Feng Hao had a smile on his lips, but this smile was cold and didn't pass into his eyes.

"Did you make a mistake," Feng Hao patted his face gently with his toes. "This is a reward, not a punishment. You ca n’t even distinguish between the two? Or, if you make a mistake, I will instead To praise you for failing? "

Ling Lang didn't know what to do, so he had to kneel quietly.

Feng Hao's toes all the way down, and finally landed on Ling Langchi | naked under | body, the moment he touched, it seemed that there was a current flowing across Ling Lang's body, and his organs were on fire, instantly Congestion and swelling, but Feng Hao stepped on his feet to limit the movement.

In Ling Lang's first night, he was treated like this by Feng Hao, but he was already excited at that time, far from the feeling that the body quickly entered the hyperactive period.

Feng Hao only twiddled it with a little bit of strength, Ling Lang immediately looked emotionally impatient, panting quickly, his gaze fell straight on the opponent's face, and he could not move a little bit.

Feng Hao smiled slightly, but when he spoke again, it was a different topic. "I had good news today to tell you."

Ling Lang's attention was all focused on the lower body. Feng Hao couldn't even hear what he was talking about. He numb from his heart to his fingertips, then went back from his fingertips to his heart, and finally rose to the scalp.

He just wanted Feng Hao to continue his movements, but the opponent did not hesitate, and his feet remained in place.

Feng Hao didn't move, he had to move secretly, trying to relieve the pain by rubbing *, but Feng Hao immediately discovered that he drank sternly, "Do not move."

Ling Lang's action froze to half instantly.

"What do you think is punishment?"

Only then did Ling Lang understand what he wanted to do, swallowed, and knelt down honestly, but his eyes still drifted down from time to time.

Feng Hao slowed his tone. "My good news is ..."

He smiled, "We'll be working together again soon."

It took a while for the distracted Ling Lang to digest the sentence, and the attention was successfully diverted. "What do you mean?"

He glanced down at his script, "Did ...?"

Feng Hao smiled and nodded, "That's what you think."

Ling Lang couldn't think of Feng Hao picking up the same drama with himself, "Which role?"

"Loyal minister."

As an emperor, Ling Lang was surrounded by two ministers who played a decisive role, just like the elements necessary for every court play, one was a loyal minister, and the other was an adulterer. Although the emperor was upright and rigorous, he was unavoidable to be blinded by his loyal ministers. He believed in his words for a moment and almost made a big mistake. Fortunately, under the power of the loyal ministers, the evil forces were eliminated.

Although Feng Hao has a loyal minister's face, he has always played a villain role since his debut. This is probably his first screen positive image since the film.

But the first reaction of Linglang was not this, "Why are we always working together on the same film?"

"Probably because of fate?" Feng Hao was still joking.

Ling Lang certainly wouldn't believe it.

"Well, I know you took this one and asked for it from the director," Feng Hao changed his mouth.

Ling Lang was even less convinced that the word "qiu" was never Feng Hao's style.

"We always appear together, and the audience will have aesthetic fatigue."

Feng Hao Waner, "As long as I'm not tired, as for the audience," he smiled, "they will always get used to it."

"We're going to stay in the same crew for a few more months, aren't you happy?" Feng Hao moved his toes, and Ling Lang, who had been distracted, returned to his lower body.

Feng Hao was obviously teasing him, but Ling Lang couldn't stand his tease at all, and he was provoked by a couple of times.

He swallowed and called boldly, "Master ..."

"No," Feng Hao put his foot back, "I said it was punishment, that is punishment. I read this first offense, so it's fine, if there is the next ..."

He didn't say the last few words, but this kind of unknown blank space seemed more deterrent, which made Ling Lang dare not to go against the slightest.

"As for those photos that are so messy ..." Feng Hao tickled his lips. "If you want to see them, you can use them as textbooks."

He leaned down, sharply capturing Ling Lang completely, "if you learn anything, just show it to me one by one."


A few days after knowing that Feng Hao had also filmed the show, Ling Lang was notified that the main members of the crew would have a small meeting, and the agreed place was in a conference room in the Ye's Building.

The two arrived earlier than the agreed time, and the others have not yet come. The meeting room didn't know why. Only a chair was placed. Ling Lang took Feng Hao for granted, of course, leaning on the conference table next to him. The two men picked up the script and spoke up against each other.

Feng Hao finished reading the last sentence of a page, turned the page over, and the paper caught on the next page fell out and landed at the door just a few steps away.

Seeing Ling Lang, he walked over to pick it up if he didn't want to. He just squatted down, and a pair of black high-heeled boots appeared in front of him, stepping on that page of paper without any bias.

Ling Lang looked up along the boots, and saw a man wearing black **** leather clothes and leather pants, looking down at him, his eyes full of inquiry.

He didn't feel right, stood up quickly, and straightened back with icy eyes.

The man's eyes first turned around the seated Feng Hao, and then returned to Ling Lang, looking at the two with some interest.

After looking back and forth for a long time, he stepped back unhurriedly, bent over to pick up the paper on the ground, and when he raised his head again, there was an unruly smile on the corner of his mouth.

Ling Lang's eyes sank, and the other's arrogant expression made him instinctively alert to this person.

The man seemed to care nothing about the hostility emanating from Ling Lang, and he raised his eyebrows lightly, "How can the emperor do such a thing? It is really rude."

The author has something to say: The cheat sheet of the crew's record:

Act 45: The violent elements involved in beating Wu Guanfeng were [Kudo Yu] [Qi Lanruo] each punched, [Sa Qi] [Ji] [Xing Xiansen] each kicked five feet, and the crowd said that Play well!

Drop [Wu Guanfeng's boots], will anyone want this? Maybe it can be used to abduct a small antelope?

By the way, Wu Guanfeng is not a cannon fodder attack, nor is it a cannon fodder attack. He is just a guy who is full to support and trouble.