MTL - Wall Street Legend-Chapter 19 small business in high school

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  Chapter 19 Small business in high school

  In October, New York had an early snow, which was also the first snow this winter.

  It's a pity that I couldn't keep it. I could still see some white last night, but it disappeared overnight. Only the garbage in the alley can still see some evidence of snow.

  The cold wave that drove straight down from the north came and went quickly, and the long cold winter that lasted for several months has begun.

  Woke up early the next morning, woke up at 6:40, and stayed in bed for half an hour before getting dressed. While brushing her teeth, Ye Dongqing found that the sky had cleared up.

  The broken-down house with a monthly rent of 550 US dollars, the living conditions are comparable to those of the slums, and the sunlight does not shine into his room, so it is very cold.

  To put it bluntly, the storage room in his house used to be more comfortable than this apartment. In order to make money from old Sam and avoid running back and forth, he probably had to endure it a little longer.

   Pack up your things, throw a large bag of money into the trash can, cover it with waste paper, and then go out with peace of mind.

   When passing by the reception room, seeing that the old man was not there, he casually put a box packed last night on the table belonging to Old Sam, with his name marked on it. It has already been inspected, the entrance includes the stairway, etc., the whole building is not equipped with surveillance cameras, old Sam is old and can't accept those new gadgets, the most important thing is that he still expects to collect cash to evade taxes, how can he give it to himself? It's not fun to leave evidence when you're uncomfortable.

  The Patek Philippe watch was contained in the box, which not only cashed in the watch, but also helped the old man clean up the 30,000 US dollars, which is a good deal that kills two birds with one stone.

  He even thought of the reason. In case old Sam asked why it was not cash, he replied that the amount was too small and it was not worth his troubles, so he bought a famous watch with the parts, which was reasonable.

  Wait for the bus at the bus stop. There is a bus going directly to the gate of Manhattan International Middle School. It only takes about seven minutes on the road.

  Of course, every time I encounter the most congested working hours, I rarely arrive within ten minutes.

  Ye Dongqing belongs to the group of "good students" with the best grades in the school. The teachers know that he has to prepare for the exam, and it is not a big problem to be late occasionally. He sits in the back of the bus with a relaxed expression, tinkering with the new mobile phone he just bought yesterday.

  Recalling the entire middle school stage, there were not many things worthy of his nostalgia. In his previous life, the good life started when he went astray and had money in his pocket.

  Although it is quite realistic, most of the time, happiness is indeed directly proportional to the amount of wealth. You will not feel happy on a crowded bus, nor will you live in a dirty apartment. This is why people need to make progress—they are not materially rich, and it is mostly difficult to experience spiritual satisfaction.

  As soon as he sat in the classroom, he began to read books. Most of the questions were sure, so he wanted to hug his feet temporarily and try to get a higher score in the test.

  Other students were laughing and playing, and the classroom was in chaos. The faces of the yellow race were the most, and the rest were black. As a victim of the "racial integration plan", each class is forced to be divided into a similar number of students of all ethnic groups, which is said to allow people of different skin colors to integrate.

In fact, it is useless. The blacks have a circle, and the Chinese also form a circle. The yellow-skinned students sit in the front row, and the black students sit back consciously. As for the white students and Latino students, their status in the class is embarrassing. Very few.

  In the past, Ye Dongqing didn't like to have contact with classmates in the class. The day-to-day curriculum arrangement didn't have the term "fixed class". Private schools also had teachers in charge. In this public **** school, they didn't even have a head teacher.

   There is an aisle between each table. Today, he snatched the third row by the window and sat with his head bowed without saying a word, with a somewhat bookish demeanor.

  Judging from the appearance alone, it doesn't look like a character who would swallow his anger when he was bullied. He lacked parental care during the growth process, so his personality was precocious and he was very calm in dealing with problems. Therefore, since I went to school until today, I haven't been bullied much. I belong to the type of people who actively marginalize themselves, and they are very low-key.

   Bullying is prevalent in American campuses. Students are often locked up in toilets and bookcases. Teachers in poor schools are weak even in class, so how can they meddle in their own business.

  The messy classroom does not seem to have an atmosphere for cultivating talents.

  The starting line existed as early as the time everyone was born, but any capable American parent would choose to send their children to a good school, even if it wasn't a private one, a top-ranked public school would do.

  The two cousins ​​of Aunt Ye Dongqing's family are both studying in ordinary private schools. With such a partiality, it is strange that he has a good impression of his aunt and uncle.

  From an early age, he understood that he could only rely on his own reasoning. If he was not reborn and developed according to the original historical track, next year he would give up on himself and accidentally embark on the road of money laundering to make a living.

Do it again, and still choose to start from the gray industry, but laundering money for ordinary charter companies is different from laundering money for drug lords and politicians. The former is less risky and will not push yourself into a dilemma. As long as you are careful enough, you can Close hand.

Since he can launder money for others, it is of course easier to launder money for himself. The source of the first pot of gold must be completely laundered. Now he only has tens of thousands of dollars in his hand, and he has not yet reached the point where he needs to be careful. Thirty thousand dollars in cash is not counted, there are only more than 20,000 dollars in the account, who would care about such a small amount of money.


   Read the book seriously, time flies by quite quickly.

  Barely listening to what the teacher said, Ye Dongqing was immersed in the sea of ​​questions and went through the main points of mathematics.

  Every time you change classes, you have to change classrooms, and only stay for a few minutes during the period, so students like to prepare textbooks for half a day in advance, and walk around with them in their arms, so as not to waste time going to the cabinet to get them.

   At noon, set aside a 50-minute break, including lunch time, and school is usually dismissed earlier in the afternoon.

  American primary school curriculum is very loose, and it suddenly becomes tense after reaching the middle school stage. If you don’t want to go to college, you can choose to give up on yourself and spend a few years leisurely. And students who are determined to enter universities, especially prestigious universities, also have heavy learning tasks, which have nothing to do with the word "easy".

  Buy a burger and climb the stairs to the rooftop.

  The school is messy everywhere, the area is small, the number of students is very large, and the teacher-student ratio is as high as one to thirty-five, which is one of the school's poor performances. Not only are the students unwilling to come, but any teachers with ambition and strength will not choose to stay in this public school.

   It's been a long time since I did the problem, and my brain hurts after doing too much, so Ye Dongqing came to the rooftop to be quiet.

   I don’t know whether it was good luck or bad luck, but I happened to see Miss Laura Fisher reaching out to take the money and stuffing a small package into the hands of a male student.

  He accidentally saw this campus transaction, and Laura's eyes also stayed on Ye Dongqing...

  (end of this chapter)