MTL - Want to Ascend? Then Fall in Love-Chapter 172 One hundred seventy two

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Chapter 172

The heart is strange to Shen Qingxian.

He used to have a long period of time to think that he would not step into this place in his life.

Now think about it, perhaps before the amnesia, I made a suggestion to myself, because I was afraid of rejection.

Of course, he likes this place very much now, preferring people around him.

In the state of mind, who knows Shen Qingxian's mind, he can't help but want to see him. When he looks at him, he still has a kind of inexplicable familiarity.

Although old, the humanity will not change. Even if the skin loses its luster, even if the eyes are not so bright, even if the wrinkles climb the corners of the eyes, the beautiful outline, elegant posture, and light smile of the lips will outline the youthful fashion.

What's more, age is never a problem in the realm of comprehension.

It will be like this, and it must be something unexpected.

Gu Jian asked him: "Are you having anything?"

Shen Qingxian thought about it: "The way I practice is very weird, and it makes people unmovable."

Gu sees a deep sigh, and asks: "Who do you like?" It is very strange, so he said that his mouth has spread a bit of bitterness.

Shen Qingxian glanced at him and smiled and said: "Yes, falling in love with a person, loving to be tempted, love to be ruined by the heart, become this devil."

Gu sees him deeply, the heart is like a hand tightly gripped, there is an unspeakable pain.

He tweeted: "You are being ruined by his heart, what about others?"

Shen Qingxian did not say anything.

Seeing the pain in the deep chest and turning into a nameless anger, he said: "Did he actually abandon you?"

This time, Shen Qingxian didn’t have time to talk, and he was very eager to say: “There are people who are so heart-warming, how can you pay for your deep affection!”

Shen Qingxian’s heart is full of laughter... This way, I have no problem with myself, Comrade Gu Dashen!

Of course, he didn't smile, Shen Qingxian shook his head and said: "No."

Gu Jianshen did not know why he had such a anger. What surprised him was that he still felt very unwilling.

Why does he like to be the one who abandoned him, why he wants to fall in love with such a person who left him, why is he going to be like this for someone who is not worth it?

These thoughts are in his mind, and they also occupy his heart. They can think about it carefully, and they feel that they are too inexplicable.

When the water meets and counts, how can he come to these thoughts?

Maybe it’s not awkward... Anyone who faces such unfair things will be impatient.

Shen Qingxian slammed the following: "I left him and had to leave him."

He said that he was deeply stunned, and then he felt an indescribable pain. It seemed that a long time ago someone had sown the poisonous seeds in his blood, and at this time they were awakened, such as thorns. Crazy vines, squeezing his internal organs.

Gu Jianshen said: "You... don't want him to see you like this?"

Shen Qingxian said: "Well, I hope to leave my best time in his heart."

You are also very good at present... Of course, I don’t know what to say.

Shen Qingxian said again: "I want to leave him and want to forget him. After all, we can't be together."

Looking at the deep lips, I didn’t say anything.

Shen Qingxian did not open any more, and the two sat quietly, watching a large orange-colored wheat wave in front of them.

Shen Qingxian said: "This is really beautiful."

Gu Shen Shen said: "I am also the first time."

Shen Qingxian laughed and said: "Thank you for bringing me here, and thank you for staying with me for so long."

Gu Jianshen knows that he is leaving, he can't help but say: "Forget him, so that your mind can stop the fight, you can continue to practice, you can..."

"I can't forget him myself, but..." Shen Qingxian whispered, "My Master will help me to seal the memory associated with him."

Gu Jianshen was obviously relieved: "This is also good, always look at it."

Shen Qingxian glanced at him again and said slowly: "I am leaving."

Gu Shen said: "Can we still meet in the future?"

Shen Qingxian said: "I will retreat and practice, if there is a chance we can meet."

Close to the difference, Gu Jianshen still asked: "What is your name?"

Shen Qingxian looked at him, and the gray-white scorpion seemed to have raised a little star. He whispered: "I wrote a note and placed it under the leaves. When I left, you opened it again."

After seeing him with deep thoughts, he asked him again: "Have we really seen it before?"

Shen Qing's string: "...It's better to look ahead than to ask about the past."

After saying this, Shen Qingxian left.

Gu Jianshen found the small note, the writing on it was clean and simple, and simple and clear.


- Shen Qingxian.

Just five words, only one sentence and one name.

Looking at the three words of Shen Qingxian, I firmly tightened the paper.

He is the Tianjiao of Wanfa Zong, the Heavenly Taoist King.

After a little further walk, Shen Qingxian said deeply to the mind outside the mind: "After sending me to sanctification."

Gu Jianshen: "..."

Shen Qingxian soft channel: "Well, I want to see what it will become."

They can't change in the past, but they can simulate another possibility through fantasy.

Shen Qingxian wants to see.

Gu sighed and sighed, and followed his wishes: "Okay."

He sent Shen Qingxian to his heart for a few years, that is, when Shen Qingxian was sanctified.

Shen Qingxian only felt the body fall, and then he was exhausted and light as a swallow.

After the sanctification of the body, it is much more comfortable.

As soon as he went out, countless people came to congratulate him.

Seeing Yan Tianrui and the seven brothers, Shen Qingxian was very emotional. He said to Gu Jian: "Thank you." Otherwise these brothers were killed in the battle.

Although the brothers and sisters have fallen down after four or five thousand years, as a monk, ending in the road of comprehension, it is a complete life.

Moreover, Gu Jian deeply saved the entire Wan Fa Zong.

If you don’t save these people and don’t protect the entire Wan Fa Zong, the consequences are unimaginable.

Perhaps the master of Shen Qingxian will cause a knot and cannot rise; perhaps the Heavenly Taoist Church will be degraded and there will be no leader; perhaps even the Tiandao and Six factions will cease to exist.

More importantly, Gu Jianshen left Shen Qingxian for thousands of years of warmth.

Even at that time, Shen Qingxian was no longer willing to accept anyone, but there was warmth around him.

Like a frozen person, thrown into the cold for a thousand years and surrounded by warm flames is very different.

Shen Qingxian thinks like this. He only thinks that he is full of thoughts. He said, "I am going to find you!"

He believes that Gu Jian is waiting for him.

Even if I can't remember anything, even if I can't find the lost memory, even if they can't help but separate.

But just meet -

“Light clouds cover the moon, and the wind and snow return.”

The mind in the mood looked at him deeply and whispered softly.

Shen Qingxian heard the most wanted words. He smiled and bent his eyes and was about to approach him.

A strong pulling force struck, Shen Qingxian left his mind.

Suddenly returned to reality, he has not returned to God.

Then, a fiery kiss hit, Shen Qingxian annoyed that he pulled him out, but the body could not refuse.

Gu Jian deeply clasped his back and kissed him and panted.

When he could change his tone, Shen Qing’s string yelled at him: “I don’t want to come out yet.”

Gu Jianshen pulled the man over and kissed his white neck: "Why, what do you want to do with him?"

Shen Qing’s string smashed down, and after a long while, he returned to the smell. He said, “Are you here? Isn’t that you?”

As a vinegar god, Gu Lao vinegar is really worthy of his name: "I will eat my own vinegar."

Shen Qingxian was laughed at by him: "You are not a shame!"

Gu Jianshen is already swearing at the clothes: "It doesn't matter if you are a shame, you can't lose you."

This statement said that Shen Xianxian’s heart was soft, and he had not resisted it. This is already catering.

Gu Jianshen can't take care of the foreplay. He just wants to ask him, hold him and love him.

The sweetness of the two is hearty.

After the end, Shen Qingxian said: "I haven't said enough to you yet." He only listened to what he most wanted to hear, and he couldn't say anything about it.

Gu Shen Shen said: "What do you want to hear, I will tell you."

Shen Qingxian believed his evil! He followed his hand in his hand: "Who wants to talk to you about this old hooligan!"

Lao Gu’s classmates have completely let go of the burden of “situation”, he pressed it up: “That’s not to say, let’s continue.”

"Oh..." Shen Qingxian wanted to push him, but this guy was really upset, and he pushed him away.

Later, I saw a lot of things...

In the case of the waist, the ear of Shen Qingxian said a lot.

Shen Qingxian still understand? But in fact, I don't have to listen too well... He knows what Gu Shen will say to him, and he knows what he wants to hear.

Those words they said many times, and each time they were words and words, poked into the heart of the word.

He loves to listen because he loves him.

He will say because he loves him more.

No matter what happened in the past, fortunately, they are now hugged together.

In fact, Shen Qingxian is very clear. In the end, this state of mind is impossible to exist and is a real fantasy.

Even if he went to find a deeper understanding of the past, he would say something to him, and they would not meet after sanctification.

Because he can't be sanctified at all.

Just forgetting to see the depths is not enough. It is the desperate love that really pushes the heart to the top.

At that time, Shen Qingxian was really disappointed with this relationship. I really felt that my heart was wrongly paid. I was really afraid of this "love" that could destroy people.

This is the root of his sanctification, not simply forgetting to see.

If you forget, how can they miss it for so long?

When the two of them embraced each other, they looked deep and said: "I'm sorry, it makes you so sad."

The things that happened in the heart mirror, he all looked in the eyes, Shen Qingxian heard the desperation after the words, desperate to personally ruin the gold and silver nest, as well as the look of the world when the letter was found by the real person.

He saw it all, only a little thought, he felt that the heart was smashed.

The person who holds it in the palm of his hand, in his mouth, and on the tip of his heart, has suffered such pain. He can only hope that he will add thousands of times to him, instead of letting Shen Qing’s string be a trace.

Shen Qingxian is very annoyed: "My gold and silver nest!"

When he was sealed up in memory, his master said this to him: "There is a fascinating thing in the whole day, and you don't concentrate on cultivation. You have already burned your cave house. After that, you will stay on this Wanxiu Mountain, and you will not be holy! ”

Therefore, Shen Qingxian decided that Master had ruined his gold and silver nest, which is a thousand years!

Gu Jianshen kissed him and said: "I will decorate the Weixin Palace..."

When he didn't finish talking, Shen Qingxian turned his head and looked at him: "Speak up, you promised to give me the golden cloth!"

Gu Jianshen: "!"