MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 1283 Seclusion

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The sun rises again, the outline of the moon becomes more and more bleak, and a new day begins.

In the room of the young master, Lin Chi squinted and sat up, and opened the status bar to look at it. There was no new death warning, and there was no hint of the plot event.

Because it is the rule of a territory, the development time left to the player in this game is much longer than any previous game. Taking advantage of this opportunity to hurry up and prepare for the war, it is undoubtedly very important to prepare for the war that does not know when it will come.

Lin Chi’s plan today is to visit the head of the intelligence agency called “old stubborn” by the engineering masters and seek ways to rebuild the intelligence agencies.

The Assassination Force of the Flamewind Army can indeed replace some of the functions of the intelligence agencies. But the specialties of those soldiers are ultimately murder, to inquire about intelligence, or to give professional spies and spies more reliable.

After washing, and replaced with a relatively low-key gray clothing, Lin Chi went to the door of the Flame Palace under the **** of Shen Wenchong.

Before leaving, he inquired about the guards of the Flame Palace and learned that without any news from the visitors, he looked back at the quaint palace.

——It has been several days, and Mo Liya, who entered the Chamber of the Assassin’s Temple, still has not returned.

However, while worrying about the safety of the vampire, Lin Chi continued to do what he was supposed to do.

The two turned over and ran along the street, heading for the location of the house provided by the master.

After getting the news of the new lord taking office, the chaos in the city of Flamewind finally eased slightly. There are more passers-by on the street than in the past few days, and the roadside stalls that had disappeared have begun to appear again.

Looking at the scene of prosperity in the city, Lin Chi is also very pleased at this moment. However, the irritating mood still has the upper hand:

"Step aside!"

Shen Wenchong shouted and tried to disperse the pedestrians on the road ahead, but the narrow streets were crowded with people and could not allow a horse to pass.

Realizing that it was impossible to pass, Shen Wenchong sighed long and looked at the lord wearing a hood and asked: "Would you like to detour?"

"Go walk." Lin Chi pointed to the horse shed on the street.

"There are too many people here, and there may be dangers..." Shen Wenchong looked at the pedestrians with anxiety.

"It doesn't matter." Lin Chi smiled: "They won't know."

As he said, the residents of Yanfeng City could not think of it. The new lord would conduct a "micro-service private visit" here. The two men struggled through the crowd and were not noticed by anyone.

"It’s just ahead."

Through the bustling crowd, Lin Chi, who finally got a breathing space, pointed to a black-walled second-floor house on the street in front of the slope: "The old gentleman lives here."

“Is it really here? I always feel that...not quite right.” Shen Wenchong looked at the humble building with a frown.

Shen Wenchong, who has been a guardian, has not been in contact with the heads of intelligence agencies, but in his imagination, such people should be the mysterious characters of the reclusive mountain, and should not live in such a downtown area.

"The big looming in the city, this is indeed a way of seclusion." Lin Chi said to speed up the pace.

The two passed by the hawker who sold the candied fruit on the roadside and soon came to the wooden door of the building. Shen Wenchong looked back and then raised his hand and knocked twice on the door panel.

Hey, hey.

Waiting for a while, no one answered in the house. Shen Wenchong knocked a few more times, but still did not respond.

“Nobody?” Shen Wenchong looked at the wooden door with some confusion. He tried to reach out and slammed it. The door opened directly outward.

"Is his family unlocked?"

Seeing this scene, Lin Chi’s face suddenly became dignified.

- Could it be said that the leader of the intelligence agency has been killed?

The two looked at each other and entered the building one after the other.

Shen Wenchong turned back to close the door and walked a few steps forward. A scent of a scent hit him, and he could not help but sneez.

The first floor should be in the living room, filled with a variety of potted plants, and the colorful eyes that caught the eye, let Lin Chi began to wonder if he had entered the flower shop.

There is no furniture for the guests in the living room, only wooden shelves with flower pots. Seeing the first floor and no one, Lin Chi and Shen Wenchong walked slowly along the wooden steps along the wall to the second floor, about to push open the blue wooden door to the second floor, and an old male voice suddenly sounded inside:

"do not move."

"Hello, I am visiting the door." Lin Chi said seriously.

"I know... cough..."

Having said that, the old man suddenly coughed up. Just when Lin Chi began to suspect that he was going to be killed, he finally recovered his ability to speak:

"I know who you are... ‘Little Master.’”

The contempt in the yin and yang of the other party can be said to be very obvious. Shen Wenchong was about to attack, Lin Chi immediately stopped the guard, but continued:

"I am very sorry about the previous things. Can you please reorganize the intelligence agencies? This time I will allocate enough funds to prevent the previous situation."

"Oh, this is the time, what are you talking about?"

The old man in the house smiled scornfully: "The older a person is, the more thoroughly he sees it. The fart of something like 'repairing the sheep' is just an excuse."

"The old man, let's respect it." Shen Wenchong knocked on the doorplate with a force: "The temper in the next is not as good as the young master."

"Ha ha ha..."

Upon hearing the threat of Shen Wenchong, the old man in the house laughed and laughed again. After a cough, he slowly said:

"You said that I am the 'old man'? You are not dead, but more than my age..."

"Old man, are you confused?" Shen Wenchong yelled.

However, while the old man spoke, Lin Chi suddenly realized what he was and immediately asked, "Why do you say that he is 'old?'"

- Shen Wenchong in this game should be completely "rejuvenated". Switching to other NPCs will not tie this beautiful man with a good demeanor to the bad old man who has lived for more than 100 years in the city.

However, the old man who lived in this building did not even see Shen Wenchong's appearance, but he saw Shen Wenchong's "essence" through the door panel.

Can it be said that this old man has a special ability to see the "before" appearance? If that's the case...

Lin Chizheng thought, the old man in the house opened again:

"I am not only talking about him, but also you. I have said, can see who you are now, don't think you can beat me, ‘less master.’”