MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 1313 The weapon that ended the war

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While searching for the Kursk military factory, Lin Chi and the engineering master found fifteen assault rifles for testing at the gun laboratory in the depths of the factory.

The guns used by Soviet researchers here are the AK-103, which is famous in the real world. Although most of this type of gun was used for export, the Soviet special forces and a small number of soldiers were equipped with this weapon.

As the researcher has already died, Lin Chi could not know what the Kursk military factory intends to do with these weapons. But after finding weapons and ammunition, he had already tested it in the backyard of the Flamewind Palace.

These dust-proof guns that have been unknown for a long time have inherited the excellent quality of Soviet-made equipment, and each one can be used normally. A large number of bullets stored in the research box were also not damaged by the damp, and basically kept in a state of being fired.

Then, while the Lord of the Flamewind City began to inspect the BTR, these weapons were also assigned to the elite soldiers of the Flamewind Archers.

After the guidance of Lin Chi himself, and after a period of practice, these elites, who are the archers of the archers, have now turned into true precision shooters.

"Can you get it right?"

Looking at the elite soldiers who are savvy and stand-up, Lin Chi whispered: "Don't take the gun back."

"The Lord of the Lord, their shooting method is absolutely top." Huo Fang said: "Please rest assured, these soldiers are the most elite, learned from you, oh ... tactical movements are also very standard."

"There is no need to use standard actions on the battlefield." Lin Chi temporarily began "on-the-spot teaching": "Don't forget the guns in your hands, it is farther than the enemy's weapons, try not to enter the enemy's attack range, from Shoot them from a distance."

"Follow, Lord Lord." The soldiers raised their right hand to salute: "Follow your teachings, we will destroy the enemy!"

"Hah, let the brothers of the War Mark City see the power of the 'Original Weapons' again." Lin Chi smiled and said: "The next command will be handed over to you."

Like the previous fox warfare against armored vehicles, when this special unit was put into the battlefield, the confrontation between ancient weapons and modern technology will reappear.

What is different is that the "ancient weapons" produced by the Soviets in the hands of the soldiers completely crushed the "modern technology" of the War Marks City.

The attack of the Strike City Shooter is indeed accurate, but even if their bow and arrow work well, they can't be compared with the AK103 equipped with the Flamewind.

Then, let's see how the generals will dispatch this army.

"Follow me." Huo Fang said to pick up the recurve bow and stand in front of the special troops.

"You have to go in person?" Lin Chi raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, Lord Lord." On the face of the little, strong man, once again, a bright smile: "I like to rush to the front."

"Be careful, Huo Fang." General Qin whispered: "The enemy should not be underestimated."

"Do not worry, boss, I will not die." Huo Fang raised his left hand and patted his chest and said the standard "death declaration": "Don't forget to invite me to drink after returning."

Not waiting for General Qin to answer, Huo Fang has led the fifteen gunmen under his command and walked over to the mountain that had just been covered by the trebuchet. The two teams from the squadron were responsible for the investigation in front.

The soldiers in the gray armor, slowly marching toward the smoke-filled mountains, gazing at the ruins of the smoke and looking for enemies.

The trebuchet of the Siege Weapons was incredibly powerful, and there were crater-like dents in the position of the boulder hit. On the edge of the crater, you can see the body that was smashed into meat sauce.

Even the veterans who have been through the field can't be sure what the meat sauce and plasma on the ground were. The soldiers of the group marched forward, staring at the body crushed by the boulder, trying to find clues that could identify each other.

Then, a veteran found something wrong with a piece of debris that fell in the gravel.

"The color of this corpse..."

A small piece of skin that is not soaked in blood is not like a dead person, but a lifeless gray. Seeing this scene, the veteran immediately shouted: "It is a trap!"

At the same time, the smog of the beast is also heard in the smoke:

Three giant werewolves with a height of five meters flew out from the smoke, opened their mouths and opened their mouths, and flashed dangerous blood in their eyes. They rushed toward the two teams in front, sharp claws. A long cold light.

Seeing the enemy debut, the soldiers in the group did not retreat, but instead decisively fell. Immediately afterwards, the special forces soldiers led by Huo Fang raised their AK-103 assault rifles.


The rushing gunshots erupted from the battlefield. Fifteen elite soldiers used AK to shoot the werewolves in front. The three werewolves suddenly broke out with dozens of blood flowers. The body that was going to charge forward twitched down.

At this time, the War Marks followed the wolf cavalry that the Werewolf Pioneer, and they just rushed out of the smoke:

"For the wolf god, kill them!" The wolf cavalry rushing in front shouted.

"It really is a trap."

Seeing the current situation, Lin Chi did not feel surprised. Obviously, the War Marks Army is planning to use this opportunity to drag the Flamewind Army into the close combat that the Wolf Cavalry is best at.

The BTR chariot is deadly, but the powerful cannon is easy to accidentally injure the comrades when the two sides start the close battle. The commander of the War Marks Army is obviously holding this kind of plan and will choose to lure the enemy deeper.

However, in the current situation, the War Marks Army is obviously miscalculated:

The shooters who had lost the impeachment were skilled in replacing the AK-103 with new magazines. After many trainings, they had already been very skilled, making them look like soldiers of this age, more like "ancient "Professional gunman.

"Open fire!"

Under the command of Huo Fang, fifteen gunmen fired again, and the firepower of these "infantry" was obviously far beyond the expectations of the War Marks.

The ten wolf cavalry rushing in front, slammed into the AK103's 7.62 x 39 mm ammunition, and fell from the wolf with blood. The wolf with his head slammed was unable to run too far and was smashed.

The action of these wolves when they charge, just exposes the most vulnerable head to the enemy. Although the head is equipped with a light metal armor that can block the arrow, in the face of AK's direct shooting, this layer of metal is like It doesn't exist, it doesn't have any defensive effect!

The fierce firepower of the shooters, the warring wolf cavalry was caught off guard. The two fox chariots hiding behind the smoke are about to shoot. The flame squad has already started again, throwing the sharp boulder.

"Hey, I have a ‘telescope’ on my hand?” Xiao Yu smiled and shook his black binoculars: “I still want to ambush us? I don’t think too much!”

"Don't be overconfident, the battlefield situation is changing rapidly." General Qin stared at Xiao Yu, who had already won the prize: "Don't care before you completely defeat them."

"I know? But our equipment is crushed." Xiao Yu leaned on the shelf of the gun: "My "big guys" are not useful, and the enemy can't come!"

If it were the backward guns of the Middle Ages, the enemy had a chance to kill them, but in the face of fifteen AK-103 shots, the wolf cavalry who slashed the sword was like a group of moving targets.

The weapon generation on this battlefield is not just an era. Unless the War Marks Army can come up with any "super black technology", it is indeed powerless to return to the sky with the current situation!

The gunner squad led by Huo Fang repeated the aiming, firing, and changing the loop. The wolf cavalry rushing over was like a cut leaf, and it fell down one after another.

The soldiers who had just fallen to the ground had already withdrawn to the vicinity of the Gunners’ squad. They had to remove the slender metal “long sword” from the back and spliced ​​the two pieces of metal together to form a fixed heavy shield that could be inserted on the ground. .

In such a short period of time, even the genius of the master of engineering can not imitate the AK-103 assault rifle and ammunition. But to create a heavy shield that can be used with an assault rifle, it would be simple for him.

With the protection of the fixed shield, the gunners of the Flamewind Army fired the barrel directly from the gap above the two metal plates, and the arrows that the attacking strikers and the shooters were attacking suddenly became the display.

The sharp arrow pointed to the armor and made a crisp squeak. The bullets fired by the Flame Wind Army actually smashed the armor of the wolf cavalry and blasted into the flesh and blood of the enemy.

The war-to-loss ratio of the warring parties has reached a level of terror. More than 30 warring wolf cavalrymen died under the gun, but the number of casualties on the side of the flames was still zero!

"Ha ha..."

Seeing the picture of the unilateral killing of the front line, Xiao Yu is also smiling at the moment: "These **** barbarians have finally suffered!"

"In ancient times, there was such a sentence: 'Since the heavy machine gun was invented, the nomadic people changed from being able to fight for good warfare to being able to sing and dance.'" Lin Chi smiled and said: "If the war mark army can't get anything else." They can only dance in the future."

The nomads on the battlefield plateau believe in primitive animal gods, rude and wild in battle, and can fight with animals... but that's it.

In the face of real modern weapons, these barbaric orcs and wolf cavalry can only be miserable as cannon fodder!

Lin Chi knows that in this kind of war, the so-called "magic worship theory" is nothing more than a pure joke. Some of the novels and movies he has seen have indeed exaggerated the fighting power of magic, and the modern weapons are worthless.

But these works seem to ignore an important issue:

If the ancient human beings were so powerful, why should they choose to develop modern weapons without premature extinction?

- If the legendary ancient magic is more ferocious than the aircraft cannon nuclear bomb. There is absolutely no need for human beings to study new weapons, as long as they continue to use ancient combat methods.

Therefore, even if the War Marks Army does have special strength, they can only come here.

In the face of modern equipment excavated from the ruins, these beasts who believe in animal gods, the end of failure has been doomed!

"It's pathetic."

Watching the wolf cavalry screaming and killing, but one after another fell down, Qin General sighed: "The war-scarred army that once dominated the flames of the army has actually fallen to such a degree."

Standing on the top of the BTR, Lin Chi, holding a telescope to watch the **** battle ahead, said casually: "In the war, the side that masters advanced technology is the one that wins."

Dropping the bodies all over the place, the warring wolf cavalry began to alternately cover the retreat. The bullets are about to run out of the shooters, and they ran from the shield position to the rear.

The commander of the War Marks Army also apparently realized that continuing this way is nothing more than giving the head. Looking at the war-stained army that was once again repelled, General Qin clenched his fists:

"This war is coming to an end."

"No, not yet." Lin Chi put down the telescope and watched the mountains flowing into the river: "They must have other means."

Lin Chi did not know who the lord of the War Marks was, but in this situation, the lord should also use the last resort.

In addition to the wolf cavalry and the fox chariot, there is definitely something else hidden in the battle mark. And the so-called "killer", under such great disadvantages, did not continue to be hidden.

" Father, we have lost, it is time to leave."

As one of the generals of the War Marks Army, Fox Mai accepted the fact of failure: "Their equipment is too evil, and now it is withdrawn and ready, we can also launch a defensive formation on the plateau."

"To shut up."

The old general looked down with some pain, and the heart disease seemed to be attacking at any time: "We can't do that, this army can't go back!"

The contradictions in the war-marked city are obvious, and the old general is naturally clear. This is originally a war used to transfer contradictions. If the war-scarred army is defeated, the anger between the wolf **** believers and the fox **** believers in the city will be completely detonated!

"Hey, old man!" Foxmaid's tone is not good: "What do you want? Continue to send your wolf cavalry to die and die?"

The old man was silently staring at the troops that had been withdrawn. These surviving wolf cavalry had more or less wounds. A soldier who was passing by, the right arm was directly hit from the position of the shoulder, and the fracture was still flowing out. Thick blood.

The rich **** atmosphere filled the position behind the mountain. And this taste comes from the wolf cavalry of his own arm.

After a long silence, the old man whispered, "Let's go."

"Ah?" Foxmaid stared at her grandfather with a strange look. There was a bit of worry in the tone: "Master, what are you doing?"

"This war is my fault." The old man looked up and stared at the granddaughter's eyes: "It is my responsibility to reverse the battle."

"Hey, you also saw their equipment, even if the **** of war can not win!" Fox said anxiously: "Come on, don't hold on, we still have a chance..."

"Yes, this is the last chance."

The old man said that from the bag hanging around his waist, he took out a glass syringe, and the light green liquid in the needle tube seemed to flash strange light:

"This is the secret medicine that the Lord has given me. He once said that once it is in a complete disadvantage, using this can reverse the situation."

"Are you crazy?"

After listening to the old man, the fox yelled and reached out to try to **** the syringe in the hands of the old general, but was thrown by the old general and fell to the ground and could not climb.

"Take her back to the plateau." The old general ordered the two guards beside him.

"General, you..." The guardian soldiers stopped talking.

"Do not bother me."

The old general said that he turned his back and walked toward the battlefield filled with smoke:

"This is my last time to be loyal to the battle."