MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 9 Full band scanning

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Sitting in the glass shattered coffee shop, Lin Chi turned his eyes to the alley next to the gun shop, saw a tall guy, standing there motionless, I don't know what to calculate.

From this point of view, I can't see the other person's appearance, and the guy is still wearing a dark cloak, and he can't see his face at all.

Is it a player?

According to Lin’s experience of confrontation with “living in the majesty”, when watching the player, as long as the gaze stays on the body for a few seconds, a gray 骷髅 icon appears on the other side of the opponent, marking his player’s identity.

However, this strange guy did not show any hints.

In other words... is he npc?

However, in the case of this kind of bullets, the npc on the street has already run out, unless the guy’s ai has a problem, or is...

Lin Chi slightly frowned.

Then he saw the strange guy in the cloak, turned and walked slowly into the alley, disappearing around the corner.

Seeing that this person is leaving is not like running away, but more like what he has accomplished.

At the same time that the weird guy left, the tank driven by the rabid dog finally completely crushed the soldier into a meat sauce, and stepped back, stopping in front of the main entrance of the weapons store.

"It's time to go!" The voice of the maid floated out of the tank.

Under the silent gaze, the black beard that had taken off the heavy bulletproof vest jumped in and out of the entrance above the tank turret. The tank carrying two heroic characters started again, smashing the bodies of several soldiers and quickly disappearing at the end of the street.

As the tank departed, a dialog box popped up again in the lower right corner of his line of sight:

"The official notice of the City of Chaos, a tank is destroying the streets in Xicheng District. Our soldiers have suffered heavy casualties. If someone can stop this massacre, they will receive 100 points of control."

"Heroic mission - destroying the chariot has been triggered, is it accepted?"

Recalling the scene I saw just now, Lin Chi decisively chose "No". After all, with his current equipment, the odds of single-handed tanks are simply zero. and……

He wandered his wretched hand, walked out of the cafe, and walked over to the empty weapons store.

In fact, Lin Chi just wanted to test the combat power of the heroic npc, and did not expect things to develop into this.

Since the owner of the weapons store has already run, it is time to plunder the store!

After striding through the **** streets and entering the weapons store, Lin Chi’s eyes suddenly ignited the flame of excitement:

As he expected, because the two guys ran too fast, the weapons in the store were almost intact, and all kinds of killing weapons were still hanging on the walls of the store.

Lin walked to the front of the wall on the left hand side and removed an aks-74u hanging from the wall.

Then, he immediately realized that it felt a little bit wrong.

"Rely, is the model?"

Realizing that the "gun" in his hand was just an ornament, Lin Chicai just threw away the plastic shell with a metallic luster and found a depressing fact.

There are no real weapons on the wall of this gun shop. They are all toys that can only be used for viewing.

"Damn profiteers." Lin Chi smiled and walked to the front of the showcase.

Even if the guns on the wall are fakes, the saber that he just bought is definitely a real guy, and the saber is displayed in the cabinet.

Unsurprisingly, the remaining weapons in the counter are indeed real. Although they are basically melee weapons. but--

"This is not bad..."

Looking at a "big killer" displayed in the display cabinet, Lin Chi smashed his hand and showed an excited smile.

Five minutes later, when he left the "Rainbow Six Weapons Store", the backpack was filled with melee weapons looted from the weapons store.

In a sense, melee weapons are now more reliable than guns. After all, most melee weapons do not require proficiency, which is very suitable for use in the early stages of the game.

Back to the street where the war broke out and many bodies were piled up, Lin Chi immediately turned a corner and entered the neighborhood. There is no live npc on the street just now. If you continue to stay, it will probably become a live target for other players.

He just walked up the street next to him and saw four ambulance lights rushing past the street and galloping to the **** murder scene.

The siren of the ambulance has not disappeared, and the game prompt appears again in Lin Chi’s field of vision:

"The full-band scan is officially open, and the remaining time: twenty-nine minutes. All players' positions are already displayed on the map, I wish you a happy hunting!"

With the start of the full-band scan, the miniature map on the right side of Lin Chi’s field of view suddenly illuminates dozens of red dots.

Seeing that there are three red dots within a range of less than 500 meters from him, he will turn around and walk into a 20-story office building, take the elevator up to the fifth floor, and stand at the end of the corridor and look down from the window. Street.

It is not clear that the strength of other players, direct no brain charge is obviously a dead behavior, or first observe the situation as well.

Like the idea of ​​Lin Chi, the three red dots scattered in the nearby streets did not move immediately. They stayed in the original position for about a minute before they began to move quickly.

Lin Chi was observing the actions of the three people, only to see a few red dots on the far end of the map faint, and then three more killing tips lit up:

The player "Dark Sword" is killed by the player "Science Franken"!

The player "does not exist" is killed by the player "Scipher Frank"!

The player "Scented Chicken" is killed by the player "Science Franken"!

Seeing these three tips, Lin Chi frowned slightly: "This product is quite powerful."

- In the early days of the game, you can kill three people in 1v3. If you don't hit the big game like you took a blood, the strength of this Frankenstein is definitely not weak.

Like the record of the Frankenstein, with the three kills, there are several killing tips that appear in turn.

The first large-scale pvp battle in the city finally officially started!

Although there are three kinds of victory conditions for the death match, you only need to reach any one to win the game. However, in the war paradise that has just been tested, most players are still in the state of exploration, and there is no reliable strategy.

The requirement to kill the final boss in the map is "Raiders". The difficulty of completing is undoubtedly very high. After all, let alone the final boss, the players can't even find a normal boss.

As for the supreme leader in the map, the "ruler" of the victory of the ruler position, no one knows how to finish it...

So now, if you want to win in this game of death, you can only achieve the simplest and most ruthless "killer"!

- Kill at least seven players and survive when all other players die. Among the three winning conditions, this is undoubtedly the simplest one.

Lin Chi has already killed a player, only need to kill another six people, and to ensure that he lives to the end, you can complete this winning condition.

However, I want to live to the end in a melee of one hundred people. Obviously not so easy...

In line with the principle of “small voices and big fortune”, Lin Chi did not rush to act, but continued to stand in the corridor, while observing the situation of the streets below, paying attention to the movement of three red dots near the map.

I saw a red dot less than two hundred meters away from my office building, and was slowly moving towards the building. Lin opened the backpack and was about to take out the weapon, but the action suddenly stopped.

- An abnormal change has occurred on the nearby map.

Suddenly another red dot rushed over and coincided with the red dot that was coming to the office building. Then, I saw one of the red dots fading down, and the killing prompt popped up at that moment:

The player "Breaking the Wind" was killed by the player "Knife"!

The guy who had just finished a kill did not stop, but continued to rush towards another player nearby at a speed of nearly ten meters per second.

The player "nec" is killed by the player "Knife"!

The player "Hell Hydra" is killed by the player "Knife King"!

"This kid..." Lin Chi looked up at the red dot on the map that was coming to the office building, and he couldn't help but whistle.

Even if he didn't think of it, in just two minutes, the guy named Gonghuang actually killed three nearby players. Now, the only thing left in this block is only two of them and the Emperor!

Judging from the situation on the map, the way the knife is fighting is in line with his name - this guy is running all the way to the enemy, killing opponents at a very close distance, obviously using melee weapons.

Realizing that this time I met a master, Lin Chi did not panic, just licked his lips, his face suddenly showed a weird smile:

"Would you like me to fight me? You might regret it..."

He turned away from the window and walked inside the dark corridor.