MTL - Warhammer Inquisitor-Chapter 30 Imperial Frontiers: Governor

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  Chapter 30 The Frontiers of the Empire: The Viceroy

I have to admit that the governor's mansion is indeed very beautiful. Unlike the pure luxury, seriousness and solemnity of most imperial government buildings, the governor's mansion is completely different from those imperial government buildings that look like churches, fortresses, and palaces. things.

This is a work of art. I can say with responsibility that this large mansion is very well decorated. The building is composed of a variety of Modic tones such as turquoise, sea blue, and gray blue. It is full of beautiful Artistic decoration, such as murals, elegant sculptures and furniture, plus some green plants as embellishments, turn the colors here into a palace of art.

  Different from most buildings in the empire, the feeling here is not majesty or oppression, but a sense of relaxation and a different kind of comfort.

  Green vines climbed up the marble column, and the house itself was gorgeous and elegant. On the table on one side was a delicate long-necked glass, and on the other side was a whole set of tea sets.

Vito looked at the interior decoration of this building with great interest, especially admiring the elegant bird specimen with gorgeous feathers on the side cabinet. It has to be said that he admired the aesthetics of the owner of this building very much. Well, maybe I should go back to the Infinite Frontier and redecorate my cabin.

  Vito followed Henry through a curved arch, they passed through the side hall of the entire building, and came to a small sun room, but unfortunately, it was night, so there was no sunlight in the sun room.

  Vito noticed a portrait hanging on the wall, a family portrait, in which there is a young, handsome and beautiful couple, and their lovely and beautiful daughter.

  Vito looks at the little girl with gray-green hair. She sits on her father's lap. The family drew this picture in the garden. Her eyes are obviously inherited from her mother, beautiful and vivid.

"Sir, please hand over the weapon to us." Vito's admiration was interrupted, two guards came up to greet him, one of them signaled Vito to stop, and the latter did stop, the guard was polite With a nod to Vito,

Vito looked at Henry, who had already handed his holster to the second guard. With a slight shrug, Vito untied the holster on his waist and handed it to the guard. The heavy bolter left Then Vito lifted his coat and handed the two laser pistols under it to the guard.

   Dressed in tuxedo, the elegant and polite guard nodded his thanks before handing several guns to another man before removing a small scanner from his belt.

   "Sir, we need to scan your implant category, please understand." "Of course, of course, please." Vito said with a smile, raising his arm to accept his security scan.

The guard skillfully performed a full-body scan, then looked at the monitor, he looked at the scan results on it in confusion, and then looked into Vito's eyes, "Sir, some parts of our equipment cannot be scanned, you Could you explain that?"

   "Maybe my implants are not compatible with your scans? Some of their materials are quite special." Vito laughed jokingly, pointing to his crotch, "For example here?"

   The guard was obviously not amused, but looked at Vito with a serious face, "Sir, we need to conduct further inspections on you, please come here." "No, Captain, there is no need to do so."

   A voice said, the guard looked up, and Vito followed his gaze. On the curved staircase on their side, a man in a black dress was walking down. He was smiling and looked very friendly.

The guard nodded affirmatively, and stepped aside without any rebuttal. The friendly man walked down and looked at Vito with a smile on his face. He walked over and stretched out a hand, and naturally, Vito also held that hand.

   "I have known you for a long time, Mr. Vito Constantine, do you know me?" The man smiled and said, and Vito also smiled and nodded slightly, "Of course, who doesn't know the governor of the galaxy, Lord Luwen?"

  Vito noticed a brooch in an exquisite tray on one side of the table as he spoke. It was a silver brooch with a silver snake and a blooming rose coiled on it.

   Mmmm. Interesting.

  Governor Reuven Caen Johnson smiled. He waved his hand slightly to signal the guards to retreat, and the two guards also walked into the arch without saying a word. There was no persuasion or warning, but absolute obedience.

  Looking at Henry, he smiled and nodded to the leader of the nest, "Thank you, Brother Henry, please allow me a little time to chat with Brother Vito alone."

   "As you wish, Your Excellency." Henry bowed expressionlessly, and then walked into the arch. Vito looked at him jokingly, and he could see that there was no respect at all in the bow.

  Lu Wen smiled and looked at the back of Henry leaving, "Brother Henry doesn't like me very much, which is normal. He has been in the nest for too long, and no one will be pleasing to the nest."

   "What about you? Mr. Vito, what do you think of me?" Lu Wen still smiled politely. It must be said that he was very profound, and most people would never see what was hidden under that bright smile.

  Vito raised his head slightly, then shrugged his shoulders, "A person who is unpredictable and likes to play tricks, just like all qualified planetary governors."

   "I'll take it as if you're praising me, Vito." The governor patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and waved his head to signal Vito to follow, "Come on, come with me."

Lu Wen pushed open the double doors on one side of the sun room, and he walked out. Vito picked up the silver snake and rose brooch on the desk and put them in his arms quietly. He followed naturally. Together they walked down a curved staircase into the private garden in the backyard.

Like Luwen's buildings, it is very artistic and aesthetic. The plants and trees here have been carefully cared for, and the bushes have been properly built. Beautiful flowers are blooming between the grass and shrubs. The fragrance of flowers, set off by the moonlight, makes this garden look extraordinarily dreamy.

  The two walked on a gravel path. Lu Wen admired his garden, brushing flowers and leaves with his hands, just like an artist reviewing his latest work.

   "How much do you know about me, Mr. Vito?" "Well, not much, I probably know that you overthrew the previous governor through a coup and came to power."

Lu Wen smiled happily and nodded with satisfaction, "For most ordinary citizens of the empire, the former governor, that is, my brother, was killed by the retaliatory assassination of the Chaos cultists, but obviously, Mr. Vito, you do not belong to Ordinary people."

  Vito smiled and nodded slightly, "Indeed, I am not an ordinary person."

Lu Wen stopped, and the two of them walked under a small garden pavilion. The Governor turned his body, he looked at Vito and thought for a moment, "I have to admit, Mr. Vito, I don't know you yet, I mean, your past and who you are."

Vito smiled and nodded slightly, "But I think, you also know that I am not a Victorian." "You are very honest, Vito, and I appreciate that, but it is also because of this that I can tell you something, I don't trust you."

   Reuven turned around as he spoke, he was facing Vito, and the latter also noticed that there was an extra gun in Reuven's hand, a well-decorated laser pistol.

"Look, Mr. Vito, if we don't trust someone, the best way is to solve the trouble, what do you think?" Lu Wen smiled coldly, pointing the black muzzle of the gun at Vito's chest, It seemed that flames might burst out at any moment.

  But Vito was unexpectedly calm, with a calm smile on his face, "Indeed, but if the two parties share common interests, perhaps the temporary suspicion can be put on hold? Putting aside vigilance."

   "I'm all ears, Mr. Vito, please continue." Reuven said, his finger still on the trigger.

Vito put his hands behind his back, calmly and calmly, "Look, Reuven, you killed your brother, seized power and came to power, you like chasing power and fame, and I am the same, I joined the Pious Society not because of faith like you , but in pursuit of the same thing.”

  He smiled, "Power, money, and fame are perhaps the most attractive and alluring things in this world. These deadly temptations always attract people to join this game one after another."

"And you and I are the very good players in this game." Lu Wen said approvingly, "I cooperate with the Pious Society. I have always been the second son, and my father has never regarded me as an heir, or even a qualified one. Son, he gave all his attention and heart to my brother."

   "It is precisely because of this that he made a big mistake, turning a blind eye to a dangerous element who was full of resentment and jealousy towards him. He put this dangerous element on the shelf, which eventually caused a catastrophe."

Lu Wen smiled and said, "I appreciate your method of using scarlet to lay down the factory, Vito, I also know that you framed, or at least let Mosley die, thus taking the actual control of the nest, Even Henry's."

  He looked at the outsider in front of him appreciatively, "You, like me, are a dangerous element. My father ignored this and eventually caused a catastrophe, so why should I ignore it?"

Vito still smiled and shook his head slightly, "No, of course you shouldn't, but sometimes dangerous elements can often bring quite a lot of benefits, you see, Reuven, we are both dangerous people, which means We are a threat to each other."

   "Of course you need to guard against me, but you are also very clear that now I can bring you more benefits. I know that, like me, you are also fighting for the power of the upper echelon of the Pious Church, and other bishops."

Lu Wen smiled appreciatively, "You're right, Vito, I'm fighting for power with other people, but what does that mean?" "It means, you need an ally, one like you Dangerous, cunning and cunning ally."

Vito raised one hand and shook it slightly, "Historically, although the upper nest and the lower nest are not pleasing to each other, their political and power relations are extremely close. The two cooperate with each other and hinder each other, pushing some people to peaks, while others hit rock bottom."

"Henry is not good at this, he is too honest, Governor Reuven, and I, I think I am very good at it." Vito sneered, "I have already handed in a satisfactory answer sheet, haven't I? I need You help me take down the power of the next nest, and I will help you take down the upper nest."

"You and I need to be wary of each other. We are all dangerous people. We will cooperate and partner, but we will also guard against each other and betray each other when needed. But at this moment, Mr. Governor, our mutual interests are in my opinion. Come to a high degree of unanimity."

   Lu Wen looked at the smiling man in front of him, completely ignoring the laser gun, and said calmly.

"So, what do you say?" Vito asked with a smile, and Lu Wen also smiled and lowered his gun, looking at the man in front of him with great satisfaction, "You are right, Vito, a very perfect answer .”

  He put the gun away with a smile, "I think we have reached this, dangerous alliance, for the time being." "Excellent."

Vito watched Lu Wen insert the laser gun into his belt, and then raised his head slightly with great interest, "Have you joined the family yet?" "No, no, my friend, just like you, I never smoke scarlet, Didn't join them either, I don't want my brain to be affected by those monsters and freaks."

He smiled and said, "So Henry doesn't like me, and a lot of people in the upper echelons of the Pious Society don't like me. They see us as outsiders, heretics and unbelievers, but the irony is that they need our cooperation, so , yes, we are still at the top."

"Do you believe in the Redeemer? About that weird belief?" "No, of course not, I know that the Redeemer is a powerful void being like Chaos, and I also know that He is coming, and I also know that He Not just looking at one planet."

"As with most rulers, gods or not, they will need someone to help them run their realms, just as the Emperor appoints planetary governors, so yes, Vito, I hope, will certainly be in His After arriving, I will continue to let me manage the entire galaxy."

   "I will continue to serve as the governor, and I will no longer be constrained by the imperial administrative system. From now and forever, my family and my power will rule this galaxy."

Vito laughed silently, full of sarcasm and absurdity, he didn't let Luven find out, obviously this idiot didn't even know that this "Lord of Redemption" came to eat everything, turned it into biomass and then ate it A meal.

  He will not let you rule, let alone give you power, no one will, the only ending is to become a big meal.

   Drip, drop, drop.

  A pleasant sound of a communicator suddenly appeared. Lu Wen looked at the small wrist communicator on his wrist. He smiled and looked at Vito, "It should be something important, otherwise they know they shouldn't bother me."

  Vito nodded slightly, beckoning to Lu Wen, who also turned on the communicator, a green sound wave pattern appeared on the screen, and immediately began to beat.

"I'm sorry, my lord, there is an emergency that must be reported to you." "Say." "The Crimson Plant was destroyed, there are no survivors, we still don't know who did it, all the Crimson production equipment and inventory All destroyed."

   Lu Wen fell silent, and Vito observed his micro-expression, but the latter didn't seem to respond, "Okay, I see."

The governor turned off the communicator, turned to look at Vito, "Mosley seems to have been kidnapped, and he is the only missing person who knows the location of the factory." "It seems that your plan comes with some Small disruption, Mister Vito."

  Vito smiled jokingly and waved his hands, "Mr. Governor, please tell me, is the Crimson General Factory in our hands?"

His words made Reuven laugh, of course he knew what it meant, and then he showed a satisfied smile, "Ah, it's in the hands of dear Lupicar, my beloved fellow of the upper order, if I remember correctly, He should have been at the factory all the time, and it looks like we're each one less trouble now."

   "Not only that, but the only one that can rebuild the Scarlet Plant without attracting undue attention is the Hammer Factory, and the Hammer Factory is here"

  Vito smiled, and Lu Wen also smiled. He patted Vito's shoulder very, very satisfied, "Excellent plan, Mr. Vito, very excellent."

   "Now, tell me, who do you think hit it?" The governor said and sat on a bench beside him, with one hand on the back of the chair under the moonlight.

  Vito shrugged slightly, as if he already knew who it was. "Marl's hammer kidnapped Mosley, but he is an unreasonably pious guy, so it is unlikely to force him to reveal his location through torture."

"But the Empire has a technology that can extract memory directly from the brain, Luwen, do you know where it is?" Vito looked at Luwen, who showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and sighed slightly, "Department of Justice, of course , They are very good at this, and coincidentally, the chief arbitrator of the Ministry of Justice is still our opponent."

Lu Wen sighed for a long time, looking very helpless, "Look, Vito, there are really such dedicated and loyal people in the empire. I bought the cardinal archbishop of the state religion, bought many officials from the Planetary Defense Force and the Ministry of Government Affairs, but Only you can't buy him."

"Do you know how the bishop was bought by me?" Lu Wen showed a playful smile, and Vito shook his head, "I don't know, do you mind telling me?" "Haha, of course, the bishop is in a family In the brothel I controlled, it was discovered and photographed by my people, which is really surprising, since the bishop is so interested in little boys."

  Lu Wen smiled helplessly, full of sarcasm, "I used this as an excuse to bribe the archbishop, so his talents will go to the nest to influence the missionary work, and he will stand by me at the planetary conference."

"But only the big arbitrator, he has almost no clues or slander, he is honest in the literal sense, and under the leadership of this nice gentleman, the legal department is also loyal. I have failed to infiltrate several times. Well, he got in the way of me a lot too."

Lu Wen scratched his head, "So, of course, Marr cooperated with our opponent out of a sense of crisis. He knows that the backer of the Lower Nest Religion is me, and the pious nobles of the Upper Nest, so of course he will look for us. Opponents cooperate."

"Do you think it was a raid organized by the Ministry of Justice?" Lu Wen asked, and Vito shook his head, "No, of course not, the law enforcement forces of the Ministry of Justice are all in the middle nest and the upper nest. Of course we can mobilize on such a scale. found out, so it's not him."

   "It's Syndicate."

   "Hare and dog cooking?" Lu Wen asked, and Vito smiled, "The lips are dead and the teeth are cold."

Now the Hammers obviously don't have the ability to launch a strike. They have long been unable to protect themselves, and the Ministry of Justice, as Vito said, is almost impossible to escape the large-scale transfer of weapons and personnel as an official organization. Permeable and sieve-like upper layer.

   Then guess, if the Hammer Gang is wiped out, who will be the next one to be killed by Piety? Apart from the Ministry of Justice, who else has enough strike power and is full of vigilance and hostility towards them?

Lu Wen laughed, then stood up and walked in front of Vito, he looked at his garden with a smile on his face, "It seems that our good gentlemen finally couldn't sit still, and sent us a Great gift."

Vito also smiled, "He'll be gone after sitting for a while." "Indeed, he really...can't live that long, and a trapped animal will always struggle. Is there any pressure?" "Yes, but I can Done."

   "Very well, it turns out that Mr. Vito, you are an excellent chess player and partner."

  Lu Wen turned around and stretched out a hand, "Welcome to join, I will arrange for you to meet with several other colleagues as soon as possible, and we will arrange for you to join us as soon as possible."

  Vito shook the governor's hand with a smile, "It's an honor, it's an honor."



   "Are you finished talking?" Henry asked, standing by the car that brought them here, he watched Vito walk out of the house, and the weapon on his body was put back on.

  Vito smiled slightly, and patted Henry on the shoulder, "Yes, the chat is over, and the result is good."

  Vito poked his head into the car and shouted at the driver, "Brother, do me a favor, do you know how to get to the Sharman Club?" "Of course sir."

  Vito straightened his collar and took out a beautiful tie from his arms, "Before sending Henry back, do me a favor and send me there."

   "I have a date tonight."

  (end of this chapter)