MTL - Warhammer Inquisitor-Chapter 39 Frontiers of Empire: Before Destruction

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  Chapter 39 Frontiers of Empire: Before Destruction

The light of the stars shines on the huge floor-to-ceiling windows of the imperial battleship. This structure like a church window supports the huge glass. Numerous steel beams and supporting steel bars meander on it, shaping the glass into different arcs. with angle.

  Even this huge glass window cannot hold even 10% of the main star of Victoria. That star is suspended outside the command deck of the battleship, projecting its own silver-white light into the dim bridge.

The bridge of the wide Mars-class battlecruiser is extremely busy. The sound of mechanical keyboards, the sound of mechanical operation blessed by the God of All Machines, and the voices of naval crew talking one after another constitute a busy movement here. Everyone is very busy. , the whole battleship is busy to death.

  Docking repairs, supplies, ammunition transportation, personnel transfer, etc., etc., the entire battleship is busy, in fact, the entire Imperial Navy fleet that has just arrived here is the same.

Countless star sea giant ships are docked on the star port that surrounds the equator of the entire planet. The star port ring on the east side of the planet is full of Imperial Navy warships. Every dock and every dock is parked with a navy that is being replenished. Ships, and those warships lined up are suspended outside the star port, forming groups like wolves.

Cole stood on the command bridge, his eyes looked at the other side of his battleship through the glass window, the Imperial Navy cruiser in the berth of the adjacent pier, the huge ship ran through the entire length of the pier, and the giant plasma thrusters were still flashing With uncooled flames, countless gorgeous decorations and large naval guns are quietly bathed in the light of the planet itself.

Cole turned around and walked to the holographic projector behind the captain's chair. He turned on the instrument, and rays of light almost instantly formed the outlines of several characters around him. When their images gradually became clear, they could be seen clearly. their identities.

The iconic felt hat of the Valhalla Legion and the eye-catching red army coat of the Firstborn of Vostonia. Next to the two Marshals of the Star Militia, there are several captains of the Imperial Navy and the new Marshal of the local Planetary Defense Force, as well as the local Ministry of Justice. Grand Arbiter and Grand Sage of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

   "Everyone, first of all, I would like to thank Valhalla and the Vostonia Legion for their support. It is an honor to fight side by side with you." Cole nodded to the two, and the two nodded slightly in response.

"The Vostonia Firstborn will always respond to the Emperor's request, and we will always fight against the enemies of the Empire in the galaxy, no matter where they are or what they are! Vostonia will never give up!" the eldest son of the Firstborn The head of the regiment said sharply, his mustache rising and falling on his nose, following the rhythm of every syllable.

The Grand Marshal of the Valhalla Regiment also nodded affirmatively, "We just carried out a quelling mission in the neighboring star field, and we just received a call for help from the Inquisitor, and then rushed here without stopping, but my troops need to be supplemented, ammunition Supplies and armored vehicles, etc."

   "Of course, my lord, I believe that the local Church of Mechanics will help you, right, Great Sage." "Yes, we will provide you with all support."

  The Grand Marshal nodded his thanks to the sage, and then looked at Cole, "How is our current situation? Will there be reinforcements arriving one after another?"

With a wave of Cole's hand, a holographic projection data catalog appeared in front of everyone, of course, in front of himself. There were columns of data and titles scrolling on it. Cole swipe the list and quickly reviewed it. Just read it.

   "Victoria now has seven battlecruisers of the Imperial Navy assembled, plus my ship is eight, twenty-six cruisers and one hundred and eighty frigates, destroyers and armed transport ships."

   Cole's fingers stopped. He pulled out a specific line of data with his fingers, threw it out and projected it onto the holographic instrument in front of everyone.

  That is the supply progress bar of countless large and small ships. The materials, fuel and ammunition of each warship are summarized and projected in detail, and the amount of data is too large to be quickly consulted in a short period of time.

But at this moment, this is not absolute. The mechanical sage quickly reviewed the data and raised his head full of pipelines, "Currently, 67% of the battleships have completed the replenishment. The replenishment speed of living materials has accelerated the speed of combat materials."

  The electronic voice of the mechanical sage rattled and said, his finger holding the gear scepter was also covered with a gold-copper metal shell, "It is estimated that we can complete the replenishment within the next two to three days."

The captains of the Imperial Navy nodded in satisfaction. The efficiency of the local Mechanicus is indeed good. In other words, the efficiency of the Mechanicus has always been many times higher than that of the general administrative departments of the Empire, so Judge Vito wisely let the Mechanics The teaching took over the combat readiness mission of the entire planet.

"The replenishment of the ground troops will also be completed within a few days." The sage looked at the two commanders of the Astral Army, and the two generals saluted the sage affirmatively. Cole nodded slightly as he looked at them , casually threw another list including the Astral Army, the Planetary Defense Force and the Armed Forces of the Ministry of Justice.

  The data maps of the navy and the army are suspended in front of the eyes, which is enough for everyone present to understand the current situation accurately. A pair of eyes scanned some names and lists, and recorded the situation of each unit and establishment in their minds.

   "We currently have about 20 million ground troops at our disposal, and the 5 million people of the Astral Army troops need to be deployed intensively. I will leave it to you, the two commanders."

Cole looked at the two, and the commander of the Valhalla regiment nodded slightly, then pointed to the map and asked, "Will there be any reinforcements arriving? According to our experience in confronting the Tyranids in Perilmonda, the number of bugs will never stop. Much, much more than us."

"Then let them come! The Vostonias will fight to the death in the name of the Emperor! Send enough xenomorphs back to hell!" the mustache general roared, like a fanatical Anglican priest, but Considering the situation of the Firstborn and Vostonia, they would indeed be so fanatical.

The culture of shame has always been rooted in their legion. Even after ten thousand years, the betrayal of Vostonia during the Horus Rebellion still shamed her people. For thousands of years, countless generations of Vostonia have brought Those who stepped into the star sea with such enthusiasm washed away the shame of their ancestors with the blood of themselves and the enemy.

Cole had seen similar legions before, and he remembered the fearlessness and enthusiasm of Krieger's death army during the siege of Vraks. To be honest, Cole didn't like this kind of enthusiasm. It is better to live longer and be more useful than to die with honor.

The commander of Valhalla was obviously much calmer. He pointed to the signs on it, "We are seriously short of armored mobile units. It is difficult for my regiment and the Vostonia regiment to quickly complete armor replenishment. The heavy artillery and infantry units must try their best to hold on to several hive capital areas."

"According to our experience, this is also the most correct way to deal with Tyron, if you don't get support." The leader said and looked at Cole, who nodded affirmatively and waved his hand at the bottom of the display. A schematic diagram of stars and warp waves emerged.

  There is an obvious huge shadow on the display map, that shadow has almost reached the Victoria space region, and the black tentacles are poking from the edge of the galaxy into the ring belt approaching the star system.

The shadow of the warp is about to encircle, and anyone can see it, which also means that they will not be able to receive any support anymore, and cannot contact any part of the empire. Only when the night passes, everything will be seen again. If they are still there if.

  Everyone’s expression darkened, only Captain Vostonia appeared relatively normal, “Let them come, we will fight gloriously under the eyes of the Emperor.”

"I don't doubt this, Grand Leader, I believe we all will." Cole said and clicked the button of the holographic instrument to clear all the data streams to replace the previous galaxy star map, and every star map on the star map There is a percentage progress bar next to each imperial planet, some are more, some are less.

"These are the evacuation and evacuation of various planets. We have prioritized the evacuation of planets with large populations and supplies, and some worlds near the edge of the galaxy have withdrawn their population and material from the main star. This can effectively prevent the Tyranid fleet from obtaining enough biomass. "

"The evacuation work in various worlds is still going on intensely. I have requisitioned and dispatched all the ships I can find to organize the evacuation. The judge gave this operation a code name, which seems to be the name of a large-scale evacuation operation in ancient Terra. , generator action."

   Cole remembers Vito beaming when he said the name, as if he was conducting.

"The Imperial Navy will leave the port after replenishment and leave low-Earth orbit for deployment. Some fleets will be sent to the edge of the galaxy to deploy minefields and carry out harassment strikes, causing losses and delays to them as much as possible before the arrival of the Tyrannian fleet. "

   Cole looked at the navy captains, they all responded to the order, the interesting thing is that most of them are either at the same level as Cole or a little higher, but they all obey the command of this young captain, why? Because the big Inquisition logo on Cole's navy uniform is too eye-catching.

   "We and the Vostonia regiment will complete the ground deployment as soon as possible. In fact, at this moment, my troops have already begun to land on the surface. We will defend the third hive and the fourth and fifth hive."

   "The Vostonia Firstborn will be in charge of the first, second and sixth nests and the rest, and the God's Machine we carry will deal a head-on blow to the alien bastards!"

   Cole sighed silently. He had thought that the Vostonia Firstborn would bring a Titan Order, but obviously they didn't. They only brought a few War Dog Titans, and they all needed repairs and replenishments.

  The head of Valhalla closed the star map and replaced it with a dense urban agglomeration on the surface of the planet. The numbers of the hive capital areas appeared on the surface and looked directly at the rotation and leap.

"We will concentrate all the Hydra anti-aircraft guns to the Planetary Defense Force. Has the local air defense system been activated?" asked the head of the regiment, and the marshal of the local Planetary Defense Force loyalist nodded affirmatively. He clicked on the map. Red lines and grid areas appear over it.

"We have taken over and activated the traitors' long-abandoned orbital defense system with the Ministry of Justice, and with the air defense equipment that everyone has gathered, we are confident that at least half of the Tyranid airborne sacs will be destroyed, at least not let them Hit the Hive Capital."

   "According to speculation, the main Tyrannian landing force will land on the wasteland of the planet. We have evacuated and destroyed all personnel and supplies. Those **** don't want to find anything to eat there."

Cole nodded affirmatively. He leaned on the edge of the projector and looked down at the map, "If the Tyranids can obtain supplies, then their attack will be easier, and the navy will try to destroy the Tyrann's Hive Fleet as much as possible. At least we will Try to hit them hard."

The Tyranid Zerg fight is as rigorous as the Mechanicus. Once they find that they have been fighting for half a day, the Tyranid fleet will decisively give up the attack and quickly evacuate the galaxy to find another unlucky guy. Biomass supplementation.

So now the task of the Victorian guardians is to make those **** bleed, and then after these **** leave the Victoria galaxy, they will contact the imperial forces to strangle the remaining fleet, but now they only need to consider how to survive this dark few moon.

"The Skitarii will be responsible for cleaning up the infiltration and destruction inside the city, and ensuring the continuous operation of the factory." The great sage said word by word, "Brother Omega, will be responsible for leading the local Skitarii, defending, everyone Our flanks are safe, and the God of Chances bless us."

"Machine God and the Emperor bless you, we will make it through!" the head of the Firstborn said resolutely, another Vostonia warrior appeared behind his projection, he said a few words to the head and then He was signaled to leave.

   "Brothers, I must go to my Legion brothers to prepare for the arrival of destruction, and we will bring destruction in the name of the Emperor and the God of Machines."

The image of the head of the Vostonia Firstborn disappeared, and the head of Valhalla also nodded to Cole, "I also need to deploy my troops, may the emperor bless you." Go get ready."

The image of Captain Valhalla also disappeared, followed by the second, and the third until all the holographic images disappeared. Captain Cole sighed and then went to his captain's chair. He sat on it like a The tired lord looked at the huge planet and the endless sea of ​​stars behind it.

Cole leaned tiredly on the captain's chair, his eyes reflected a little bit of starlight. Cole once dreamed of commanding a fleet. When he was a child, he always imagined that he was also like the great Sun Lord Ma. Carrian also commanded his own fleet, but when he grew up and became the captain of the Imperial Navy, and even participated in major battles with Vito, he began to feel that he was naive when he was a child.

  Sometimes, I really want to go back to the time when I was carefree when I was a child, and I only had innocent fantasies about the endless sea of ​​stars.

   Cole closed his eyes, but when he recalled his hometown and the starry sky, the alarm sounded like thunder, and countless warning lights flashed one after another.

  Cole woke up instantly, he stood up and strode to the bridge command position, "Captain Bird! Report!"

   "My lord, we have discovered a large-scale transition signal at the edge of the galaxy! A fleet has appeared from the subspace! The number is huge." Captain Niaobu said in horror, operating and switching display data rapidly.

   "Confirm your identity." Cole issued the order calmly, and Chief Bird quickly executed the order, "Confirming." But soon his eyes implanted with mechanical prosthetic eyes showed mechanical surprise.

   "Captain, my lord, they are!"

   "We are the expedition fleet of the Ultramarines Chapter. I am Mikael Fabian, the commander of the third company of the Ultramarines Chapter. I was ordered by the commander of the Chapter, Lord Calgar, to lead the joint fleet of the sons of Guilliman to help."

  The thick voice reverberated from the communication frequency band.

   "In the name of the Emperor and the Primarch, we shall smash the Xenomorphs."

  (end of this chapter)