MTL - Warhammer Inquisitor-Chapter 42 Frontiers of Empire: Battle for the Tyranids

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  Chapter 42 Frontiers of the Empire: The Battle of the Tyranids

The naval gun roared silently amidst the shaking like a landslide, and the giant naval gun shell roared out and broke through the curtain of the universe. After a few seconds, the shell hit the purple-black chitin carapace, violently The explosion and flames spread and jets engulfed the rugged carapace surface lines.

  The dazzling light of the heavy-duty light spear array and the shipboard turbolaser cannon cluster lit up the dark night sky, and countless laser beams and physical shells turned into dense fire rain in the galaxy.

  Countless beams of light and physical shells are intertwined, hitting the void behemoths cruising head-on like a torrential rain in a strong wind.

  The Tyranid Hive Fleet rushed from the direction of Victoria's satellite, and those biological ships covered with hard shells charged forward. These large and small biological ships advanced against the artillery fire of the empire.

  The horned worm ship collided with an imperial frigate. The battleship looked so small in front of the void behemoth, it was broken, exploded and sank almost instantly.

   Dazzling sparks bloomed in the gorgeous background of the Milky Way, and the sword-class frigate squadron at the forefront of the Imperial Navy began to change direction rapidly, and the frigates fled backwards from the huge Tyranid giant ship.

The monster opened its **** mouth and bite around in the void, while on the other side the Imperial Navy fleet fired a torpedo, proton torpedoes and storm torpedoes roared out of the head launch ports of every cruiser and battleship , the flashing red light of the warheads intertwined and hit the horned bug ship like a meteor.

The behemoth screamed and the blood spurted from the beating, the chitin carapace fragments flew around, and the black blood also floated and spread in the weightless environment, the light spear and the naval gun immediately followed up and beat the behemoth into floating Mushed meat in the galaxy.

But this is not the end of the battle. Countless Tyranid biological ships are swarming like bees. Those monsters with their mouths open have no formation at all. They rely on their hard carapace and impact force to rush forward. On their bodies, green plasma sprayed out from their gaping mouths, shooting towards the Imperial Navy like cannonballs.

  The void shields of the warships kept lighting up, and the blue shield surface shone with fluorescence. Cole stood on the bridge and looked at the constantly flashing shield light in front of him.

   His eyes reflected countless artillery beams. The dense fire nets that the Imperial Navy was proud of combined with the background of the Milky Way itself, and a gorgeous picture unfolded in front of Cole.

  Captain Cole put one hand on the bridge railing and shouted, "Fire controller! Use the Nova Cannon to bombard the mothership! Stop it from approaching the planet's orbit!"

   "Obey! Captain!" The fire control operator responded loudly. Several data optical cables were inserted into his body, which allowed him to adjust and issue firing orders for the entire ship as if operating his own limbs.

The shining star cannon flashed across Cole's eyes, and the shining star cannon that pierced the Milky Way slammed into the hive mothership. The flickering light beam shattered the outer carapace, and the entire thick neck was instantly cracked and finally disintegrated and exploded .

Swarms of flying insects rushed towards the fleet densely. They passed over the wreckage of the biological fleet and hatched from the biological motherships one by one. These ancient monsters with vibrating wings that could travel through the galaxy covered the shining galaxy. In the background, a large shadow covers the sky and the sun.

Feedback was given instantly in the imperial fleet. Anti-aircraft cannons and turbine arrays fired the same dense rain of bullets. Countless dots of fire shot at the swarms. Almost instantly, there were countless explosions in the black. appeared in the cloud.

Cole looked at the swarm behemoths calmly. He raised his hand and floated the map of the galaxy in front of his eyes. It was a scene of destruction. Almost all the planets along the way still turned red, and the color of **** death covered half of the galaxy. .

"First officer, how many bug swarm landing troops have we intercepted?" Cole asked, the first officer under the bridge looked at a technician's chair, her eyes flashed rows of data and then He raised his head and yelled in response, "Sixty percent! But still forty percent of the swarm fungus passed through the atmosphere, twenty percent of them were destroyed by anti-aircraft fire, and only one percent of them landed successfully. twenty!"

   Twenty percent? No, this is not a small number, although it seems statistically small, but Cole knows that it is still a huge herd of billions for Tyrannosaurus.

   But now he can't do so many things, he has to block the Tyrannian fleet.

   Cole swiped the display away, pointed to the battlefield outside the huge floor-to-ceiling windows in front of him, "Withdraw all forward fleets and concentrate firepower! In the name of the Emperor, we will win!"



  The sky above the entire Hive City was ignited, countless fireballs flickered in the dark gray clouds, and the sound of cannons echoed endlessly in the air.

The Hydra anti-aircraft guns fired fiercely at space, and the quadruple muzzles sent deadly shells into the sky. Tens of millions of such anti-aircraft guns roared in unison, and the entire nest city spit out countless The ground flashed bullets and rained.

Between the countless Hydra anti-aircraft guns and the ground-based multi-mounted anti-aircraft guns, a gigantic ground-based turbolaser cannon slowly erected its muzzle. The sky, its recoil kicked up a cloud of dust around the turbolaser.

Above the Hive City, countless airborne fungal sacs are bursting out of the clouds, and those squirming Tyranid airborne pods smashed to the surface from the air like a torrential rain, but most of them that hit the Hive City were densely packed The artillery fire annihilated all the fungal sacs and evaporated almost instantly.

  The terrifying density of firepower defended the sky of the Hive City, but there were still fish caught under the burning sky, and those fungus sacs fell on the endless wilderness outside the city.

  The Tyranids that landed successfully launched an overwhelming attack almost immediately, without order or command, these nightmare-like terrifying creatures instinctively rushed towards the center of the hive.

  Facing these nightmare creatures are the heroic Star Guardsmen.

Laser beams and physical explosive bombs roared to weave the destruction of the battlefield. The whole land was covered with the wreckage of the Tyranids. These terrifying nightmare creatures surged from the horizon like a tsunami. The cities were reduced to ruins, and the streets became The battlefield, once upon a time, was also the gateway to the west gate of the hive capital, the shining and resplendent gate of the lion, but now it has long lost its usual splendor.

The glittering golden lion statue was smashed and toppled, the magnificent Gothic buildings were turned into rubble and ruins, the terrible firepower of the star army poured on the entire street and open space, and those Tyranids launched a fearless attack Charged in wave after wave, using the corpses of his companions as a forward position.

A giant tyranid corpse lay on the battlefield, its body covered in a huge plasma pit, another tyranid monster roared and stepped over the corpse of its companion to attack, its limbs were covered with the flesh and blood of its own kind , but it does not mean the slightest pity and stop.

The star army established a position between the remnants of the building and opened fire towards the monster. Laser guns and heavy bombers bombarded and killed the Tyranid knife bugs and gun bugs that accompanied it. Those monsters melted in the burst of flesh and blood. In order to smash the corpse, the monster charged head-on under the artillery fire of the empire.

A giant beast as big as a building knocked down a leaning building. It roared out from among the rubble, and the fallen gravel and rubble were knocked and flattened. The giant beast was rushing towards the city wall with earth-shaking steps. The next position.

The Valhalla Icefield warriors stood up from the trenches carrying the bazooka. The rockets whizzed out with tail flames and shattered the two Tyranid warriors charging at the feet of the giant beast. Visible Tyranid creatures.

The Leman Rus tank came up and stood firmly above the trench. Its turret was replaced with a hot melt cannon. It whizzed past and hit the giant Tyrannosaurus fiercely.

The monster screamed and fell to the ground, and at the moment it fell, countless shells fell around it. The heavy artillery of the Star Militia Army responded to the call, and the heavy rain of shells fell from the sky and knocked the monster down. It exploded into a smoking wreck.

  The Tyranids are still attacking, launching a tide-like offensive from every corner. The warriors of the Astral Army stick to each trench and use the same rapid explosive bombs, laser beams and powerful weapons of the empire to deal head-on blows.

  Countless artillery fire on the city wall of Lions Gate is shooting at the sky and the ground. The bombing that covered the land turned the whole land several times, and the bomb craters all over the land blasted the whole world full of holes.

The lieutenant of Valhalla's 242nd regiment opened fire violently with a laser gun. He roared and gave orders to his subordinates. A soldier fell beside him. Flesh, these wriggling nightmares were burrowing into his flesh, eating away every inch of his body.

The lieutenant raised his gun to end his pain. He buried his head to avoid the bullets of carnivorous insects. These creatures without digestive organs hit the wall and fell down. After a short scream and struggle, they turned into a living creature corpse.

The lieutenant cursed and stood up, picked up the laser gun, and was about to fire, but his behavior was stopped, and a giant beast burst out of the ground in front of his eyes. The monster was flipping over the trench, and its snake-like body slammed into the ground. Behind the trenches.

The python immediately started killing, and its razor-like claws began to harvest life. It overturned the multi-armored laser cannon that blocked the Tyrann's attack. In the short moment when the firepower stopped, those nightmarish creatures rushed up, and the knife The worm jumped into the trench and harvested the life of the entire trench with its sharp claws.

Countless swarms of insects poured into the trenches, and the giant Tyranid beast charged forward against the artillery fire, knocked down the firing Leman Rus tank with the last breath, and the giant beast crushed the tank's molten muzzle Then he died.

"Retreat! Retreat to the gate position! Quick!" The lieutenant yelled and shot and killed the knife insects that were rushing. He crawled out from the back of the trench and ran past the monster that recklessly harvested life. The star fighters They withdrew their positions and began to retreat, but those swift beasts followed closely, and countless star warriors were hunted down and directly chased.

Countless wild beasts crossed the trenches, and tall giant beasts stepped across the ground with earth-shaking steps. The Star Border Forces rushed up the steps in front of the gate and ran to the upper platform. The Star Border Force guarded there They still started to counterattack, and the dense rain of bullets tried their best to block the flooding herd.

The survivors rushed up the stairs. The lieutenant turned and shot a knife bug after stepping on the first step, but the digacon rushed up at a very fast speed and knocked over the lieutenant. He fell to the ground and watched The monster standing tall in front of him still raised the butcher knife in his hand and was about to harvest another life, but the lieutenant was not afraid at all.

He pulled out the grenade on his chest and grabbed the fuse, "For the Emperor!" He shouted, but when he pulled the fuse, a huge figure fell from the air and instantly crushed the python's head, and the flesh and blood instantly It was sprayed everywhere around, and the iron feet that stepped on its flesh and blood also took the first step.

The tall black giant held a bolt gun and fired at the charging Tyranid creatures one by one. The bombs killed these nightmares, and the three giants around them also fell together. They blocked the raging Tyranid tide at the first moment .

The chain saw ax and stand sword flashed between the flesh and blood, and the severed limbs and flesh fragments were splashed everywhere. The lieutenant looked up and watched three Thunderhawks whizzing by. They bombed and killed the Tyranid monsters in the entire street. , The blood mist instantly diffused.

Two more giants fell from the Thunderhawk that roared through the air. They were two behemoths that were a circle larger than the surrounding giants. The veteran in the Terminator power armor crashed to the ground. To kill, the storm bolters roared in unison after a brief silence.

The double-barreled bolter slaughtered and harvested life, and the Tyranid creatures pouring out of the ruins of the street were almost immediately smashed into a **** mist. More Ultramarines Chapter Space Marines fell from the sky, and the moment they landed The formation was deployed in no time, the bolter roaring in his hands.

   Some space fighters landed directly in the center of the Tyranid herd, and they immediately sprayed the flames of destruction back to back to the surroundings, and countless Tyranid creatures were beaten into broken biomass remains.

  The tall Tyranid behemoth knocked down a building and crushed the wreckage of a tank. Roaring angrily, it rushed forward to the Space Marines who blocked the herd.

But just as the giant beast rushed head-on from the street, smashing the surrounding buildings and splashing broken tiles, a Thunderhawk flew over his head, and a blue figure on its landing deck fell and stepped on it. on the nape of the neck.

The bright red battle robe fluttered with the wind, and the power sword flashing with energy and lightning swung down. The back of the giant beast's neck was cut neatly, and the monster roared and hit a solid building beside it, but no death.

The space warrior on its back pulled out the precision bomber on its belt, and fired violently at the wound on its body. The bomb exploded the wound deeper and deeper into its body, and the space warrior threw a melta grenade It was inserted into the wound, and even went down under the scream of the giant beast.

He landed on the ground in the flames of the explosion, the scarlet cloak danced with the sharp blade, several Tyranid beasts were killed instantly, and the powerful warrior wearing the centurion battle helmet stood in front of the Tyranid herd. As if entering the land of no one, he abruptly interrupted the charge of the entire herd with his own strength.

A roar caught his attention, he pulled out his sharp blade and looked in that direction, there was a Tyranid warrior standing on top of the ruins, holding a long bony knife in its hand and opened its **** mouth to look at the champion warrior.

  The Tyrann beast jumped off the ruins and rushed forward, and the centurion didn't have any fear, he rushed head-on to the Tyrann warrior, and the two sides fought hand to hand.

The Tyranid warrior swung the bone sword in his hand to attack continuously, but was blocked by the centurion. The champion warrior raised his power sword to block the Tyranid warrior. Flesh splintered, but not he, he is an Astartes, deadly weapon forged by the Emperor, his angel of death!

  The champion warrior let go of one arm and pulled out the bolter with one hand. He aimed a shot at the Tyranid warrior. The giant beast screamed and backed away. This shot provided a lightning-like instant opportunity, and the centurion did not miss it.

  The centurion wearing a cockscomb helmet spun around, and the power sword flickered across the air in front of him. When the blade stopped, the head of the Tyranid warrior fell to the ground, and his huge body crashed to the ground.

  The centurion put away his long sword calmly, and the Tyranid knife worms and gun worms that lost the command of the node creatures around him began to collapse across the ruins, and they fled into the shadows of the ruins and disappeared without a trace.

   "Captain Mikael." As the Space Marines approached, the captain turned his head and nodded to his brothers.

   "Good swordsmanship, I have long heard that the emperor's champions are all very skilled, and what I see now is indeed the case." Lanceluo Ye said eagerly, and he shook off the blood from the knight's long sword in his hand.

Mikael swung his iron hand in front of him, and he looked at the completely collapsed building. From here, he could see a massive swarm of Tyranids attacking the defense line of the empire, and the entire horizon was full of black and white insects. Group of troops.

   "We must find the commander of Tyron and behead him, so as to provide time for the imperial army to regroup." Mikael said, "Agreed."

Vito’s voice came from everyone’s communicators, and Captain Mikael turned his head slightly in surprise, “Judge, how is the situation in the city?” “Not good, but I can still hold on. The Tyranid Tyrant is there about two kilometers away, kill him."

   "How did you know it was there?" Ragnar asked in surprise, "Does it matter?" "No, I don't think so." "Fine, go kill it."

Vito's voice hung up, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, then Mikael turned around and looked at the road ahead, "The judge is as reliable as ever, and he also predicted the enemy commander so accurately in Ultramar. Because of this, we can hold the Arctic stronghold.”

  The champion of the emperor drew out his long sword and pointed to the sky, "Brothers! Mortal soldiers! Walk with me in the name of the emperor!"

   "March for Ultramar!"

  (end of this chapter)