MTL - Warship of Great Power-Chapter 761 The Shenzhou spaceship has been robbed of the limelight

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  Chapter 761 The Shenzhou spaceship was stolen

   There are many such things. The most memorable one is Motor Sich. The country has obviously spent a huge amount of money to purchase it. As a result, Ermao's actor president ordered it to be nationalized.

compensation? Even if Ermao is rich, he will not compensate, let alone have no money.

   Go to the International Court of Justice?

  Although it is reasonable, if you believe in the impartiality of the International Court of Justice, you would be too naive. It is very clear who the International Court of Justice favors.

  So, this matter can only be broken teeth and swallowed.

  Qin Tao would never do this kind of thing, so if you want to cooperate with Motor Sich, you should cook the raw rice as soon as possible before the other party changes.

   As for the contract with the Weeping Country, of course, various precautionary measures must be taken.

  The Crying Country is also a country that likes to repeat itself. When it comes to purchasing Xiaolong fighters, I don’t know how long it will take to hesitate. What Qin Tao said about the fourth-generation stealth fighters is just to fool the other party and increase some bargaining chips.

  As for lithium mines, Qin Tao really wants to mine them, and the risks can be controlled.

For example, the three South American countries control 58% of the world's lithium resources. They have long sought to establish a lithium mine alliance to obtain higher benefits through monopoly, just like oil, which regulates oil prices by controlling global oil production. In short, the price of oil must not be too low.

  However, their lithium mine alliance has not progressed from beginning to end.

   After all, the attitudes of the three countries are different, especially the crying country, which is open-minded. How to deal with lithium mines is not what they can say.

  However, Qin Tao also had to plan ahead. Just before he crossed, the Weeping Country had already started the nationalization of lithium mines. Once it was successfully passed, the entire South American economy would have a profound impact.

  Of course Qin Tao doesn’t want to see this happen, he will do his best to avoid it. After all, the lithium mines are all developed by his Mingzhou Group. This eating looks too ugly, right?

   However, protesting is useless, you must have a backup.

  The backhand, of course, is these weapons and equipment.

   Among other things, the opponent will definitely buy the Xiaolong fighter. If they don’t buy it, then they won’t have modern fighters at hand. If they arouse the emotions on the Falklands, the opponent will have an urgent need to purchase.

   If you purchase this kind of fighter, you can make a fuss about it.

  Fierce Dragon fighter is a crude third-generation fighter that only uses fly-by-wire control vertically. Even so, it can also design programs internally, and the operating system can be locked at any time through data links and other devices.

  Once this thing is locked, the plane will become a scrap metal. Do you want to continue using it? First spit out the hundreds of millions of dollars invested by Mingzhou Group!

  Of course, this is the worst case, try not to use it as much as possible, but if that happens, you can’t let the other party take advantage of it, you must have a way to respond.

  Warships and the like can also be tampered with in the combat command system to lock the warships. The other party wants to change equipment? It will cost a lot of money to tear it down and replace it with a new one!

   Even the engine and the like can be locked, and then see if they can change it.

  Fifty years later, when the agreement expires, it is reasonable for you to be nationalized. Do you want to change the status quo with an administrative order in advance? We have a solution to Lao Lai.

   After participating in this matter, Qin Tao took Zhao Ling to move forward, left the aviation exhibition area, and the aerospace exhibition area appeared in front of him.

The most noticeable thing is, of course, the long two bundles of rockets that stand tall. The top of this rocket is somewhat special, with a larger outline, and there is a long pole in front of the fairing. Recognized as the escape tower.

   This is a combination of the Long March 2 and the Shenzhou spacecraft!

  Currently, this combination has carried out several unmanned launches, and will soon realize the first manned spaceflight. Therefore, this rocket appears here, showing the most dazzling achievements of Eastern astronauts.

  However, if compared with the products of Starship, it is nothing.

  On the exhibition stand of the Starship Company, there is an oversized spaceship entity. This spaceship looks more eye-catching, as if it is in a science fiction novel!

  So, audiences interested in spaceflight, as well as a large number of reporters, were attracted there.

  On the exhibition stand, Max was eloquently introducing it to everyone.

   "This spaceship is our newly developed dragon spaceship. Compared with the current three-stage spaceship, its performance is more advanced."

  Although the project has not been carried out for a long time, the R&D capability of Starship Corporation is quite strong. Once their project is established, they will develop it as quickly as a rocket.

   Now, this spaceship is not just a model, but a physical display.

"For example, it can accommodate up to seven astronauts to go to space together. Look at the big screen above your head, which shows the cabin layout of our manned spacecraft." Max raised his hand upwards, where there are technicians Well done animation.

  The reporters looked up and saw the two rows of astronaut seats, which was very fresh. The layout of this spaceship is different from the previous ones, and it is an innovation!

  The American space shuttle can transport seven astronauts to the sky at one time, but this space shuttle has many problems, especially its low reliability, so although it is advanced, it will be eliminated.

  Lao Maozi’s Blizzard is said to hold ten people, but this space shuttle has disappeared.

  Currently, the only mature vehicle is Lao Maozi's Soyuz spacecraft, which can only transport three people to the sky, but there are actually seven people in front of him, which is indeed advanced. Four in the front and three in the back are comparable to space shuttles!

Looking at the internal design, the big screen in front of everyone has almost no physical buttons, which shows how advanced the control system of this spaceship is. Compared with the current level of manned spaceflight, it is definitely a step forward. stride.

   "With such a large return capsule, is it capable of returning safely? How big a parachute does it need?" Someone asked.

"It doesn't need a parachute. It uses the unique vertical landing technology of our starship company. Our spaceship will directly land on the ground through the reaction force of the rocket engine. It is our original landing method." Max proudly announced : "Have you seen the layout on the outside of this spaceship? Those special openings are the nozzles of the engines. We have eight such engines."

Ordinary return capsules do not have engines, at most there is a recoil rocket when it lands one meter at the end, but now, eight engines are actually arranged on the side of the cone of this return capsule. Depends on Starship Corporation!

  In the past, who would have thought that a private aerospace agency could actually develop rockets? And now, Starship's rocket has been successful, and they are seeking the ability to manned spaceflight again!

  Of course, there is nothing wrong with doing this. After all, they plan to land on Mars, and they must develop manned spaceflight. It's just that their technology is developing so fast, which is really unbelievable.

   "Your service module is too small, right? It doesn't even have an engine!" Another reporter asked a question.

"That's right, we put most of the payload on the return capsule, so that we can further reduce our cost. Every time we go to the sky, we need to bring back what we can bring. We are a private aerospace company, and we must Think about cost reduction, do everything you can to reduce cost.”

  This is incomparable to the aerospace sector run by the government. One relies on government funding, and the other relies on self-raised funds for the purpose of making profits. How can the two be compared.

At this moment, Max saw a person approaching from a distance, and he immediately said: "Now, please ask our spaceship designer to tell you about the specific design of our spaceship. If you have any questions, you can ask him." .”

   After speaking, Max stepped off the stage, quietly left from the back of the exhibition stand, and went straight to Qin Tao.

   "Boss Qin, I protest!" Max complained the first time he saw Qin Tao.

   "Protest? What are you protesting against?"

   "The airlines under the Mingzhou Group are actually engaged in aerospace aircraft. This kind of project should belong to our aerospace department. If we want to engage in aerospace aircraft, it should be done by our Starship Company!" Max said.

  Qin Tao did not expect Max to have such a reaction. His aerospace plane plan was just a plan to fool people. Who would have thought that Max would be fooled and take it seriously!

"Besides, there are big problems with your design scheme. Can the variable-cycle engine be successfully implemented? If you want to be down-to-earth, it is best to engage in a dual-machine scheme, using a large aircraft to bring the aerospace plane to the At an altitude of 10,000 meters, the best speed can directly allow the ramjet to work, so that such an aerospace plane can be successful." Max said: "Those guys can do nothing with the aircraft in the atmosphere, they have no ability to build aerospace planes at all! In my opinion, their technical route is absolutely wrong!"

Qin Tao sighed: "Max, I know your ability, but if you develop aerospace aircraft here, you will face the problem of insufficient manpower, which will delay the development of our starship and spaceship. After all, Our goal is Mars."

"Yes, Mr. Qin, you are right. It is precisely because of this that we need aerospace aircraft technology. Once this aircraft is developed, it will definitely be sold in large quantities, and we will make a lot of money. With money , our research and development will be even faster!"

   At this moment, there was a burst of noise from the exhibition stand, and everyone obviously heard something more interesting.

"We want to vigorously develop commercial manned spaceflight. Every time our spacecraft goes to space, we can provide four or more cabins for space tourists. The quotation for each cabin is only 20 million US dollars! We try our best to create low-cost space tourism projects , so that more people who love space can realize their ideals!"

  20 million US dollars, what kind of concept is this? For ordinary people, it is an unimaginable number in a lifetime, but for some rich people, it can be easily taken out. These rich people are tired of life on the ground, and they can go to the sky to experience it. Twenty million Definitely worth the dollar.

   Starfleet is serious when it comes to making money.

  Manned spaceflight is a serious national project in many countries, but it has become a tourist project for Starship Company. There is no way, they have to make money.

Now, Lao Maozi's Soyuz spacecraft is also undertaking the mission of space taxis, transporting American astronauts to the sky, and the quotation is 30 million US dollars. Taxi began to rise, all the way to 80 million US dollars.

NASA was very angry, but there was nothing they could do. After all, they had no other manned spaceflight tools. They knew their shame and were brave enough to support three manned spacecraft: Starliner, CrewDragon, Orion ( Orion).

  Among them, Lockheed Martin's Orion is mainly for manned moon landing, so I won't talk about this. The first two are Boeing and Max's companies.

  Actually, when the space shuttle was decommissioned, NSAS began to plan the next-generation manned spacecraft program.

  Because there is really no money, so, unlike the previous spacecraft that was completely funded by the government to develop spacecraft, this new generation of manned spacecraft is completely developed by R&D companies. NASA is only responsible for purchasing the manned service of the spacecraft.

  Of course, considering the situation of R&D companies, NASA also provides funding, but it is much less than self-research.

  During the bidding stage, the four companies had the highest voices. In the end, Blue Origin and Sierra Nevada were eliminated. The two that remained were the giant Boeing and the Max team.

   No one is optimistic about Max's private spaceship, but, it turns out how good he is.

  After receiving the development task, they made great strides forward, and various projects progressed smoothly. Although they exploded several times during the period, they finally successfully sent astronauts into space and became the first new generation of manned spaceships.

  What about Boeing? Boeing's program was conservative in design, slow in schedule and expensive in price. And the first unmanned test flight also overturned the car! The spacecraft has already seen the International Space Station, which is close at hand, but due to various errors, it cannot dock, so it can only return to the earth in despair. When it landed, one of the parachutes failed to open correctly. After investigation, Boeing had to pay for it out of pocket. , spend 420 million to fly again. Fortunately, it is a redundant design, and the return capsule of the spacecraft is intact. After an investigation by NASA's independent investigation team, Boeing could only admit that it was dead, and paid 420 million US dollars out of its own pocket to prepare to fly again!

  Yes, the cost of Boeing's manned spaceflight is still very high!

  Taking NASA’s funding as an example, the Boeing spacecraft’s funding is as high as 4.2 billion U.S. dollars; Max’s funding is only 2.6 billion U.S. dollars. After several rounds of additional funds, Boeing’s cumulative funding amounted to US$5 billion, and Max’s accumulated funding amounted to US$3.2 billion. Less money and more work is done, which fully demonstrates that the R&D and innovation capabilities and cost control of private aerospace companies are incomparable to established companies.

The most important thing for you is the final quotation. NASA has funded so much money to go to space at a low cost. When the research and development here is mature, Lao Maozi’s Soyuz spacecraft will offer 81 million US dollars per seat, while Max’s The manned dragon is quoted at 55 million US dollars per seat. What about the old giant Boeing? $90 million per seat, yes, $90 million per seat.

  Because of being slaughtered countless times by Lao Maozi, NASA gritted its teeth and wanted to build a low-cost manned spacecraft. What happened? The Boeing project that cost five billion to support is actually higher than the old Maozi!

   I don’t know if the veterans of NASA will vomit blood after Boeing’s quotation.

It’s not yet the new millennium, so the quotation of 20 million dollars per seat should be more appropriate. The key is how long it will take for this kind of spaceship to come out. If it takes ten or twenty years, the promise will definitely not be fulfilled by then It worked, after all, inflation has to be taken into account.

  In any case, the advanced nature of this spacecraft is obvious to all. The domestic Shenzhou spacecraft has three seats, and our own has seven!

   When the development of the Dragon spacecraft is mature, the domestic space station is estimated to go to the sky. At that time, the best choice for entering and leaving space is the Dragon spacecraft.

   It's just that, when this project of our own side comes out, it is estimated that the domestic aerospace department should also be anxious!

  Qin Tao raised his head and looked at the Shenzhou spacecraft, which was supposed to be a star in the aerospace area, but now, there are very few people watching there, and most of the people are gathered here, watching.

"Let's get these spaceships out first. We still have liquid oxygen methane engines. Don't worry about funding. After this exhibition, the stock price of our starship company can rise a lot. At that time, we will issue some stocks. You can get more funds." Qin Tao said: "Of course, you can also go back to the United States to see if NASA has any idea to lease our Dragon spacecraft. If you want to use our spacecraft in the future, you must It doesn’t take much to invest in us, just one billion two billion dollars is enough.”

   Max nodded, that's the only way to go, Mr. Qin doesn't support other plans!

Sure enough, just after Qin Tao looked back, he saw outside the booth of Starship Company. Several people were watching from the outer circle of the crowd. Their expressions were complicated. There is a meaningful look in his eyes.

   After Max left, these people walked towards Qin Tao.

"Mr. Qin, it's great to see you here. I'm Lao Yang, the deputy chief designer of the Shenzhou spacecraft." Yang Lao said, "I led the team to participate in the air show. I heard that your side also The spaceships are on display, so come over and have a look, and then you will realize that compared to you, our most proud Shenzhou spaceship is nothing at all!"

The chief designer of the Shenzhou spacecraft is Qi Lao, but Qi Lao is not young anymore, so after organizing the design of Shenzhou V, he gave up the position of chief designer to the younger Yang Lao in front of him. Now, Mr. Yang is the deputy chief designer of the Shenzhou spacecraft.

Although they are all called Shenzhou spaceships, these spaceships run in small steps, step by step, and keep moving forward. The status of each spaceship is different, and each spaceship has a new design. .

However, no matter how it is designed, its structure remains the same. This spacecraft, like the Soyuz, uses a three-stage structure, including a propulsion module, an orbital module, a return module and an additional section. Among them, only the orbital module can Returning to Earth, the space inside is so small that it can only accommodate three astronauts, and the rest of the spaceship has been thrown into space.

   This is very different from Starship’s spaceship plan. Starship is using a reuse plan, recycling and reusing as much as possible, which saves money.

   "Old Yang, this is incomparable."

  Qin Tao's words made the expressions of the people opposite him even uglier. What does Mr. Qin mean by this? Belittle us face to face?

"Our Shenzhou spacecraft can quickly realize manned spaceflight, and we can achieve zero breakthroughs in this field, while our Starship Dragon spacecraft needs to wait for a long time, five years. , Even ten years may not be able to carry people up, so what you see is the design concept of the spacecraft ten years later." Qin Tao said.

   These words make the big guys feel better.

"When we started manned spaceflight, we had many plans. In the end, we chose the most conservative route, which is not easy to fail." Yang Lao said, "And your starship company is taking the most radical plan. What you are considering is Cost, our older generation of astronauts should learn from you new generation of astronauts who dare to innovate."

Qin Tao shook his head: "Most of the personnel in our starship company are foreigners, there is nothing to learn, we still have to go our own way. Of course, when our space station is built in the future, our dragon spacecraft can also help Send people up several times, after all, we can send more people."

  Space is dark, space is lonely, there are only three people in space, of course it is not as good as seven people, the more people, the easier it is to build a small society.

  At this time, there were another cry from the booth.

   "Wow, that's beautiful!"

Everyone looked over and saw Max who had returned to the stage, and picked up a beautiful helmet in his hand: "This helmet is the latest spacesuit helmet developed by our Starship Company. It is made with 3D printing technology and is more It is advanced, and it can be specially made according to each person's head shape. If you are a tourist in space tourism, you can take this helmet away after the tour is over, as a tourist souvenir!"

  The people below cheered.

   "You guys are unambiguous in using new technology." Old Yang said.

   "Yes, if you want to have advanced performance, you can only use new technology. As you can see, there is no escape tower on this spaceship, which saves a lot of money."

  Spaceship launch is the most dangerous. Once something happens on the launch pad, the escape tower will take the spacecraft away. Of course, for astronauts, I hope this thing will never be used.

   If it is not used, it will be thrown away before leaving the atmosphere. After all, it is useless to take it into space. It is obviously a waste to use a new one next time.

  (end of this chapter)