MTL - Way of the Devil-Chapter 1143 Retirement one

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The horn of the cymbal does not know where to pass it.

The huge dark golden cracks slowly burned. The huge head that protruded from the crack began to open his mouth to Lu Sheng.

call! ! !

A lacquer-black wind like a sand blows into the world of the heart. Everywhere, everything began to wither, gray, and slowly smashed into the same black gravel.

The energy source of the world of the heart is consumed a lot.

At this time, the source of the influx of the universe is becoming less and less. From time to time, there will be some volatility and it will come in. It is impossible to make up for the source of consumption.

"Death!" Lu Sheng hands slammed together, palms and thorns.


The palm of the hand slammed into the ground and swayed a circle of huge twisted ripples.

Wherever the ripples went, a thick yellow stone rose up and stretched for several kilometers to the dark gold crack.

A large number of stone hands were still in midair, and they met the black wind that spit out of the head.

The stone hand was quickly eroded and dropped. The black wind also rapidly diminishes and becomes transparent, transforming into a normal normal airflow.

Hey! !

Lu Sheng's palms are separated, and they bring two gold, one white and two colors of streamer, and a large circle is drawn beside them.

The white gold flame and the pure white frost rushed out from the circle and rushed toward the one-eyed head.

boom! ! !

The ice fire and the one-eyed head exploded. The entire dark gold crack was stunned and narrowed.

Lu Sheng tightened the control. Finally, the whole crack was completely stunned and completely disappeared into the air.

"On behalf of me, I settled in the new people." Lu Sheng passed to many temples in the world of the heart.

After the explanation, he stood up and tore open the space, revealing the huge mother river that was rapidly surging, and immediately drilled in.

The final destruction of the universe, he has not really seen it, this may have a small impact on his own cultivation and three views.

But if you can get some gains from this process, it would be better.


Passing through the cracks in space, appearing in front of Lu Sheng, is a color mother river that is constantly stirring up a large river.

The river is in a hurry, and there are huge blurry shadows on the inner walls of both sides, trying to get insanely.

The inner walls of the mother river are bulged like plastic films and may break at any time.

Lu Sheng face back to the position in front of the super universe with no expression, watching the black hole that is spinning rapidly.

The entire super-energy universe looks like a black disc covered with cracks. Only one person is taller and is slowly spinning, emitting a lot of unknown black gas.

Lu Sheng did not dare to get too close. The destruction of a super-energy universe is not the power that he can afford.

The inner wall of the mother river is slightly twisted, as if the cosmic disc may expand and squeeze into the river at any time.


Suddenly a crisp sound, the entire cosmic disc crashed. Like a plain black plate, covered with a myriad of cracks, smashed and completely shattered.

Countless black particles drift away from the edge of the disc.

Lu Sheng reached out and tried to touch these black particles. The weird thing is that these large particles, when they touched his fingers, quickly penetrated into the skin from their fingertips.

Countless broken images and memories rushed into the road like a storm.

He couldn't help but close his eyes. The surface of the body slowly emerges as a road crack. A large amount of blood water permeates out of the crack.

It’s just the influx of memory and information that makes him unable to withstand this body.

Hey! !

His whole body exploded and quickly reorganized, but the body that had just been reorganized quickly collapsed under the impact of intense information, and instantly died again.

The rest of the black particles are like the iron powder of the magnet, and it is also rapidly moving toward his body.

Lu Sheng’s body circulates rapidly in the process of constant destruction and reorganization. The memory of the whole universe is too large for him. Although he only absorbed a little bit of it, he still let him die tens of thousands of times before he barely kept it. Live the integrity of the body.

Although his core has now turned to the world of the heart, how many times this body will die will not really lead to his fall.

But this continuous death represents a huge amount of cosmic memory.

Compared with the memory of the universe, the memory of Lu Sheng’s body is too small, like a small stone between the sea and the sea. The size difference between the two is unimaginable. It may even be bigger than this.

The memory of a super-energy universe records a huge amount of information that does not know how many millions of years. The production of basic particles, combination, formation of stars, stars, galaxies, nebulae, river systems, black holes, simultaneous interpretation of positive and negative spaces, time and space walks and changes, and so on.

Uncountable information madly impacts Lu Sheng’s memory, which even contains a lot of information and memory of the souls in countless universes.

The record of the entire universe, although only a small part of it was merged, also made him completely silent.

The huge amount of information made him gradually doubt his own existence.

"I am Lu Sheng, or the universe?"

One such doubt began to hover in his heart.

Under the instillation of such massive information, the world of the mind began to improve the rules of the rule and move closer to the super-energy universe.

Time seems to have passed 10,000 years, and it seems that only one minute has passed.

Lu Sheng gradually fell into deep sleep, and the information memory of the universe was too large. Even at this time, the deep blue, driven by the whole world of the heart, cannot handle such huge information.

Fortunately, the massive source of power that is acquired is used as energy to burn. In order to make Lu Sheng’s subjective consciousness, I can barely stay awake in countless memories. Like a myriad of cold memories, a small flame that ignites is clear and eye-catching.

I don't know how long it has passed, and Lu Sheng slowly wakes up from chaos.

There was darkness around him, and there was a white light above it, which was transmitted and fell on her.

What makes him sigh is that his body is not a human body at all, but a translucent silver ball that slowly rotates.

Fortunately, to make him still safe, the deep blue can still be summoned at any time.

Time is meaningless in this silent darkness.

In addition to the light on the beginning, Lu Sheng could not find anything else around him, other substances.

It seems that there is only one in the darkness.

"Are you ready?" A vague consciousness didn't know where to pass it into his mind.

"What?" He subconsciously raised the idea.

"Evolving itself, deriving everything is your mission, the meaning of your being born." The vague answer.

"I am ready" Lu Sheng answered.

But immediately he reacted, and this is not the answer he himself, because he has not even thought about this idea.

Then he saw himself blasting.

Silently, his silver ball, which was incarnate, exploded and turned into countless silver spots, scattered in all directions. Then endlessly expand out to the outside.

Then the elementary particles appeared, the basic forces appeared, time and space appeared, and the stars appeared.

Numerous cosmic scenes emerged in his body.

Lu Sheng suddenly reacted, this should be the birth memory of the super-energy universe.

In memory, the fuzzy consciousness that prompted him to blew the evolution of the universe was called the voice of chaos.

Where does the voice of chaos come from, no one knows. Lu Sheng did not find relevant records from his memory.

The memory of the evolutionary universe has given him a lot of experience in developing the world of the mind, and countless knowledge and experience have made Lu Sheng gradually have some vague understanding of his deep blue and sentimental power.

The truth about dark blue and sentimental power.

I don't know how long it has passed, and Lu Sheng’s mind suddenly sinks, and everything in front of him is quickly separated.

He seems to be forcibly removed from a movie.

call! ! !

Open your eyes.

Lu Sheng’s mouth sighed and gasped.

The mother river water is still flowing under his feet.

The super-energy on the inner wall of the eye has completely disappeared, and now that position has become an ugly gray scar. There is a lot of gray mucus left on it, which seems to be some kind of self-healing means of the mother river.


"Who!?" Lu Sheng slammed back.

In the mother river water behind him, he stood quietly with a tall figure of the eagle's first person.

The man was armed with a dark gold scepter, a large cloak woven with gray feathers, and the cloak was engraved with ancient heraldry and patterns.

"Under the impact of the cosmic consciousness, you can still keep yourself, your soul willpower, really strong." The man calmed.

"Who are you?" Lu Sheng said coldly, "Look for me something?"

"Nothingness and existence, a war that has remained unchanged since ancient times. I must have realized it just now. The two camps are absolutely incapable of reconciliation."

"I just want to know, who are you? What do you want to do?" Lu Sheng said one word.

"I just passed by here, by the way, etc., to see what life can escape from this cosmic burst. You know, when many universes are destroyed, more or less creatures will be detached from them and escape." Positive color road.

"What does that have to do with me?" Lu Sheng said indifferently.

"Of course, there is a relationship," the Eagle first smiled. "The gray power on your body is proof of our natural compatriots."

He said, reaching out, the palm of his hand actually floated a hint of gray mist.

The power of fog! ?

Lu Sheng’s heart was shocked.

He had thought that this power was only owned by himself. He did not expect that there was already a mastery in the mother river.

And listening to the other party's tone, it seems that there is still a lot of mastery.

"Don't get me wrong. I was born in the mother river, but I am detached from the mother river. And this power" he spread his hand, letting the force of the fog slowly rotate, twisting to form a gray flame.

"We call it ash." The eagle smiled. "I know you still have a lot of questions, but if you believe in me, we'd better leave here first. After all, whether it's the power of existence or the power of nothing, not Will like us."

Lu Sheng was silent. From the memory of the universe he had just accepted, he did discover the trace of this fog.

According to the memory of the universe, indeed, almost all exist, they are extremely disgusted with them, and even some have the power of fog, almost disgusted to the point of fear.

"Yes. My name is Lu Sheng. How should I call you?" Lu Sheng calmed down. Anyway, his body could not die. The core of the soul was in the world of the heart. He is now truly like the disciple Isla.

As long as the world is still there, his body will not die no matter how many times he is killed.

Unlike before, if he killed him more than 700,000 times in an instant, he could completely kill his soul in the gap between his rebirth.

But it is different now.

Now that he is the world of the heart, when it is already equivalent to a star-sized world of the heart, Lu Sheng can't imagine that there is any existence that can threaten himself. Except for the monsters outside the mother river. For example, Xining.