MTL - Way of the Devil-Chapter 25 Vigil

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Lu Sheng closed the wooden window and looked back at the room.

He took off his jacket and placed it on the wooden frame behind the door.

Then open the closet, inside is a few pieces of gray clothes that the sister wears. Close the door, Lu Sheng went to see the dressing table.

There is no pattern on the simple dressing table, that is, a bronze mirror is placed in the center.

A little pink powder was sprinkled in front of the bronze mirror, and Lu Sheng reached out and touched it, and smelled it before the nose.

"The powder used by ordinary women."

Lu Sheng suddenly frowned.

"Yu, I remember that she is not a person who likes to use powder."


Suddenly a cold wind blew, and the candle light shook.

Lu Sheng quickly grabbed the knife and looked around the room.


The door did not close the gap, and a flash of white cloak.

Lu Sheng quickly walked over.

"I remember that I obviously closed the door after coming in."

He touched the wooden bolt and there was an open padlock on the top.

He opened the door and went to the outside corridor to look at it.

The corridor is empty and deserted.

A chill of water continues to pour here.

Lu Sheng sneaked over and said nothing, no problems were found.

Then I went back to the room.

Close the door with a bang.

He walked to the side of the table and sat down. The knife was placed down on the table and held in his hand.

He just sat like this, slowly waiting for the so-called woman crying.

The lights are like beans.

Time passed slowly.

Lu Sheng has the support of Yu Hegong. He does not feel sleepy at all. He is sitting at the table with a spirit and waiting to cry.

Waiting for the back, it was all right, he used the idea to speed up the operation of the jade crane.

Anyway, this maintenance of vitality is too stable, even if he wants to suffocate.

Time has passed a lot without knowing it.

Until the window came out with a clear **** called, the original dark window gradually became a hint of white.

Lu Sheng was shocked and surprised that he had been sitting for one night.

"Women crying? There is nothing in one night."

Through the window, he can also see the faint light outside.

With the knife, Lu Sheng stood up and moved to the lower body.

Open the door and go out, and some light came in the corridor. He came to the courtyard of the lotus house. The food and dishes that he had eaten yesterday were still in the same place.

Outside the yard, you can hear the voice of the human voice.

Lu Sheng walked over and opened the door with force.

Laojiao Road Quanan, Lu Yingying, Lu Yiyi, and a family of relatives, have long been waiting outside the door.

Seeing the door open, everyone was shocked and took a step back.

Seeing Lu Sheng, Lu Quanan hurried forward.

"Little win! Nothing!?"

He is full of concern.

Lu Sheng saw the torches in the hands of the people. When some of the guards arrived, they also carried out a sword with a sheath, and their minds were puzzled.

"What's wrong? What happened?" he asked aloud.

Lu Quanan sighed.

"There was one person missing last night at home."


Lu Sheng suddenly blinked.

Er Niang Liu Cuiyu came forward and said something.

It turned out that during the time of Lu Sheng vigil, the rest of the people came around and did not hear any woman crying again.

At the beginning, everything was normal. The patrols of the guards patrolled many people in their own rooms in the house. They said that they were rested. In fact, most of them could not sleep, and they were waiting for the result.

But after that, something went wrong.

"Eight Jun He.... He said that he was going to the shack. He didn't expect to come back again when he went."

A slightly fat woman cried with her hand.

This woman is the sister of Lu Sheng’s biological mother Sun Yan, who is his little sister, Sun Zining.

The missing person was Lu Bajun’s cousin Sun Bajun.

Lu Sheng and Sun Bajun are not familiar with this. This kid likes to gamble, but he is also lazy and he is not used to it. He often reprimands him.

The kid also didn't like him, and he usually walked around.

I did not expect that this disappearance is actually him.

Lu Sheng brows tightly locked up.

"I didn't sleep all night, sitting in the room listening to the silence. I didn't hear any woman crying."

When everyone heard it, suddenly the heart was a little cold.

"What's going on!"

Xiao Yan’s grandson, Ning, burst into tears.

"Zi Ning, don't worry, there must be a way." Eriang took her past comfort.

“Go to the lobby first, and everyone will discuss the countermeasures.”

Lu Quanan sighed.

In a desperate way, the party can only leave here first.

Lu Quanan called Lu Yong and his sisters, and the uncle, together.

The lobby door was closed and several people sat in their seats, and the atmosphere was dull.

Dabo Lu Anping is a serious middle-aged man with a big eyebrow and a national face.

He wore the half-length silver scales that are common in the Song Dynasty, with a matching scimitar around his waist, sitting on the side of the road, and his expression was dignified.

"The question now is whether the forces of Tuen Mun should be involved." The uncle slowly said. "If we can't find the source, I am afraid I have to resort to external forces."

"Please God is easy to send God...." Lu Quanan sighed, this is already how many times he sighed in his day.

In the past few days, his heart has been so strong that the whole person is very old.

Lu Sheng sat in the next seat and was silent.

Lu Quanan glanced at his son.

"Xiaosheng, do you have anything to say? You are the helm of the future of the road family. In the future, this family business is all yours. What is the solution to this dilemma? How can you solve it?"

Lu Sheng closed his eyes and closed again. He was about to speak back.

"Not good!"

Suddenly a small cry came from outside the door.

"Da Gongzi! Victory! The people in the house want to run!"

Lu Sheng immediately got up, strode over and opened the door, seeing a small face flushed at the door.

"The son, the people in the house are missing again. The guardian head Wang filled with a lot of people in the dark! I heard the sisters send a letter and rushed over to inform you."


Lu Sheng has a double eye.

He guessed that there might be an escape from the panic, but he did not expect it to appear so early.

"Where is Wang Chong?"

"I don't know, they found out that they ran, and now Zhao Fanghu they are also gathered together in the compound, I am afraid they also want to run."

Small and hurried.

Zhao Fanghu is also the other person led by the guardian.

“How many people are they getting together?”

Lu Quanan asked quickly.

"I don't know, but there are so many people!" Xiao Qiao replied quickly.

"I went to see!"

Lu Sheng’s face sank and strode towards the big yard.

Lu Quanan and Dabo Lu Anping also followed their faces with sullen faces.

Several people quickly came to the compound.

More than 20 people have gathered in the yard, mostly guards, and several maids.

Everyone's face is filled with fear and anxiety.

Some people have packed their bags and are ready to leave the road.

As soon as I saw Lu Sheng and others arrived, the atmosphere of the people’s original noisy was slightly quieter.

"Who wants to go?"

Lu Sheng walked to the crowd and asked indifferently.

"We all want to go!"

A guardian man stood up, and it was Zhao Fanghu, and there was a scary color on his face.

"Da Gongzi, we are also human beings, but also life. The troubles of Lujia are not artificial at all, but female ghosts!"

He is wide-eyed and his eyes are full of fear.


Lu Sheng suddenly interrupted him, and his voice was very strong.

"Who gives you the courage to confuse the public!"

"But I obviously saw it! That white shadow! You don't want to pull us all the way home....."


The blood flew over the ground.

The head of the guards flew out of the air, rolling down to the ground and hitting the waiter's feet in a handbag.

"Dare to deceive the people, die!"

Lu Sheng slammed and held the knife and stared at the group of people who were worried.


At this time the headless body of the guard fell to the ground.

what! ! !

The maid screamed.

"To shut up!"

Lu Sheng’s body is fierce. The eyes swept, and suddenly the woman who was screaming screamed and whispered.

A group of guards and family members have seen such fierce and **** scenes.

One by one was scared and trembled, his face pale, but he did not dare to speak out.

"Take me all the way back, dare to make trouble, kill!"

Lu Sheng sighed.

Everyone has a deep fear of fear.

Under the triumph of Lu Sheng, they remembered that the big man had killed a few wanted characters.

Everyone suddenly fled and separated.

The body of the guard who fell to the ground was also picked up by the guards who had not made trouble before.

These servants of the Guardian’s servants were all signed and sold before they entered the government.

If you want to leave, is it true that when they are a good-hearted person, they are not good?

When the people finished, Lu Sheng returned and saw Lu Quanan and Dabo Lu Anping were staring at him with a strange and complicated look.

"It’s just a matter of expediency to make violence." Uncle shook his head.

"As long as you can live in a short time, if you can't solve it in a short time, then we have to run our own way."

Road wins calmly.

"It seems that this time I really have to go to the door to ask for help...." Lu Quanan sighed. "Fortunately, this time there is a small victory for you."

Lu Sheng’s decisive treatment allowed him to see his son’s responsibility and strategy, and he was very pleased.

Lu Sheng Shen channel.

"Tonight, I will keep it for another night. I have to look at it. What kind of thing is it to dare to do it in my house!"

My father was relieved that I didn’t find anything last night, but I’ve noticed a little clue. ”

"Is this true?" Lu Quan'an spirit was invigorated.

“It’s true!”

"Do you need to transfer troops?"

The uncle is serious.

"Now don't act rashly. I am afraid that if there are more people, it will be dragged down. These ghosts, no one knows what ability they have. If there are more people, it will hinder the way. You can transfer to the outside of the house."

Lu Sheng shook his head.

"Also, Xiaosheng, this time I will see you all!" Uncle nodded and reached for the road to win the shoulder.

Although he is a deputy commander, he is not a warrior of the rivers and lakes, and the military attache of the Song Dynasty has not been beaten for many years.

In fact, he said that this official position is still based on the strategy of examining the military, and the test papers are tested. It has nothing to do with fighting.

The Great Song Emperor Wenwu is also a bad habit for many years. So at this time, the backbone of the family is on the road.

"Do not worry." Lu Sheng recalled the white cloak he saw, and his heart had a hint of foreboding.

If you can catch the white horns, you may be able to solve the case of the disappearance of the population.