MTL - Way of the Devil-Chapter 32 Explosion II

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Lu Sheng’s heart sighed. At this home, he still had the heart to protect, and the old road was full of security, Er Niang, and small.

The rest of the people had no feelings, and the road was lightly ruined, and they did not see how sad they were. Even Lu Yingying said this as a sister, showing the coolness of her heart.

Although he and the road have no feelings, he thinks about the situation of Er Niang, plus what he said before.

Let his original expectations fall to the bottom, and Lu Sheng is also lost.

After a little depression for a while, he recovered his mood.

Although he is an ordinary person, he has a modifier. Even if he can't practice the method of removing the spirit, he is not necessarily worse than them.

He does not believe that by his own power, he will not be able to deal with monsters such as monsters.

"Gentle things, let go first, let us have a chance in the future, you can also find a doctor to seek medical treatment.

But another thing is unavoidable.

I learned from the head of Yan Kaidao that there are still many ghosts lurking in Jiulian City, and we must take precautions. "Luo Sheng Shen channel.

“There are still a lot?” Lu Quan’an stunned, and the rest were shocked.

There are so many ghosts in the past, there is no way to rely on more people, there are still many ghosts like that! ?

"This is terrible!!"

Wu Niang stood up and called.

"To shut up!"

Lu Quanan took a heavy shot of the chair armrest.

Wu Niang was scared and shuddered, and sat down again.

Lu Sheng glanced at the whole family, all of them like the frosted eggplant, and they lost their spirits. They were all panicked and overwhelmed.

"So, my suggestion is that we are still safe now, and we are moving away from Jiulian City immediately."

Lu Quanan shook his head.

"It has not been done. The order came from above, and no one of them could leave the city. I didn't know what the order was, but I want to come..."

Lu Sheng’s heart was cold.

Is this the person in the court above deliberately cooperated? Or is it just a coincidence?

"Where is the piecemeal?" Si Niang whispered. "Is there a big brother?"

"No." Lu Quanan shook his head. "Before I went to the city gate, my eldest brother didn't see me. I just sent a letter. Now even the prefects are not allowed to leave the city."

Suddenly everyone was silent. Everyone took their eyes and looked at Lu Sheng.

Before that, Lu Shengli turned the tide and solved the cry of the female ghosts in the house.

"Now...." Lu Sheng bowed his head and sighed. "You can only stay in the government, so that you can purchase as much food and meat as possible, and make food that can be stored for a long time.

We must be prepared to be trapped for a long time. ”

“That’s right.” Lu Quan’an regained his spirit and nodded.

boom! !

Just then, the ground shook a vibration.

There was a huge explosion in the direction of the west of the city.

Lu Sheng was a spurt, jumped out and rushed out of the hall, looking towards the western sky.

There was a red flame rising from the sky, and it was apparent that something exploded and caused a fire.

The red fire illuminates the half of the city of Jiulian.

There was a lot of crying in the distance, shouting, and the sound of shouting fire fighting.

"I will go see it first!"

Lu Sheng did not see the specific situation from the inner court, and quickly greeted the old road, and rushed to the gate of the house.

Just out of the door, let the next person go to the horse.

Lu Sheng saw the street in front of the gate of the road, and many people with swords and swords rushed toward the fire.

These people are agile step by step. They seem to be practicing the family. The eyes that look at the fire are not the strange panic of the road, but the greed and longing.

From the trainer passing through the gate of Lufu, only Lu Sheng stood at the door for more than ten minutes, and saw three passes.

Some of them ran wildly on horseback, and some sprinted on foot. There were men and women, old and young.

But most of them are not locals near Jiulian City.

The costumes on them are more delicate and delicate than the locals. They are decorated with gadgets and the like. They can be distinguished at a glance. Most of them are Zhongyuan people.

Wait until the next person who is also scared will pull the horse hard.

Lu Sheng took a picture of the horse that was scared and struggling, and was about to turn it over. Then I saw two more familiar faces in the trainers passing by on the street.

Duanmu and the man guard who had been inseparable from her side, were alone, rushing in the direction of the fire.

Duanmu's black gauze, with a bamboo scull, can still see her graceful figure through the gauze.

When she passed by Lufu, she also saw Lu Sheng, and she snorted.

"You are not dead yet?"

She suddenly came up with such a sentence, and the horse slowed down slightly, staring at Lu Sheng, as if watching a rare animal.

"What is the meaning of Miss Duanmu?"

Lu Sheng’s eyebrows sink and he doesn’t understand what the other party means.

"Interesting." Duanmu smiled. "It seems that we really have a relationship, then I will come back to you."

Lu Sheng still wants to ask questions, but sees Duanmu Yuma with the man guard, speeding up the direction of the fire.

When he left, the man was also surprised to see Lu Sheng.

That look is like...

It is as if I saw a person who should have died, and suddenly lived.

Lu Sheng rode on the horse and originally wanted to keep up.

But immediately a voice called him, it was Yan Kai.

"Winning the son, don't go to join in the fun, this thing has nothing to do with you."

Yan Kai and Duan Rongrong, as well as the special bee three, all ran towards the fire.

At this point, Lu Sheng was also planning to keep up, Yan Kai had to make a sound reminder.

"What do you say in this way?"

Lu Sheng sighed and asked.

"The big fire is made by the big demon, and it is deliberately made. The grievances there are everywhere. As long as the ordinary people are close, they will be insane. There will be dangers of life!" Yan Kai said. "Even if the victory of the martial arts is extraordinary, there will be no second result."

"But I have seen a lot of people rushing past..." Lu Sheng doubted.

"Those people who are looking for their own death can't be saved. And, it seems that someone specifically leads them." Yan Kai said indifferently.

Lu Sheng is silent.

This kind of eye-catching watched a big thing happening near the home, but he didn't know what was going on. This feeling made him feel bad.

Thinking of Yan Kai is a good reminder, he bowed his hand to the other side.

“Thank you for your advice.”

Yan Kaichong nodded. With Duan Rongrong's bee, go ahead in the direction of the fire.

When Lu Sheng saw it, he suddenly understood that Duan Rongrong and the bee may also have special features, not ordinary people.

In other words, they have another purpose, only to come to Jiulian City, a small town near the icy north of the North.

I figured it out here, he turned over again and rushed to clear the way.

"Dao, a special bee girl, it is better to arrange a horse ride faster!"

Yan Kaiyi, immediately reacted, this is Lu Sheng is selling him to him.

When you think about rushing over here, what may happen is saving your energy.

He quickly nodded.

"So it is troublesome!"

Lu Sheng is going to let people take the lead and quickly return to God.

"No, don't take it, the horse is on the side, come on! Take the three long roads to the horse to pick the horse, whatever you want!!"

Lu Sheng is loud.

"Shenggongzi is righteous!"

Yan Kai hugged his fist and followed the guards and rushed to the stables.

Lu Sheng stood alone at the gate of the road, and there were only a few guards in the unknown.

He looked at the direction of the fire and silenced for a moment.

The fire continued without knowing how much time, and then slowly dimmed to extinguish.

Lu Sheng also stood at the gate of the government for the same long time.


A blue lightning flashed across.

The sky is clouded, and it is unclear whether it is a smoke or a black cloud that has just floated up.

Soon, the pouring rain fell down.

Lu Quanan also came out and stood beside Lu Sheng. There were people who gave the two people a shelter.

The raindrops lingered on the ground, splashing a layer of white mist.

It’s dawning, it’s going to be dawn. The effort of one night, so unconsciously passed.

Lu Sheng stood at the gate and thought thoughtfully.

He pretended that it seemed that the big fire exploded last night, and what was extremely important happened.

It happened at the door of his house.

Unfortunately, his strength is low, and he is not even close.

He could see that Yan Kai did not lie to him. The thing that happened last night was indeed that ordinary people could not get close.

"Now the fire should be extinguished. I received the news that it was a fireworks shop in the west of the city. A lot of fireworks exploded. The fire burned and many people died...."

Lu Quanan sighed.

"Fireworks...." Lu Sheng repeated it. Looking at the direction of the west of the city.

The sky has gradually become white, and the margin has completely turned into a blue and white inclusion.

Lu Sheng tightened the knife around his waist and walked toward the fire.

"Hey, I will go there and see."

"Be careful." Lu Quanan did not know that the fire had another inside story, but he felt that Jiulian City had not been peaceful recently and quickly groaned.


Lu Sheng left the government and rushed west toward the west.

I still can't see anything at first, but as I get closer and closer to the fire.

Some houses and streets gradually began to appear grayish black, and many ordinary people held things like luggage quilts on the street and were homeless.

Cries, vocals, noises, noises, and noise.

Lu Sheng went forward for a while.

Gradually, there are fewer and fewer people, and the houses on both sides are completely cokeed. Some houses have been burnt down, and the roof has a large hole.

From time to time on the ground, you can see some burnt bones, such corpses are everywhere.

The closer you are, the more shocked Lu Sheng’s heart is.

The number of these bones is too much. I don’t know how many people died in the explosion and the fire last night.

Soon, Lu Sheng saw the core of the fire explosion.

It is not a fireworks shop, but another house of the prefect of the Song Dynasty.

The entire pearl house collapsed, and the ruins surrounding the piles of piles were endless, like graves of different sizes.

Lu Sheng also saw that not only did he come over, but also many Jianghu people wearing sword weapons, and also wandering around, seemingly looking for something.

These rivers and lakes keep their distances one by one, and they have a vigilant color in their eyes. They have more or less momentum on their bodies. Obviously, they are not the trainers of Jiuliancheng itself.

He also saw that from time to time, these rivers and lakes would find some messy things from the ruins and quickly gain income.