MTL - We Are Still Farming, Have You Become a God In the Whole Country?-Chapter 549

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Now the other party has seized the opportunity and committed suicide directly!

Such a result was somewhat difficult for Xiang Yu and others to accept.

"Just letting him die like this is really cheap for this shit!"

Sun Ce from Jiangdong gritted his teeth even more.

"No! He didn't die so easily!"

Just when everyone was furious, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, under the gazes of everyone, a general from Wei State walked out slowly, and then took out a piece of purple jade.

"This **** killed so many of our fellow kinsmen, how could it be so easy to die!"

Cao Chun's eyes flickered with cold light, holding the jade stone in his hand, and slowly walked towards the location of Qin Hui's corpse.

"This is... Yin Shenyu?"

Looking at the purple jade in Cao Chun's hand, Sun Ce and the others were stunned for a moment, and then became excited.

Yin God Jade!

This is the reward that Cao Chun got in the farm arena before!

The function is very simple. It can put the soul that has died within an hour into the Yin Shen Jade, and the Yin Shen Jade can protect the soul from immortality for a hundred years!

They all thought that such a precious thing, Cao Chun might have already used it.

After all, in the previous battle of the trial battlefield, Cao Chun's brother also died in the battle.

But I didn't expect this thing to stay until now...


With the death of the demon leader.

The rest has become infinitely simpler.

Although the strength of the remaining Heaven-ranked Demon Race is not weak, they obviously have no ability to fight back in front of the thunder that covers the sky and the sun.

But within a few minutes, all the demons were completely cleaned up.

As for Cairns, after seeing the fall of the demon leader, he was ready to flee.

It's just that before he ran far, he was hit hard by a thunderbolt and passed out!

It was not until all the demons were cleaned up that the figure in the sky slowly fell.

Xiang Yu and the others also entered the deep pit during this period, and they brought out Cheng Yaojin, who was completely unconscious and dying.

With the fall of the demon leader, the black mucus on Cheng Yaojin's body has completely disappeared.

But at this time, Cheng Yaojin was still pitch black, as if poisoned.

The breath on his body was also extremely depressed.

As if he could die at any time.

Although the generals of the Tang Empire immediately took out the healing crops and secret treasures for treatment, none of them could play any role.

"Mr. Cheng Guogong?"

Just when everyone was in a daze, a cold voice suddenly came from the side.

Immediately afterwards, several figures fell from the sky one after another.

One of the scarlet figures walked towards the crowd for the first time.

"You are……"

Seeing the person coming, everyone was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, a general of the Tang Empire seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly became excited, "Are you Princess Xiuning?"

"It's me" Hearing the excited question from the Tang generals, the tall red figure nodded slightly.

"Really you?"

Hearing Li Xiuning's response, the Tang generals who spoke were even more excited, "You are finally back! Great! Great!!"

He was so excited that the body of this Great Tang general could not help but tremble slightly!

"What's going on? Why are you here? What happened here when we were away? And these demons, what happened to them?"

Noticing the abnormality of the Tang generals, Li Xiuning frowned slightly.

One question after another, blurted out from Li Xiuning's mouth one after another.

Facing Li Xiuning's question, the Tang general took several deep breaths, and then barely suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Then he said: "Your Highness, Princess, you are back. If you don't come back, the Tang Empire will be over."

"These things are a long story, and you have to start when you enter the abyss..."

Following the general's narration, Li Xiuning gradually understood what happened in the farm space during their absence.

"That is to say, the current trial battlefield has completely fallen into the hands of the demons?"

After listening to everything the general said, Li Xiuning's expression gradually became solemn.

"Yes, after the seal was broken, the demons who had prepared and premeditated completely tore apart the defense of Qinglong Fortress. Millions of demons and more demon cannon fodder poured into the trial battlefield. In just a few months, our defense in the trial battlefield was completely destroyed, and even Marshal Xue Li died on the spot! Su Lie The commander is seriously injured, and Commander Hongfu is still alive and dead!"

Speaking of Xue Lizhi, the general's face showed indescribable sadness and pain.

Obviously, the relationship between him and Xue Li is not just as simple as comrades...


After listening to what the general said, Li Xiuning fell silent.

In just a few minutes, the information she learned from the general's neckline made her feel a little unacceptable!

She had no idea that so many things had happened in the farm space while they were away.

The situation in the farm space has deteriorated to such an extent.

After pondering for a long time and taking a deep breath, Li Xiuning suppressed all his thoughts, then turned around, and turned his eyes to the figure behind him...

Chapter 691 Master! stickers

After talking to Su Chen, although Li Xiuning was reluctant, he quickly left Qin Hui's farm with everyone.

And Su Chen himself did not leave with Li Xiuning and others.

Li Xiuning was worried about Datang, and he was also worried about Daxia.

According to what the general said before, one year and seven months have passed since they entered the abyss!

Although from this general's neckline, he learned that Daxia is still fine now, but now that the farm space has undergone such great changes, no matter what, Su Chen has to go back and have a look!

"let's go"

Glancing at the disappearing backs of Li Xiuning and others, Su Chen also came to the teleportation formation of Qin Hui Farm, and brought Xuanshang and Xuanshan, as well as several war angels, to the teleportation formation leading to the trading market through Qin Hui Farm. , quickly left Qin Hui's farm.

Although the teleportation formation of Qin Hui Farm was blocked before.

But with Qin Hui's death, these teleportation formations were soon unsealed by the people of Datang.

With Su Chen's departure, the entire farm fell into complete silence.

The life that originally existed in the farm had already been completely destroyed in the previous battle!

Although the battle between Cheng Yaojin and the demon leader did not cause too much damage to Xiang Yu and others, for those ordinary beings, even a little aftermath would be a disaster!

Therefore, after the battle, although the farm has not been completely destroyed, it has completely lost its original appearance...


Through the transfer in the trading market, it didn't take long for Su Chen to set foot on his farm again.

Returning to his own land again, for some reason, Su Chen had the illusion that it was like a lifetime.

It's just that before he could think about it, the next moment, two figures, one big and one small, suddenly flew over from a distance.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Su Chen.

"Patriarch be careful!!"

Feeling the approach of two unknown creatures, Xuan Chang and Xuan Shan quickly stood up beside Su Chen, ready to take action and take down the attacker.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Su Chen said in time: "Don't panic, my own person"

As soon as the voice fell, two voices with strong surprises sounded directly, "Master!!"

Pfft! !

Before the voice ended, that petite and lovely body crashed directly into Su Chen's arms.

At the same time, the behemoth that was at least ten meters tall had already arrived in front of Su Chen.

Then, like the little guy, he slammed into Su Chen's arms!

Su Chen's body was shocked, and then the whole person was directly knocked away...

Being hit like this without any defense, Su Chen only felt that his whole body's blood began to churn.

After flying for several meters, Su Chen finally stopped.

At this time, it seemed that he finally realized his mistake, and the attacking behemoth finally stopped.

"Long Kui, are you trying to murder your master?"

After seeing the reaction in front of him, the little nightshade with an angry face...

No, it should be the big nightshade to be precise...

The current Solanum nigrum, after being upgraded again and again, has soared to nearly 20 meters!

A head is bigger than Su Chen!

It's hard to imagine that the behemoth in front of him a year ago was actually just a little guy of ten centimeters!

"Hey, Master"

Facing Su Chen's feigned anger, Solanum nigrum smiled, and then suddenly stuck out his tongue when Su Chen was caught off guard and licked it directly towards Su Chen.

Su Chen's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously wanted to retreat.

Good guy, with the current size of nightshade, if you let nightshade lick it like this, he might be soaked all over!

But just as he was about to retreat, Su Chen suddenly thought of something, and a look of helplessness appeared on his face.

Immediately, he did not continue to step back, but stood in place and calmly accepted the "baptism" of Solanum nigrum...

After a few seconds, Su Chen looked at the wet marks on his body, and patted Solanum nigrum's big head helplessly, "Don't do this next time, you know?"

But obviously, Solanum nigrum didn't listen to his words.

After licking Su Chen several times again, with a happy look on his face, he flew into the sky and circled around Su Chen.

One after another, silver bell-like laughter spread throughout the farm.

From time to time, Solanum nigrum flew down again, and then kept rubbing on Su Chen with his big head.

The appearance of a child made Su Chen a little helpless, but at the same time, he still felt pity...

After all, nightshade is just a one-year-old baby.

Although he is a bit bigger, not to mention the lifespan of the dragon family, even in terms of the lifespan of humans, Solanum nigrum is still just a baby.

And his identity can be said to be an old father.

A one-year-old baby, who hasn't seen his old father for such a long time, does not seem to be surprised by such behavior...

"Master, stick up"

It seems that he noticed that Su Chen's mind was not on him. In Su Chen's arms, the little elf-like little guy pursed his mouth a little unhappily, and the fat and tender face kept rubbing against Su Chen's face.


Seeing the puffed-up look of the little guy, Su Chen smiled.

Immediately stretched out his hand, hugged the little guy in his hand, and then kissed the little guy's chubby cheek fiercely amid the happy laughter of the little guy.

"Master, I still need it, I still need to post it"

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