MTL - Welcome to the Nightmare Game-Chapter 74 Castle Cry (1)

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[The player is happy, start the mission: the castle is shocked. 】

[Mission background: Three couples came to the mountain on the hills for a hundred-year meteor shower late night. There is a European-style castle built on the mountain during the Republic of China. It is said to be built by a German couple who came to China for business. Later, because of a fire. Abandoned, the local ZF repeatedly tried to repair the castle, but all accidents occurred, and no one has yet set foot. At midnight that night, the clear night sky suddenly burst into heavy rain, and six people were trapped on the top of the mountain. The rain was getting bigger. One of them proposed to hide under the roof of the castle...

[Task requirements: leave the castle before Yu Tianliang, and the task completion degree is above 30%, the reward survival days are 20 days, more than some extra reward survival days, and the completion degree is over 90% to get the lucky draw chance once. 】

[Data synchronization countdown, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, synchronous completion. 】


The Qile people were sobered by the rain, and it was raining around. Two couples were crowded under the tree. One of the long-haired girls complained: "How suddenly it rains? The weather forecast is clearly sunny. ""

Her boyfriend comforted her shoulders, but she couldn't smooth her unwillingness. She complained endlessly: "Say a good meteor shower, I know that I will not come! Clothes are dripping It’s wet, what can I do if I have a cold? People are not good at the body and can’t rain.”

"Luo Xueyi, originally you said that you want to come, now it is raining, there is no way, let's go, go down the mountain to go home." Another short-haired girl said impatiently, holding her boyfriend's arm will go down the mountain.

The long-haired girl named Luo Xueyi was dissatisfied with her mouth: "This can't blame me, I know it will rain, and then you and Xiao Hong are also promised to come. See how the meteor shower is romantic, who knows it will rain... ..."

"The rain is getting bigger and bigger, the mountain road is slippery, not very safe. We still avoid it in the vicinity to wait for the rain to be small." Short-haired girl's boyfriend Xiao Hong pulled her away.

"What should I do if I get bigger? I have to say where there is a place to hide from the rain. After a while, the tree can't stop the rain!" The short-haired girl said irritably.

"Oh, Nanxun is anxious. I think this rain will stop after a while. As for the shelter from the rain, hey, the eaves of the old castle hide and hide." Luo Xueyi pointed to the ancient not far from the trees Said the fortress.

Undoubtedly, a few NPCs in front of him are dying. Qile people decided to persuade them in the thought of saving lives. It is inevitable that he and Dr. Lu will enter the castle, but these NPCs do not have to send them. The head of the person: "Where I have been in disrepair for a long time, I don’t know if it’s safe. I’m going to look at it with Lu Cangjie first.”

Dr. Lu sighed a little and said in a voice that only they could hear: "According to the urgency of the horror film, you can't stop a fist and die."

Sure enough, Luo Xueyi said with a delicate voice: "Whether it is not safe, don't say that you also believe in the rumor, not the old castle, it will be suddenly a ghost can not run out." She said she giggled. It seems to be amused by my own words.

"Obviously, this Luo Xueyi plays the role of the classic horror film, the brainless and the brain, and the character of the dying character. It is really very expressive." Dr. Lu said.

Unexpectedly, she added a sentence: "I know that you and Lu Xuedi are glued like paint, but today we will be the light bulb, huh, huh."

At this moment, the feelings of Qi Leren and Dr. Lu are: WTF? !

"Now I know why the three backgrounds are in the background of the mission." Dr. Lu said coldly. "The original copy is still very politically correct. BG also has a pair of bases, but for this kind of pretending couple I have to refuse firmly."

Qi Le people squinted at him: "You have a good refusal to the straight man of Schrödinger, just like me to protest."

"No, I can accept the basics, but I don't want to make a piece with you." Dr. Lu said seriously.

“Why?” Qi Le people felt as if they were being dismissed.

"Because you are taller than me, I feel like I am with you..." Dr. Lu looked dignified.

"Which?" Qile asked.

“The one who needs regular check-ups to check the health of a certain place.”

" know a lot." Qi Le people are ashamed.

"Don't whisper, keep up." Just as the two whispered, Luo Xueyi had already greeted them and hurried forward. The two had to keep up, and came to the eaves of the castle not far from the heavy rain.

The castle is very old, and it doesn't look very tall. It exudes the old-fashioned atmosphere in the night.

Two couples are still whispering, and Qi Le people are quietly looking at the four NPCs.

The mission of the castle is a replica task. After he and Dr. Lu are ready to open the mission to the world of replicas, each copy of the world is almost a parallel world, and the region is also large and small. Qi Le people suspect that the area of ​​this copy is also As big as this hill, if he does not care about going down now, he is likely to be forced to repatriate.

The NPCs come with this copy. They also have different opinions on the NPC players in the copy task. Some people treat them like real humans, and some completely ignore this group of NPCs, and even maliciously slaughter NPCs. The player exists. In general, NPC does not affect the player's most basic ending, even if he kills all four NPCs now, there is no problem in achieving the simplest ending. But there are also some tasks. If you want to dig out the so-called true ending, you may also need the help of NPC.

Qi Le people naturally do not have the metamorphosis of NPC, he is watching these four NPCs.

Luo Xueyi and Miaobo are a couple, Miao Bo is very good at Luo Xueyi. It is a model of a loyal dog boyfriend. The short-haired girl Nanxun seems to have no emotions for Luo Xueyi. Her boyfriend Xiao Hong seems to have a subtle gas field between girls. I don't know.

It should not be an important role, Qi Le people thought. He glanced at the time, at 0:55 in the morning, it was almost a little faster, and the task time left for them was not too much. If it was bright at 6 o'clock, they only had five hours.

"This door doesn't seem to be locked. Is it locked inside?" Luo Xueyi said as he pushed a door that looked very solid.

With a slam, the wooden door was pushed away by half, revealing a dark space.

Luo Xueyi’s screams almost broke the eardrums of several people, and the south screamed with angrily: “What is it called, scared to death!”

Luo Xueyi shouted in Miaobo's Huai Li language with a cry: "The door is open, the door is open!"

"Open it, we don't go in." Miao Bo patted her back and comforted.

XIAO Toumiao two Luoxue Yi, also echoed:. "Yes, ah, we wait for the rain left point, will not go in."

Dr. Lv curl one's lip, whispered alignment musicians said:. "Believe it or not, there was an immediate accident to happen."


Sure enough, the dark Shanlin Jian suddenly heard a cry howl, howl pierced the rainy night of terror, but also punctured a few people's psychological defenses, Luoxue Yi is a scream: "ah ah ah ah ah, the wolf! "

"Don't call, what did the wolf do?!" Nan Yan was also panicked, holding Xiao Hong's arm squatting, Xiao Hong was panicked by her, trying to pull her arm out, but did not succeed.

"This is how there will be a wolf? It can not ah." Miao Bo is holding Luoxue Yi, horror questioned.

This is a place not too far from the city, never heard anyone seen the wolf, but getting closer howl sound or let up several young people panic, compared haunted rumors baseless assertion, or nearly in The wild wolf is more dangerous - the Qi Le people who have killed the wolf have reservations about this - how many people have not struggled to choose to enter the castle to avoid.

Sure enough, I still have to go in. Qi Le people sighed in his heart, and looked at the reluctant Dr. Lu into the castle.

The stale breath came to the surface, the wooden door was closed, and Miao Bo proposed to find something like a table to block the door to prevent the wolf from coming in. The rest did not object. The range that the flashlight can illuminate is very limited. It is still dark and the walls are covered with smoke and smoke. It seems that there has been a fire.

"How did this castle burn down?" Qi Le people took the task and did not enter the dangerous stage, and seized the time to find out.

Nanxun took Xiao Hong’s arm and said in a gloomy voice: “I heard that the lady who lived in this old castle discovered her husband’s infidelity and killed the entire castle in anger. The castle has been burned. You see, there are traces of burning everywhere."

Luo Xueyi, who has calmed down, laughs and laughs: "It’s just a legend. I think it’s just that the fire broke down at night and the old castle was smashed."

"Yeah, this kind of rumor, don't listen to it." Nan Hong's boyfriend Xiao Hong also said.

Nanxun sneered, no more.

Qi Leren’s flashlight was photographed nearby. The hall that entered the door was hundreds of square feet high and taller than the extraordinary building. The ceiling lights hanging on it were still gorgeous for decades, but unfortunately no longer bright. get up. Going forward is the two curved staircases on the left and right, leading to the second floor. There is a picture frame on the wall next to the stairs, but the painting on it has been burnt down.

"Qile people, where are you going? The floor of the stairs may have burned out. You better not go around." Nanxun saw the Qile people walking up the stairs and called him back.

Qi Le people then stepped back and followed them to the side corridor, ready to find some things like tables and chairs.

Suddenly a glare of light in front of the eyes, Qi Le people walked in the end of the team, suddenly saw the fire in the depths of the corridor, like a wave coming to them!

what happened? Why is there a sudden fire? !

The first few people had already screamed and ran in the direction of the gate. The Qile people turned around and ran away. Fortunately, the fire was not very fast, but it was too bright and too glaring, and almost everyone could not open their eyes.

"The door is gone!" Luo Xueyi's voice was full of horror. Several people anxiously patted the wall that should have been the door. The fear of unnatural things suddenly washed away the human reason, and it was getting closer. The fire is about to drive a few young people crazy.


A long bell came from the direction of the curved staircase, one o'clock in the morning.

The flame disappeared in the bell, and everything that was illuminated by the fire returned to the darkness, leaving only a few people's flashlights to illuminate a small piece of darkness.

Even so, several people quickly discovered anomalies.

Nanxun’s voice trembled and he muttered in a dream: “The traces of burning have disappeared...”

The whole castle seems to have returned to the past in the bell.